Remote Sensing Tools for Monitoring Marine Phanerogams: A Review of Sentinel and Landsat Applications
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
3.1. PRISMA Methodology Output
3.2. Optical Indices and Remote Sensing Methodologies for Intertidal Phanerogams
3.3. Water Column Correction and Remote Sensing for Subtidal Phanerogams
- Lyzenga method [52]: This method is applicable in highly transparent waters and is based on the vertical and horizontal homogeneity of the optical properties of the water. However, its effectiveness may be constrained in more intricate scenarios, such as turbid waters or areas with variable bottom types. The study observed that the implementation of this method did not yield substantial improvements in more intricate waters, such as those of Granadilla coast (Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain), where bottom heterogeneity can compromise the precision of mapping.
- Sagawa method [53]: This method has been shown to be more suitable for turbid waters, although it requires additional information such as bathymetry and attenuation coefficients. Unlike the Lyzenga method, Sagawa may produce superior results in conditions of higher turbidity, but it also has limitations in its general applicability. In the analysis conducted, it was found that, although Sagawa showed acceptable performance in clear waters, its effectiveness decreased in more complex scenarios.
- The effectiveness of classification methods: It has been demonstrated to achieve high levels of accuracy without the necessity of water column corrections, particularly when employing machine learning techniques such as Support Vector Machine (SVM) and K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN). This suggests the robustness of these methods, capable of handling variability in the data without requiring additional adjustments.
- Water conditions: In deeper and more complex waters, the optical characteristics of the water can vary significantly, making water column corrections less effective. For example, the Lyzenga method is more suitable for clear, homogeneous water; the Sagawa method, better in turbid water, requires additional information that may not be available in all contexts.
- Similar results: The analysis of studies revealed that the implementation of water column corrections did not yield substantial enhancements in mapping precision when compared with the utilization of uncorrected images. In certain instances, uncorrected imagery yielded superior outcomes, underscoring the potential irrelevance of corrections in specific scenarios.
- Complexity of the environment: In intricate environments, such as those encountered in sublittoral areas, variations in seabed characteristics and water dynamics can impede the efficacy of water column corrections. This phenomenon can result in the ineffectiveness or inapplicability of correction models, thereby reinforcing the notion that corrections may be superfluous in such contexts.
3.4. Machine Learning Methodologies
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Location | Taxa | Method | References |
Sentinel-2 in Mediterranean | |||
SE part of the Thermaikos Gulf, NW Aegean Sea, Greece | P. oceanica C. nodosa | Support vector machines Random Forests Maximum Likelihood | Traganos & Reinartz [27] |
Adriatic Sea | C. nodosa P. oceanica Z. noltii |
| Ivajnšič et al. [28] |
Entire Mediterranean basin (22 countries) | P. oceanica |
| Traganos et al. [29] |
Aegean Sea (Gülbahçe Bay, Turquía) | P. oceanica C. nodosa |
| Yücel-Gier et al. [30] |
Balearic Islands (Spain) | P. oceanica |
| Roca et al. [31] |
Landsat in Mediterranean | |||
Northern Adriatic Sea, Italy | Z. marina N. noltei C. nodosa |
| Cingano et al. [32] |
Venice Lagoon, Italy | Principally: Z. noltii C. nodosa Locally: Z. marina |
| Goodwin et al. [33] |
Aegean Sea, the eastern Ionian Sea, and the northern Libyan Sea (borders of Greece) | P. oceanica C. nodosa Z. noltii Z. marina |
| Topouzelis et al. [34] |
Sentinel-2 and Landsat out of Mediterranean | |||
Western Europe: Cádiz Bay (Spain), Ria de Aveiro Lagoon (Portugal), Santander Bay (Spain), Bourgneuf Bay (France), Strangford Lough (Northern Ireland) and Beltringharder Koog (Germany) | N. noltei (dominant) Z. marina C. nodosa |
| Davies et al. [35] |
Western Baltic Sea, coastline of the northern German state ‘Schleswig-Holstein’ | Z. marina |
| Kuhwald et al. [36] |
Tauranga Harbor, North Island, New Zealand | Z. muelleri |
| Ha et al. [37] |
National Park of Banc d’Arguin (PNBA), Mauritania | Z. noltii C. nodosa |
| Pottier et al. [38] |
Xincun Bay, Lingshui County, Hainan Province (China) | C. rotundata |
| Li et al. [39] |
Merja Zerga lagoon, Atlantic coast of Morocco | Z. noltii |
| Benmokhtar et al. [40] |
Bai Bon intertidal flat on the east coast of Phu Quoc Island, in Kien Giang Province, Vietnam | C. serrulata |
| Trinh et al. [41] |
Moreton Bay, Australia | Z. muelleri C. rotundata |
| Kovacs et al. [42] |
Bay of Santander, Spain (Bay of Biscay) | Z. noltii |
| Calleja et al. [43] |
Maldives | C. rotundata |
| Floyd et al. [44] |
Wallis Lake, north of Sydney on the central coast of New South Wales, Australia | P. australis Z. capricorni |
| Dekker et al. [45] |
Tauranga Harbour (North Island, New Zealand) | Z. muelleri |
| Ha et al. [46] |
West Sea of Viet Nam | C. rotundata |
| Nguyen-Nhat et al. [47] |
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Campillo-Tamarit, N.; Molner, J.V.; Soria, J.M. Remote Sensing Tools for Monitoring Marine Phanerogams: A Review of Sentinel and Landsat Applications. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2025, 13, 292.
Campillo-Tamarit N, Molner JV, Soria JM. Remote Sensing Tools for Monitoring Marine Phanerogams: A Review of Sentinel and Landsat Applications. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2025; 13(2):292.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCampillo-Tamarit, Noelia, Juan Víctor Molner, and Juan M. Soria. 2025. "Remote Sensing Tools for Monitoring Marine Phanerogams: A Review of Sentinel and Landsat Applications" Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 13, no. 2: 292.
APA StyleCampillo-Tamarit, N., Molner, J. V., & Soria, J. M. (2025). Remote Sensing Tools for Monitoring Marine Phanerogams: A Review of Sentinel and Landsat Applications. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 13(2), 292.