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Remote Sensing Tools for Monitoring Marine Phanerogams: A Review of Sentinel and Landsat Applications

Noelia Campillo-Tamarit
Juan Víctor Molner
Juan M. Soria
Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology (ICBiBE), Universitat de València, Catedrátic José Beltrán Martinez, 2, 46980 Valencia, Spain
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2025, 13(2), 292;
Submission received: 12 December 2024 / Revised: 22 January 2025 / Accepted: 1 February 2025 / Published: 4 February 2025
(This article belongs to the Special Issue New Advances in Marine Remote Sensing Applications)


Seagrasses play a pivotal role in maintaining marine ecosystems, supporting biodiversity, and preventing sediment loss during storms. Their capacity for photosynthesis and growth is linked to light availability in the continental shelf waters. Satellite platforms such as Landsat (USGS) and Sentinel (ESA) provide accessible imagery for the monitoring of these submerged plants. This study employed the PRISMA methodology to conduct a systematic review of the literature, with the objective of identifying articles focused on these seagrasses and their detection via satellite imagery. The identified methodologies included the use of vegetation and water indices, which were validated through empirical observations, as well as supervised classification algorithms, such as Random Forest, Maximum Likelihood, and Support Vector Machine. These approaches were applied to Mediterranean and other coastal regions, revealing changes in seagrass cover due to anchor damage in tourist areas and trawling scars that resemble plough marks. Such tools are vital for informing management actions, such as the implementation of restrictions on anchoring and bottom trawling, in order to protect these vulnerable ecosystems. By enabling targeted interventions, this approach facilitates the preservation of seagrass meadows, which are also critical for carbon sequestration and the sustainability of marine habitats.

