Acceptance of Mobile Phone Return Programmes for Increased Resource Efficiency by Young People—Experiences from a German Research Project
:1. Introduction
How can the acceptance of mobile phone return programmes be increased and a more sustainable use of mobile phones be facilitated by using the concept of the “ecological rucksack”?
- What are the possibilities and potentials for a regular mobile phone return and recycling programme?
- What can a more sustainable value chain of mobile phones look like and to what extend will scarce resources promote a (sustainable) transition in the future?
- How can current consumer behaviour be characterized?
- What are the main barriers for a regulated return of mobile phones, preventing previous recycling campaigns from being successful?
- Are programmes for return and recycling of mobile phones a sustainable option in general?
2. Visualizing Environmental Impacts in the Value Chain by Using the Ecological Rucksack
2.1. Resource Extraction
2.2. Production
2.3. Use
2.4. Disposal
3. Methodology and Results
3.1. Methods
- Mobile phone ownership and use; e.g., meaning, time of usage, number ofold mobiles, recycling, and storage (barriers and motivating factors);
- Mobile phonesand sustainability; e.g., material/resources in a mobile phone, and individual perception of the connection between resource use of mobile phones (ecological rucksack) and sustainability;
- Your idea (collection ofideas, which can motivateyoung people toreturn old, unused mobiles).
- A 40–45 min problem-centered interview with the teenager, without a parent (here, the teenager was from 14 to 19 years old); focused on ICT, communications, mobile phones and mobile phone return and associated emotions;
- A 20–25 min problem-centered individual interview with a parent; focused on everyday recycling practices in the family, sustainability awareness and education about sustainability;
- A 20–25 min conversation with a youth and the parent together focusing on parent–child interaction (possibly with some elements of participant observation); focused on communication within the family, ideas for the use of old mobile phones.
3.2. Results
3.2.1. Production
3.2.2. Use
3.2.3. Recycling
Number/answer | Options/usage/ | Frequencies |
1 | Sell | 23.6% |
2 | Used by another family member | 58.6% |
3 | Give it away | 6.6% |
4 | Keep it as second mobile | 48.1% |
5 | Household waste | 1.4% |
6 | Return it to mobile phone shop | 2.8% |
7 | Mobile phone collection box | 3.2% |
8 | Return to (charity) organisation | 1.5% |
9 | Yellow bin for electronic waste | 1.1% |
10 | Recycling bag of mobile phone provider | 0.4% |
11 | I didn’t know where to return is, therefore I kept it | 11.2% |
12 | I have never given thought to returning it, therefore I kept it | 18.1% |
13 | Other | 1.7% |
14 | n.a. | 3.9% |
Number/answer | Options/usage | Frequencies |
1 | I sell it to someone doing handicraft work | 8.2% |
2 | I keep it | 54.8% |
3 | I throw it away | 11.6% |
4 | I return it to the shop when buying a new one | 11.3% |
5 | I bring it to a mobile phone collection box | 8.5% |
6 | Other | 8.8% |
7 | n.a. | 7.0% |
4. Discussion: The Ecological Rucksack as Communication and Education Measure for Sustainable Mobile Telephony
5. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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Welfens, M.J.; Nordmann, J.; Seibt, A.; Schmitt, M. Acceptance of Mobile Phone Return Programmes for Increased Resource Efficiency by Young People—Experiences from a German Research Project. Resources 2013, 2, 385-405.
Welfens MJ, Nordmann J, Seibt A, Schmitt M. Acceptance of Mobile Phone Return Programmes for Increased Resource Efficiency by Young People—Experiences from a German Research Project. Resources. 2013; 2(3):385-405.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWelfens, Maria Jolanta, Julia Nordmann, Alexandra Seibt, and Martina Schmitt. 2013. "Acceptance of Mobile Phone Return Programmes for Increased Resource Efficiency by Young People—Experiences from a German Research Project" Resources 2, no. 3: 385-405.
APA StyleWelfens, M. J., Nordmann, J., Seibt, A., & Schmitt, M. (2013). Acceptance of Mobile Phone Return Programmes for Increased Resource Efficiency by Young People—Experiences from a German Research Project. Resources, 2(3), 385-405.