1. Introduction
Photovoltaic (PV) systems are a cost–effective option to face the world’s recent environmental and energy challenges. In 2020, installed PV capacity reached 107 GW, and this figure is expected to keep on increasing by an average of 125 GW between 2021 and 2025 [
1]. The rapid expansion of such systems requires paying special attention to the development of tools that are able to analyze and predict the behavior of PV sources in order to design suitable sizing and planning strategies.
When analyzing the behavior of PV arrays, aspects such as power generation, shading impact, Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) controller design [
2], and degradation are examined. However, power generation is one of the most important aspects because it is associated with performance and reliability. The power output in PV systems is mainly affected by partial shading, a condition that forces the shaded cells to consume power rather than produce it [
3]. This condition imposes a negative voltage on its terminals, making the cell operate in the second quadrant
(negative cell voltage and positive cell current, thus consuming power).
Figure 1 shows the experimental I–V curve of a monocristaline cell with short-circuit current
A and open-circuit voltage
V. Such a figure shows both the first and second quadrants
, respectively, where
exhibits positive cell voltage and current, hence producing power. Finally, the operation of the cell in
is also known as reverse mode.
The first step in performing a proper analysis of PV arrays is to represent the operation of the PV cells and modules using circuit models such as the Single Diode Model (SDM), which is widely used due to its tradeoff between complexity and accuracy [
4], or the Double Diode Model (DDM), which is more accurate to represent the p–n junction at low irradiance levels [
5]. The Bishop model [
6], for its part, aims to represent the behavior of a PV cell operating under partial shading conditions, which requires considering the second quadrant (
). Another model designed to study the behavior of PV cells under partial shading conditions is the Direct Reverse Model (DRM). This model is able to reproduce the operation of cells in either direct or reverse biasing modes to account for the influence of variations in temperature and solar irradiance [
The previous mathematical models require the accurate identification of a set of parameters to obtain a high–performance in the reproduction of the cell behavior. Several parameter estimation techniques have been reported in the literature for the different PV cell models. Those techniques can be divided into three categories: analytical, metaheuristic and hybrid techniques [
8]. Each of these techniques require some initial data, which can be obtained from the manufacturer’s datasheet or from experimental tests.
Analytical techniques use a series of mathematical equations for parameter extraction, which, in some cases, can result in a high computational burden and complex mathematical operations, which increases the computational time [
8]. Metaheuristic techniques define the parameter identification problem as an optimization problem [
4]. These are a promising alternative because they do not require an accurate mathematical model; instead, they need an objective function and a parameter search range, which can be more effective and less time consuming. Furthermore, those techniques evolve several individuals for the problem, which reduces the procedure’s sensitivity to the initial guess and provides a strong ability to jump out of a local optima [
8]. Finally, hybrid techniques extract some of the initial parameters using analytical approaches, while the rest of the parameters are estimated by means of optimization algorithms.
Recent publications on the parameter estimation problem suggest that metaheuristics methods have become a relevant research area for all PV circuit models. For instance, the Slime Mold Algorithm (SMA) [
9], the Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm (GOA) [
10], Principal Component Analysis (PCA) [
11], Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) [
12], Triple-Phase Teaching–Learning–Based Optimization (TPTLBO) [
13], and Perturbed Stochastic Fractal Search (pSFS) [
14] have been used to extract the parameters of the SDM. For DDM, some of the solutions that have been adopted include the moth flame optimization [
15], improved differential evolutionary algorithm [
16], the Pattern Search (PS) algorithm [
5], the Crow Search Algorithm [
17], and the Wind-Driven Optimization (WDO) algorithm [
18]. However, Genetic Algorithms (GA) are the most widely adopted solution for the parameter estimation in PV systems. For example, the work reported in [
19] proposes a new variant of the GA, which integrates a new crossover operation to maintain a good balance between the intensification of the best solutions and the diversification of the search space; such a solution was designed to identify the electrical parameters of different PV cell models (SDM and DDM). Similarly, in [
20] the authors extract the solar cell parameters for a Kyocera panel (KC200GT) using GA. In [
21], an inverse modeling method for PV panel is proposed, which is based on parameter identification through GA. Such a process generates random groups of 5 parameters which are entered into the SDM; then, the parameters that generate a power output most similar to the experimental value are selected. On the other hand, ref. [
22] proposes an algorithm for datasheet parameter extraction of photovoltaic modules using the SDM, where the extracted parameters are obtained by approximation using a GA. Authors in [
23] present the implementation of a continuous population genetic optimization algorithm (CGA) as a solution method for the parameter estimation of the diode model (SDM) in a PV panel from experimental data. Such a procedure was validated with four different panels: Solarex MSX60, SOLAR SJ65, KYOCERA KC200GT, and STP245S.
