Investigating the Erosion Resistance of Different Vegetated Surfaces for Ecological Enhancement of Sea Dikes
:1. Introduction
1.1. Vegetated Clay Layers as Dike Cover
1.2. Erosion on the Seaward Dike Slope Due to Wave Impacts
1.3. Erosion on the Landward Dike Slope Due to Wave Overtopping and Overflow
1.4. Research Aims and Overall Research Methodology
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Test Vegetations and Botanical Analyses
2.2. Wave Impact Simulations
2.3. Overflow Simulations
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Vegetation Establishment
3.2. Wave Impact Simulations
3.2.1. Erosion Patterns
3.2.2. Analysis
3.2.3. Discussion of the Methodology and Results of the Wave Impact Simulations
3.3. Overflow Simulations
3.3.1. Erosion Patterns
3.3.2. Analysis
3.3.3. Discussion of the Methodology and Results of the Overflow Simulations
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Erosion Model | Notation |
Seijffert and Verheij (1998) [27] | E: erosion rate (mm/h) cE: erosion coefficient (1/(ms)), see [27] HS: significant wave height (m) |
van Steeg et al. (2015) [28] | E: erosion rate (mm/h or m²/h) ax: erosion coefficient (mm/(hm) or m²/(hm)), see [28] HS: significant wave height (m) |
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Scheres, B.; Schüttrumpf, H. Investigating the Erosion Resistance of Different Vegetated Surfaces for Ecological Enhancement of Sea Dikes. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2020, 8, 519.
Scheres B, Schüttrumpf H. Investigating the Erosion Resistance of Different Vegetated Surfaces for Ecological Enhancement of Sea Dikes. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2020; 8(7):519.
Chicago/Turabian StyleScheres, Babette, and Holger Schüttrumpf. 2020. "Investigating the Erosion Resistance of Different Vegetated Surfaces for Ecological Enhancement of Sea Dikes" Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 8, no. 7: 519.
APA StyleScheres, B., & Schüttrumpf, H. (2020). Investigating the Erosion Resistance of Different Vegetated Surfaces for Ecological Enhancement of Sea Dikes. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8(7), 519.