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Crises and Contagion in Equity Portfolios

Christos Floros
Dimitrios Vortelinos
* and
Ioannis Chatziantoniou
Department of Accounting and Finance and Laboratory of Accounting and Financial Management (LAFIM), Hellenic Mediterranean University, 71410 Heraklion, Greece
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Economies 2024, 12(7), 168;
Submission received: 29 May 2024 / Revised: 24 June 2024 / Accepted: 27 June 2024 / Published: 1 July 2024


We examine the international impact of recent financial crises on contagion dynamics within international equity portfolios. First, we highlight the importance of macroeconomics for portfolio weighting for each region, and then we examine contagion via a structural regime-switching model and a contagion test. We also examine sources of contagion using regime variables, crisis events, and macroeconomic variables. In particular, we study the Argentine debt crisis, the US financial crisis, and the EU sovereign debt crisis. The macroeconomic variables include changes in market capitalization, trade integration, GDP growth, inflation rate, and interest rate. We also employ two classifications, one relating to the portfolio weighting scheme and another one that considers implied global and regional betas. The empirical findings reveal the existence of financial contagion for all the crises that we investigate. Both methods produce similar results. Stronger contagion is evident for global rather than regional betas. Europe is the region with the highest level of contagion and the one mostly affected by the crises. As far as macroeconomic variables are concerned, they are very important in two ways. They statistically significantly explain contagion, while they also reveal contagion under various portfolio weighting schemes. Both methods suggest that the Argentinian crisis mainly contributes to contagion. The research implications suggest that asset allocation and portfolio management should consider both the global and the regional aspects of contagion as differences can occur.

1. Introduction

The international impact of the recent financial crises raises issues concerning the contagion (integration and comovements). Financial integration offers welfare gains; it may also carry substantial risks. This becomes more evident in crises (Devereux and Yu 2020). There is a transmission of crisis effects from one market to another (see, among others, Baele and Inghelbrecht 2010). Each crisis has different causes and consequences to financial markets. (Ehrmann et al. 2011) and (Gunay and Can 2022) researched the existence of contagion and spillovers in the global financial crisis.
The global financial crisis refers to the 2008 subprime crisis starting in the United States and having global consequences for a few years (Raddant and Kenett 2021). The 2010 EU sovereign debt crisis had similar international consequences (Shen et al. 2015). Contagion in the European Union during the global financial crisis and the European debt crisis were examined via ADCC-GJR-GARCH and Markov-switching models citepALEXAKIS2018222. The role of national governments (via the evolution of macroeconomics and policy making) in the EU debt crisis was also researched (Kosmidou et al. 2019).
In line with Corbet and Goodell (2022), we also opine that both financial contagion and systemic risk pose major considerations when it comes to financial market operations, while the investigation of interconnectedness dynamics has become one of major importance. Globalization dynamics and technological advancements have resulted in increased interconnectedness across financial markets and affect investments all over the world. In this paper, we consider cross-border investments and international portfolio contagion by looking into international equity markets (i.e., 4 regions/containments, 67 countries) and by further applying weights based on a set of macroeconomic variables that affect contagion dynamics.
The present paper makes a number of contributions to the literature. It extends the empirical findings provided by Cho et al. (2015) to the international stock markets. The augmented structural factor model of Cho et al. (2015) is employed to model shifts in integration and incorporate crisis dummies. It examines sixty international stock indices from sixty respective national stock exchanges instead of firm level data. The second contribution is whether certain portfolios based on national macroeconomic variables provide different contagion evidence than others. Moreover, the paper determines the value of the stock indices, either emerging or developed, and with different values of country characteristics (macroeconomic variables), on a regional and global level.
As far as the theoretical contributions of the paper are concerned, we add to the existing literature by considering various crises periods across the globe and by adopting different portfolio frameworks. For instance, we employ different weights for portfolio construction depending on the underlying macroeconomic variable. Moreover, we show that portfolio contagion is stronger in the global rather than the regional framework. In turn we find that market capitalization is the most appropriate macroeconomic variable to use in order to reveal contagion, compared to all other macroeconomic variables. We also show that Europe is the region mostly affected by crises and that the Argentinian crisis had a very pronounced effect across global economies. In this respect, we offer fresh insights regarding contagion in international equity portfolios, and we further provide fertile ground for future research on the relevant topic.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the literature review. Section 3 describes the dataset. In turn, Section 4 outlines methodology. Section 5 presents the empirical findings and the discussion, and Section 6 concludes.

2. Literature Review

Many scholars have recently been involved in research relating to the dynamics of contagion and financial interdependence. For instance, Corbet and Goodell (2022) stress the importance of investigating interconnectedness dynamics across firms, industries, and markets and provide evidence by considering reputational contagion. Furthermore, Corbet et al. (2022) offer valuable insights with regard to contagion dynamics by looking into the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for stock market performance. In turn, Bouzzine and Lueg (2020) look into the impact of contagion dynamics stemming from environmental violations on the stock market performance.
Different methods have been employed to study contagion in financial crises. A part of the literature employed the DCC-GARCH methodology to quantify the impact of a global financial crisis in the interdependence of the markets (Nguyen et al. 2022). The literature has also employed a Markov-switching Bayesian vector autoregression (MSBVAR) model to research contagion for the global financial crisis (Troug and Murray 2021). It is expected that a trade-off emerges between the probability of crises and the severity of crises (Devereux and Yu 2020). The importance of national or regional exposures to contagion was evident and increased due to the global financial crisis, however. These effects have not been researched a lot in the literature. There was evidence for the banking sector, however (Park and Shin 2020), as well as in equity markets (Trihadmini and Falinaty 2020).
Another stream of the literature examined the role of macroeconomics in the international impact of the recent financial crises in contagion (Jiang et al. 2022). The Mexican and Asian crises, originating in emerging markets, were considered to have mostly a regional impact, whereas the recent US and EU debt crises had a global impact. The global impact of global financial crisis and the European sovereign debt crisis were examined in BenSaïda and Litimi (2021). They found an increased degree of dependence for each crisis, suggesting strong evidence of contagion for both the global financial crisis and EU sovereign debt crisis. The strong impacts depend on the role of macroeconomics. This is because controlling the impact of macro variables that capture real or financial linkages on stock correlations is crucial for determining market overreactions to shocks (Pineda et al. 2022).
The internationalization of the impact of the financial crises was expressed in both trading as well as asset allocation. The literature examined such impact for the recent global and EU financial crises in an asset allocation framework. Such regional and global impacts affect portfolio diversification and asset allocation. Financial crises create international portfolio diversification opportunities as the extent of the contagion increases (Akhtaruzzaman et al. 2014). Cho et al. (2015) examined whether crises have different effects on style portfolios. Others researched international contagion (the transmission of financial shocks internationally) for US downturns and the global financial crisis (Akhtaruzzaman and Shamsuddin 2016). The literature attempted to conceptualize this impact in a portfolio framework (e.g., Shen and Li 2020).
The methodology employed is a regime-switching GARCH model in accordance with a world–regional–local CAPM, similar to Cho et al. (2015) and Baele and Inghelbrecht (2010). More of the recent studies include Shruthi and Shijin (2020), Dua and Tuteja (2021), and Bouker and Mansouri (2022), among others. This is a joint hypothesis problem of an appropriate factor specification of comovements. Moreover, Baele and Inghelbrecht (2010) and Ehrmann et al. (2011) contagion tests are employed to discover whether international equity portfolios experienced contagion effects through increased comovements during periods of financial crises. Ehrmann et al. (2011) examined the additional impact on comovement represented by a multi-factor model with global, regional, and country factors. The US and EU financial crises are expected to have a high global impact in international equity portfolios. Cho et al. (2015) found signs of contagion with a global impact for the US crisis (also evident in Bekiros 2014; Dungey and Gajurel 2014). Cho et al. (2015) also found a regional impact for the Mexican and Asian crises (also evident in Ehrmann et al. 2011), and a limited impact for the EU debt crisis. Similar evidence is expected for the international equity portfolios in the present paper.

3. Dataset

The dataset begins on 3 January 2000 and ends on 31 December 2016, for a total of 4264 trading days. All of the data have been extracted from Datastream. We have employed data only up to 2016, because we targeted only the examination of financial crises. A wider dataset should have included data within the COVID-19 pandemic. This would have affected our results, as the literature provided evidence that COVID-19 affected contagion (Akhtaruzzaman et al. 2021). After cleaning the dataset for common trading days in an international setting; the trading days were reduced to 3906. All of the stock market data are in US dollars. Table 1 reveals the countries (split in regions/continents) and their respective stock exchanges and indices. The symbols, as well as the regional and global weights based on trade integration, GDP, and stock market capitalization, are also provided. In terms of trade integration, the Americas and Europe have the highest and lowest weightings, respectively. In terms of GDP, USA and Africa have the highest and lowest weightings, respectively. In terms of stock market capitalization, Europe and Africa have the highest and lowest weightings, respectively. We may conclude that USA and Europe are the regions with the highest portfolio weightings. The region with the lowest portfolio weightings is Africa. Sixty-seven countries are researched across four regions.1
The countries selected are the countries with the most significant economies and stock markets in their regions/continents. The three financial crisis periods, following Cho et al. (2015), are: the Argentine debt crisis (1 December 2001–29 November 2002), the US financial crisis (18 July 2007–27 August 2009), and the EU debt crisis (8 December 2010–31 December 2011). Table 1 also reveals the regional (local) and the international significance of each country’s trade integration, gross domestic product (GDP), inflation rate, interest rate, and stock market capitalization of each country. A quarterly or monthly macro data series is retrieved by the Economic Outlook Database of the International Monetary Fund. For quarterly data, a linear interpolation based on the monthly ones is implemented.2
Table 2 presents the portfolio descriptive statistics. In terms of average portfolio values, the Americas and Europe have the highest values. In terms of portfolio standard deviations, Africa and Europe have the lowest values. In terms of portfolio Sharpe ratios, Europe and Asia have the highest values. In terms of cumulative return, the Americas with Europe second have the highest values, across all portfolio types. Regarding the overall portfolio performance by considering all portfolio descriptive estimates; Europe first and the Americas second are the best performers, with Africa last. By comparing portfolio types, the market capitalization seems to provide the best portfolio weighting scheme in terms of portfolio performance.

4. Methods

4.1. Structural Regime-Switching Factor Model

The present paper employs the Cho et al. (2015) structural regime-switching factor model in an asset (non-portfolio) CAPM model. The present paper’s model, as employed in Cho et al. (2015), concerns regional and international results and targets to capture key stylized facts like time varying betas, volatility clustering, volatility regimes, financial crises, and structural economic variables.
r i , t = μ i , t 1 + β i , t w e w , t + β i , t r e g e r e g , t + e j , t
where r i , t is the excess return on country i with μ i , t its time-varying mean (expected return); r r e g , t is the regional market return; e w , t is the global market shock ( r w , t = μ w , t 1 + e w , t ); e i , t is the country specific idiosyncratic shock; e r e g , t is the regional market shock (obtained from the regression r r e g , t = μ r e g , t 1 + β r e g , t w e w , t + e r e g , t );
Time varying betas are explained from both structural economics variables, a regime variable, and crisis dummies.
β i , t w = β 0 , i w S i , t + β 1 , t w X r e g , t 1 w + j = 1 5 γ j , i w D j , t
β i , t r e g = β 0 , i r e g S i , t + j = 1 5 γ j , i r e g D j , t
where β i , t w and β i , t r e g are the time-varying exposures of country i to the world and regional shocks; S i , t is a latent regime variable different for each country; X r e g , t 1 w are structural variables like trade integration (TI), gross domestic product (GDP), and stock market capitalization (MC) that are regionally or internationally aggregated; D j , t is a crisis dummy variable.
Following the specifications of Cho et al. (2015), the regional shocks e r e g , t are estimated by an asymmetric GARCH(1,1) t-student model, and the world (global) shocks e w , t by a regime-switching asymmetric GARCH(1,1) Normal model, respectively.
The model is estimated in three steps: First, the world shock is estimated; second, the regional shock is computed using the first step’s world shock, and finally, the full model is estimated for each country.

4.2. Contagion Test

Ehrmann et al. (2011) consider contagion as the excess comovement beyond fundamental linkages and suggest the following test for contagion:
e ^ i , t = v 0 + j = 1 3 v j D j , t + u i , t
where e ^ i , t is the estimated idiosyncratic return shocks of portfolio i, D j , t is a crisis dummy variable, and v j captures the contagion crisis effect.

5. Empirical Findings and Discussion

Empirical findings concern (i) the portfolio performance (different measures); (ii) the stylized facts of volatility regimes, financial crises, and structural economics variables (in a structural regime-switching model); and (iii) the contagion test (following Ehrmann et al. 2011) results.

5.1. Portfolio Performance

In the present subsection, the results concern the portfolio time-varying betas. These are indicated by the implied global and implied regional betas (see Table 3). They are also reported for various portfolio weighting schemes (market capitalization, trade integration, GDP, inflation, and interest rates). In terms of implied global betas, the highest and lowest concern Botswana and the United Arab Emirates. An interesting result is that the countries in the Americas have low average values of implied global betas. It is also noticeable that most of the countries, even in Africa or Asia, that should have been expected to have exceptionally high global betas did not. All regions had average implied global betas compatible with most of the countries of other regions; with the single exception of Africa. Moreover, there is a lot of dispersion among countries of the same region. This is why we provided the average implied regional betas.
Next, the average implied regional betas indicate the relative market risk of national stock indices within the region they belong to, and these are reported for various portfolio types (i.e., portfolio weighting schemes). Africa first with the Americas second are the regions where most of their regional countries have high implied regional betas. Europe has the lowest. The results are robust across most of the portfolio weighting schemes. A single exception is trade integration, for which the implied regional betas change a lot, with most of the countries having average implied regional betas higher than 1.

5.2. Stylized Facts

Table 4, Table 5, Table 6 and Table 7, as well as, Table 8, report the estimated coefficients for all types of international equity portfolios. The results from such a model are retrieved regionally and internationally and concern the stylized facts of volatility regimes, financial crises, and structural macroeconomic variables. The differences between the portfolio types are signified via their differences in the magnitude and statistical significance of the coefficients in the structural regime-switching factor models. The magnitude and statistical significance results are not contradictory. This is why we mostly concentrate on statistical significance.
The statistical significance in the structural regime-switching factor model is high for both global and regional betas. This result concerns all regions and most of the portfolio weighting schemes.
The single exception was market capitalization, for which the results for most of regions were statistically significant only for regional betas. This exception concerns the statistical significance of all coefficients (regime variables, crises, and macroeconomic variables) and the overall model significance (adjusted R-squared and F-test).
The following results concern most portfolio weighting schemes. By considering the majority of the countries within a region with statistically significant latent regime variables. Regarding crisis-coefficients (ARG, US, and EU), Europe was affected by all crises, Africa was affected only by the US crisis, the Americas region was affected by the Argentinian and US crises, and Asia was affected mostly by the Argentinian and US crises (and in some weighting schemes, from the EU crisis as well). The macroeconomic variables indicated a significantly greater affect (where most of the countries had statistically significant macro-coefficients (MC, TI, GDP, INF, INT)) for all regions, as well as for all portfolio weighting schemes (the single exception is the market capitalization scheme for global betas). The overall significance (F-stat) was impressively high and was mostly concentrated on the Americas and Europe. The adjusted R-squared values are not impressively high, however.

5.3. Contagion Test

Table 9, Table 10, Table 11 and Table 12, as well as Table 13, report the Ehrmann et al. (2011) contagion test results of all international equity portfolios while splitting them between the implied global and implied regional betas. The differences between the portfolio types are signified via their differences in the magnitude and statistical significance of the coefficients in the structural regime switching factor models. The magnitude and statistical significance results are not contradictory. This is why we mostly concentrate on statistical significance. The contagion effect is assessed by the v 0 coefficient, whereas the contagion from each crisis is indicated by the (Arg cr., US cr., and EU cr.) coefficients. They are all reported in Table 5A–E.
The most important result of the Ehrmann et al. (2011) contagion test was the indication of strong contagion. There were 3–4 regions with most of their countries having statistically significant contagion. This result holds for all portfolio weighting schemes. Specifically, across the portfolio weighting schemes, the presence of contagion was evident in all regions (in descending order): Europe (7 cases), Asia (5 cases), the Americas (3 cases), and Africa (2 cases). Furthermore, across all regions, the presence of contagion was evident in all portfolio weighting schemes (in a descending order): MC, GDP, and INT first with 4 cases per each scheme and TI and INF with 3 cases per each scheme. Moreover, across all regions and portfolio weighting schemes, the implied global betas had stronger indications of contagion compared to the implied regional betas (11 compared to 7 cases).
Overall, there was no strong evidence in favor of crises causing contagion on a regional level with either global or regional implied betas. There were many countries from all regions with statistically significant crisis-coefficients, however, on a country level. The Argentinian crisis was the crisis that affected mostly contagion, with EU second and US third. The Argentinian crisis caused contagion in three cases: in Africa (on trade-integration- and GDP-based portfolios for implied global betas) and Asia (on trade-integration-based portfolios for implied regional betas). The EU crisis was responsible for contagion in a few cases only: in Africa (on inflation-rate- and interest-rate-based portfolios for the implied global betas) and the Americas (on trade-integration-based portfolios for implied regional betas). The US crisis was responsible for contagion in a single case only: in the Americas on GDP-based portfolios for implied global betas.

