Resonantly Forced Baroclinic Waves in the Oceans: A New Approach to Climate Variability
:1. Introduction
1.1. Background
1.1.1. The Mid-Pleistocene Transition (MPT)
1.1.2. Long-Term Evolution of the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
1.2. Related Work
1.2.1. Short Period Rossby Waves
1.2.2. Analogy between Short Period Rossby Waves and Gyral Rossby Waves
1.2.3. Properties of GRWs
- (1)
- The progressive GRW must wind an integer number of turns around the gyre, over a half-wavelength. In this way the modulated polar and radial currents allow the warm water to accumulate around the gyre for a half-period, then to evacuate to the pole via the drift current (the circumpolar current in the southern hemisphere) during the following half-period.
- (2)
- GRWs do not dampen as their period increases because Rayleigh friction is compensated by the lengthening of the forcing duration. So, in theory, the periods of GRWs have no upper limit. Therefore, multi-frequency GRWs overlap, behaving as coupled oscillators because they share the same modulated polar and radial currents. Applied to the modulated currents of the subtropical gyres, the equations of motion of coupled oscillators with inertia require that GRWs are subharmonics of annual Rossby waves. Subharmonic modes ensure the durability of the resonant dissipative system, with each oscillator transferring as much interaction energy to all the others that it receives periodically [36]. Here the Caldirola–Kanai equation is used as the prototype of the equations of motion. It specifies how GRWs are resonantly forced by solar and orbital cycles in subharmonic modes. The natural period of the oscillator is an integer number of years deduced by recurrence: with = 1 year, = 2 or 3 to ensure the stability of the gyres. Measurement of the apparent eastward velocity of 8-year period Rossby waves from their western antinodes (from where the western boundary currents leave the continents) allows estimating the time they would take to propagate all around the gyres (the phase velocity of long-period Rossby waves depends on the latitude of the centroid of the gyre, not on the period). Knowing that the very existence of such waves supposes that their period is a subharmonic of the fundamental wave, whose period is exactly one year as a result of the declination of the Sun, the time required to propagate around the gyre is 64 years for the North and South Atlantic, 128 years for the North and South Pacific and 32 years for the South Indian Ocean. It is convenient to deduce the period from the subharmonic modes using the North Atlantic as a reference. The first subharmonic mode being = the corresponding period is . Conversely, for a natural period , the number of turns traveled in the North Atlantic is . This also applies to the South Atlantic, but the number of turns is twice less in the North and South Pacific and twice more in the Southern Indian Ocean.
- (3)
- When the forcing period is close to the natural period of a GRW, a fine tuning occurs, resulting from increasing/decreasing of the mean radius of the gyre.
- (4)
- In the absence of the positive feedback resulting from the temperature gradient between the low and high latitudes of the gyres, the radial current ν would be in phase with solar irradiance (ν is positive outwardly of the gyre), the surface height perturbation η would be in quadrature with solar irradiance as well as the polar current υ (υ is positive when it is anti-cyclonic). The positive feedback has the effect of advancing the phase of GRWs by about a quarter of a period so that both the thermocline depth and the polar current velocity are nearly in phase with the forcing.
1.2.4. Subharmonic Modes
1.2.5. ENSO and the Equatorial Pacific
2. New Clues in Favor of the Mediation of GRWs
- to extend the list of subharmonic modes in [45] to periods longer than 98.3 Ka while specifying the resonant nature of GRWs and their effects on climate. Taking advantage of the alkenone paleothermometer in sediment cores sampled in the Tasman Sea floor, we will show that, in the same way as during the MPT, but with periods 10 times longer, a transition occurred at the hinge of Pliocene-Pleistocene. Both transitions as well as the observed adjustment of the South Pacific gyre to the resonance conditions during the MPT will be interpreted as the response to orbital forcing of the climate system with the mediation of GRWs.
