3.1. Motionless Blade Simulation with One Barnacle
To compare the numerical model results to experimental data, the pressure field around the barnacles is taken at every fluid cell centre (along the blade surface) in the studied area at fixed time points chosen after the flow stabilisation. On
Figure 6 is presented the opposite of the pressure coefficient
given by
, with
is the scaled position as
, where
y and
z are, respectively, the stream-wise, the span-wise and the vertical directions. Nevertheless, with the LES model, results are not averaged, which explains slight asymmetries on pressure fields (
Figure 6). The blade curvature is suppressed by projecting all the cells in a plane parallel to the blade mean angle. The mesh is refined around the complex geometries and the shape of the barnacle appears in the field extraction process.
The effects of the numerical conic barnacle are very similar to the experimental ones (
Figure 6) (experimental pressure fields are available in [
13]): in all cases, the barnacle is preceded by an over-pressure followed by a strong depression at the top of it. The flow change extends further downstream (3 radii) than upstream (2 radii). On the sides, the impact is felt up to 4 radii. Even with a numerical model, the perfect symmetry of the results is not guaranteed because the turbulence of the fluid creates slight variations in the flow that impact the distribution of the fluid pressure near the wall. The orders of magnitude of the
coefficient are the same as those measured experimentally. The main value in the field is 5.2% higher in the numerical results. The effect of the angle of attack on the pressure field is consistent with measurements: the higher the angle, the smaller the biofouling effect. The pressure field is almost unchanged for an angle of attack of 15°.
To represent better the scales of the pressure variation and compare the models, the evolution of the opposite of
along the chord is plotted in
Figure 7. The two models present different behaviours downstream of the barnacle. The k-
ω SST model is better for the lowest angle of attack (5°), with the pressure increasing progressively along the chord as in the experimental data until it reaches its final value at the trailing edge. In contrast, the Smagorinsky model overestimates the pressure field which tends to decrease behind the barnacle. However, both turbulence models allow a good reproduction of the pressure drop in the fouling area.
With the 10° angle, the two turbulence models are closer in terms of mean value. However, the k-ω SST model better represents the overpressure in front of the barnacle. Downstream, both models underestimate the pressure along the blade.
The modelling is less accurate for 15°. Indeed, both turbulence models underestimate the impact of the barnacle on the flow. An additional computation is then performed to study the behaviour of the model in this critical range of values (
Figure 8). At 14°, the simulated impact is more coherent with the measurements but some discrepancies are observed. We deduced that the experiment is highly sensitive to the angle of attack in the range between 14° and 15°. Small variations in the experiment or the 3D geometry can also interfere with results.
Numerical simulation ensures a full
profile along the blade without having to invest in additional probes (
Figure 9). For example, the small decrease in pressure before the overpressure (
) was not captured by the probes during the experimental session. This phenomenon only appears for low angles (up to 10°). Normal (
, where
n is the forces normal to the blade per unit of span) and drag (
, where
d is the pressure drag forces of the blade per unit of span) coefficients are computed (
Figure 10). As shown in experimental data, the barnacle has no significant impact on
. The coefficient grows until it reaches the aerodynamic stall around 13° before decreasing with the angle. The drag coefficient is more impacted by the barnacle with an exponential increase for a mean angle greater than 10°. The barnacle causes an increase in this coefficient for low mean angles. However, when the angle continues to increase, the dynamic stall becomes more important and the effect of the barnacle fades. The numerical model reproduces this tendency. For the angle of attack of 15°, the pressure variations caused by the barnacle are almost zero. The simulation then shows results close to those expected for a clean blade. The experimental data still show an impact for this angle but the numerical results at 14° overestimate these variations. Thus, the model seems very sensitive to the angle of attack parameter.
The main difference between the two turbulence models is their ability to compute the wake.
Figure 11 shows that the LES successfully separates the vortex releases from each other. The RANS model, which averages the physical quantities, only identifies the general shape of the wake. The intensity of the vortexes is also lower, indicating a higher numerical dissipation. Thus, the LES is chosen over the RANS for its better ability to represent the wake.
Figure 12 compares the time evolution of the wake of the clean part of the blade with the one in the plane of the barnacle with an angle of attack of 5°. In both cases, the first vortex is identical (T = 0.4 s) but, while the clean case starts to stabilise quickly with vortex releases alternating between the lower and upper surface, the barnacle case does not show vortexes of high vorticity intensity (>300 s
−1) during the first time steps. Once the wake is stabilised, the biofouling blade releases vortexes that propagate “upwards” in a regular manner. The clean blade, on the other hand, shows a turbulence structure similar to Von Karman vortex streets.
Finally, the wake thickness is an interesting physical quantity to analyse:
Figure 13 shows, as expected, that for the case without a barnacle as well as for the case with a barnacle, the wake thickness increases with the distance behind the blade. However, the behaviour of this increase is not the same in both cases. In the clean case, the increase is slower and follows a parabolic trend, while the case with the barnacle shows a faster and linear increase. Off the finer part of the mesh shown in
Figure 3 which extends 4 chords downstream of the blade, the mesh is too coarse and diffuses the vortexes too quickly to follow the evolution of the wake thickness. It would be interesting to know if, further downstream, the wake thickness of the case without a barnacle eventually catches up with the one of the case with a barnacle.