6. Concluding Remarks

The Americas and Europe had the highest portfolio weights across the weighting schemes. Furthermore, they were the regions with the best portfolio performance across the portfolio weighting schemes. The market capitalization was the best portfolio weighting scheme in terms of portfolio performance. It revealed the inter-relation of market capitalization (via liquidity) that drives portfolio performance. For the average values of the implied global betas, Europe and Africa were the regions with the lowest and highest dispersion in either implied global or implied regional betas across regional countries. The results in average implied global or regional betas are robust across most of the portfolio weighting schemes. The single exception is the trade integration portfolio weighting scheme, for which both the implied global and regional betas increased across all regions and all countries.
The structural regime-switching factor model revealed strong evidence of contagion across all regions, portfolio types, and for both global and regional betas. Regime variables, crises variables, and macroeconomic variables revealed contagion (were statistically significant). Europe was the region that was mostly affected by the crises. The macroeconomic variables statistically significantly explained betas. Moreover, the overall model significance was high. The Argentinian crisis first and the US crisis second mostly affected contagion across all regions and portfolio types, as well as both global and regional implied betas.
The Ehrmann et al. (2011) contagion test revealed strong contagion across all regions and portfolio types (weighting schemes) and for both global and regional betas. Europe was the region with the strongest evidence of contagion. Stronger contagion was evident for the implied global rather than regional betas. There was no strong evidence of crisis contagion on a regional level. There was on a country level, however. The Argentinian crisis was the most contagion influential crisis, however.
The research implications suggest that asset allocation and portfolio management should consider both the global and the regional aspect of contagion, as differences can occur. In addition, portfolio construction should involve a careful consideration of the underlying impact of the macroeconomic variables considered in this study, as some macroeconomic variables appear to reveal contagion better than others. Finally, it is also important to consider which macroeconomic variable is mainly affected by a given crisis event in order to better understand the impact of contagion on portfolio performance. It is also evident that market capitalization is a very important macroeconomic variable to consider in both the Americas and Europe as it leads to both stronger contagion and portfolio performance. Finally, trade integration is a more important variable to consider in emerging economies.
Turning to the limitations and the future work related to the study, indeed, important events that happened in the years following 2016 cannot be captured; this is due to the data availability at present. Nonetheless, we intend to investigate more recent events in the near future in order to further include events such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russia–Ukrainian war.
These results should be considered by investors and risk managers. The use of macroeconomic variables as the main driver of a portfolio weighting scheme reveals their importance in asset allocation. This is true on both the international and regional levels. Higher importance comes for the regional portfolios as the dispersion of results is higher on a regional than international level.

Author Contributions

C.F.: project administration, supervision, formal analysis, writing—original draft, D.V.: conceptualization, methods, data curation, formal analysis, writing—original draft, I.C.: supervision, validation, formal analysis, writing—original draft. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

The data can be available upon request.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


(i) Americas: Argentina (ARG), Brazil (BRA), Canada (CAN), Chile (CHL), Colombia (COL), Jamaica (JAM), Mexico (MEX), Panama (PAN), Peru (PER), United States of America (USA) and Venezuela (VEN); (ii) Asia: Australia (AUS), Bangladesh (BGD), China (CHN), Hong Kong SA (HKG), India (IND), Indonesia (IDN), Israel (ISR), Japan (JPN), Jordan (JOR), Malaysia (MYS), New Zealand (NZL), Oman (OMN), Pakistan (PAK), Philippines (PHL), Saudi Arabia (SAU), Singapore (SGP), South Korea (KOR), Taiwan Province of China (TWN), Thailand (THA), and United Arab Emirates (ARE); (iii) Europe: Austria (AUT), Belgium (BEL), Bulgaria (BGR), Croatia (CRO), Cyprus (CYP), Czech Republic (CZE), Denmark (DEN), Estonia (EST), Finland (FIN), France (FRA), Germany (DEU), Greece (GRC), Hungary (HUN), Ireland (IRL), Italy (ITA), Latvia (LVA), Lithuania (LTU), Luxembourg (LUX), Malta (MLT), Netherlands (NLD), Norway (NOR), Portugal (PRT), Romania (ROU), Russia (RUS), Slovak Republic (SVK), Spain (ESP), Sweden (SWE), Switzerland (CHE), Turkey (TUR), Ukraine (UKR), and United Kingdom (GBR); and (iv) Africa: Botswana (BWA), Egypt (EGY), Kenya (KEN), Mauritius (MUS), and South Africa (ZAF).
Trade integration is measured as the ratio of international trade (import plus exports) of a country over the country’s GDP.