1. Introduction

Marine phanerogams are angiosperms that grow exclusively in continental shelf environments. Although they appeared early in the evolutionary history of angiosperms, they have a much lower species richness than their terrestrial counterparts, with greater diversity in tropical areas [1]. The main taxa are Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile, a Mediterranean endemism; Zostera marina L., which is a temperate-boreal species; Nanozostera noltei (Hornem.) Toml. & Posl (=Zostera noltii Hornem.), occurring in European and North African waters; and Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Ascherson, also Mediterranean and North African waters; all seagrasses are rhizomatous and reproduce mainly by asexual mechanisms [2]. There are only a few exceptions, such as Z. marina, which reproduce mainly sexually [3]. In order to grow, they require an underwater minimum irradiance of 11% of that at the water surface, which limits their depth [4]. Most grow subtidally, although some species of some genera such as Zostera spp. can grow in the intertidal [2].
Seagrasses in coastal areas constitute a vital ecosystem [2] and are renowned for their high productivity [5]. They are found on all continents except Antarctica [6]. The global area occupied by seagrass is estimated to be approximately 0.6 × 106 km2 [7], with a net primary production of 0.6 × 1015 g C yr−1 [5]. It is estimated that they store approximately 15% of the carbon in the ocean [5], with their capacity directly related to the extent of carbon channeling through herbivory, export, and decomposition processes [6]. It has also been demonstrated that elevated levels of primary production, as evidenced by the abundance of leaves and epiphytes, contribute to an augmentation in the oxygen content of the water column [8]. Furthermore, they serve other functions, acting as a food source for certain large animals that are capable of digesting their leaves, which are then colonized by a diverse range of algae and invertebrates. Additionally, they facilitate the release of oxygen into the water and sediments, perform sediment stabilization, and contribute to coastal protection during storms with seaweed canopies over beach sand. The latter are attributable to rhizomes and root systems that serve to stabilize sediments and prevent erosion [6].
Nevertheless, there is substantial evidence indicating a decline in these species due to various anthropogenic disturbances, including direct damage (such as mechanical damage, eutrophication, increase in turbidity and aquaculture) and indirect impacts (such as sea level rise and shoreline erosion) [2]. Consequently, the loss of these organisms results in a shift in the dominance of the various planktonic primary producers within the coastal ecosystem [9]. Furthermore, the oxygenation of the sediments will also be affected, resulting in the promotion of anoxic conditions in the sediments [2].
Previously, the majority of seagrass monitoring studies have employed direct visualization techniques, either through diving or the use of in situ underwater photography. However, such methodologies have already been demonstrated to be ineffective for the continuous monitoring of seabed conditions due to the rapid changes resulting from climate change [10,11].
Subsequently, a number of low-cost acoustic systems were developed, which provide essential information for the management of marine environments and contribute to the prediction of impacts on these habitats [12]. Hydroacoustic methods are capable of mapping the ocean floor and producing high-resolution three-dimensional images [13]. A variety of transducers are available for use. The single beam generates a bathymetric map by repeatedly emitting a sound pulse as the vessel moves. This procedure has been employed in the construction of numerous marine maps [14].
An additional application of acoustic methods is the assessment of alterations in oxygen production in seagrass meadows, due to the fact that sound propagation is highly susceptible to the presence of bubbles [15,16]. They are an effective method for determining the physical properties of upper sediments in littoral environments [17].
The use of remote sensing is now regarded as a more advantageous approach, as it can provide long-term information for the analysis of ecosystem changes. Seagrass monitoring can be conducted in two ways: directly, through the observation of the plant’s presence/absence, coverage and growth; or indirectly, through the detection of environmental variables that influence the plant, such as total suspended solids, salinity, pollution, and so forth [18,19,20,21].
A considerable number of direct remote sensing methods are founded upon the analysis of spectral reflectance measurements of leaves, which are influenced by the presence of chlorophyll and other constituents and the distinct reflectance of sand-denuded bottoms [22]. In the case of seagrasses, the quality of remote sensing is contingent upon their spectral reflectance and the attenuation of the useful portion of the electromagnetic spectrum [23]. The visible wavelength is capable of penetrating the water column, whereas wavelengths beyond 680 nm experience significant attenuation. The potential for spectral differentiation via this approach diminishes considerably with depth [24]. It can thus be concluded that the most suitable optical method is to use differences in spectral reflectance within the visible [18]. A plethora of satellites are utilized in remote sensing, including the Sentinel and Landsat series, Pleiades, WorldView-2, Ikonos and Spot 6/7, in addition to PlanetScope.
In the context of this line of research, the aim of this study is to carry out a literature review of the different remote sensing methodologies used to monitor the presence of marine phanerogams, focusing on the Sentinel and Landsat series satellites. The utilization of remote sensing technologies has enabled the acquisition of scientific and environmental data across vast geographical areas with unparalleled frequency and precision, a feat that was previously unattainable. Consequently, the environmental repercussions of human activities can now be discerned with a level of detail that was hitherto unattainable. Therefore, the monitoring of phanerogams plays a pivotal role in achieving the 13th and 14th goals of the 2030 Agenda, specifically Goal 13, which calls for urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts, and Goal 14, which emphasizes the conservation and sustainable use of oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development [25].

2. Materials and Methods

In order to prepare this review, a search was conducted on the Google Scholar platform for scientific papers containing the following search terms: ‘meadows posidonia zostera sentinel’ and ‘meadows posidonia zostera landsat’. The search was conducted in the Google Scholar database with the objective of obtaining a greater number of responses, given that it is an open access database and does not have the indexing restrictions that are typical of other commercial databases, such as Clarivate or Elsevier.
In the subsequent phase of the review process, repetitions were eliminated, and the 63 most pertinent articles were subjected to manual scrutiny. This entailed determining whether the articles dealt with remote sensing, whether they were methodological in nature, the plant taxa monitored, the locations where they were applied, and the satellites utilized.
As this study focused exclusively on Posidonia, Cymodocea and Zostera taxa and employed only Sentinel and Landsat series satellites, other satellite types were not considered. In accordance with the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) methodology, Figure 1 illustrates the workflow of the selection process, considering whether the criteria were met and excluding them if they were not [26].
The results were then separated into three groups, according to the satellites used: firstly, only Sentinel in the Mediterranean Sea; secondly, only Landsat in the Mediterranean Sea; and thirdly, both Sentinel and Landsat outside the Mediterranean Sea. Subsequently, a table was constructed, in which the monitoring site, taxa, methodology and bibliographic reference were indicated.

