The northeast region of China experiences an annual river ice period, so studying the fatigue characteristics of the propulsion shaft system of ships sailing during the ice period is of great significance for the safety of ships. The “RCIWSS” [
1] specifies that, when the single unit power of the ship’s main engine exceeds 220 kW, it is necessary to verify the torsional vibration of the propulsion shaft system. Ships sailing in ice areas will be hit by ice blocks; they cause a huge torsional excitation of the shaft system [
2]. Prolonged exposure to the impact torque will cause fatigue damage to the shaft system, which is different from the fatigue strength analysis of the shaft system under steady-state operation. At present, the fatigue calculation of the propulsion shaft system for inland river ships sailing in ice areas is blank, and there are currently no calculation methods or complete fatigue analysis calculation processes for the S–N curve of propulsion shaft system for inland river ships sailing in ice areas. The innovation and objective of this article lie in investigating the fatigue behavior of instantaneous torsional stress within the shaft system of inland waterway vessels subsequent to ice impact on their propellers. Distinct from previous research, which predominantly examined the stable torsional stress in shaft systems powered exclusively by diesel engines, this research delves into a novel area.
Yang [
3] studied the multi-axial fatigue assessment method of polar ships under ice loading. Based on the key techniques of ship–ice–water coupling numerical simulation, the mechanism of ship–ice collision under typical conditions is analyzed, and the effects of ice density and ship speed on ice motion, ice load curve and energy curve are discussed. Based on the numerical simulation results, the fatigue assessment position is selected and the multi-axial fatigue analysis sub-model is established. The dynamic response of the structure is analyzed by applying ice load, and the multi-axial fatigue damage of polar ships is evaluated by combining the ice-induced multi-axial fatigue assessment method. Chen [
4] established the equivalent shaft model; then, free vibration and forced vibration analyses are calculated. “Dangerous rotational speed” of the propulsion shafting can get from the result. Based on Matlab, the transient response of the propulsion shafting under dangerous rotational speed is analyzed and the dynamic characteristics of the propulsion shafting also can be obtained from the transient result. Based on Ansys Workbench, the transient dynamics of the helical gear pair are analyzed and the fatigue life of the helical gear pair is calculated. Wu et al. [
5] calculated the spatial co-ordinates of the characteristic points on the tangent plane of the blade and completed the model establishment of the blade in Pro/Engineer. Sun et al. [
6] eliminated the complex transformation of plane and spatial co-ordinates and used Pro/E to create curves and merge surfaces, achieving the most intuitive modeling. In addition, they can verify initial data and update incorrect parameters in the establishment of blade models, efficiently establishing blade models. Qian et al. [
7] utilized MSC. Patran’s secondary developed technology to automatically establish the three-dimensional model and finite element of blade, avoiding repetitive and complex preprocessing work and improving analysis efficiency. Hu [
8] elaborated on the empirical formula of classification society for propeller verification, established a three-dimensional model of the propeller, and constructed an ice/propeller contact model to perform finite element calculations on the strength of the propeller under ice load. They also conducted relevant analysis on the dynamic response of the propeller during the impact process. Wu used ABAQUS(2016) finite element software to conduct time–domain response analysis of the shaft system and verified the feasibility of the numerical calculation method for shaft vibration. Wu [
9] conducted a sensitivity analysis of the torsional vibration for the main components of the shaft system, such as the stiffness of coupling and the inertia of clutch, to verify the feasibility of the numerical calculation method for shaft vibration. Xiao et al. [
10] constructed a mathematical model of complex shaft torsional vibration based on the basic models of straight chain and branched torsional vibration. Murawski et al. [
11] introduce the measurement of crankshaft torsional vibration in marine engines under simulated faults. The given test results are from a test cycle conducted on a laboratory bench at the Maritime University of Gdynia, which is equipped with a three-cylinder self-ignition engine to power the generator. The device being developed by Sibryaev et al. [
12] will allow for continuous monitoring for the level of torsional vibration. If torsional vibration increases, a signal will be sent to the ship mechanic to switch to another operating mode of the main engine, which will improve the reliability and automation of the ship’s power plant and enhance navigation safety. Kettrakul et al. [
13] analyzed the severely fractured transmission shaft after 2 years of use and found that there was reverse bending fatigue, and the fracture of the transmission shaft was clearly a low-stress fatigue fracture. Han et al. [
14] verified that high torsional vibration of the propulsion shaft system caused by lateral torsional coupling vibration can lead to fatigue fracture of the shaft. It is necessary to limit this torque through analytical calculations and experimental verification, and estimate the fatigue stability and life cycle of the shaft using the Soderberg method and linear damage accumulation method. Li [
15] analyzed the phase effect between diesel engine excitation and ice load excitation and solved the torsional vibration response of the propulsion shaft system under ice load excitation using the Newmark method. DNV-GL Group has developed a software module, Nauticus Machinery(14.4), for fatigue calculation of the propulsion shaft system under ice load. Gao et al. [
16] studied collision avoidance decision-making research in coastal waters considering the uncertainty of target ships. Lee et al. [
17] presented a fundamental technique for analyzing ice loads in the frequency domain based on data measured at various angles in the ice-water tank experiment. Shen et al. [
18] conducted uniaxial unconfined compressive strength tests on river ice in different regions of Heilongjiang Province and, combined with existing research results on river ice compressive strength in China, analyzed the influence of ice temperature and strain rate on compressive strength and provided suggestions for the standard values of river ice compressive strength in various regions of Heilongjiang Province. Based on the FEM calculation of the static strength under two groups of alternating ice loads, Wang et al. [
19] analyzed the fatigue performance of a PC2 ice-class propeller under the fatigue criterion of stress–frequency spectrum and the criterion of cumulative fatigue damage, respectively. A feasible calculation method for the fatigue strength of the ice-class propeller is proposed to analyze the effects of propeller skew, rake, hydrofoil profile, and mean stress correction on fatigue performance. Xu et al. [
20] introduced the experimental research on ice-propeller milling under different ice materials, propeller size, milling depth, ice moving velocity and propeller rotation speed, which was carried out by use of the ice-propeller milling test platform. The propeller ice load, shadowing effect and ice-propeller action mode were measured and analyzed. Chen et al. [
21] simulated the ice cone and rigid body collision test to verify the feasibility of the calculation method. Wu et al. [
22] simulated a three-dimensional propeller based on the multiple reference frame and Messinger thermodynamic model to analyze the effect of the anti-icing heat load. At present, a large amount of research studies the fatigue strength of ship structures under ice load, but there is no relevant literature on the fatigue strength of ship shaft systems under ice load.
This article first introduces how to calculate the instantaneous torsional stress of the propulsion shaft system under ice load and then describes the calculation methods of low cycle stress and high cycle stress, as well as how to determine the S–N curve of the shaft system itself, the ice load stress spectrum, and the fatigue cumulative damage ratio. Finally, taking the propulsion shaft system of an inland waterway ship as an example, the research method and corresponding conclusions are explained in detail.