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Table 1. Description of the dataset.
Table 1. Description of the dataset.
Trade IntegrationGDPStock Market Capitalization
CountryStock ExchangeIndexSymbolRegionalInternationalRegionalInternationalRegionalInternational
AFRICA AFR 9.70% 0.92% 7.19%
BotswanaBotswana stock exchangeBotswana Gaborone Index (BGSMDC)BWA35.56%3.45%2.26%0.02%29.32%2.11%
EgyptEgyptian exchangeEgypt Stock Market (EGX30)EGY−7.88%−0.76%33.67%0.31%16.32%1.17%
KenyaNairobi stock exchangeNairobi Securities Exchange 20 share index (N20I)KEN51.28%4.97%6.81%0.06%15.70%1.13%
MauritiusMauritius stock exchangeMauritius Stock Exchange Semdex Index (SEMDEX)MUS−44.42%−4.31%1.73%0.02%21.85%1.57%
South AfricaJohannesburg stock exchangeFTSE/JSE Africa All Shares Index (JALSH)ZAF65.45%6.35%55.52%0.51%16.80%1.21%
AMERICAS AME 66.54% 36.05% 15.47%
ArgentinaArgentina stock exchangeArgentina Merval Index (MERVAL)ARG17.53%11.66%1.96%0.71%7.46%1.15%
BrazilBrazil Stock Market (BOVESPA)Ibovespa Brasil Sao Paulo Stock Exchange Index (IBOV)BRA5.70%3.80%7.50%2.70%7.51%1.16%
CanadaToronto stock exchange (TMX)S&P/Toronto Stock Exchange Composite Index (SPTSX)CAN6.42%4.27%7.11%2.56%9.50%1.47%
ChileSantiago stock exchangeSantiago Stock Exchange Ipsa Index (IPSA)CHL13.12%8.73%0.89%0.32%9.40%1.45%
ColombiaBolsa de Valores de Colombia (BVC)IGBC indexCOL11.64%7.75%1.18%0.42%8.90%1.38%
JamaicaJamaica stock exchangeJamaica Stock Exchange Market Index (JMSMX)JAM1.65%1.10%0.06%0.02%10.04%1.55%
MexicoMexico Stock Market (IPC)Mexican Stock Exchange Mexican Bolsa Ipc Index (MEXBOL)MEX0.84%0.56%5.19%1.87%9.40%1.45%
PanamaPanama Stock Market (BVPSI)Bolsa de Valores de Panama General Index (BVPSBVPS)PAN0.02%0.02%0.12%0.04%9.85%1.52%
PeruBolsa de Valores de Lima (BVL)Bolsa de Valores de Lima General Sector Index (IGBVL)PER12.04%8.01%0.61%0.22%9.20%1.42%
United StatesNASDAQ Stock MarketNasdaq Composite Index (CCMP)USA−1.57%−1.04%74.32%26.80%8.80%1.36%
VenezuelaVenezuela Stock Market (IBVC)Caracas Stock Exchange Stock Market Index (IBVC)VEN32.61%21.70%1.04%0.38%9.95%1.54%
ASIA ASI 22.63% 30.19% 32.90%
AustraliaAustralian Securities Exchange (ASE)Australian Stock Exchange All Ordinaries Index (AS30)AUS27.89%6.31%6.09%1.84%5.37%1.77%
BangladeshDhaka stock exchange (DSE)Dhaka Stock Exchange Index (DHAKA)BGD−25.81%−5.84%0.63%0.19%5.12%1.68%
ChinaShanghai stock exchange (SSE)Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite Index (SHCOMP)CHN−4.17%−0.94%28.84%8.71%8.55%2.81%
Hong Kong SARHong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEx)Hang Seng CSI Shanghai-Hong Kong AH Smart Index (HSI)HKG−1.57%−0.36%1.36%0.41%4.61%1.52%
IndiaNational Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE)S&P Bse Sensex Index (SENSEX)IND−20.30%−4.59%7.64%2.31%6.36%2.09%
IndonesiaIndonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)Jakarta composite index (JCI)IDN48.93%11.07%3.13%0.95%5.50%1.81%
IsraelTel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE)Tel Aviv 25 Index (TA-25)ISR−4.67%−1.06%1.23%0.37%3.90%1.28%
JapanJapan Exchange Group (JPX)Nikkei 225 (NKY)JPN−8.16%−1.85%30.86%9.32%4.37%1.44%
JordanAmman Stock Exchange (ASE)Amman Stock Exchange General Index (JOSMGNFF)JOR−25.79%−5.84%0.13%0.04%4.87%1.60%
MalaysiaBursa Malaysia (KLSE)Ftse Bursa Malaysia Klci Index Kuala Lumpur Composite Index (FBMKLCI)MYS10.19%2.30%1.26%0.38%4.68%1.54%
New ZealandNew Zealand Stock Market (NZX)New Zealand Exchange 50 Gross Index (NZSE50FG)NZL14.27%3.23%0.78%0.23%4.31%1.42%
OmanMuscat Securities Market (MSM)Muscat Securities Msm 30 Index (MSM30)OMN54.00%12.22%0.29%0.09%5.08%1.67%
PakistanIslamabad Stock Exchange (ISE)Karachi Stock Exchange Kse100 Index (KSE100)PAK−4.17%−0.94%0.98%0.30%3.14%1.03%
PhilippinesPhilippine Stock Exchange (PSE)Philippines Stock Exchange Ps Ei Index (PCOMP)PHL-26.35%−5.96%1.01%0.31%3.96%1.30%
Saudi ArabiaSaudi Stock Exchange (Tadawul)Tadawul All Share Index (TASI)SAU67.28%15.23%2.82%0.85%4.93%1.62%
SingaporeSingapore Exchange (SGX)Singapore exchange market index (SGX)SGP−1.47%−0.33%1.17%0.35%5.24%1.72%
South KoreaKorea stock exchange (KRX)Korea Stock Exchange Kospi Index (KOSPI)KOR−4.61%−1.04%6.15%1.86%6.23%2.05%
Taiwan Province of ChinaTaiwan Stock Exchange (TWSE)Taiwan Stock Exchange Weighted Index (TWSE)TWN−27.74%−6.28%2.51%0.76%4.19%1.38%
ThailandThailand Stock Market (SET)Stock Exchange Of Thailand Set Index (SET)THA5.87%1.33%1.56%0.47%5.24%1.72%
United Arab EmiratesUnited Arab Emirates Stock Market (ADX)Dubai Financial Market General Index (DFMGI)ARE26.39%5.97%1.56%0.47%4.37%1.44%
EUROPE EUR 1.13% 32.84% 44.43%
AustriaAustria Stock Market (WBI)Vienna Stock Exchange130245 Austrian Traded Index (ATX)AUT−148.60%−1.68%1.97%0.65%3.29%1.46%
BelgiumBrussels Stock Exchange (BSE)Bel 20 Index (BEL20)ΒeΛ−39.74%−0.45%2.41%0.79%3.11%1.38%
BulgariaBulgaria Stock Market (SOFIX)Bulgaria Stock Exchange Sofix Index (SOFIX)BGR−228.25%−2.58%0.22%0.07%3.65%1.62%
CroatiaZagreb Stock Exchange (ZSE)Croatia Zagreb Stock Exchange Crobex Index (CRO)CRO−124.08%−1.40%0.29%0.09%3.64%1.62%
CyprusCyprus Stock Exchange (CSE)Cyprus Stock Exchange General Index (CYSMMAPA)CYP30.67%0.35%0.11%0.04%2.60%1.15%
Czech RepublicPrague Stock Exchange (PSE)Prague Stock Exchange Index (PX)CZE−188.59%−2.13%0.91%0.30%3.87%1.72%
DenmarkCopenhagen Stock Exchange (CSE)OMX Copenhagen 20 index (KFX)DNK166.65%1.88%1.61%0.53%2.88%1.28%
EstoniaTallinn Stock Exchange (TSE)Omx Tallinn Index (TALSE)EST200.38%2.27%0.10%0.03%4.49%2.00%
FinlandOMX Helsinki (OMXH)Omx Helsinki Index (HEX)FIN141.38%1.60%1.30%0.43%3.36%1.49%
FranceEuronext ParisCac 40 Index (CAC)FRA114.39%1.29%13.79%4.53%3.28%1.46%
GermanyFrankfurt Stock Exchange (FWB)Deutsche Boerse Ag German Stock Index Dax (DAX)DEU-188.26%−2.13%17.63%5.79%2.68%1.19%
GreeceGreece Stock Market (ASE)Athens Stock Exchange General Index (ASE)GRE−466.40%−5.28%1.43%0.47%2.98%1.32%
HungaryBudapest Stock Exchange (BUX)Budapest Stock Exchange Budapest Stock Index (BUX)HUN−214.57%−2.43%0.65%0.21%3.24%1.44%
IrelandIrish Stock Exchange (ISE)Irish Stock Exchange Overall Index (ISEQ)IRL−158.80%−1.80%1.21%0.40%3.26%1.45%
ItalyItalian stock exchange (MIB)Ftse Mib Index (FTSEMIB)ITA−141.16%−1.60%10.81%3.55%2.95%1.31%
LatviaRiga Stock Exchange (RSE)OMX Riga (OMXR)LVA−62.84%−0.71%0.13%0.04%4.05%1.80%
LithuaniaVilnius Stock Exchange (VSE)OMX Vilnius (OMXV)LTU−100.11%−1.13%0.19%0.06%3.08%1.37%
LuxembourgLuxembourg Stock Exchange (LUX)Luxembourg Stock Exchange Lux X Index (LUXXX)LUX38.58%0.44%0.26%0.08%3.07%1.37%
MaltaMalta Stock Exchange (MALTEX)Malta Stock Exchange (MALTEX)MLT−66.73%-0.75%0.04%0.01%2.80%1.24%
NetherlandsAmsterdam Stock Exchange (AMX)Amsterdam Stock Exchange Amsterdam Midkap Index (AMX)NLD−82.38%−0.93%4.27%1.40%3.05%1.36%
NorwayNorway Stock Market (OBX)Oslo Stock Exchange All Share Index (OSEAX)NOR629.64%7.12%2.10%0.69%3.31%1.47%
PortugalLisbon Stock Exchange (LSE)Portugal PSI 20 Index (PSI20)PRT−636.74%−7.20%1.17%0.38%3.21%1.42%
RomaniaBucharest Stock Exchange (BSE)Bucharest Stock Exchange Trading Index (BET)ROU380.70%4.31%0.76%0.25%3.62%1.61%
RussiaMoscow Interbank Currency Exchange (MICEX)Micex Index (INDEXCF)RUS1372.99%15.53%6.88%2.26%3.13%1.39%
Slovak RepublicBratislava Stock Exchange (BSE)Slovak Share Index (SKSM)SVK−266.50%−3.01%0.38%0.13%3.61%1.61%
SpainMadrid Stock Exchange (MSE)Madrid Stock Exchange IBEX 35 Index (IBEX)ESP−151.99%−1.72%6.94%2.28%3.70%1.65%
SwedenStockholm Stock Exchange (SSE)OMX Stockholm 30 Index (OMX)SWE−57.17%−0.65%2.43%0.80%2.70%1.20%
SwitzerlandSwiss Exchange (SIX)Swiss Exchange (SIX)CHE−115.91%−1.31%2.74%0.90%3.15%1.40%
TurkeyIstanbul Stock Exchange (ISE)Borsa Istanbul 100 Index (XU100)TUR−161.64%−1.83%3.28%1.08%2.87%1.27%
UkraineUkrainian Stock Exchange (PFTS)Ukrainian Equities Index (UX)UKR658.62%7.45%0.65%0.21%3.00%1.33%
United KingdomLondon stock exchange (LSE)FTSE 100 Index (UKX)GBR−33.55%−0.38%13.36%4.39%2.40%1.07%
ALL ALL 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Notes: Table 1 describes the dataset. It includes the countries examined, their respective stock exchanges, main stock indices, and symbols. It also includes the average values of the international and regional significance of each country and region (for international significance) for different weighting schemes (e.g., trade integration, GDP, and stock market capitalization).
Table 2. Portfolio performance.
Table 2. Portfolio performance.
AverageStandard DeviationSharpe RatioCumulative Return
Market Capitalization0.00390.04600.00553.8 × 10 4 0.02210.37470.04410.00380.97451.311.201.490.19675.061.090.1166
Trade Integration3.7 × 10 4 0.02490.00730.01090.00210.20300.05880.11040.89650.12420.22810.28230.01872.741.463.39
Inflation Rate2.9 × 10 4 0.00240.01820.00680.00170.01990.14700.06830.89480.09770.17940.22200.01470.26813.642.10
Interest Rate0.00140.00660.00970.01560.00790.05370.07790.15800.91920.46960.86201.070.07050.72481.934.85
Notes: Table 2 presents the portfolio performance measures (average, standard deviation, Sharpe ratio, and cumulative return) of the different types of international equity portfolios.
Table 3. Average implied global and regional betas.
Table 3. Average implied global and regional betas.
Implied Global BetasImplied Regional Betas
South Africa0.08360.43890.03520.01790.02971.164.523.842.470.8541
Jamaica0.00340.00244.4 × 10 5 2.5 × 10 5 7.7 × 10 4 0.02200.00361.3 × 10 4 7.1 × 10 4 0.0080
Panama0.00699.1 × 10 5 1.8 × 10 4 2.2 × 10 4 0.00770.04479.1 × 10 5 5.4 × 10 4 0.00620.0810
United States0.00740.00570.14640.00360.00870.04810.00860.40590.10160.0913
Hong Kong SAR0.00225.2 × 10 4 5.9 × 10 4 0.00110.00190.00660.00230.00200.00150.0048
India0.01480.03250.01649.4 × 10 4 0.00430.04500.14370.05410.00120.0108
Indonesia0.00320.01960.00172.8 × 10 4 8.6 × 10 4 0.00970.08660.00553.7 × 10 4 0.0022
Jordan0.00330.01218.3 × 10 5 5.9 × 10 5 0.00160.01010.05322.7 × 10 4 7.8 × 10 5 0.0040
New Zealand0.03070.06970.00500.00460.01730.09310.30810.01680.00610.0432
Oman0.01970.14420.00114.7 × 10 4 0.02560.06000.63730.00346.2 × 10 4 0.0642
Saudi Arabia0.00540.05030.00280.00150.00390.01630.22230.00930.00200.0099
South Korea0.01430.00730.01300.00360.00780.04350.03220.04290.00480.0196
Taiwan Province of China0.06760.30750.03720.06950.09040.20511.360.12290.09220.2261
United Arab Emirates9.9 × 10 4 0.00413.3 × 10 4 2.3 × 10 4 0.00210.00300.01830.00113.0 × 10 4 0.0053
Croatia0.01550.01348.6 × 10 4 0.00590.00450.03491.190.00280.02890.0096
Cyprus0.02380.00728.3 × 10 4 0.00120.03740.05370.63400.00230.00570.0796
Czech Republic0.00360.00446.2 × 10 4 0.00140.00410.00800.39210.00190.00670.0088
Estonia0.04440.05056.7 × 10 4 0.00920.04120.09984.450.00220.04510.0876
Latvia0.03020.01196.7 × 10 4 0.00580.03110.06801.050.00220.02850.0661
Lithuania0.00990.00824.4 × 10 4 0.00390.00840.02230.72550.00140.01920.0179
Malta0.02680.01632.2 × 10 4 0.01540.01500.06061.448.7 × 10 4 0.07580.0319
Slovak Republic0.02300.04300.00190.00590.02650.05163.810.00540.02890.0564
United Kingdom0.02450.00870.10050.01470.02550.05490.76810.30590.07250.0543
Notes: Table 3 presents the average values of implied global (internationally aggregated) and regional (regionally aggregated) betas of all countries. MC, IT, GDP, INF, and INT refer to the respective portfolio weighting schemes: changes in market capitalization, trade integration , GDP growth, inflation rate, and interest rate, from which the betas are estimated.
Table 4. Structural regime-switching factor model on market-capitalization-based portfolios.
Table 4. Structural regime-switching factor model on market-capitalization-based portfolios.
Global BetasRegional Betas
β 0 w β 1 w ARG CrisisUS CrisisEU CrisisMCTIGDPINFINTadj. R 2 F Stat β 0 w β 1 w ARG CrisisUS CrisisEU CrisisMCTIGDPINFINTadj. R 2 F Stat
Botswana−27.634−34.292−34.29223.372−47.175 **−14.236−0.8781.476 **−1.266−0.5500.0681.135−0.499 **−0.389 **0.6711.067 *0.129 **−0.256 **−0.065 **−0.055 **0.087 **0.019 **0.1121.961 **
Egypt0.4865 **−0.374 **1.027 **0.973−0.740−2.632−0.375 **0.027 **0.960 *0.0400.0550.9150.0311.1841.379−1.854 **−1.9590.608−0.338 *0.094 **0.094 **0.242 **0.0580.957
Kenya18.90015.39635.040 **−16.909−27.446−5.81893.566 **2.253 *−26.874 **12.245 *0.1800.179 **0.809 **1.069 **−0.0941.077−0.0260.772 *−0.867−0.011 **0.320 **−0.170 **0.0981.700 *
Mauritius3.4130.949−9.760 *−3.2975.806−4.8124.311−1.299 *−0.4352.6760.0651.084−0.184 *0.133−0.028−0.228 **−0.669 **−0.105−0.329 **0.065 **0.016 **0.028 **0.0500.815 *
South Africa−1.706 *−2.1300.1292.807 **−1.196−3.5285.4020.094 **−1.2000.0700.0490.8201.474 **1.932 **1.136 **−0.976 **−0.5623.306 **−1.488−0.023 **−0.675−0.320 **0.1372.478 **
Argentina0.8202.516−2.504−2.165−1.723−6.6890.02210.878−1.341 *1.629 **0.0390.632−0.655−1.588 **−2.046 **−1.537 **1.0970.657−0.035−2.340−0.132−0.058 *0.0671.125
Brazil−0.977 **−0.977 **1.075 **0.748 **0.769 *−0.546−0.117 **0.080 **−0.157 *0.028 **0.1152.028 **−0.280−0.713 **−1.012−0.905 **0.644−0.381−0.026−0.104 **−0.367 **−0.050 **0.0631.049
Canada7.6152.131−1.123−1.123 *3.7652.2142.482−1.3553.669 *−0.9110.0390.039−0.501 **−0.667 **−0.848 **−1.248 **0.0910.0540.173 **−0.113 **0.311 **0.154 **0.0721.201
Chile−3.104−10.1823.070−16.019−7.192−15.02213.4320.186−18.776 *6.7800.0240.392−0.024 **−0.092 **−0.086 **−0.153 **0.171 **0.116 **−0.076 **−0.019 **0.375 **−0.046 **0.0500.824