3. Results

3.1. PRISMA Methodology Output

A total of 536 articles pertaining to the Sentinel satellite and 500 papers related to the Landsat satellite were identified. Any repetitions were removed, and the content of the 64 most relevant papers from the general list was reviewed based on the number of citations they had received over time.
Figure 2 illustrates the geographical distribution of the areas under investigation. It is acknowledged that studies have been conducted on the American coastlines; however, these studies have been disregarded due to their failure to meet the criteria established in this study. However, on the African oceanic coasts, the species in question do exist, but they have not been the subject of any studies. In the case of the Indian Ocean, it is a hotspot for seagrasses, but this area has received scant attention from the research community.
European space observation programs are managed by the European Space Agency (ESA) through the Sentinel series of satellites, while the US administration, through the Geological Survey, utilizes the Landsat series of satellites, which have been in service since 1972. Both organizations provide free access to imagery for research purposes. With regard to satellite data, thirteen studies have employed the Sentinel-2 platform, three have utilized Landsat-8, three have used both Landsat-5 and Landsat-8, and in one instance, the oldest study employed only Landsat-5, as the newer platform was not yet operational.
Table 1 presents a summary of the 21 studies that were subjected to review. Eight were conducted in the Mediterranean, while 13 were conducted in other oceans.

3.2. Optical Indices and Remote Sensing Methodologies for Intertidal Phanerogams

The determination of the vegetation area in the intertidal zone is mainly based on the calculation of band indices. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is a vegetation index that uses the difference in reflectance between near-infrared light and red light in the electromagnetic spectrum to measure the quantity and health of plants [48]. The NDVI is calculated using the following formula:
NDVI = (Near Infrared − Red)/(Near Infrared + Red)
The Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) is an index that utilizes the radiance or reflectance of a red channel of approximately 0.66 µm and a near-infrared channel of around 0.86 µm. This index exhibits sensitivity to the water content present within the vegetation, thus rendering it a valuable tool for the estimation of the density of emergent, floating and submerged macrophytes. However, it should be noted that its sensitivity to atmospheric effects is comparatively reduced [49]. The NDWI is calculated using the following formula:
NDWI = (Green − Near Infrared)/(Green + Near Infrared)
The Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) is an index that incorporates the concepts of background correction and atmospheric drag as inherent components of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). Consequently, EVI is regarded as a modified version of NDVI, exhibiting heightened sensitivity in areas of high biomass and enhanced capability for vegetation monitoring. This is attributable to the decoupling of the background signal from the canopy and the attenuation of atmospheric effects [50]. EVI is calculated using the following formula:
EVI = G × ((Near Infrared − Red)/((Near Infrared) + (C1 × Red) − (C2 × Blue) + L))
where C1 and C2 are coefficients employed in the adjustment of aerosol dispersion within the red band and are derived from the data provided by the blue band, and L is a soil adjustment factor. Usually, G = 2.5, C1 = 6.0, C2 = 7.5, and L = 1. Green, Red and Blue are the corresponding bands for these colors in each satellite.
The Extreme Gradient Boost algorithm has been implemented in one case [46], as has the CatBoost algorithm. The Random Trees Classifier (RTC) has also been implemented in one case [28]. The Object-Based Image Analysis was employed in four cases [34,39,40,41]. The Visible Atmospherically Resistant Index (VARI) is another single-case [43] index that employs the ratio of the green band to the sum of the green, red, and blue bands. All of these algorithms are available for use in the ArcGIS application.