Although the Bishop model is one of the most cited and used models to represent a PV cell operating under partial shading conditions [
26], there is not a clear procedure to estimate its parameters; instead, authors typically use parameters already reported in the literature. A similar situation occurs for the DRM [
27]. Given the importance of having an accurate model for PV power generation analysis under partial shading conditions, there is a need for procedures to identify the parameters of the models. Moreover, procedures with a good relationship between complexity and accuracy, and the ability to be applied for different PV models, are also needed.
Therefore, this paper presents a behavior comparison between three models (SDM, Bishop, DRM) when the estimation of the current vs. voltage (I–V) curve in both and is needed. For this analysis, the first stage consists in estimating the parameters of the SDM, the Bishop model, and the DRM using genetic algorithms and Simulink simulations. Thus, the parameters to be estimated, the objective function, and the set of restrictions considered in the mathematical formulation for each model, are proposed. This study was validated by comparing two error measures (RMSE and MAPE) obtained from the I–V curve reconstruction of an experimental PV cell for each model, i.e., in both the first () and second () quadrants. Also, the result of the estimation of some points of interest, such as short–circuit current (), open–circuit voltage (), and voltage and current at the maximum power point (, ) were evaluated and analyzed for each model. Finally, this work provides an estimation guide for modeling the behavior in the first and second quadrants, which is essential for evaluating power losses in photovoltaic systems under partial shadowing.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows.
Section 2 presents the main characteristics of the models.
Section 3 describes the parameter estimation proposed here, which adopts the GA and Simulink simulations.
Section 4 discusses the results of the proposed parameter estimation procedure. Finally,
Section 5 draws the conclusions of the research.
3. Proposed Parameter Estimation Technique
The parameter estimation problem for each model presented in
Section 2 was solved using the GA. Each step of the estimation process, which are explained in the next subsections, are related to the fitness function and the search space constrains, both of which must be accurately defined to avoid falling into a local minimum. A set of constrains, determined by the search space of the parameters when modeling PV cells, must also be defined. The literature describes the search space for the SDM and DDM of PV cells [
42] to represent only
. Those ranges can be applied to the parameters that are shared by the Bishop model and the DRM; however, search ranges for the parameters that determine the behavior of PV cells in
are also required. In the DRM, these ranges can be obtained using information contained in the experimental data of the I–V curve.
3.1. Initial Population
A set of solution vectors is randomly generated within the search space to establish the current population, whose size is denoted by the population size (p). All solution vectors in the initial population must be different (diversity criterion). Then, the fitness function of each solution vector is evaluated, and that with the minimum value is selected as the incumbent.
3.2. Selection
Chosen randomly from the initial population, with a length given by a random integer (r). Therefore, to complete the new population, r–p solution vectors must be created. Next, a pair of solution vectors, which are named parents, are selected to proceed to the crossover stage.
3.3. Crossover
In this stage, the two solution vectors selected are combined to produce a new vector called offspring, for which a parent crossing point is chosen. Thus, offspring will carry information from both parents.
3.4. Mutation
This operation produces spontaneous changes in offspring. It is a random alteration of the value at an offspring’s position.