Colombia−5.982 **−3.139 *0.2980.298−6.174 *−4.005−0.865 **0.475−0.056 *0.4210.0651.090−0.236 **−0.204 **−0.199 **−0.297 **0.085−0.019 **0.020 **−0.011 **−0.714 **0.025 **0.0600.989
Jamaica46.1844.877−19.65220.257−6.0634.73519.38619.386−0.10830.9730.0250.395−0.059 **0.201 **−0.406 **−0.0281.641 **−0.759 **0.016 **0.008 *0.081−0.090 **0.2495.162 **
Mexico−1.423−1.423−0.909−2.0691.019−4.791−0.2510.077 **−4.809 **1.121 **0.0621.037−0.186−0.332 **−0.762 **−1.542 **0.2230.299−0.063 **−0.080 **1.263 **0.188 **0.1612.985 **
Panama−9.6050.772−13.944−11.056−13.0530.3114.2253.6500.6452.7520.0240.3790.443 **0.173 **−0.711 **−0.142 **0.152−0.2630.202−0.104 **0.302 **0.094 **0.0921.582
Peru−0.083−0.7780.712−1.540−0.332−4.935 **0.6953.763 **−0.0450.362 **0.1061.886 **−0.333 **−0.220 **−0.191 **−0.296 **−0.123 **0.084 **0.062 **−0.020 **0.076 **−0.017 **0.0651.093
United States−3.083−1.261 *2.0100.145−0.9200.1663.043 *0.109 **−0.661 **0.0150.0751.2680.510 **−0.117 **−1.420−0.7790.2340.780−1.419−0.075 **−0.244 **0.165 **0.1252.227 **
Venezuela−0.425 **−0.093−0.185−0.185 *0.2420.713 **−0.111−0.044 **−0.278 **−0.035 **0.0390.039−0.087 **−0.309 **−0.144 **−0.571 **−0.134 **0.030−0.498 **0.006 **0.454 **0.090 **0.0671.126
Australia−1.452−4.301−1.233−6.066−13.007 **12.287 *−2.3830.749 **0.749−0.3910.0651.0860.024−0.087 *−0.131 **−0.180 **0.129 **−0.455 **0.110 **−0.071 **−0.075 **0.088 **0.0951.630 *
Bangladesh0.8171.2841.007−1.734−1.7081.811−1.704−1.2281.479−0.777 *0.0200.3131.780 **1.796 **−0.122 **−0.389 **−0.168 **−0.036 **−0.101 **0.049 **−0.454 **0.0020.1592.952 **
China−4.142−3.168−0.7581.726−1.9921.290−5.952 *0.158−4.896 **−1.786 **0.1060.106 **3.656 **3.406 **−0.789 **−0.996 *−0.0900.356−0.192−0.014 *0.0510.267 **0.1302.339 **
Hong Kong SAR1.9031.401−1.846 **1.397 **0.9484.703 **−2.633−0.029 **−2.084 **−0.441 **0.0621.0236.972 *6.922 *−0.195−1.961−0.619−1.5741.7710.014 **0.0780.542 **0.1542.834 **
India−43.779−52.495−2.343−20.970−12.942−56.845 *50.2720.255−5.7712.7680.0400.6491.282 **0.813 **−0.390 *−1.608−0.903−1.611−0.3850.068 **−0.0540.5310.0771.308
Indonesia1.4352.7404.379−1.167−6.984 *−4.394−3.3190.372 **0.135 *0.5220.0420.6761.912 **1.525 **−0.100 *−0.586 **0.0040.814 **−0.057−0.012 **0.095 **−0.157 **0.1242.215 **
Israel−3.248−1.490−3.394 *−0.3250.210−0.117−7.674−0.088−1.096 *−0.3070.0370.5992.561 **2.310 **0.033−0.844 **0.089 *−0.3722.9500.066 **−0.014 **0.175 **0.1803.416 **
Japan5.1772.9064.8022.611−5.324 **−5.088−8.7960.556 **4.395 *0.810 **0.0731.2278.437 **8.055 **−0.092−0.745 **−0.281 **0.764 *−1.817 **−0.035 **−0.218 **−0.104 **0.2404.919 **
Jordan28.34618.577−4.986−34.331 **0.71837.840 **9.022 *−0.333 **8.443 **3.0220.1532.813 **−0.032 **−0.043 **0.065 **−0.067 **−0.206 **−0.156 **0.076 **0.023 **−0.058 **0.031 **0.1202.127 **
Malaysia−2.037−3.726−7.148−3.180−5.377−19.308 *−2.2890.300 *0.2880.9150.0320.5140.666 **0.541 **0.066 *−0.327 **−0.052 **−0.602 **0.018 **0.015 **−0.055 **0.120 **0.0801.364
New Zealand13.14811.1591.283−1.466−14.293 *12.527 **−33.315 **0.577−13.415 **−2.4510.2054.024 **0.943 **0.763 **−0.0540.127 **0.549 **0.583 **0.575 **−0.047 **0.042 **−0.104 **0.1482.708 **
Oman38.748 **38.937 **−5.4251.257−2.5955.2432.038−0.3113.139−0.7630.0841.4273.956 **3.812 **−0.080 **−0.155 **−0.031 **0.341 **−0.038 **−0.017 **0.035 **−0.034 **0.3157.164 **
Pakistan−2.453−3.324−3.074−1.877−0.4211.7122.763−0.081−5.863−0.1370.0210.3391.783 **1.637 **0.344 **−0.319 **−0.162 **0.064−0.174 **−0.002 **0.1834 **0.0300.1512.782 **
Philippines−0.399−0.400−29.569 **−29.569−9.525−6.61019.407 **15.843−0.4233.0190.0740.0741.111 **0.769 **1.033 **−0.516 **−0.469 **0.345 **0.380 **−0.431 **0.019 **−0.032 **0.1262.254 **
Saudi Arabia13.92715.432−7.392 *1.0273.800−0.465−2.696 *0.016 **0.7773.7460.0330.528−0.352 **−0.313 **0.092 **−0.106 **0.126 **0.091 **0.012 **−0.004 **−0.032 **−0.035 **0.0821.402
Singapore−3.920−3.719−2.273−3.019 *2.508−4.741 *1.9730.463−0.0871.518 **0.0500.8193.538 **3.324 **−0.398 **−0.984 **−0.402 **1.061 **−0.196 **−0.160 **−0.017 **0.087 **0.1592.948 **
South Korea−6.866−7.869−1.929−1.545−6.082 *−3.3000.0121.426 *−0.194−0.455 *0.0450.7279.806 *9.462 *−0.375−0.965 **0.2370.941 *−0.312 **−0.273 **0.051 **0.044 **0.1863.574 **
Taiwan Province of China−0.2790.2231.704 *5.135 **−2.4640.803 *1.815 **−0.0831.855 **−1.163 **0.1071.894 **4.926 **4.700 **−0.011−1.426 **−0.1960.102−0.1950.198 *−0.183 **0.254 **0.1512.764 **
Thailand−3.7961.115−6.950−2.1164.59028.333 **−7.722 *−9.261 **−4.396−4.935 **0.0901.5471.662 **1.356 **−0.352 **−0.848 **−0.466 **−0.3080.176 *0.226 **−0.0580.199 *0.1172.059 **
United Arab Emirates−13.047−12.1591.27810.542 **−4.110−8.980 *17.659 *0.3550.507−2.382 *0.1232.190 **0.222 **0.168 **0.082 **−0.088 **−0.058 **0.076 **−0.123 **0.038 **0.033 **−0.019 **0.1021.766 *
Austria−7.253−8.2230.2985.069 *−3.7331.992−2.1650.2011.3192.7650.0400.6430.479 **0.532 **−0.239 **−0.413 **−0.390 **−0.652 **−0.123 **0.034 **−0.048 **0.512 **0.1372.485 **
Belgium−1.429−1.052−0.709 *0.303−1.018−0.320−0.7410.701−0.291 **−0.188 **0.0180.2820.479 **0.234 **−0.146 *−0.542 **−0.690 **0.514 **0.751 **0.829−0.0280.273 **0.1272.272 **
Bulgaria−1.873−3.518−0.402−0.389−5.728 **1.4102.2454.5160.328 *−0.1440.0300.474−0.1460.287−0.533−1.795 **−1.1695.3252.024−2.409−0.050−0.3700.0721.216
Croatia−4.7973.99053.029 **0.9901.673−5.4053.3610.034 **−7.3480.5390.0821.402−0.353 **−0.656 **−0.704 **−0.825 **−0.8250.9711.585−0.082 **−0.0270.071 **0.1142.006 **
Cyprus−3.995−2.2290.447−7.248 **−6.017 *−12.041 **−1.1140.255−0.8232.950 **0.0360.5780.417 **0.536 **−1.080 **−1.080 **−1.241 **−1.295−0.0910.027 **−0.255 **0.350 **0.1021.779 *
Czech Republic−3.475 **−1.823 **4.626 **−1.022−1.050 **0.790−1.018 *0.133 **1.3230.2290.0751.263−1.137 **−1.36 **−0.311 **−1.479 **−0.906 **−0.699 **−0.0240.134 **0.208 **0.261 **0.1512.775 **
Denmark−1.530−2.123 **0.7150.6553.0885.956−0.355−0.316−3.072 *−0.5620.0250.4010.067 *−0.110 **−0.086 **−0.212 **0.1191.204 **0.458 **−0.047 **−0.066 **−0.164 **0.1853.536 **
Estonia−4.232 **−3.756 **1.026−3.357−4.431−2.1360.663 *0.1190.314 **0.5040.0330.536−0.277 **−0.346 **−0.211 **−0.845 **0.415 **0.692 **−0.168 **−0.154 **0.048 **−0.582 **0.2134.216 **
Finland−2.062 *−3.560 *0.6064.440 *−2.142 *−4.8150.7290.101 **−1.103 **0.407 **0.0860.0862.839 **3.109 **−0.323−1.804 **0.4691.3011.982−0.049 **−0.258 **−0.173 **0.2394.890 **
France−0.298−0.729 *0.017−0.382 *−0.503 *1.437−0.193 **−0.6490.165 **0.199 **0.0771.2960.117−0.259 **−1.179 **−0.592 **−0.273 *−0.389 **−0.089 **−0.089 **−0.076 **0.084 **0.0751.257
Germany−0.957 **−0.643 **0.137 **0.230 **0.0510.059−0.011−0.063 **−0.197 **0.045 **0.0410.6661.601 **1.226 **−1.035 **−1.280 **−1.116 **−0.790 **0.044 *0.017 **0.645 **0.204 **0.0931.618 *
Greece−1.115−0.883−2.2952.191 *1.8352.0260.564−0.081−2.346 **0.0190.0440.718−0.869 **−1.142 **−0.319 **−0.910 **−0.735 **−0.835−0.215 *0.039 *0.126 *0.046 **0.1402.536 **
Hungary11.5348.3760.948−6.221−15.865 *0.994−7.7530.994−1.307−0.6950.0430.695−0.808 **−0.547 **−0.632 **−1.585 **−0.275−0.4760.970 *0.056 **0.157 **0.267 **0.0841.436
Ireland0.168−1.349 **0.3902.529 **−0.0431.573−0.618−0.282 **−0.847 **−0.0240.0751.257−1.639 **−1.775 *1.139 **−0.446 **−1.172 **−6.6591.545 **0.440 **0.130 **0.571 **0.0750.188 **
Italy−4.031 **−3.436 **−0.0100.0740.337 **−1.0930.4620 **−0.018 **0.355 **0.419 **0.0580.965−1.009 **−1.160 **−0.653 **−0.649 **−0.107 **−1.365 **0.325 **−0.001 **−0.194 **0.222 **0.0761.284
Latvia−6.288−1.859−5.190−1.2093.8042.356−1.497−0.293 *2.758−2.124 *0.0811.3718.323 **7.399 **0.377−0.412 *−2.4632.1850.0230.036 **−0.995 **−0.575 **0.2555.350 **
Lithuania−3.449 **−2.264 **0.2243.004−1.682−1.988 **−1.4200.193 **0.2931.972 **0.1372.483 **0.785 **0.732 **−0.050 **−0.177 **−0.053 **−0.095 **0.141 **0.083 **0.032 **0.150 **0.1693.182 **
Luxembourg−6.387−6.587−1.542−3.787−1.672−5.655 *2.4000.498−0.1232.494 *0.0240.3880.844 **0.687 **−0.475 **−0.142 **−0.405 **0.563 **0.161 **−0.040 **−0.058 **−0.232 **0.2003.791 **
Malta−15.354−11.309−5.249−3.260−16.529 *14.3027.0760.293−0.0170.1370.0590.9850.332 **0.354 **−0.212 **−0.369 **−0.0260.230−0.061 **−0.031 **0.077 **−0.026 **0.0881.496
Netherlands0.746−0.8159.499 **−0.257−2.4826.038−5.730 *0.029 **−0.6330.0850.0460.7460.877 **0.552 **−0.820 **−0.761 **−0.761 **1.2400.5940.062 **−0.3370.0890.0821.395
Norway−0.556−0.901−0.2650.0691.772−0.5471.9910.030−1.633 **−0.1540.0761.2750.806 **0.585 **−0.430 **−0.052 *0.0240.467 **0.703 **−0.019 **0.123 **−0.233 **0.1592.956 **
Portugal−1.627 **−1.176 **1.384 **0.287 **0.774 **0.774 *0.682−0.058 **−0.140−0.2350.0590.975−0.376 **−0.342 **−0.582 **−0.919 **−0.785 **0.603 **1.715 **−0.020 **0.093 **−0.165 **0.1352.424 **
Romania−1.2172.849 **−0.0192.7162.8381.9523.885−0.059−2.101−1.7280.0290.469−0.721 **−0.708 **−1.033 **−0.445 **−0.486 **0.872 *−1.382 *−0.026 **−0.298 **−0.364 **0.1532.817 **
Russia0.034−0.452 **2.3030.815 **0.758 **0.564 *1.119 **−0.026 **0.349 **−0.0360.0641.0682.289 **2.082 **−1.439 **−1.336 **−1.432 **0.734 **−1.735 **−0.009 **0.014−0.711 **0.1482.699 **
Slovak Republic−1.963 *−2.830 **4.654 **−1.976 *−1.7780.067−0.2880.055 **0.7700.672 **0.1011.747 *−0.042−0.068 **−0.685 **−0.803 **−0.272 **0.283 **−0.359 **−0.014 **0.025 *0.155 **0.1372.484 **
Spain−2.991 **−3.004 **−1.8571.078−2.417 *0.6030.1330.090 **0.868 *0.146 **0.1071.960 **−0.152−0.2340.280−0.397−0.2122.162 **−0.399 **−0.057 **−0.067−0.059 **0.1833.497 **
Sweden−2.227 **−2.227 **1.135 *0.4460.3360.1180.175 **0.161 **0.715 **0.043 **0.0601.0010.924 *0.719 *−0.645 **−1.358 **−1.869 **−0.4070.813 **−0.016 **0.531 **−0.049 **0.1582.931 **
Switzerland−0.584−0.2920.872−1.549 *−2.121 **−0.782−1.729 **−0.031 **−0.892 *3.753 *0.1893.657 **0.735 **0.659 **−0.634 **−0.560 **−0.245 **−0.218 **0.212 **0.011 **0.631 **−0.306 **0.1342.418 **
Turkey−0.075 **−0.075 **0.076 **0.031 *0.396 **−0.462 **−0.0980.034 **−0.128 **0.012 **0.1482.706 **−1.697−1.932−0.408 **−2.397 **−0.129−4.365 **−0.2770.019 **0.0120.2260.1192.097 **
Ukraine0.9060.986 **3.860 *2.6170.410 **2.542 *−2.351−0.030 **1.193−0.302 **0.0621.0320.271 **0.136 *−0.647 **−0.477 **−0.116 *1.152−0.771−0.013 **0.111 *−0.218 **0.1472.68 **
United Kingdom−0.123−0.489 *−2.423 *−2.410 **−2.142 *−1.2950.542 **0.195 **0.1060.439 **0.2625.545 **−0.038 **0.407 **−0.120 **−0.521 **−0.351 **0.0250.224 **−0.018 **0.074 **−0.038 **0.1180.118 **
Notes: Table 4 reports the estimated coefficients for all types of international equity market-capitalization-based portfolios from the structural regime-switching factor model. Coefficients are retrieved regionally and internationally and concern the stylized facts of volatility regimes, financial crises, and structural economic variables. β 0 w and β 1 w are the estimates of the latent regime variables. The three crises concern the coefficients of the three respective dummy variables. MC, IT, GDP, INF, and INT concern the coefficients of the respective structural macroeconomic variables (i.e., changes in market capitalization, trade integration , GDP growth, inflation rate, and interest rate). Then, the adjusted R 2 (adj. R 2 ) and the joint significance hypothesis F test ( F s t a t ) are reported. ** and * indicate statistical significance in 5% and 10%, respectively.
Table 5. Structural regime-switching factor model on trade-integration-based portfolios.
Table 5. Structural regime-switching factor model on trade-integration-based portfolios.
Global BetasRegional Betas
β 0 w β 1 w ARG CrisisUS CrisisEU CrisisMCTIGDPINFINTadj. R 2 F Stat β 0 w β 1 w ARG CrisisUS CrisisEU CrisisMCTIGDPINFINTadj. R 2 F Stat
Botswana−0.352 **−0.241 **−0.0930.176 **0.028−0.230 **−0.011 **−0.008 **0.006 **0.015 **0.0811.370−0.415 **−0.556 **0.7750.560 **0.152 *−0.226 **−0.064 **0.002 **0.027 **0.010 **0.0691.169
Egypt1.7833.2750.371−2.402 **−2.844−0.088−0.3260.016 **0.267 **−0.343 **0.0881.5130.9501.049−0.523−2.641 **−1.9610.678−0.737 *0.014 **0.230−0.0700.0390.650
Kenya1.219 **1.377 **−0.2220.874−0.1470.654−0.773−0.015 **0.312 **−0.260 **0.0480.7811.071 **1.246 **−0.8731.5590.2591.605−2.011−0.040 **0.336 *−0.344 **0.0671.123
Mauritius−0.5590.103−0.491 **−0.707 **−1.338 **0.074−0.5410.102 **0.016 **0.051 **0.0330.538−0.0160.295−0.183 **−0.321 **−0.702 **0.220−0.515 **0.051 **0.024 **0.013 *0.0470.766
South Africa1.632 **2.483 **0.560−1.587 *−1.5183.4631.741−0.079 **−1.345−0.462 **0.1522.803 **2.3172.176 *0.507−1.872−1.4777.2465.454−0.079 **−0.308−0.990 **0.1252.226 **
Argentina−0.933−2.147 **−3.430−1.5500.3370.166−0.223−4.4100.186−0.281 **0.0711.193−2.032 *−2.404 **−2.363 **−1.410 *1.1530.269−0.226 **−1.4720.295−0.117 **0.0611.020
Brazil−0.272−0.434−1.716 *−1.168 **0.485−1.9860.077−0.099 **−0.492 **0.0880.1011.748 *−1.081 **−1.180 **−0.931 *−0.909 **−0.064−0.6040.073−0.011 **−0.414 **0.062 **0.0520.849
Canada−0.462 *−0.690 **−1.734 *−2.907−0.291−0.291−0.158−0.182 *0.580 **0.476 *0.0590.975−0.649−0.763−0.729−1.015 **0.1430.4280.159−0.191 **0.179−0.0210.0791.331
Chile0.201 **0.138 **−0.201 **−0.298 **0.125 **0.347 **−0.075 **−0.046 **0.075 **−0.032 **0.0641.062−0.133 **−0.221 **−0.018 *−0.127 **0.107 **−0.036 *0.0880.005 **0.088 **−0.016 **0.0440.715