3.3. Water Column Correction and Remote Sensing for Subtidal Phanerogams

The correction of the water column is a critical consideration in the mapping of seagrass beds, particularly within the subtidal zone. This correction may be imperative due to the effects of the atmosphere, the sea surface, and the water column, which can distort the signal captured by satellites. This is due to the fact that only visible bands can penetrate into the sea deeper than ultra-violet and near-infrared, which are easily absorbed by the surface thin layer [51]. Visible bands are used for mapping habitats in coastal waters under the sea, as we described previously. Red light (wavelength around 620–750 nanometers) is absorbed more rapidly compared to other color bands, and red light disappears at shallow depths, while blue and green band lights penetrate deeper. To map seagrass beds in the subtidal zone, water column correction is necessary, using, for example, the Depth Invariant Index [52] or the Bottom Reflectance Index [53].
In the study by Mederos-Barrera et al. [54], two water column correction methodologies are discussed: the Lyzenga [52] and Sagawa [53] methods, each with its own characteristics and applications:
  • Lyzenga method [52]: This method is applicable in highly transparent waters and is based on the vertical and horizontal homogeneity of the optical properties of the water. However, its effectiveness may be constrained in more intricate scenarios, such as turbid waters or areas with variable bottom types. The study observed that the implementation of this method did not yield substantial improvements in more intricate waters, such as those of Granadilla coast (Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain), where bottom heterogeneity can compromise the precision of mapping.
  • Sagawa method [53]: This method has been shown to be more suitable for turbid waters, although it requires additional information such as bathymetry and attenuation coefficients. Unlike the Lyzenga method, Sagawa may produce superior results in conditions of higher turbidity, but it also has limitations in its general applicability. In the analysis conducted, it was found that, although Sagawa showed acceptable performance in clear waters, its effectiveness decreased in more complex scenarios.
However, Mederos-Barrera et al. [54] conclude that, in general, water column correction may not be necessary in complex and deep areas, as traditional classification methods, such as the use of machine learning techniques, can provide more accurate results without the need for these corrections. It was further emphasized that machine learning-based classification models, such as Support Vector Machine (SVM) and K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), attained high accuracies in mapping phanerogam beds, surpassing the efficacy of water column correction methods.
The rationale underlying the potential irrelevance of water column correction, particularly in complex and deep regions, is multifaceted and has been thoroughly examined in the forementioned work [54]:
  • The effectiveness of classification methods: It has been demonstrated to achieve high levels of accuracy without the necessity of water column corrections, particularly when employing machine learning techniques such as Support Vector Machine (SVM) and K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN). This suggests the robustness of these methods, capable of handling variability in the data without requiring additional adjustments.
  • Water conditions: In deeper and more complex waters, the optical characteristics of the water can vary significantly, making water column corrections less effective. For example, the Lyzenga method is more suitable for clear, homogeneous water; the Sagawa method, better in turbid water, requires additional information that may not be available in all contexts.
  • Similar results: The analysis of studies revealed that the implementation of water column corrections did not yield substantial enhancements in mapping precision when compared with the utilization of uncorrected images. In certain instances, uncorrected imagery yielded superior outcomes, underscoring the potential irrelevance of corrections in specific scenarios.
  • Complexity of the environment: In intricate environments, such as those encountered in sublittoral areas, variations in seabed characteristics and water dynamics can impede the efficacy of water column corrections. This phenomenon can result in the ineffectiveness or inapplicability of correction models, thereby reinforcing the notion that corrections may be superfluous in such contexts.
In this context, Li et al. [39] does not provide a detailed discussion on the subject of water column correction. The work employs the OBIA method to categorize seagrass imagery and subsequently divides the methodology into two distinct approaches for remotely detecting intertidal and subtidal seagrass. The former approach utilizes NDVI, and the latter employs the Submerged Seagrass Identification Index (SSI). Conversely, Roca et al. [31] address the water column correction by employing the empirical model developed by Lyzenga [52].

3.4. Machine Learning Methodologies

A variety of machine learning methodologies were employed for the purpose of data analysis. These included the decision tree, the canonical correlation forest method (which combines canonical correlation trees with CCA), the Maximum Likelihood Classifier (MLC) and the Support Vector Machine Classifier (SVM). Ultimately, the Random Forest method was the most frequently utilized, being employed in twelve cases.
Recently, Roca et al. [31] have developed a novel mass processing algorithm with which to identify P. oceanica meadows down to a depth of 30 m. This algorithm is based on a supervised classification approach using Random Forest (RF), trained with Sentinel-2 L1C images and presence data that were previously available in a public dataset. The methodology involves the consideration of the B1-B5 and B8 Sentinel-2 bands, enabling the differentiation of seagrass meadows from optically deep water and sandy bottoms.