- to find the driver of long-term ENSO evolution. Taking advantage of data set of individual Globigerinoides ruber spanning the Holocene and the Last Glacial Maximum from sediment core in the eastern equatorial Pacific, we will show how the ENSO activity is modulated according to subharmonic modes.
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Sea Surface Temperatures at Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 593 and ODP Site 1172
3.2. Temperatures at DSDP Site 593 Compared to EPICA Data
3.3. Variability of Individual Globigerinoides Ruber at Site V21–30
3.4. Data
3.5. Filtering
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. The South Pacific Subtropical Gyre during the MPT
4.2. Subharmonic Modes
4.3. The Band 295–590 Ka
4.4. The Band 590–1769 Ka
4.5. The Band 1769–3539 Ka
4.6. The Mid-Pleistocene and Pliocene-Pleistocene Transitions
4.7. Long-Term Evolution of ENSO
4.7.1. Standard Deviation of in Individual Globigerinoides ruber
4.7.2. Hydrological Processes
5. Conclusions
- (1)
- The poleward drift of the subtropical front of 4° during the MPT highlights an adjustment of the gyre to tune to the forcing period (~41 Ka) before the MPT while the subharmonic mode was dominant. After the MPT the subharmonic mode becomes dominant while its natural period approaches the forcing period (~100 Ka). An increase in the circumference of the gyre of almost 20% without displacement of the centroid allows the subharmonic mode to be tuned to the new forcing period while the natural period that characterizes the subharmonic mode is regained.
- (2)
- Thanks to the high resolution of the climate archive which spans 3.5 million years, the alkenone concentration at DSDP Site 593 presently situated north of the subtropical front allows to extend subharmonic modes beyond up to (Table 1). It is shown that modes and are subject to eccentricity forcing while modes and are pure subharmonics.
- (3)
- A transition of the dominant mode between two consecutive subharmonic modes occurs at the Pliocene-Pleistocene hinge. Like what happens during the MPT, the two subharmonic modes are forced simultaneously, and the natural period of the highest mode optimally tunes to the forcing period when both become very close.
- (4)
- Variability of ENSO activity during the Holocene and the Last Glacial Maximum is subject to long-term adjustment of geostrophic forces in the equatorial Pacific. It is the amplitude of variation of the depth of the thermocline in the central and eastern Pacific which evolutes according to the subharmonic mode whose resonant period is 24.6 Ka, and not, as often stated, the frequency of events which occur on average every 4 years. This frequency is immutable, being intimately linked to the dynamics of the equatorial Pacific. Here again, the variability of ENSO during the Holocene and since 1870 is subject to the adjustment of geostrophic forces in the equatorial Pacific according to the subharmonic modes, in the first case (the resonant period is 3.1 Ka), and in the second (the resonant period is 64 years). Periods of warming induce a decrease in ENSO activity.
Conflicts of Interest
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Rank | Band Width (yr) | Period of Resonance (yr) | Subharmonic Mode | Forcing Mode |
12 | 147,456–294,912 | 196,608 | No external forcing | |
13 | 294,912–589,824 | 393,216 | Orbital forcing (eccentricity) | |
14 | 589,824–1,769,472 | 1,179,648 | Orbital forcing (eccentricity) | |
15 | 1,769,472–3,538,944 | 2,359,296 | No external forcing |
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Pinault, J.-L. Resonantly Forced Baroclinic Waves in the Oceans: A New Approach to Climate Variability. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2021, 9, 13.
Pinault J-L. Resonantly Forced Baroclinic Waves in the Oceans: A New Approach to Climate Variability. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2021; 9(1):13.
Chicago/Turabian StylePinault, Jean-Louis. 2021. "Resonantly Forced Baroclinic Waves in the Oceans: A New Approach to Climate Variability" Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 9, no. 1: 13.
APA StylePinault, J.-L. (2021). Resonantly Forced Baroclinic Waves in the Oceans: A New Approach to Climate Variability. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9(1), 13.