Colombia−0.076 **−0.050 **−0.365 **−0.411 **−0.411 **0.148 **0.021 **−0.013 **−0.125 **−0.011 **0.0891.527−0.345 **−0.298 **−0.115 **−0.260 **−0.071 **−0.071 **0.038 **0.061 **−0.045 **0.026 **0.0510.834
Jamaica0.804 **0.923 **−0.463 **−0.190 **0.998 **−0.507 **−0.0130.003 **0.112 **−0.091 **0.2003.905 **0.0890.059 *−0.241 **−0.070 *1.231 **−0.397 *0.013 **0.004 **0.130 **−0.074 **0.2906.374 **
Mexico−0.0150.174−1.432 **−2.221 **−0.2150.248−0.119 **−0.019 **1.5050.215 **0.1552.869 **−0.351 **−0.561 *−0.559 **−1.239 **0.475 **0.472−0.069 **−0.020 **0.6480.117 **0.0991.723 *
Panama0.933 **0.583 **−0.881 *−0.444 **0.065−0.1110.105−0.094 **0.427 **0.149 **0.0841.4380.148 **−0.094−0.523 *−0.213 **0.130−0.1490.192 *−0.082 **0.181 **0.054 **0.0701.181
Peru−0.388 **−0.206 **−0.369 **−0.377 **−0.0390.330 **0.069 **−0.225 **0.011 **−0.090 **0.0871.485−0.445 **−0.326 **−0.202 **−0.331 **−0.235 **0.079 **0.062 **0.049 **−0.015 **−0.0250.0510.843
United States1.232 **0.280 **−1.937 *−0.6320.2691.587−3.713−0.207 **−0.212−0.0440.1202.132 **0.011−0.523 **−0.986 **−0.687 **−0.282 **0.431 *−0.801−0.031 **−0.140 **0.1170.1152.017 **
Venezuela0.195 **−0.058 **−0.316 **−0.772 **−0.346 **−0.037 **−0.2030.002 **0.040 *0.104 **0.0981.691 *−0.371 **−0.662 **0.265−0.319−0.204 **0.069−0.700 *0.015 **−0.0350.072 **0.0270.439
Australia2.939 **2.843 **−0.455 **−0.236 **0.271 **−1.003 **0.429 **−0.043 **−0.110 **0.033 **0.2104.154 **0.121 **0.0370.439 **−0.089 **0.312 **−0.630 **0.030 **0.037 **0.037 **0.116 **0.1242.217 **
Bangladesh2.707 **2.853 **−0.423 **−0.216 **−0.402 **−0.0370.056−0.022−0.047 **−0.166 **0.1562.878 **0.654 **0.731 **2.217 **−0.257 **0.196 **0.159 **−0.189 **−0.111 **−0.043 **−0.061 **0.1031.798 *
China6.008 **5.502 **−1.450 **−0.5060.1752.447−0.248−0.150 **0.361−0.286 **0.1091.902 **1.698 **1.615 **−0.387 **−0.534 **0.130 *0.903 **0.343 **−0.052 **0.096 **0.0210.1352.438 **
Hong Kong SAR9.573 *9.596 *−0.594 **−2.000 **−0.953 **−1.380−1.3790.012 **0.2490.207 **0.2224.459 **3.100 **3.084 **−0.059−0.749 **0.490 *0.8460.895−0.041 **0.516 **0.0160.1202.127 **
India6.987 **6.595 **−1.511 **−1.456−0.779−1.082−0.9850.040 **−0.5520.3310.1222.165 **1.135 **0.925 **−0.126−0.546 **0.1320.766−0.219−0.027 **−0.090 *−0.0250.0751.261
Indonesia3.142 **2.546 **−0.837 **−0.965 **−0.2711.404 *0.105−0.066 **0.182 **−0.429 **0.0911.5681.283 **0.764 **0.421 **−0.2360.436 *1.999 **−0.171 *−0.051 **0.151 **−0.556 **0.1442.614 **
Israel9.546 **9.385 **−0.842 **−1.352 **−0.200 **−1.569 **−8.6120.205 **−0.032 **0.258 **0.2495.165 **1.870 **1.638 **0.435 **0.474 **0.574 **0.440 **−3.069 **0.0100.027 **0.048 **0.1713.218 **
Japan25.886 **25.265 **−0.242−1.663 **−1.232 *2.811−6.639−0.087 **−0.334 **−0.489 **0.3006.688 **4.941 **4.677 **−0.163 **−0.393 **0.546 **1.000 **−0.856−0.070 **−0.042 **−0.138 **0.2134.221 **
Jordan−0.049 **−0.022−0.055 **−0.059 **−0.300 **−0.168 **0.111 **0.030 **−0.030 **0.049 **0.1182.082 **−0.108 **−0.154 **0.043 **−0.046 **−0.090 **−0.150 **0.051 **0.020 **0.030 **0.012 **0.1142.002 **
Malaysia1.179 **1.030 **−0.808 **−0.524 **−0.617 **−1.638−0.012 *0.038 **−0.083 **0.142 **0.0580.962−0.126−0.218 *0.101−0.330 **0.201−0.934 **−0.040 **0.022 **0.036 **0.089 **0.0881.502
New Zealand2.911 **2.686 **−0.128 **0.419 **1.370 **0.898 **2.181 **−0.062 **−0.099 **−0.300 **0.2404.929 **0.543 **0.377 **0.360 **0.069 *0.561 **0.585 **0.331 **−0.047 **0.111 **−0.131 **0.1823.464 **
Oman5.289 **5.109 **−0.325 **−0.375 **−0.163 **0.301 **−0.239 **−0.013 **0.153 **−0.026 **0.2525.259 **1.420 **1.304 **0.140 **−0.196 **0.275 **0.154 **−0.057 **−0.015 **0.034−0.025 **0.1081.881 *
Pakistan3.645 **3.590 **−0.196−0.022−0.500 **0.809−1.126 **−0.072 **0.222−0.210 **0.1653.071 **0.980 **0.817 **0.522 **−0.114 **0.361 **0.668 **−0.200 **−0.042 **0.043−0.092 **0.1302.338 **
Philippines2.589 **2.253 **−0.280 **−0.928 **−0.790 **0.888 *0.297 **−0.7650.082 **−0.136 **0.1031.792 *0.807 *0.0205.062−0.273−0.0460.2940.155 **−1.0010.083 **−0.045 **0.1081.895 **
Saudi Arabia−0.423 **−0.360 **−0.101 *−0.161 *0.094 *0.167 *0.034 *−0.006 **0.016−0.450 **0.1302.320 **−0.161 **−0.167 **0.333 **−0.130 **0.175 **0.038 **0.051 **−0.002 **0.085 **0.037 **0.1592.939 **
Singapore10.203 **9.830 **−0.011−1.364 **−0.526 *2.168 **0.269 **−0.146 **0.058 **−0.111 **0.3327.767 **1.835 **1.818 **−0.286 *−0.554 **−0.0760.360 **−0.096 **−0.173 **−0.015 **−0.017 *0.1202.123 **
South Korea15.759 **15.411 **−1.030−1.715 *−0.2741.573−0.030−0.296 **0.166 **−0.0360.2434.997 **4.283 **3.951 **0.679−0.464 **0.701 **0.766 **−0.455 **−0.280 **−0.069 **0.019 **0.1522.788 **
Taiwan Province of China15.636 **15.509 **−0.632 **−1.515 **0.1720.953 **−0.558 *−0.098−0.092 *−0.252 **0.3538.517 **3.161 **2.906 **0.947 **−1.378 **−0.2920.0390.0270.378 **−0.139 **0.228 **0.1131.981 **
Thailand4.871 **4.430 **−0.514 **−1.088 **−0.706 **2.081 *−0.538−0.479 **−0.125 **−0.326 **0.1542.828 **0.679 **0.679 **−0.026−0.742 **−0.526 **−0.837 **0.448 **0.352 **−0.028 **−0.028 **0.1422.582 **
United Arab Emirates0.384 **0.307 **−0.076 **−0.071 **−0.117 **0.071 **−0.047−0.019 **0.034 **−0.048 **0.0330.5260.169 **0.103 **0.076 **−0.063 **−0.053 **0.127 **−0.124 **−0.067 **0.045 **−0.021 **0.0911.568
Austria0.871 **1.009 **−0.254 **−0.524 **−0.524 **−1.080 **−0.065 **−0.039 **−0.027 **0.698 **0.1903.668 **0.087−0.051−0.321 **−0.544 **−0.511 **−0.561−0.068 *0.075 **0.0750.374 **0.1011.747 *
Belgium0.829 **0.441 **−0.277−0.613 **−0.6920.760 **0.973 **0.3630.093 *0.390 **0.1111.953 **0.622 **0.194 *−0.490 **−1.026 **−0.482 **−0.482 **1.132 *−0.051−0.033 **−0.0540.1342.411 **
Bulgaria0.8841.283−0.183−3.038−0.6478.1434.287−2.919−0.115−0.0130.0671.112−1.418−1.122−2.073−1.868 **−2.0461.4460.033−2.3990.411 **−1.067 **0.0731.227
Croatia−0.219−0.542−1.060 **−1.002 **0.4121.4702.857−0.027 **−0.379 **0.148 **0.1272.278 **−0.985 **−1.516 **−0.833 **−1.242 **−0.2852.6932.660−0.020 **−0.292−0.0100.1011.746 *
Cyprus1.098 **1.395 **−1.551 **−1.832 **−1.168 **−0.4810.5220.014 **−0.496 **0.280 **0.1071.859 *0.232−0.082−0.983 **−2.157 *−1.706 **−2.634−1.1960.054 **0.2500.774 **0.0911.556
Czech Republic−0.964 **−1.110 **−0.656 **−1.740 **−0.751 **−0.415−0.0550.093 **0.220 *0.298 **0.1532.824 **−1.708 **−2.403 **−0.181 **−1.989 **−1.579 **−1.1840.0850.228 **0.2280.358 **0.1302.330 **
Denmark0.438 **0.149 **−0.136 **−0.186 **0.492 **1.754 **0.686 **−0.078 **0.086 **−0.217 **0.2013.913 **−0.245 **−0.679 **−0.064 **−0.324 **−0.1441.159 **0.365 **−0.047 **0.140 **−0.223 **0.1272.262 **
Estonia−0.150 **−0.192 **−0.281 **−1.105 **0.907 **1.058 **−0.241 **−0.263 **0.046 **−0.685 **0.2033.973 **−0.529 **−0.795 **−0.248 **−1.019 **0.1520.702 **−0.253 **−0.111 **0.058 **−0.693 **0.1572.909 **
Finland3.700 **4.177 **0.735−1.929 **1.589 **−1.9734.399 **−0.150 **−0.344−0.059 **0.2896.330 **2.7372.325 **−1.989−3.0930.0795.9620.236−0.023 **0.181−0.4390.1111.940 **
France0.523 **0.166 *−1.463 **−0.745 **0.263−0.219−0.285 **0.022−0.132 **0.104 **0.0831.407−0.449 *−1.051 **−1.553 **−0.824 **−1.122 **−0.910 **0.145 **0.604 **−0.015 **0.120 **0.0661.098
Germany2.589 **2.175 **−1.486 **−1.491 **−0.944 **−1.174−0.059−0.0480.704 **0.269 **0.0951.646 *0.123−0.654 **−1.143 **−1.839 **−1.839 **−0.731 *0.211 **0.043 **0.398 **0.261 **0.0801.353
Greece−0.623 **−0.855 **−0.619 **−1.246 **−0.751 **−1.112−0.264 **0.017 **0.370 **0.084 **0.1031.781 *−1.197 **−1.886 **−0.684 **−1.536 **−1.173 **−0.8640.0310.018 **0.145−0.062 **0.0941.615 *
Hungary−0.706 **−0.478 **−1.01 **−1.550 **0.0650.3681.1600.0107 **0.109 *0.064 **0.0841.430−0.750 **−0.853 **−0.547 **−2.426 *−0.943 **−1.5911.050 *0.137 **0.556 **0.656 **0.1101.936 **
Ireland−2.148 *−2.2991.694 *−0.692 *−1.559 *−10.0492.212 **0.664 **0.300 **0.902 **0.1623.007 **−1.064 **−1.093 **0.718 **−1.110 **−1.223 **−3.4711.069 **0.310 **0.0390.404 **0.2264.562 **
Italy−0.611−0.906−0.992 **−0.751 **−0.068−1.1340.328 **−0.037 **−0.320 **0.216 **0.0600.987−1.436 **−1.671 **−0.593 **−0.823 **−0.279 **−2.319 **0.496 **0.039 **−0.118 **0.290 **0.1332.382 **
Latvia13.930 *13.244 *0.040−0.533 **−1.655 *1.6080.194 **0.022 **−0.758 **−0.394 **0.3729.231 **0.873−0.8180.962−0.484−4.3023.635−0.1770.065 **−1.542−0.958 **0.1442.627 **
Lithuania1.155 **1.112 **−0.117 **−0.244 **−0.093 **−0.077 **0.185 **0.042 **−0.021 **0.164 **0.1843.513 **0.336 **0.147 **−0.080−0.196 **−0.124 **−0.148 **−0.0360.017 **0.051 **0.257 **0.0991.719 *
Luxembourg1.174 **0.988 **−0.689 **0.069−0.220 **0.955 **0.171 **−0.113 **−0.030 **−0.385 **0.2414.956 **1.150 **0.752 **−0.567 **−0.359 **−0.771 **0.849 **0.259 **−0.081 *−0.146 **−0.307 **0.1673.132 **
Malta0.543 **0.622 **−0.218 **−0.323 **0.093 **0.110 **−0.083−0.051 **0.024 **−0.026 **0.0861.458−0.065−0.151 **−0.255 **−0.671 **−0.0640.671−0.268 **−0.010 **−0.022−0.046 **0.0671.118
Netherlands1.444 **1.106 **−1.252 **−0.892 **−1.290 **2.4090.913−0.044 **−0.746 *−0.0650.0721.209−0.220−0.696 **−1.139 **−0.984 **−1.406 **−0.6571.035 **0.019 **−0.2810.433 **0.0951.630 *
Norway1.476 **1.166 **−0.599 **0.0120.258 *0.958 *0.893 **−0.061 **0.225 **−0.346 **0.1853.546 **0.445 **−0.119−0.537 **0.0290.0140.7930.999 **−0.033 **0.321 **−0.419 **0.1462.674 **
Portugal−0.086−0.063−0.798 **−0.993 **−0.569 **1.239 **1.702 **−0.041 **0.035−0.224 **0.0831.412−0.895 **−1.024 **−0.741 **−1.454 **−1.193 **0.5043.132 **−0.012 **0.309 **−0.118 **0.1833.487 **
Romania−0.531 **−0.515 **−1.329 **−0.488−0.0701.516 **−1.590−0.045 **−0.146 **−0.489 **0.1612.994 **−1.366 **−1.565 **−0.979 **−0.703 **−1.177 **0.142−1.806 **−0.066 **−0.469 **−0.288 **0.1382.487 **
Russia3.671 **3.505 **−1.948 **−1.685 **−1.270 **1.348 **−2.329 **−0.052 **0.065 **−0.893 **0.2154.272 **1.299 **0.467−2.531 **−2.203 **−2.573 **0.951−3.319−0.014 **0.071−1.508 **0.4671.979 **
Slovak Republic0.1340.227 **−0.825 **−0.873 **0.0540.637 **−0.584 **−0.030 **0.042 **0.116 **0.1763.338 **−0.370 **−0.629 **−0.835 **−1.061 **−0.545 **0.303−0.393 **−0.013 **0.073 **0.271 **0.1111.946 **
Spain−0.090−0.0770.443 *−0.419 **−0.0573.243 **−0.587 **−0.088 **−0.185 **−0.085 **0.2074.070 **−0.377 **−0.625 **0.030−0.610 **−0.675 **2.099 **−0.260 **−0.041 **−0.026−0.046 **0.1572.908 **
Sweden1.8731.731 **−0.974 **−1.935−1.999 **0.1980.922 **−0.055 **0.656 **−0.073 **0.1683.144 **−0.101−0.486−0.586−1.438 *−2.520 **−1.3511.163 **−0.0760.706 **−0.054 **0.1342.408 **
Switzerland1.333 **1.299 **−0.774 **−0.642 **−0.178 **−0.161 **0.177 **0.037 **0.804 **−0.357 **0.1071.875 *−0.057−0.338 **−0.964 **−0.833 **−0.102−0.231 **0.451 **0.011 **0.695 **−0.482 **0.1302.338 **
Turkey−1.548 **−1.460 **−0.514 **−0.514 **−0.461−2.615−2.8550.075 **−0.424 **0.120 **0.1402.543 **−1.437 **−2.805 **−0.499−3.9090.925−7.8763.1820.042 **0.8700.662 *0.1142.007 **
Ukraine−0.411−2.461−1.584−10.414 **−3.3075.363−12.590 **−0.087 *0.753−0.4430.0931.592−3.511−13.5572.904−33.024 **−19.302 *−5.018−35.661 **−0.0285.625−0.2690.0891.532
United Kingdom1.098 **0.872 **0.028−0.572 **−0.1520.1780.302 **−0.038 **0.053 **−0.013 **0.1522.799 **0.419−0.114−0.108 *−0.769 **−0.987 **−0.1920.123 **0.016 **−0.007−0.018 **0.1101.933 **
Notes: Table 5 reports the estimated coefficients for all types of international equity international-trade-based portfolios from the structural regime-switching factor model. Coefficients are retrieved regionally and internationally and concern the stylized facts of volatility regimes, financial crises, and structural economics variables. β 0 w and β 1 w are the estimates of the latent regime variables. The three crises concern the coefficients of the three respective dummy variables. MC, IT, GDP, INF, and INT concern the coefficients of the respective structural macroeconomic variables (i.e., changes in market capitalization, trade integration , GDP growth, inflation rate, and interest rate). Then, the adjusted R 2 (adj. R 2 ) and the joint significance hypothesis F test ( F s t a t ) are reported. ** and * indicate statistical significance in 5% and 10%, respectively.
Table 6. Structural regime-switching factor model on GDP-based portfolios.
Table 6. Structural regime-switching factor model on GDP-based portfolios.
Global BetasRegional Betas
β 0 w β 1 w ARG CrisisUS CrisisEU CrisisMCTIGDPINFINTAdj. R 2 F Stat β 0 w β 1 w ARG CrisisUS CrisisEU CrisisMCITGDPINFINTAdj. R 2 F Stat
Botswana−0.087 **−0.102 **0.074 **−0.059 **−0.165 **−0.024 **−0.081 **0.046 **−0.041 **−0.029 **0.0580.962−0.773 **−0.741 **−0.434 **0.207 **−0.233 **−0.386 **0.035 **0.037 **0.043 **0.021 **0.0530.869
Egypt0.092 **−0.059 **0.158 **0.064 **−0.070−0.450 **−0.084 **0.050 **0.148 **−0.012 **0.0430.705−1.892−0.8880.743−2.333 **−2.6070.314−0.2820.017 **0.277−0.4330.0520.852
Kenya0.628 **0.533 **1.043 *−0.540 *−0.777−0.2212.837 **0.069 **−0.861 **0.381 **0.1743.293 **0.478 **0.613 **−0.2120.574−0.0440.527 **−0.728−0.011−0.048−0.125 **0.0631.046
Mauritius0.027 **0.073 **−0.035 **−0.024 **0.035 **−0.029 **0.038 **−0.067 **−0.036 **0.015 **0.0741.247−0.318 **−0.079−0.103 **−0.197 **−0.572 **−0.404 **−0.248 **0.080 **−0.016 **0.052 **0.0861.473
South Africa−0.493 **−0.568 **−0.0110.609 **−0.097−0.681 **0.9780.012 **−0.191 **−0.069 **0.0500.8280.6101.227 *0.734−1.156−0.8844.2683.300−0.044 **−0.757−0.592 **0.1091.905 **
Argentina0.926 *−0.022−0.674−0.382−0.657−1.343−0.0172.908−0.399 **0.461 **0.0380.615−6.474−8.041 *−5.249−2.094−0.990−5.1840.278−3.5190.852−0.8990.1001.738 *