4. Discussion

In general, remote sensing has been demonstrated to be a significantly more advantageous methodology than those previously employed (in situ visualization, hydroacoustic, etc.) due to its capacity for continuous long-term monitoring of seagrass meadows. This factor is of great consequence, given the rapid changes resulting from climate change [9,10] and the concomitant decrease in the extent of these meadows [2]. Furthermore, they are frequently situated in locations that are challenging to reach, and the utilization of high-spatial-resolution data can enhance the precision of their classification [55].
The data obtained through monitoring programs should facilitate the implementation of efficient grassland conservation management strategies, as well as the assessment of the impact of management practices and the implementation of necessary adjustments [56]. The proposed methods and zoning scheme can serve as early warning and/or control tools in the decision-making process. In an early warning system, data obtained from the monitoring program can signal changes in the environment that require corrective action to be taken. In an early control system, data from the monitoring program can be employed to evaluate the efficacy of corrective actions and to examine the anticipated or intended consequences of particular measures or activities [57].
Ecological monitoring can be conceptualized as a component of a regulatory system, where decision makers and site managers assume the role of supervisors [58]. The formulation of a monitoring strategy represents a pivotal aspect of ecological monitoring programs [59]. The zoning and monitoring strategy would depend on the specific study area and the type of disturbance under consideration. However, the results obtained would contribute to the improvement of grassland conservation management [57].
Nevertheless, satellite remote sensing also has a number of limitations. For instance, it has a lower resolution than other types of sensors when used for temporal studies [60]. Furthermore, images are subject to uncertainty due to the complexity of marine ecosystems, attenuation with depth, and other factors [61].
The mapping of a seagrass meadow, in conjunction with the comparison of this mapping with previous maps, can provide a reliable basis for the inference of alterations over time [62]. However, discrepancies between maps may be attributed to inaccuracies in earlier maps and/or advancements in mapping techniques, rather than reflecting actual changes over time [63].
In the course of our review study, eight of the articles identified pertain to the Mediterranean Sea [27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34], while thirteen pertain to other seas and oceans [35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47]. In Africa, only two articles were selected for review: one from Mauritania [38] and the other from Morocco [40].
All articles identified in North and Central America were excluded from further consideration. In the majority of cases, this was due to the absence of any of the three plant taxa under investigation (Posidonia, Cymodocea and Zostera). In the American continent, Zostera is the only plant taxa found, while Posidonia and Cymodocea are absent. Only two articles monitored Zostera, but these were excluded on the grounds that they did not utilize Landsat or Sentinel series satellites [64,65]. The sole article [66] that employed Sentinel-2 was excluded on the grounds that it did not track any of the three target plant taxa under investigation. In addition, other methodologies employed in the excluded articles included PlanetScope satellite imagery in Mexico [67] and diving for in situ visualization in Cuba [68]. Consequently, there is a geographical bias in the exclusion of the American continent.
With regard to satellite remote sensing, the majority of studies employ Sentinel-2 in preference to the Landsat series. This is likely due to the fact that Sentinel-2 has longer revisit time, a higher spatial resolution, a larger number of spectral bands, and a greater capacity for small-scale monitoring.
With regard to the location of phanerogams, a review of the extant literature reveals that only two studies [31,39] specifically address subtidal meadows using Sentinel-2 or Landsat. The preponderance of research focuses on intertidal meadows, a finding that aligns with the observations reported by Mederos-Barrera et al. [54]. The issue of whether to employ water column correction has been a subject of debate. While some papers assert the necessity of this step [51], correction algorithms have been developed [52,53]. Conversely, others contend that similar or even superior results can be attained without the application of these corrections, instead relying on specific optical indices, supervised classifications, and machine learning [39,54]. The work of Kuhwald et al. [36] cites the use of LiDAR for bathymetry correction in the study of seagrasses. We notice that LiDAR is not appropriate for these measures in coastal areas, but Klemas [69] states that a LiDAR sensor may collect data down to depths of about three times the Secchi Disk depth (the Photic Zone). But if the depth or the water turbidity is too great, acoustic echo-sounding is used.
Other literature reviews of seagrass monitoring concentrate on the issue of seagrass disappearance and the measures that can be taken to ensure its conservation. For example, Moreno et al. [57] and Vos et al. [59] provide a comprehensive overview of this topic. Those that review presence/absence studies do so on specific coasts or, in some cases, on the coasts of several countries [29,35]. However, there is a paucity of international studies in this field. The most analogous review to ours is that conducted by Veettil et al. [70], which was carried out on a global scale and considered the variety of methodologies employed. Traganos et al. [29] provides a review of remote sensing image processing methodologies, although this is limited to the Mediterranean basin. Consequently, the present study represents one of the most extensive in terms of geographical scope within the review of seagrass monitoring. However, we have limited the methodology to the Sentinel and Landsat series only.
To date, there have been few studies of P. oceanica that have employed a temporal analysis due to the low resolution of the available imagery, which does not permit monitoring at the requisite small scales [71]. In the case of small marine areas, high-quality UAV sensors can be employed to quantify ecosystem processes and biodiversity metrics, as well as stressors [72]. The restricted number of spectral bands in multispectral imagery may result in reduced accuracy in the detection of individual seagrass species. To enhance the accuracy of the results, hyperspectral images have been integrated with a range of classification algorithms [69].
Furthermore, there is a significant challenge in conducting comparisons between surveys conducted at the same site and between different sites, given that data collection procedures have not yet been standardized. The reliability of spectroradiometer measurements is contingent upon the conditions under which they are conducted. This may render them non-reproducible and may entail uncertainties and sources of error whose nature is not clearly defined [73].
It is therefore recommended that future research should focus on improving the accuracy and long-term monitoring of seagrass meadows. A second level of research is the standardization of data collection procedures [73].