3.5. Population Update
The algorithm repeats the selection, crossover, and mutation processes until p children are created. The fitness function of the offspring population must also be evaluated. Offspring and the initial population are concatenated, and then sorted in ascending order based on the evaluation of their fitness function. The first best p solution vectors will be selected as the initial population of the next generation.
3.6. Stopping Criterion
In this study, the stop criterion is the maximum number of iterations for the estimation process (itermax), which are referred to as generations. Algorithm 1 presents the pseudocode of the GA described above.
Algorithm 1: Pseudocode of GA applied to PV cell parameter estimation. |
![Computation 10 00111 i001]() |
3.7. Fitness Function
The fitness function (
FF) of the optimization problem addressed in this study, is to minimize the root mean square error (
RMSE) between the cell current measured in the experimental tests (
) and the value estimated with the optimization technique (
), as shown in Equation (
results from evaluating the implicit Equations (
1) and (
3) using the Newton Raphson method and the estimated parameters.
is the solution vector, which includes the unknown parameters of the model to be identified and
N is the number of samples.
Table 1 presents the coding for the optimization problem considered here, which, as stated in the previous section, depends on the adopted PV model since each model has a specific number of parameters that describe its I–V characteristics.
3.8. Problem Constrains
The constraints of the optimization problem correspond to the search ranges of the parameters to be estimated, which are defined in Equations (
6)–(13). Those parameters correspond to the models reported in
Section 2, where the search ranges should be respected to ensure a correct estimation of the parameters in each model as presented in
Table 2.
4. Results and Discussion
The I–V curve for the validation process was obtained from a monocrystalline cell with the following electrical characteristics, which was exposed to an irradiance of 1008 W/m2 and a temperature of 47.8 C:
Short-circuit current A
Open-circuit voltage V
Maximum power current A
Maximum power voltage V
The models were simulated in MATLAB
® R2021a on a computer with an Intel Core i5–5200U 2.2 GHz processor, 8 GB of RAM, and Windows 10 pro. The results obtained with each model, which are presented in the next subsection, were contrasted with the I–V curve obtained experimentally.
Table 3 reports the values of the constraints (i.e., the range of the parameters) used for the estimation problem addressed in this study.
The number of individuals per population and the maximum number of iterations were defined by evaluating the GA in a range of
individuals per population and
Figure 5 illustrates the tuning results for the SDM. As observed in
Figure 5a, there is an increment in the number of individuals per population and a decrement in the average value of the objective function with a decreasing number of iterations.
Figure 5b shows the contour of the surface, which reports that the objective function reaches its minimum value with 65 individuals and after 1500 iterations. A parameter tuning was performed to determine the best number of individuals and iterations for estimating the parameters of each model.
Table 4 shows the results of that tuning process.
Then, 100 repetitions of the parameter estimation algorithm (Algorithm 1) were evaluated using the GA variables provided in
Table 4 for each model, where the mean and standard deviation of each estimated parameter of the SDM, Bishop model, and DRM were calculated. Those metrics were also computed for the root mean square error (RMSE), the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), and the computational time of each model, as reported in
Table 5.
According to
Table 5, parameters
have the highest standard deviation, although the RMSE and the MAPE values are considerably low for the three models. This put into evidence the impact of the
parameter in the zone near to
, which is the beginning of the
zone. The low computation time of Bishop’s model supposes that the tunning parameters of GA are suitable for the number of parameters to estimate. In the case of SDM, computation time is higher since it has three times more iterations; a proper estimation of its parameters is a crucial task to ensure an accurate parameter estimation in
. The parameters of the DRM in reverse mode, and reported in
Figure 4, were estimated following the instructions provided in [
30]. First, it was necessary to identify the zones that could be linearized; in this case, the blue, red, and gray regions highlighted in
Figure 6 are the zones to be linearized. Breakdown voltages
, and
correspond to the points on the curve where the linear zone begins, i.e., 0 V, 2.318 V and 5.979 V, respectively. The values of the resistors (
), which correspond to the slopes of the linear zones, were calculated through Ohm’s Law using the extreme points of the corresponding linear zone.