Brazil−1.579 **−0.8521.285 **1.117 **1.176−2.004−0.216 **0.018 **−0.2900.042 **0.1192.100 **−1.350−1.477−3.480−3.070−1.900−6.1101.118 **0.004−1.7780.321 **0.1272.278 **
Canada6.8202.180−1.98110.1192.9913.3041.604−1.9833.051−1.3580.0360.576−0.287−0.379 *−3.786 **−4.591 **0.7723.005 **0.336 *−1.244 **0.255 *−0.0340.1643.052 **
Chile−0.376−1.7290.655−3.288−2.080−4.6922.6010.054 **−3.4101.5150.0220.3520.500 *0.214−0.745 **−0.931 **−0.3810.2350.016−0.011 **−0.0580.101 **0.0741.254
Colombia−1.268−0.673 **0.106 **−0.618 **−1.290 **−0.877 **−0.144 **0.098 **0.0980.0930.0611.016−0.240−0.174−1.036 **−1.117 **−0.879 **−0.0220.132 **0.030 **−0.308 **0.049 **0.0861.477
Jamaica0.342 **0.083−0.144 *0.185−0.060 **0.0220.149 **−0.008 **0.0300.271 **0.0260.4092.274 **2.206 **−1.200 **−0.342 *1.461 **−1.127−0.590 **0.008 **0.249 **−0.375 **0.1482.708 **
Mexico−1.1751.355−0.908−3.2140.230−9.309 *−0.3160.205 **−4.936 **1.503 **0.0701.182−0.296−0.477−4.128 **−3.918 **−1.1754.2900.252 **−0.199 **0.466−0.0450.1071.864 **
Panama−0.119 **0.079 **−0.298 **−0.276 **−0.256 **0.062 **0.110 **0.064 **0.025 **0.025 **0.0260.4151.389 **1.001 **−1.806 **−1.792 **−0.2861.1620.6970.0410.4240.0360.0611.014
Peru0.0210.0210.026 **−0.112 **−0.012−0.346 **0.030 **0.196 **0.036 **0.072 **0.0771.296−0.720 **−0.343 **−1.288 **−1.361 **−0.2811.093 **0.511 **−0.253 **−0.118 **−0.175 **0.1091.910 **
United States−39.942−16.48815.7081.057−9.594−4.76340.7781.238−9.1550.4430.0681.1452.242−0.136−2.375−1.929−2.3583.941−16.487−0.416 **−1.283−0.4660.1602.970 **
Venezuela−0.071 **−0.071 **−0.034 **0.098 **0.036 **0.091 **−0.077 **−0.010 **−0.036 **−0.018 **0.0731.2310.653 **0.222 **−1.440 **−0.982 **−0.831 **0.338 **1.9260.005 **−0.244 **0.031 **0.1162.054 **
Australia−0.152−2.010−0.349−3.991−3.991 **7.157−1.7460.5081.151−0.1380.0841.4272.755 **2.666 **−0.493 **−0.221 **0.484 **−0.884 **0.300 **−0.040 **−0.116 **0.058 **0.1773.346 **
Bangladesh0.0280.063 *0.030 **0.030 **−0.111 **0.092 **−0.083 **−0.086 **0.079 **−0.052 **0.0190.2973.222 **3.248 **−0.344 **−0.309 **−0.089−0.048−0.117−0.090−0.011−0.149 **0.1853.534 **
China−5.429−4.1960.169−0.037−4.411−5.510−6.9050.569 **−5.915 **−1.523 *0.1552.863 **6.460 **5.867 **−1.624 **−0.5960.4952.338−0.911−0.151 **0.101−0.1570.1011.750 *
Hong Kong SAR0.149 **0.1480.032 **0.212 **0.205 **0.712 **−0.712 **−0.059 **−0.406 **−0.035 **0.0600.99711.19611.221−0.782 *−2.694−1.110−2.1952.3190.017 **0.1030.5310.2124.204 **
India−14.523−19.831−6.716−3.499−2.935−10.7925.0740.04910.808−1.9990.0470.7616.672 **6.197 **−1.585−2.099−0.882−1.963−1.1340.073 **0.1290.5830.0711.192
Indonesia0.4600.695 **0.695 **−0.350−1.561−1.049−0.727 **0.086 **0.027 **0.141 **0.1410.5933.706 **3.105 **−0.621 **−0.777 **0.1151.512 **−0.253−0.019 **0.182 **−0.343 **0.1021.767 *
Israel−0.552 **−0.293 **−0.581 **−0.096 **−0.034−0.016−0.977−0.016 **−0.190 **−0.056 **0.0370.5959.586 **9.567 **−0.674 **−1.423 **0.253 **−0.984 **−6.2390.153 **0.0740.310 **0.3287.615 **
Japan26.12915.43519.41522.298−14.103−32.515−29.7240.79822.329 *3.9990.0751.27226.750 **26.141 **−0.770−1.721 **−0.6391.191−4.432−0.069 **−0.441 **−0.214 **0.3558.577 **
Jordan0.453 **0.376 **−0.015 **−0.202 **0.054 **0.186 **0.056 **−0.018 **0.049 **0.010 **0.1222.172 **0.0060.064 **−0.033 **−0.074 **−0.245 **−0.116 **0.095 **0.026 **−0.028 **0.056 **0.0861.466
Malaysia−0.075 **−0.221 *−0.588 **−0.268 **−0.558 **−1.669−0.185 **0.027 **0.015 **0.072 **0.0310.5061.391 **1.305 **−0.551 **−0.473 **−0.092−1.062 *0.0130.029 **−0.165 **0.213 **0.0681.144
New Zealand−0.054−0.2050.155 **−0.046−0.737 **0.063−0.7560.040 **−0.743 **−0.076 **0.0821.3912.999 **2.756 **−0.345 **0.491 **1.487 **1.180 **1.654 **−0.086 **−0.026−0.350 **0.2043.992 **
Oman1.220 **1.227 **−0.089 **−0.019 **−0.049 **0.033 **0.078 **−0.018 **0.036 **−0.079 **0.1993.875 **6.204 **6.019 **−0.325 **−0.330 **−0.0960.370 **−0.182 **−0.021 **0.152 **−0.032 **0.3107.000 **
Pakistan−0.644 **−0.754 **−0.583 **−0.410 **−0.0860.1950.567 **−0.008 **−1.268−0.054 **0.0260.4233.898 **3.755 **−0.1440.028−0.183 *0.930−0.979 **−0.090 **0.228−0.208 **0.1512.777 **
Philippines−0.179 **−0.179 **−0.272 **0.531 **0.178 **0.671 **−0.277 **−0.446 **−0.043 **−0.056 **0.0761.2822.662 **2.373 **0.361 *−0.728 **−0.492 **0.685 **0.246 **−0.974 *0.070 **−0.122 **0.1142.013 **
Saudi Arabia3.894 **3.958 **−1.438−0.2651.069−0.219 *−0.4180.006 **0.146−0.0190.0390.628−0.367 **−0.277 **−0.095 **−0.160 **0.249 **0.126 **−0.020 **−0.006 **−0.047 **−0.335 **0.1131.996 **
Singapore−0.389 **−0.352 **−0.186 **−0.301 **0.052−0.325 **0.136 **0.061 **−0.018 **0.084 **0.0540.89210.246 **9.699 **0.085−1.244 **−1.2183.587−0.317−0.064−0.014−0.3570.2856.221 **
South Korea−3.059−3.453−0.919−0.761 **−2.834−1.662 **−0.3070.773 **−0.124 **−0.210 **0.0440.719−0.10317.276−1.378−1.613 **0.3562.885−0.402−0.432 **0.108 **−0.103 **0.2475.127 **
Taiwan Province of China−0.0570.0220.590 **1.407 **−0.746 **0.214 **0.483 **−0.0230.499 **−0.351 **0.0991.715 *15.659 **15.503 **−0.536−1.415 *0.3510.923 *−0.375−0.130−0.146 **−0.1850.3418.077 **
Thailand−0.5290.035−0.589−0.2140.4482.013 **−0.460−0.634 *−0.340−0.359 **0.0731.2324.463 **4.144 **−0.671 **−1.002 **−0.425 **1.1760.179−0.372 **0.126 **0.126 **0.1502.760 **
United Arab Emirates−0.474−0.5870.2770.852 **−0.819 *−1.0483.5000.148 **0.075 **−0.425 **0.0851.4410.448 **0.385 **−0.078 **−0.090 **−0.067 **0.093 **−0.086 **−0.016 **0.050 **−0.033 **0.0480.793
Austria−1.209 **−1.434 **−0.1011.728 **−0.3751.139−0.275 *0.013 **0.1650.4470.0771.303−0.283 **−0.017−0.244 **−0.771 **−0.553 **−2.059 **−0.237 **0.048 **0.0511.294 **0.1502.743 **
Belgium−0.445−0.232−0.278 **0.066−0.316 *−0.533 **−0.068−0.018−0.091 **−0.056 **0.0320.5081.065 *0.596 **−0.652−0.890 **−0.6151.388 *1.031−0.4300.025 **0.368 *0.1071.871 *
Bulgaria−0.053 **−0.087 **−0.0128 **−0.034 **−0.115 **0.032 **0.0210.064 *0.049 **−0.013 **0.0210.343−3.270−1.671−1.018−4.166−0.1897.0985.972−3.9260.404−0.3880.0631.043
Croatia−0.077 **0.137 **1.337 **0.025 **0.078 **−0.170 **0.071 **0.010 **−0.194 **0.095 **0.0801.357−0.954 *−1.494 **−1.288 **−1.381 *0.9232.7102.710−0.037 **−0.2520.140 **0.1322.380 **
Cyprus−0.072−0.0420.016−0.151 **−0.122−0.247 *−0.0470.053 **−0.0150.059 **0.0390.639−1.367 **−0.723−2.339 **−3.099 **−1.460 **−1.5990.5900.039 **−0.760 *0.763 **0.0801.356
Czech Republic−0.235 **−0.187 **0.272 **−0.038−0.133 **0.105 **−0.038 **0.011 **0.172 **−0.015 **0.0530.871−1.277 **−1.681 **−0.928 **−2.213 **−0.880 **−0.3800.0860.120 **0.692 **0.372 **0.1372.473 **
Denmark−0.314−0.4800.2540.2540.8681.479−0.080−0.090−0.847−0.2270.0230.373−0.242 **−0.638 **−0.089 *0.1751.049 *2.756 **1.057 **−0.139 **−0.226−0.430 **0.1442.632 **
Estonia−0.028 **−0.034 **−0.046 **−0.043 **−0.057 **−0.024 **−0.003 **0.051 **0.054 **0.082 **0.0360.036−0.488 **−0.435 **−0.534 **−1.038 **1.395 **1.336 **−0.399 **−0.350 **0.021 **−0.876 **0.2354.796 **
Finland−0.238 **−0.429 **0.051 **0.590 **−0.248 **−0.689 **0.098 **0.072 **−0.133 **0.053 **0.1121.975 **−0.3700.3810.779−2.9823.561 **0.3386.002−0.257 **−0.736−0.171 **0.2826.137 **
France0.971−0.084−0.186−1.271 *−0.3233.117−0.390 **−1.7250.281 **0.481 **0.0771.303−0.611−0.794 **−2.508 **−1.076 **0.457−0.469−0.339 **0.090−0.184 **0.218 **0.0851.444
Germany−2.620 **−1.844 **0.2901.469 **0.153−0.552−0.0360.018−0.726−0.1230.0280.447−0.531−0.896 **−2.295 **−2.155 **−1.223 **−2.0860.105−0.0320.4390.504 **0.0881.497
Greece0.520 **0.526 **−0.512 **0.405 **0.590 **0.5140.095 **−0.018 **−0.495 **−0.018 *0.0440.716−0.624 **−0.951 **−0.973 **−1.243 **−0.280−0.599−0.385 **−0.0400.7769 **0.061 **0.1041.808 *
Hungary1.1770.855 **0.117−0.579 *−1.5800.034−0.8000.100 **−0.128 **−0.072 **0.0410.672−1.640 **−1.276 **−1.240−2.605 **0.5970.0422.5920.040 **0.370 *0.237 **0.0971.668 *
Ireland0.231 **−0.087 **−0.226 **0.559 **0.127 **0.669 **−0.337 **−0.085 **−0.252 **−0.032 **0.0791.335−3.078 **−3.0102.240 *−1.475 **−2.268 **−13.3513.053 **0.951 **0.568 **1.313 **0.1853.545 **
Italy−5.650−4.737−0.445−0.5150.2100.4590.158−0.091 **0.0440.044 **0.0360.580−1.022−1.275−1.421 *−0.941 **0.021−2.1360.509 **−0.035 **−0.231 **0.306 **0.0681.134
Latvia−0.042 **−0.042 **−0.004−0.055 **0.044 **0.022−0.019 **−0.016 **0.041 **0.015 **0.0370.5921.0280.256−0.015−0.594 **−2.3362.2060.246 **0.030 **−0.942 **−0.600 **0.1753.305 **
Lithuania−0.084 **−0.083 **−0.031 **0.022 **−0.060 **−0.041 **−0.022 **0.042 **0.018 **0.022 **0.0530.8670.166 **0.021−0.092 **−0.245 **−0.049 **−0.173 **0.153 **0.015 **−0.023 **0.355 **0.1322.370 **
Luxembourg−0.644 **−0.682 **−0.015 **−0.185 **−0.141 **−0.542 **0.105 **0.031 **0.020 **0.134 **0.1340.4670.884 **0.713 **−1.032 **0.266 **−0.343 **1.604 **0.340 **−0.171 **−0.031 *−0.620 **0.2374.844 **
Malta−0.098 **−0.081 **−0.025 **−0.013 **−0.106 **0.132 **0.051 **0.014 **−0.013 **0.015 **0.0580.954−0.214 **−0.032−0.655 **−0.694 **0.596 **0.742 **−0.121 **−0.030 **0.144 **−0.062 **0.0701.167
Netherlands0.752−0.3795.653 **−0.225−1.3323.940−4.0100.012 **−0.6090.0440.0440.724−0.106−0.260−2.159 *−1.357 **−1.726 **2.2631.3710.003−0.8520.2360.0721.209
Norway−0.356 **−0.511 **−0.134 **0.119 *0.696 **−0.1030.577 **0.036 **−0.361 **−0.063 **0.0530.8770.307 **−0.166−0.844 **0.335 **0.562 **1.3931.525 **−0.098 **0.334 **−0.574 **0.1833.492 **
Portugal−0.043 **−0.034 **0.146 **0.013 **0.169 **0.154 **0.143 **−0.060 **0.019 **−0.038 **0.0250.397−1.119 **−1.103 **−1.112 **−1.328 **−0.560 **1.719 **2.497 *−0.055 **−0.010−0.265 **0.1011.749 *
Romania0.358 **0.608 **−0.0150.231 **0.208 **0.0860.387−0.027 **−0.118 **−0.112 **0.0330.525−1.588 **−1.153 **−2.301 **−0.945−0.1851.977−3.461−0.063 **−0.848 **−0.582 **0.1522.787 **
Russia−0.375 **−0.781 **1.070 **0.871 **0.218−0.0140.886 **0.018 **0.295 **−0.087 **0.0711.1931.537 **1.020 **−2.838 **−2.181 **−1.428 **2.090 **−3.225 *−0.086 **0.075−1.373 **0.1843.518 **
Slovak Republic0.063−0.052 **0.081 **−0.110 **−0.199 **−0.060 **0.033 *0.010 **0.012 **0.024 **0.1222.158 **−0.656 *−0.590 **−1.331 **−1.118 **0.617 **1.329 **−1.316 **−0.066 **−0.0040.0610.1372.475 **
Spain−1.703 **−1.719 **−0.9900.267−1.311−0.8050.2200.072 **0.535 *0.084 **0.0560.056−0.360−0.369 **0.695−0.588 **−0.0515.821 *−1.007 **−0.154 **−0.193 **−0.146 **0.1673.125 **
Sweden0.930 **−0.863 **0.438 **0.438−0.207 **0.276 *0.0260.061 **0.309 **0.011 **0.0570.9350.5750.532−1.516−1.967−2.992 **−0.5551.801 *−0.117 **0.967 **−0.076 **0.1162.052 **
Switzerland−0.220 **−0.129 *0.317 **−0.339 **−0.622 **−0.056−0.525 **−0.015 **−0.291 **0.935 **0.1612.992 **−0.252 **−0.249 **−1.147 **−0.755 **0.205 **−0.211 **0.273 **−0.0061.270 **−0.573 **0.1182.082 **
Turkey0.065 **0.136 **0.042 **−0.0690.084 **−0.421 **−0.0180.023 **−0.070 **0.023 **0.1162.047 **−3.213 **−3.202 **−0.451−3.868 **−0.176−4.585−5.7490.013 **−0.1580.3060.0911.558
Ukraine0.483 **0.478 **0.259 **0.212 **−0.047 **0.061 **−0.236 **−0.001 **0.098 **−0.039 **0.0490.8002.020−3.8770.182−23.329 **−7.7049.997−30.578 **−0.0176.953−0.9520.0801.349
United Kingdom0.085−0.954−6.716−6.554 **−6.560 *−4.0631.525 *0.550 **0.1961.205 **0.2434.994 **0.4470.356−0.036−0.613 *−0.0760.1890.480 **−0.072 **0.120 **−0.020 **0.1121.960 **
Notes: Table 6 reports the estimated coefficients for all types of international equity GDP-based portfolios from the structural regime-switching factor model. Coefficients are retrieved regionally and internationally and concern the stylized facts of volatility regimes, financial crises, and structural economic variables. β 0 w and β 1 w are the estimates of the latent regime variables. The three crises concern the coefficients of the three respective dummy variables. MC, IT, GDP, INF, and INT concern the coefficients of the respective structural macroeconomic variables (i.e., changes in market capitalization, trade integration , GDP growth, inflation rate, and interest rate). Then, the adjusted R 2 (adj. R 2 ) and the joint significance hypothesis F test ( F s t a t ) are reported. ** and * indicate statistical significance in 5% and 10%, respectively.
Table 7. Structural regime-switching factor model on inflation-rate-based portfolios.
Table 7. Structural regime-switching factor model on inflation-rate-based portfolios.
Global BetasRegional Betas
β 0 w β 1 w ARG CrisisUS CrisisEU CrisisMCTIGDPINFINTAdj. R 2 F Stat β 0 w β 1 w ARG CrisisUS CrisisEU CRISISMCTIGDPINFINTAdj. R 2 F Stat
Botswana−0.460 **−0.380 **−0.071 **0.061 *0.658 **0.004−0.029 **0.026 **0.063 **−0.079 **0.0661.094−0.683 **−0.552 **0.2290.978 **−0.037−0.300 **−0.062 **−0.011 **0.025 **0.014 **0.0991.710 *
Egypt−0.965−1.144 **−0.389−1.914 **−0.376−2.029−0.1660.027 **0.1780.507 **0.0821.401−1.265−0.2580.987−1.956 **−1.820.834−0.3550.083 **0.203−0.339 **0.0480.786
Kenya0.082−0.186 **−0.611 **0.388 **1.219 **0.439−0.715 **−0.024 **−0.020−0.109 **0.0651.0840.586 **0.712 **0.0170.530 **−0.196 *0.498 **−0.3480.057 **0.048−0.071 **0.0901.543
Mauritius−0.333 **−0.302 **−0.092 **−0.032 **0.146 **−0.161 **−0.379 **0.059 **−0.015 **0.025 **0.2304.662 **−0.144 **0.087 **−0.085−0.099 **−0.480 **−0.218 **−0.269 **0.056 **−0.041 **0.028 **0.0751.262
South Africa−0.823 **−0.700 **−0.781 **−1.367 **0.6200.4751.3250.017 **0.715 *−0.0590.0740.2700.977 *1.454 **0.918−0.816−0.3694.236 *0.465−0.052 **−0.680 *−0.518 **0.1041.810 *