5. Conclusions

This study confirms the use of remote sensing as a significantly more advantageous methodology than traditional techniques, such as in situ visualization or hydroacoustics, due to its ability to perform continuous and long-term monitoring of seagrasses. Of the twenty studies reviewed, seven were carried out in the Mediterranean, while the other thirteen were conducted in different oceans. However, there is a notable absence of research in the Americas on the key species Zostera and in the Indo-Pacific region on the three species considered using Sentinel-2 or Landsat data. The most employed satellite was Sentinel-2.
In terms of geographical scope, the present study stands as one of the most extensive within the seagrass monitoring review, although its methodology was constrained to the utilization of the Sentinel and Landsat series. The most commonly employed techniques include the calculation of spectral indices, such as NDVI, NDWI and EVI, which, in some cases, have been combined with machine learning approaches. However, these techniques are primarily applicable to intertidal areas, as the red and infrared bands used in these indices are absorbed in the water column. While the application of correction algorithms has been proposed to address this limitation, the necessity of such corrections remains debated. Some studies emphasize their importance and have developed specific algorithms for this purpose, while others argue that comparable or even superior results can be achieved without corrections, using specific indices, supervised classifications, or machine learning techniques.
This analysis reinforces the need to explore new approaches and technologies to overcome the current limitations, encouraging research that covers as yet unstudied regions and deepens the use of remote tools to improve the management and conservation of marine ecosystems.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, J.M.S.; methodology, N.C.-T.; investigation, N.C.-T. and J.V.M.; writing—original draft preparation, N.C.-T. and J.V.M.; writing—review and editing, J.V.M. and J.M.S.; supervision, J.V.M. and J.M.S. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Data Availability Statement