The circuit in
Figure 4 was simulated in Simulink to obtain the I–V curve for the DRM. Then, an interpolation with the voltage vector of the experimental data was performed to compare the results of the cell current estimated by the DRM with that predicted by the SDM and the Bishop model.
Figure 7 illustrates the I–V curves obtained with each model using the best population function results taken from
Table 6. In
, the three models show a high accuracy between simulation and experimental data. In
, the Bishop model provides the best result, while the SDM and the DRM exhibit a decrease in their accuracy.
The accuracy of the curve for the DRM depends on the linear zones chosen for the I–V characterization, as well as on the precise calculation of the number of branches. Moreover, the estimation of the parameters that define the DRM model in the first quadrant are the same ones used for the SDM, and those were estimated using only the information of the experimental I–V curve in the first quadrant. Finally, those parameters also affect the behavior of the models in the second quadrant ().
On the other hand, it is observed that the estimation provided by the SDM did not have a good approximation in . This model presents a linear behavior for , thus the breakdown voltage is not observed. Here, for the parametrization of this model, the whole information of the experimental I–V curve was used ( and ).
Table 7 presents the relative error of the main points of interest, i.e.,
, and
. The three models show low error values, making them suitable for applications where the delivered power needs to be estimated [
As observed in
Figure 8, the SDM and the Bishop model exhibit high accuracy for
representation, especially at the Maximum Power Point (MPP), which is the most relevant point for power analysis. For the DRM, there is a significant difference in the estimation of
, while the estimation of
exhibits a lower difference. However, both differences affect the estimated location of the maximum power point (MPP) in comparison with the one obtained in the experimental stage.
Figure 9 shows the power vs. voltage (P–V) curves near the MPP obtained with each model. Such curves were generated using the best population function results taken from
Table 6. In this case, the Bishop model and SDM provide the best results for MPP estimation based on the experimental data. The Bishop model exhibits the smallest estimation error of
, while the error provided by SDM is
. On the other hand, the DRM presents an error of
, which is the highest deviation obtained.
Figure 10 depicts the errors obtained for the best estimation of the SDM, the Bishop model, and the DRM. For
, the SDM provides the best result for I–V characterization, while for
the Bishop model exhibits the lowest error. In the case of the DRM, the I–V characterization depends on the accurate parameter estimation in
, highlighting the impact of
as previously discussed.
5. Conclusions
This paper presented a simple strategy for the I–V characterization of a PV cell considering three PV models. This proposed strategy uses GA and Simulink to extract the parameters from an experimental I–V curve. The analysis results demonstrate that the SDM model does not correctly reproduce the cell behavior when the current grows exponentially while the voltage at the cell terminals grows negatively ().
The parameter estimation of the DRM model, which was carried out in two stages, demonstrated that estimating the parameters per quadrant has a negative influence in the model accuracy. When estimating the parameters of the first quadrant, exclusively using the experimental information related to that quadrant, the critical parameter
is not correctly identified, which is one of the parameters that imposes the behavior in the second quadrant. Moreover, the results reveal the need for a mathematical formulation that allows estimating the whole set of parameters of this particular model. Here, this procedure was developed with the circuital model evaluation in Simulink, which required the estimation of the five parameters for
described in
Table 1 and the calculation of the parameters for
Figure 6), in an independent way.
It is also important to highlight that the proposed procedure can be used, along with PV array modeling methodologies, to analyze the behavior of cells operating in both and , which is needed for power analysis and losses estimation during partial shading conditions. Future works could consider estimating energy per day, month, or year using the electrical representation described for the PV cell modeling. Also, another future work could consider to apply other optimization techniques to solve the parameter estimation problem, which may reduce both estimation errors and computation time.