Argentina−2.056 *−1.925 *−0.903 *0.012−0.360−1.102−0.111−1.3070.095−0.334 **0.1182.084 **−1.729−2.676−2.245−1.684 **−0.429−0.563−0.0479−2.023−0.151−0.168 **0.0681.132
Brazil0.5250.883 **−1.018 **−0.835 **0.056−0.0420.047 **−0.070 **−0.226 **−0.0830.0941.628 *−0.327−0.573 **−1.292−1.226 **0.092−2.7280.197 **−0.074 **−0.4330.0420.1031.798 *
Canada0.1380.575 **−0.288 **−1.141 **−0.210 **−0.141−0.0220.0240.185 **0.238 **0.2104.158 **−0.542 **−0.606 **−1.440−2.762−0.396 *0.075−0.144−0.255 **0.702 **0.3890.0751.260
Chile0.618 **0.637 **−0.146 **−0.133 **−0.0290.238 **−0.158 **−0.026 **0.035 **−0.012 **0.0831.4180.142 **0.053−0.061−0.308 **−0.0690.264 **−0.223 **−0.033 **0.107 **−0.025 **0.0741.255
Colombia0.276 **0.339 **−0.083 **−0.150 **−0.040 **0.122 **−0.008−0.087 **0.010 **−0.018 **0.0921.582−0.047 **−0.018−0.294 **−0.409 **−0.095 **0.138 **0.051 **−0.015 **−0.144 **−0.046 **0.1081.892 **
Jamaica1.930 **2.040 **−0.148 **−0.077 **0.557 **−0.129 **−0.019 **0.002 **0.015 **−0.047 **0.3327.767 **0.900 **0.964 **−0.413 **−0.168 **0.717 **−0.554 **−0.024 **0.004 **0.137 **−0.094 **0.1943.764 **
Mexico0.890 **1.180 **−0.468 *−0.505 *−0.247 *0.715 *0.069 **−0.043 **0.460 **−0.048 **0.1011.757 *−0.1230.101−1.365 **−2.296 **−0.650 **0.073−0.131 **−0.013 **1.664 *0.204 **0.1392.508 **
Panama0.953 **0.999 **−0.250 **−0.185 **0.180 **0.128 **0.087 **−0.046 **0.028 **0.013 **0.0771.2930.885 **0.630 **−0.811 **−0.353 **−0.189−0.1150.102−0.114 **0.379 **0.126 **0.0981.692 *
Peru−0.103 **0.120 **−0.092 **−0.176 **0.0170.310 **0.134 **−0.168 **−0.078 **−0.043 **0.1402.537 **−0.514 **−0.268 **−0.296 **−0.412 **−0.0190.337 **0.132 **−0.206 **−0.079 **−0.107 **0.0671.116
United States1.260 **1.219 **−0.388 **0.0530.0910.798 **−2.073 **−0.098 **−0.038−0.161 **0.1713.218 **1.124 **0.274 **−1.777 *−0.899−0.1071.210−2.812−0.160 **−0.241 **0.0690.1402.546 **
Venezuela0.588 **0.715 **0.512 **−0.094 **−0.113 **0.122 **0.363 **−0.003 **−0.134 **−0.095 **0.1422.576 **0.179 **−0.065 **−0.115 **−0.901 **−0.560 **0.092−0.684 **−0.007 **0.0120.099 **0.1272.272 **
Australia0.0530.242−0.734 **−0.793 **1.649 **−1.937 **0.841 **−0.118 **−0.158 **0.117 **0.1021.767 *18.68318.657−1.740 **−0.6011.441 **−2.9491.782 **−0.219 **−0.630 **0.0100.3668.997 **
Bangladesh−3.208 **−2.471 **−1.380 **−0.6260.4700.079−0.248−0.870 **−0.069−0.427 **0.0761.2817.128 **7.376 **−0.914 **−0.709−0.1040.655−0.663−0.5410.121−0.455 **0.1352.443 **
China−0.818−0.959−2.592 *−0.3191.4035.180−1.984−0.395 **−0.122−0.6470.0771.29613.348 **12.713 **−4.324−0.5941.2119.532−0.893−0.570 **1.371−1.311 *0.0751.273
Hong Kong SAR−2.915 *−2.831 **−0.986−4.156 **−0.938−2.2637.8670.011 **0.7920.395 **0.1081.895 **14.101 **14.183 **−1.210 **−4.161 **−1.367−0.9968.5650.015 **0.6160.0970.1572.914 **
India−1.882−2.415−2.433−2.692−0.529−0.286−0.679−0.078 **−0.0090.1100.0570.94735.48734.845−5.524−3.778−1.814−1.927−3.0990.030 **−4.5420.6500.1302.332 **
Indonesia−2.161−2.130 **−2.437−1.488−0.3393.5370.5921−0.155 **0.317 **−1.098 **0.0691.1637.958 **6.650 **−2.649−2.975−0.8764.5071.0600.0300.239 **−1.286 *0.0741.242
Israel1.736 **1.373 **−0.725−2.370 **0.368−0.385−14.9270.179 **−0.0160.346 **0.1973.832 **45.08844.339−2.527−3.280 *−0.651−5.627−32.2140.718 **−0.380 **0.737 **0.2896.354 **
Japan2.2672.805−1.737−1.494 **0.0203.631−6.040−0.390 **−0.418−0.588 **0.1222.168 **110.164108.8471.308−4.134−3.27219.732−31.957−0.403−0.027−2.420 **0.3458.211 **
Jordan−1.503 **−1.525 **−0.073 **−0.302 **−0.933 **−0.662 **0.269 **0.092 **−0.043 **0.127 **0.1131.977 **0.212 *0.338 **−0.096 **−0.106−0.355 **0.0430.143 **0.029 **−0.018 **0.059 **0.0460.757
Malaysia−2.241 **−2.508 **−0.850−1.190 **0.999−1.585−0.341 **0.050 **−0.0750.686 **0.0771.2954.327 **4.261 **−2.745−1.267 *−0.996−5.0760.0860.085 **−0.134 **0.168 **0.0520.855
New Zealand−0.665−1.096 *−0.6751.1613.206 *3.717 *3.901−0.275 **−0.025−1.077 **0.1623.018 **13.52013.0590.0461.6574.7583.0687.481−0.169 **−0.334−1.007 **0.2886.311 **
Oman−0.402 **−1.114 **−0.751 **−0.877 **0.1830.590−0.673 **−0.059 **0.057−0.056 **0.0821.4026.016 **5.4592 **−0.844 **−1.069 **−0.417 *1.197 *−0.840 **−0.063 **0.341 **−0.125 **0.0851.454
Pakistan−2.097 *−1.900 *−1.018−1.314 *0.2330.808−0.195−0.015 *−0.160−0.0920.0500.82913.423 *13.337 *−1.737−0.496−1.142 **3.800−2.082 **−0.023 **−0.162−0.482 **0.1152.024 **
Philippines0.600−0.3002.640−2.479 **−1.027 **1.4960.790 **−0.9560.158 **−0.074 **0.1412.562 **11.96010.535−0.249−3.430−1.6923.8450.881−1.3030.333 **−0.337 **0.1051.838 *
Saudi Arabia−1.252 **−1.269 **−0.077−0.660 **−0.419 **0.052 **−0.067 **−0.007 **−0.488 **−0.398 **0.0941.691 *0.3420.343−0.275 **−0.391 **−0.3500.356 **−0.064−0.003 **−0.153−1.715 **0.1452.648 **
Singapore1.3411.4750.104−2.624 **−1.0424.4930.026−0.740 *0.093 **−0.5500.1643.061 **40.31040.351−0.849−4.267 **1.2663.2312.287 **−1.525 **0.307 **0.3070.3217.362 **
South Korea−0.158−0.585−2.173−3.394 **−0.7834.976−0.460−1.093 **0.162 **−0.239 **0.1582.929 **32.372 **31.917 **−2.169−5.582−1.0714.1941.536−1.348 **0.755 *0.156 **0.1542.843 **
Taiwan Province of China1.9971.266−1.138−1.822−1.229 *1.087−0.071−0.972 **−0.282 **−0.1260.1131.986 **67.18867.085−1.585−3.4531.8093.446 *−1.988−0.754−0.482−0.723 **0.45713.100 **
Thailand−1.163 *−1.720 **−1.206 **−2.086 **−1.568 **0.8740.158−0.668 **0.153−0.112 **0.1482.717 **20.52319.356−2.044 **−2.565 **−0.63611.369−4.282−3.405−0.647 *−1.899 **0.1803.432 **
United Arab Emirates−0.070 **−0.190 **−0.139 **−0.244 **−0.202 **0.223 **−0.444 **−0.049 **0.105 **−0.053 **0.0911.5701.816 **1.655 **−0.284 **−0.149 **−0.189 **0.227 **−0.149−0.067 **0.025 **−0.105 **0.0580.954
Austria0.151−0.028−0.197 **−0.443 **−0.395 **−0.375−0.104 **0.017 **−0.015 *0.342 **0.1021.762 *0.375 **0.584 **−0.200 **−0.624 **−0.449 **−1.482 **−0.109 **0.035 **0.036 **0.921 **0.1893.642 **
Belgium0.527 **−0.049−0.211 **−0.875 **−0.626 **0.629 **0.692 **0.9490.073 **0.088 **0.1162.044 **0.761 **0.459 **−0.430−0.691 **−0.6000.951 **0.917 **−0.012−0.057 **0.346 **0.1352.439 **
Bulgaria−0.142−0.085−0.546−1.768 **−0.4333.0901.244−0.210−0.023−0.2240.0590.971−0.6540.757−0.733−3.133−0.8326.7434.022−2.6640.122−0.2820.0861.461
Croatia−0.686 *−1.284 *−0.455 **−1.516 **−0.4992.5891.3020.093 **0.1620.106 **0.0901.536−0.477−0.810 *−1.102 **−1.256 **0.5482.4873.373−0.033 **−0.413 *0.099 **0.1382.498 **
Cyprus0.306−0.041−0.665 **−1.989 **−1.587 **−2.549−0.9580.054 **0.0280.607 **0.0921.5860.1700.562 *−1.812 **−1.892 **−1.212 **−0.4190.5290.012 **−0.592 **0.279 **0.1041.809 *
Czech Republic−2.163 **−2.851 **−0.049−2.073 **−1.791 **−1.8170.0670.260 **−0.618 **0.455 **0.1452.655 **−1.343 **−1.553 **−0.719 **−1.970 **−0.897 **−0.550−0.104 **0.118 **0.2210.340 **0.1422.585 **
Denmark−0.255 **−0.660 **−0.096 **−0.422 **−0.422 **0.613 **0.293 **−0.016 **0.034−0.149 **0.1081.897 **0.153 **−0.139 **−0.166 **−0.0950.620 **2.091 **0.841 **−0.098 **0.120−0.293 **0.1713.218 **
Estonia−0.580 **−0.908 **−0.217 **−0.665 **0.2190.405 **−0.068 **−0.066 **0.043 **−0.679 **0.1322.374 **−0.343 **−0.339 **−0.276 **−1.101 **1.004 **1.110 **−0.342 **−0.267 **0.046 **−0.697 **0.2806.079 **
Finland2.670 *1.869 **−2.109−2.1990.859 **7.332−1.0500.052 **−0.187 **−0.634 **0.1242.210 **1.268 **2.214 **1.155−2.333 **1.978 **−1.8225.186 **−0.170 **−0.232−0.0330.3347.833 **
France−0.685 **−1.439 **−1.191 **−0.941 **−1.177 **−1.094 **0.0300.702 **0.049 **0.101 **0.0721.215−0.220−0.325 **−1.627 **−0.813 **0.352 *−0.339−0.342 **0.086−0.133 **0.120 **0.1081.892 **
Germany0.652−0.206−0.721 **−1.663 **−1.701 **−1.107 **0.091 **0.101 **0.637 **0.295 **0.0951.643 *1.461 **1.289 **−1.607 **−1.553 **−1.038 **−1.430 *−0.0280.0990.4990.320 **0.1121.968 **
Greece−1.695 **−2.389 **−0.107−1.442 **−1.478 **−1.404 **−0.1370.102 **0.2600.104 **0.1121.974 **−0.782 **−0.972 **−0.829 **−1.414 **−0.822 **−1.250−0.334 **0.013 **0.468 **0.087 **0.0971.669 *
Hungary−0.476 **−0.777 **−0.374 **−2.044 **−0.833 **−1.3660.804 *0.120 **0.395 **0.557 **0.1001.735 *−1.189 **−0.717 **−1.134 **−1.662 **0.1690.4041.4460.069 **0.130 **0.0290.1202.126 **
Ireland−1.075 **−1.320 **0.918 **−1.054 **−1.149 **−4.1671.135 **0.356 **0.156 **0.437 **0.1673.127 **−2.250 **−2.1841.674 **−0.995 **−1.671 **−10.0042.249 **0.692 **0.339 **0.957 **0.2254.536 **
Italy−1.400−1.820−0.566 **−0.871 **−0.257 **−1.902 **0.411 **0.044 **0.153 **0.242 **0.0981.704 *−0.847−1.022−1.091 **−0.804 **−0.054−1.3220.363 **−0.035 **−0.298 **−0.298 **0.0791.332
Latvia3.4931.7231.080 *−0.440−4.7502.317−0.195 *0.094 **−1.624−0.791 **0.1913.678 **9.621 **8.879 **0.037−0.569 **−1.894 *1.7070.228 **0.029 **−1.004 **−0.422 **0.2886.316 **
Lithuania0.529 **0.358 **0.049 **−0.080 **−0.096 **0.112 **0.023 *−0.009 **−0.0090.234 **0.1222.163 **0.804 **0.746 **−0.111 **−0.240 **−0.014 **−0.128 **0.176 **0.010 **−0.044 **0.244 **0.1512.769 **
Luxembourg0.785 **0.361 **−0.343 **−0.676 **−0.707 **0.2550.0810.076 **−0.021 **−0.0450.1282.284 **0.680 **0.553 **−0.855 **0.178 *−0.215 **1.163 **0.279 **−0.140 **−0.067 **−0.470 **0.2194.379 **
Malta−0.046−0.111 **−0.173 **−0.588 **0.0740.572−0.164 **0.021 **0.061 **−0.023 **0.0801.3620.0560.239 **−0.426 **−0.437 **0.227 **0.138 **−0.024−0.014 **0.029−0.048 **0.0651.078
Netherlands−0.086−0.695 **−0.638 **−1.050 **−1.278 **−0.5670.2900.022 **0.0100.372 **0.0951.646 *0.695 *0.580 **−1.376 **−0.906 **−1.321 **2.2501.077−0.026 **−0.587 **−0.0370.0911.558
Norway0.585 **0.240 **−0.437 **−0.408 **−0.318 **0.0770.918 **0.062 **0.207 **−0.097 **0.1252.221 **0.957 **0.691 **−0.723 **0.0240.333 **1.054 *1.123 **−0.063 **0.209 **−0.403 **0.1813.457 **
Portugal−0.403 **−0.684 **−0.444 **−1.050 **−0.738 **0.765 **2.125 **−0.017 **0.053−0.221 **0.1492.722 **−0.617 **−0.389 *−0.958 **−1.139 **−0.602 **1.382 **1.966−0.047 **0.056−0.256 **0.1121.962 **
Romania−1.080 **−1.433 **−0.532 **−0.521 **−1.046 **−0.149−1.391 **0.083 **−0.422 **−0.327 **0.1091.908 **−0.776 **−0.534 **−1.646 **−0.476−0.0311.824 *−1.768−0.053 **−0.516 **−0.576 **0.1753.314 **
Russia1.149 **0.467−2.136 **−1.811 **−2.074 **0.091−2.7170.081 **0.045−1.164 **0.0961.664 *2.442 **2.411 **−2.225 **−1.909 **−1.272 **1.579 **−2.541 **−0.064 **0.179 **−1.049 **0.2194.378 **
Slovak Republic−0.150−0.581 **−0.754 **−1.231 **−0.402−0.170−0.336 *−0.034 *0.092 *0.435 *0.1212.145 **−0.141−0.043−1.008 **−0.880 **0.293 **0.918 **−0.747 **−0.040 **0.0220.041 *0.1572.902 **
Spain−0.270 **−0.706 **0.174−0.601 **−0.731 **1.827 **−0.270 **−0.028 **0.019−0.036 **0.1442.627 **−0.237 **−0.216 **0.5712 *−0.506 **−0.103 **4.097 **−0.749 **−0.108 **−0.168 **−0.105 **0.2134.215 **
Sweden−0.061−0.712−0.535−1.645 **−1.937 **−0.5450.708 **0.021 **0.672 **−0.071 **0.1111.956 **0.9521.053−1.263 *−2.063−2.063 **−0.0171.229 **−0.070 **0.755 **−0.074 **0.1512.778 **
Switzerland0.150−0.247 **−0.584 **−0.720 **0.138−0.404 **0.323 **0.027 **0.525 **−0.304 **0.1412.555 **0.460 **0.705 **−1.021 **−0.757 **−0.188 **−0.187 **0.161 **0.021 **1.077 **−0.485 **0.1111.948 **
Turkey−2.624 **−3.740 **−0.284 *−2.612−0.399−3.7120.5400.028 **0.679−0.0120.1111.927 **−2.612 **−2.287 **−0.382 **−2.821 **−1.579−2.138−5.7450.025 **−0.206−0.0100.1252.237 **
Ukraine−5.060−15.2563.534−29.829 **−29.829 *−6.130−34.934 **−0.0433.372−1.2140.1071.862 *−1.714−4.037−3.099−9.142 *−3.5826.003−10.750−0.095 *0.655−0.8250.0691.163
United Kingdom0.206−0.372 *0.150−0.769 **−0.8290.0040.083 **0.025 **0.012−0.026 **0.1061.854 *0.532 **0.443 **0.037−0.679 **−0.1350.3760.270 **−0.046 **0.029 *−0.031 **0.1412.552 **
Notes: Table 7 reports the estimated coefficients for all types of international equity inflation-rate-based portfolios from the structural regime-switching factor model. Coefficients are retrieved regionally and internationally and concern the stylized facts of volatility regimes, financial crises, and structural economic variables. β 0 w and β 1 w are the estimates of the latent regime variables. The three crises concern the coefficients of the three respective dummy variables. MC, IT, GDP, INF, and INT concern the coefficients of the respective structural macroeconomic variables (i.e., changes in market capitalization, trade integration , GDP growth, inflation rate, and interest rate). Then, the adjusted R 2 (adj. R 2 ) and the joint significance hypothesis F test ( F s t a t ) are reported. ** and * indicate statistical significance in 5% and 10%, respectively.
Table 8. Structural regime-switching factor model on interest-rate-based portfolios.
Table 8. Structural regime-switching factor model on interest-rate-based portfolios.
Global BetasRegional Betas
β 0 w β 1 w ARG CrisisUS CrisisEU CrisisMCTIGDPINFINTAdj. R 2 F Stat β 0 w β 1 w ARG CrisisUS CrisisEU CrisisMCTIGDPINFINTAdj. R 2 F Stat
Botswana−0.146 **−0.245 **0.183 **0.050 **0.311 **0.035 **0.037 **−0.031 **0.056 **0.056 **0.0370.603−0.351 **−0.241 **−0.0930.176 **0.028−0.230 **−0.011 **−0.080 **0.064 **0.015 **0.0811.370
Egypt1.610 **1.391 **−1.268 **−1.473 **0.3350.5350.243 **−0.062 **−0.102 **0.178 **0.076 **1.2901.7833.2750.371−2.402 **−2.844−0.088−0.3260.016 **0.267 **−0.343 **0.0881.513
Kenya0.520 **0.389 **−0.672 **0.847 **0.861 **0.932 **−0.933 **−0.046 **0.057 **−0.215 **0.0490.8091.219 **1.377 **−0.2220.874−0.1470.654−0.773−0.015 **0.312 **−0.260 **0.0480.781
Mauritius0.325 **0.289 **−0.089 **−0.069 **0.0210.092 **−0.302 **0.097 **0.022 **0.011 **0.1272.274 **−0.5590.103−0.491 **−0.707 **−1.338 **0.074−0.5410.102 **0.016 **0.051 **0.0330.538