All data are presented in the paper.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. PRISMA flow diagram for new systematic reviews which included searches of databases and registers only.
Figure 1. PRISMA flow diagram for new systematic reviews which included searches of databases and registers only.
Jmse 13 00292 g001
Figure 2. Location on map of the areas in red color or dots where the phanerogams under review have been studied. MV corresponds to Maldives, NZ to New Zealand.
Figure 2. Location on map of the areas in red color or dots where the phanerogams under review have been studied. MV corresponds to Maldives, NZ to New Zealand.
Jmse 13 00292 g002
Table 1. Location of areas surveyed, species found, and methodology used.
Table 1. Location of areas surveyed, species found, and methodology used.
Sentinel-2 in Mediterranean
SE part of the Thermaikos Gulf, NW Aegean Sea, GreeceP. oceanica
C. nodosa
Support vector machines
Random Forests
Maximum Likelihood
Traganos & Reinartz [27]
Adriatic SeaC. nodosa
P. oceanica
Z. noltii
  • Satellite imagery and bathymetry data.
In 2014: field method
  • High-resolution Multi Beam Sonar (MBES; Reason SeaNat 8125) and sound velocity profiler (SVP) system. This product served as the baseline seagrass meadow status in our study.
In 2020: field method based on visual observation of sea-bottom segments covered with vegetation in the infralittoral belt. The Cartography of littoral rocky-shore communities (CARLIT) method was improved to be suitable for the Slovenian coastal area, where it is not possible to apply the method to the medio-littoral belt (as defined in the original methodology).
  • Supervised classifiers calibrated:
    Maximum Likelihood Classifier (MLC)
    Random Trees Classifier (RTC)
Support Vector Machine Classifier (SVM)
Ivajnšič et al. [28]
Entire Mediterranean basin (22 countries)P. oceanica
  • Pre-processing: EMODnet Bathymetry Digital Terrain Model (depth range, etc.).
  • Training and validation data design: training polygons and validation points
  • AI-guided classification: Random Forest
  • Output
Traganos et al. [29]
Aegean Sea (Gülbahçe Bay, Turquía)P. oceanica
C. nodosa
  • Support vector machine (image analysis methodology)
  • Bathymetry and Secchi disk (field data)
Yücel-Gier et al. [30]
Balearic Islands (Spain)P. oceanica Bathymetry
  • Multi-temporal composites: Normalised Difference Water Index (NDWI), Depth Invarian Index (DII)
  • Training and validation: Machine Learning (benthic habitat mapping), Random Forest
Roca et al. [31]
Landsat in Mediterranean
Adriatic Sea, Italy
Z. marina
N. noltei
C. nodosa
  • Satellite data and image preprocessing: Landsat 5 TM and Landsat 8 OLI.
  • Radiometric normalization: IR-MAD algorithm in QGIS software (QGIS 3.24. QGIS Association. Swiss)
  • Training data and validation distribution data: through photointerpretation analysis, an ID corresponding to the presence/absence of seagrass meadows was assigned to each point
  • Statistical analysis:
    Random Forest classification.
    Change detection and trend analysis: monotonic trends of seagrass distribution over the twenty-year period was investigated using the modified Mann–Kendall nonparametric trend test for temporally autocorrelated data.
Cingano et al. [32]
Venice Lagoon, ItalyPrincipally:
Z. noltii
C. nodosa
Z. marina
  • Satellite data collection:
    Historic bathymetry
    Landsat 7 ETM and Landsat 8 OLI
  • Random Forest
  • Time-based correction
  • Model performance: quantified by the use of the numbers of true positives (TPs), true negatives (TNs), false positives (FPs), and false negative (FNs)
Goodwin et al. [33]
Aegean Sea, the eastern Ionian Sea, and the northern Libyan Sea (borders of Greece)P. oceanica
C. nodosa
Z. noltii
Z. marina
  • Image dataset: Landsat-8
  • Image analysis: Data selection
  • Pre-processing: (i.e., radiometric calibration, atmospheric correction, land mask, and image cropping)
  • Object-based image analysis (OBIA): the images segmented into objects, classified, and manually edited where necessary
  • Accuracy assessment
Topouzelis et al. [34]
Sentinel-2 and Landsat out of Mediterranean
Western Europe:
Cádiz Bay (Spain), Ria de Aveiro Lagoon (Portugal), Santander Bay (Spain), Bourgneuf Bay (France), Strangford Lough (Northern Ireland) and Beltringharder Koog (Germany)
N. noltei (dominant)
Z. marina
C. nodosa
  • Neural Network Tabular learner from Fast.AI
  • Satellite data: Sentinel-2
  • Temporally and spatially explicit UAV-derived habitat data were assigned to concurrent Sentinel-2 multispectral bottom-of-atmosphere (BOA) reflectance, standardised reflectance, Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Normalised Difference Water Index (NDWI), which was then used to train and build a neural network classification model to identify intertidal habitats from Sentinel-2 imagery, with independent auxiliary in situ data used to validate.
Davies et al. [35]
Western Baltic Sea, coastline of the northern German state ‘Schleswig-Holstein’Z. marina
  • Satellite data: Sentinel-2B L1C
  • Bathymetric raster vegetation for shallow water areas (0–5 m)
  • Bathymetric survey with LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging)
  • Atmospheric correction only; atmospheric and water column correction
  • Training: Random Forest classification
  • Validation: benthic habitat map
Kuhwald et al. [36]
Tauranga Harbor, North Island, New ZealandZ. muelleri
  • Satellite Data Acquisition and Image Pre-Processing: Sentinel-2 scene was pre-processed at level 1C
  • Image classification: Maximum Likelihood
  • Random Forest: using the classification and regression tree (CART) algorithm
  • Rotation Forest
  • Canonical Correlation Forest: creates a number of canonical correlation trees (CCTs) using canonical correlation analysis (CCA)
Ha et al. [37]
National Park of Banc d’Arguin (PNBA), MauritaniaZ. noltii
C. nodosa
  • Satellite data: Sentinel-2
  • Bathymetric map provided for correcting water column.
  • NDVI and NDWI were used to create three masks (water, land and transition).
  • Supervised classifications on each of those three masks using the SVM (Support Vector Machine)
Pottier et al. [38]
Xincun Bay, Lingshui County, Hainan Province (China)C. rotundata
  • Satellite data: Sentinel-2 L1A
  • ACOLITE software (Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, Belgium) was used to perform radiometric calibration and atmospheric correction separately.
  • Water-edge line extraction under tidal changes: NDWI and classification using support vector machine algorithm.
  • Submerged seagrasses information extraction via remote sensing: Submerged Seagrasses Identification Index (SSII)
  • Non-submerged seagrasses information extraction via remote sensing: NDVI
  • Comparative experiment: OBIA method
Li et al. [39]
Merja Zerga lagoon, Atlantic coast of MoroccoZ. noltii
  • Satellite data: Sentinel-2, level 1C
  • Random Forest algorithm
  • Model fitting: best ntree, best mtry
  • Object-based classification (OBIA)
  • Seagrass Biomass Estimation: NDVI
Benmokhtar et al. [40]
Bai Bon intertidal flat on the east coast of Phu Quoc Island, in Kien Giang Province, VietnamC. serrulata
  • UAV high-res images
  • Field survey
  • Sentinel-2 Level 2-A Surface Reflectance
  • Global tidal model (TPXO): tide level
  • Object-based segmentation (OBIA), DII
  • Vegetation indices: NDVI, NDWI, modified NDWI (mNDWI)
  • Random Forest (Supervised classification)
Trinh et al. [41]
Moreton Bay, AustraliaZ. muelleri
C. rotundata
  • Satellite data: Landsat 8 OLI satellite imagery
  • Georeferenced spot check field-survey data with coincident bathymetric layer (30 m resolution)
  • Classification method: Random Forest classifier.
Kovacs et al. [42]
Bay of Santander, Spain (Bay of Biscay)Z. noltii
  • Satellite data: Landsat 4–7 TM/ETM+ and Landsat 8 OLI
  • Vegetation indices: NDWI, NDVI, Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI2), Visible Atmospherically Resistant Index (VARIgreen)
  • Classification method: Decision-tree, based on the vegetation indices selected from the spectral signatures
Calleja et al. [43]
MaldivesC. rotundata
  • Satellite data: Sentinel-2
  • AI-guided classification: Support Vector Machine
  • Data source and selection: The workflow was applied to the Landsat mission data catalogue. Data from 2000 to 2013 were sourced from Landsat 7, and data from 2014 to 2021 were sourced from Landsat 8
Floyd et al. [44]
Wallis Lake, north of Sydney on the central coast of New South Wales, AustraliaP. australis
Z. capricorni
  • Satellite imagery: Landsat 5 TM and 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper
  • Benthic substrate classification: Maximum Likelihood Classifier
Dekker et al. [45]
Tauranga Harbour (North Island, New Zealand)Z. muelleri
  • Satellite image acquisition: Landsat 8
  • Machine-Learning Algorithms:
    Random Forest
    Support Vector Machine
    Extreme Gradient Boost
Ha et al. [46]
West Sea of Viet NamC. rotundata
  • Satellite imagery: Sentinel-2A
  • Optic indices for water and vegetation: NDWI, DII
  • Machine learning algorithm: Maximum Likelihood
Nguyen-Nhat et al. [47]
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MDPI and ACS Style

Campillo-Tamarit, N.; Molner, J.V.; Soria, J.M. Remote Sensing Tools for Monitoring Marine Phanerogams: A Review of Sentinel and Landsat Applications. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2025, 13, 292.

AMA Style

Campillo-Tamarit N, Molner JV, Soria JM. Remote Sensing Tools for Monitoring Marine Phanerogams: A Review of Sentinel and Landsat Applications. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2025; 13(2):292.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Campillo-Tamarit, Noelia, Juan Víctor Molner, and Juan M. Soria. 2025. "Remote Sensing Tools for Monitoring Marine Phanerogams: A Review of Sentinel and Landsat Applications" Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 13, no. 2: 292.

APA Style

Campillo-Tamarit, N., Molner, J. V., & Soria, J. M. (2025). Remote Sensing Tools for Monitoring Marine Phanerogams: A Review of Sentinel and Landsat Applications. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 13(2), 292.

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