South Africa0.287−0.174−0.467 **−0.1360.3314.1126.641−0.112 **0.515 *−0.815 **0.1021.764 *1.632 **2.483 **0.560−1.587 *−1.5183.4631.741−0.080 **−1.345−0.462 **0.1522.803 **
Argentina−0.863−0.959−1.266 **0.400−0.016−0.325−0.489 **−1.7660.233−0.211 **0.1091.926 **−0.933−2.147 **−3.430−1.5500.3370.166−0.223−4.4100.186−0.281 **0.0711.193
Brazil−0.1130.106 **−0.274 **−0.642 **−0.082−0.2100.185 **−0.050 **−0.097 **0.029 **0.1432.599 **−0.272−0.434−1.716−1.168 **0.485−1.9860.077−0.099 **−0.492 **0.0880.1011.748 *
Canada−0.397 **−0.043 **−0.148 **−0.842 **−0.0120.324 **0.014 **−0.167 **0.075 **0.057 **0.2013.929 **−0.462 *−0.690 **−1.734 *−2.907−0.291−0.090−0.158−0.182 *0.580 **0.476 *0.0590.975
Chile0.023 **0.087 **0.033−0.099 **0.0810.170 **0.042 **−0.022 **−0.073 **−0.065 **0.0721.2080.201 **0.138 **−0.201 **−0.298 **0.125 **0.347 **−0.075 **−0.046 **0.075 **−0.032 **0.0641.062
Colombia−0.036 **0.015 **−0.034 **−0.149 **−0.098 **0.072 **0.028 **−0.063 **−0.017 **−0.091 **0.0831.404−0.076 **−0.050 **−0.365 **−0.411 **−0.056 **0.148 **0.021 **−0.013 **−0.125 **−0.011 **0.0891.527
Jamaica0.358 **0.474 **−0.150 **−0.052 **0.632 **−0.165 **−0.059 **0.007 **0.064 **−0.063 **0.2675.678 **0.804 **0.923 **−0.463 **−0.190 **0.998 **−0.507 **−0.0130.003 **0.112 **−0.091 **0.2003.905 **
Mexico0.0120.082 **−0.247 **−0.599 **0.0301.446 **0.111 **−0.066 **0.051−0.031 **0.1502.743 **−0.0150.174−1.432 **−2.221 **−0.2150.248−0.119 **−0.019 **1.5050.215 **0.1552.869 **
Panama0.251 **0.216 **−0.338 **−0.215 **0.108 **0.169 **0.140 **−0.037 **−0.024 **0.061 **0.0330.5320.933 **0.583 **−0.881 **−0.444 **0.065−0.1110.105−0.094 **0.427 **0.149 **0.0841.438
Peru−0.212 **−0.087 **−0.087 **−0.131 **0.048 **0.430 **0.042 **−0.284 **−0.052 **−0.048 **0.1402.531 **−0.388 **−0.206 **−0.369 **−0.377−0.0390.330 **0.069 **−0.225 **0.011 **−0.090 **0.0871.485
United States0.482 **0.508 **−0.274 **0.195−0.0190.710−2.347 **−0.110 **0.073 **−0.181 **0.1773.346 **1.232 **0.280 **−1.937 *−0.6320.2691.587−3.713−0.207 **−0.212−0.0440.1202.132 **
Venezuela0.0140.120 **0.247 **−0.143 **−0.079−0.112 **0.670 **−0.008 **−0.204 **0.060 **0.1021.767 *0.195 **−0.058 **−0.316 **−0.772 **−0.346 **−0.037 **−0.2030.002 **0.040 *0.104 **0.0981.691 *
Australia−0.193 **−0.141 **−0.202 **−0.327 **0.383 **−0.953 **0.523 **−0.063 **−0.067 **−0.0590.1993.875 **2.939 **2.843 **−0.455 **−0.236 **0.271 **−1.026 **0.430 **−0.043 **−0.110 **0.033 **0.2104.154 **
Bangladesh−0.745 **−0.628 **−0.499 **−0.335 **−0.154 *0.116 *−0.117−0.258 **−0.065 **−0.162 **0.0701.1652.707 **2.853 **−0.423 **−0.216 **−0.402 **−0.0370.056−0.022−0.047 **−0.166 **0.1562.878 **
China0.395 **0.204−1.015 **−0.1420.2872.460−0.423−0.169 **−0.083−0.292 **0.1142.006 **6.008 **5.502 **−1.450 **−0.5060.1752.447−0.248−0.150 **0.361−0.286 **0.1091.902 **
Hong Kong SAR−0.021−0.122−0.942 **−1.805 **−0.4190.0575.163−0.011 **0.0180.0810.0881.5139.573 *9.596 *−0.594 **−2.000 **−0.953 **−1.3792.3310.012 **0.2490.207 **0.2224.459 **
India−0.930 **−0.806−1.164 *−1.611 *−0.942 **−0.821−0.4770.018 **−0.2950.264 *0.0661.1016.987 **6.595 **−1.511 **−1.456−0.779−1.082−0.9850.040 **−0.5520.3310.1222.165 **
Indonesia0.123−0.281−1.309 **−0.838 **−0.496 **1.803 *0.311 **−0.045 **0.280 **−0.532 **0.1081.887 **3.142 **2.546 **−0.837 **−0.965 **−0.2711.404 *0.105−0.066 **0.182 **−0.429 **0.0911.568
Israel0.323 **0.088−0.572 **−1.255 **−0.390 **−1.287 **−10.6630.180 **0.073 **0.267 **0.2374.857 **9.546 **9.385 **−0.842 **−1.352 **−0.200 **−1.569 **−1.5690.205 **−0.032 **0.258 **0.2495.165 **
Japan1.224 **1.116 **−0.347 **−0.657 **−0.461 **2.420 **−4.089 *−0.164 **−0.031 **−0.383 **0.2424.991 **25.886 **25.265 **−0.242−1.663 **−1.232 *2.811−6.639−0.087 **−0.334 **−0.489 **0.3006.688 **
Jordan−0.674 **−0.672 **−0.065 **−0.226 **−0.484 **−0.250 **−0.250 **0.036 **−0.011 **0.074 **0.1252.238 **−0.049 **−0.022−0.055 **−0.059 **−0.300 **−0.168 **0.111 **0.030 **−0.030 **0.049 **0.1182.082 **
Malaysia−0.652 **−0.917 **−0.468 *−0.650 **−0.032−0.566−0.127 **0.017 **−0.259 **0.375 **0.1182.090 **1.179 **1.030 **−0.808 **−0.524 **−0.617 **−1.638−0.012 *0.038 **−0.083 **0.142 **0.0580.9623
New Zealand−0.053−0.197 **−0.1210.496 **1.555 **1.426 **2.554 *−0.084 **−0.253 **−0.330 **0.1833.493 **2.911 **2.686 **−0.128 **0.419 **1.370 **0.898 **2.181 **−0.062 **−0.099 **−0.300 **0.2404.929 **
Oman0.344 **0.052 **−0.217 **−0.312 **0.1630.700−0.291 **−0.050 **−0.120 **−0.099 **0.0570.9445.289 **5.109 **−0.325 **−0.375 **−0.163 **0.301 **−0.239 **−0.013 **0.153 **−0.026 **0.2525.259 **
Pakistan−0.325 **−0.331 **−0.369 **−0.344 **−0.189 **0.621−0.249 **−0.058 **0.088−0.107 **0.0751.2663.645 **3.590 **−0.196−0.022−0.500 **0.809−1.126 **−0.072 **0.222−0.210 **0.1653.071 **
Philippines0.283 *−0.0900.944−1.091 **−0.740 **1.166 **0.276 **0.1020.064 **−0.045 **0.1202.133 **2.589 **2.253 **−0.280 **−0.928 **−0.790 **0.888 *0.297 **−0.7650.082 **−0.136 **0.1031.792 *
Saudi Arabia−0.493 **−0.504 **0.049−0.279 **−0.321 **0.099 **−0.015 **−0.007 **−0.188 **−0.349 **0.0951.643 *−0.423 **−0.360 **−0.101 **−0.161 **0.094 **0.167 **0.034 *−0.006 **0.016 **−0.450 **0.1302.320 **
Singapore0.968 **0.865 **0.358−1.212 **−0.3371.825 *0.262 **−0.331 **0.056 **0.056 *0.2916.415 **10.203 **9.830 **−0.011−1.364 **−0.526 *2.168 **0.269 **−0.146 **0.058 **−0.111 **0.3327.767 **
South Korea0.772 **0.805 **−0.970 **−1.591 **−0.601 **1.581−0.141−0.141 **0.119 **−0.036 **0.1743.289 **15.759 **15.411 **−1.030−1.715 **−0.2741.573−0.030−0.296 **0.166 **−0.0360.2434.997 **
Taiwan Province of China1.795 **1.417 **−0.350−1.338 **0.1311.422 **−0.691 **−0.624 **−0.132 **−0.258 **0.1332.395 **15.636 **15.509 **−0.632 **−1.515 **0.1720.953 **−0.558 *−0.098−0.092 *−0.252 **0.3538.517 **
Thailand−0.268 **−0.468 **−0.409 **−1.036 **−0.609 **1.387 **−0.603 **−0.574 **0.108 **−0.228 **0.1562.890 **4.871 **4.430 **−0.514 **−1.088 **−0.706 **2.081 **−0.538−0.479 **−0.125 **−0.326 **0.1542.828 **
United Arab Emirates−0.016 **−0.068 **−0.050 **−0.135 **−0.149 **0.100 **0.100 **−0.0020.013 **−0.023 **0.0861.4600.384 **0.307 **−0.076 **−0.071 **−0.117 **0.071 **−0.047−0.019 **0.034 **−0.048 **0.0330.526
Austria0.826 **0.678 **−0.282 **−0.429 **−0.351 **−0.260−0.109 *0.072 **0.0780.279 **0.1372.474 **0.871 **1.009 **−0.254 **−0.524 **−0.330 **−1.080 **−0.065 **−0.039 **−0.027 **0.698 **0.1903.668 **
Belgium0.544 **0.086−0.161 **−0.747 **−0.696 **0.537 **0.667 **1.0300.049 **0.171 **0.1282.296 **0.829 **0.441 **−0.277−0.613 **−0.6920.760 **0.973 **0.3630.093 *0.390 **0.1111.953 **
Bulgaria1.0941.312−0.608−1.565 **−1.5814.1881.181−1.727−0.054−0.4730.0801.3580.8841.283−0.183−3.038−0.6478.1434.287−2.920−0.115−0.0130.0671.112
Croatia−0.286−0.664 **−0.649 **−1.253 **−0.160−0.1601.710−0.019 **−0.1530.115 **0.0991.730 *−0.219−0.542−1.060 **−1.002 **0.4121.4702.857−0.027 **−0.379 **0.105 **0.1272.278 **
Cyprus1.162 **0.961 **−0.847 **−1.417 **−1.417 **−1.515−1.0420.028 **−0.059 **0.314 **0.0951.639 *1.098 **1.395 **−1.551 **−1.832 **−1.168 **−0.4810.5220.014 **−0.496 **0.280 **0.1071.859 *
Czech Republic0.257 **−1.954 **−0.276 **−1.515 **−1.312 **−0.6390.171 **0.168 **−0.310 **0.257 **0.1653.075 **−0.964 **−1.110 **−0.656 **−1.740 **−0.751 **−0.415−0.0550.093 **0.2200.298 **0.1532.824 **
Denmark0.251 **−0.107−0.079 **−0.317 **−0.1970.824 **0.342 **−0.029 **0.014−0.160 **0.1743.291 **0.438 **0.149 **−0.136 **−0.186 **0.492 **1.754 **0.686 **−0.078 **0.086 **−0.217 **0.2013.913 **
Estonia−0.255 **−0.435 **−0.233 **−0.695 **0.290 **0.514 **−0.135 **−0.095 **0.037 **−0.612 **0.1823.461 **−0.151 **−0.192 **−0.281 **−1.105 **0.907 **1.058 **−0.241 **−0.263 **0.046 **−0.685 **0.203 **3.973 **
Finland5.119 **4.990 **−0.899−1.738 **0.2521.5581.180−0.072 **−0.161 **−0.285 **0.1993.889 **3.700 **4.177 **0.735−1.929 **1.589 **−1.9734.400 **−0.150 **−0.344−0.059 **0.2896.33 **
France0.280−0.316−1.157 **−0.676 **−0.801 **−0.801 **−0.0210.594 **−0.013 **0.071 **0.0821.4010.523 *0.166 *−1.463 **−0.745 **0.263−0.219−0.285 **0.022−0.132 *0.104 *0.0831.407
Germany2.265 **1.609 **−0.787 **−1.387 **−1.399 **−0.977 **−0.0140.078 **0.655 **0.219 **0.1202.128 **2.589 **2.175 **−1.486 **−1.491 **−0.944 **−0.944−0.060−0.0480.704 **0.269 **0.0951.656 *
Greece−1.106 *−1.642 **−0.419 **−1.310 **−1.239 **−0.680−0.0760.042 **0.365 **−0.058 **0.1202.123 **−0.623 **−0.855 **−0.619 **−1.246 **−0.751 **−1.112−0.264 **0.017 **0.370 **0.084 **0.1031.781 *
Hungary−0.482 **−0.535 **−0.488 **−1.349 **−0.492 **−0.5550.630 **0.056 **0.195 **0.246 **0.0971.679 *−0.706 **−0.478 **−1.095 **−1.550 **0.0650.3681.1600.011 **0.109 *0.064 **0.0841.430
Ireland−1.252 **−1.465 **0.933 **−0.686 **−1.108 **−5.1641.187 **0.372 **0.127 **0.464 **0.1713.228 **−2.148 *−2.2991.694 **−0.692 **−1.559 **−10.0492.212 **0.664 **0.300 **0.902 **0.1623.007 **
Italy0.227 **−1.575 **−0.600 **−0.804 **−0.200 **−1.545 **0.322 **0.024 **−0.0200.227 **0.0941.681 *−0.611−0.906−0.992 **−0.751 **−0.068−1.1340.328 **−0.037 **−0.320 **0.216 **0.0600.987
Latvia11.1039.6230.910 **−0.492−4.1422.331−0.146 *0.075 **−1.170 *−0.759 **0.2615.498 **13.930 *13.244 **0.040−0.533 **−1.655 *1.6080.194 **0.022 **−0.758 **−0.394 **0.3729.231 **
Lithuania1.101 **1.009 **−0.056 **−0.121 **−0.043 **−0.086 **0.110 **0.085 **−0.040 **0.122 **0.1693.163 **1.155 **1.112 **−0.117 **−0.244 **−0.093 **−0.077 **0.185 **0.042 **−0.021 **0.164 **0.1843.513 **
Luxembourg1.470 **1.139 **−0.432 **−0.328 **−0.546 **0.569 **0.270 **0.078 **−0.038 **−0.235 **0.1502.754 **1.174 **0.988 **−0.689 **0.068−0.220 **0.955 **0.171 **−0.113 **−0.030 **−0.385 **0.2414.956 **
Malta0.598 **0.575 **−0.136 **−0.421 **−0.0200.223−0.117 **0.069 **0.041 **−0.011 **0.0981.693 *0.543 **0.622 **−0.218 **−0.323 **0.093 **0.109 **−0.083−0.051 **0.024 **−0.026 **0.0861.459
Netherlands1.175 **0.705 **−0.587 **−0.855 **−1.239 **0.4970.3420.014 **−0.1270.1160.0941.691 *1.444 **1.106 **−1.252 **−0.892 **−1.290 **2.4090.913−0.044 **−0.746 *−0.0650.0721.209
Norway1.373 **1.009 **−0.463 **−0.286 **−0.1500.337 *0.748 **0.748 **0.164 **−0.169 **0.1703.187 **1.476 **1.166 **−0.599 **0.0120.258 *0.958 *0.893 **−0.061 **0.225 **−0.346 **0.1853.546 **
Portugal−0.081−0.198 *−0.469 **−0.955 **−0.829 **0.485 **1.650 **−0.013 **0.065 **−0.173 **0.1452.652 **−0.086−0.063−0.798 **−0.993 **−0.569 **1.239 **1.702 **−0.041 **0.035−0.224 **0.0831.412
Romania−0.655 **−0.931 **−0.641 **−0.391 **−0.850 **0.425−0.700−0.076 **−0.076 **−0.401 **0.1482.710 **−0.531 **−0.515 **−1.329 **−0.488−0.0701.516 **−1.590−0.045 **−0.146 **−0.489 **0.1612.994 **
Russia3.384 **2.987 **−1.683 **−1.362 **−1.442 **0.353−1.657 **−0.0080.016−0.855 **0.1342.422 **3.671 **3.505 **−1.948 **−1.685 **−1.269 **1.348 **−2.329 **−0.052 **0.065 **−0.893 **0.2154.272 **
Slovak Republic0.178 **−0.045−0.726 **−0.977 **−0.314 **−0.128 **−0.157 **−0.045 **0.042 **0.291 **0.1212.143 **0.1340.227 **−0.825 **−0.873 **−0.8730.637 **−0.583 **−0.030 **0.042 **0.116 **0.1763.337 **
Spain−0.041−0.352 **0.185 **−0.458 **−0.434 **1.611 **−0.266 **−0.035 **−0.085 **−0.040 **0.1893.645 **−0.090−0.077 *0.443 *−0.419 **−0.0573.243 **−0.587 **−0.088 **−0.185 **−0.085 **0.2074.070 **
Sweden1.405 **0.863 **−0.560 *−1.399 **−1.791 **−0.7040.731 **0.061 *0.543 **−0.043 **0.1502.751 **1.8731.731 **−0.974 **−1.935−1.999 **0.1980.922 **−0.055 **0.656 **−0.073 **0.1683.144
Switzerland1.136 **0.899 **−0.671 **−0.753 **−0.252 **−0.183 **0.313 **0.020 **0.404 **−0.335 **0.1472.697 **1.333 **1.299 **−0.774 **−0.774 **−0.178 **−0.161 **0.177 **0.037 **0.804 **−0.357 **0.1071.875 *
Turkey−1.933 **−2.568 **−0.352 **−2.145 **−0.836−2.654−0.9920.016 **0.2850.2850.1332.398 **−1.548 **−1.460 **−0.514 **−2.426 **−0.461−2.615−2.8550.075 **−0.424 **0.120 **0.1402.543 **
Ukraine−3.925−10.2260.442−16.358−11.479 *−4.015−17.389 *−0.0112.384−0.7570.0981.697 *−0.411−2.461−1.584−10.414 **−3.3075.363−12.590 **−0.087 *0.753−0.4430.0931.592
United Kingdom0.847 **0.384 **0.086−0.623 **−0.469 **0.0450.126 **−0.037 **0.080 **−0.020 **0.1442.628 **1.098 **0.872 **0.028−0.572 **−0.1520.1780.302 **−0.039 **0.053 **−0.013 **0.1522.799 **
Notes: Table 8 reports the estimated coefficients for all types of international equity interest-rate-based portfolios from the structural regime-switching factor model. Coefficients are retrieved regionally and internationally and concern the stylized facts of volatility regimes, financial crises, and structural economic variables. β 0 w and β 1 w are the estimates of the latent regime variables. The three crises concern the coefficients of the three respective dummy variables. MC, IT, GDP, INF, and INT concern the coefficients of the respective structural macroeconomic variables (i.e., changes in market capitalization, trade integration , GDP growth, inflation rate, and interest rate). Then, the adjusted R 2 (adj. R 2 ) and the joint significance hypothesis F test ( F s t a t ) are reported. ** and * indicate statistical significance in 5% and 10%, respectively.
Table 9. Ehrmann et al. (2011) contagion test on market-capitalization-based portfolios.
Table 9. Ehrmann et al. (2011) contagion test on market-capitalization-based portfolios.
Implied Global BetasImplied Regional Betas
v 0 Arg cr.US cr.EU cr. v 0 Arg cr.US cr.EU cr.
Botswana−1.387 *−1.3900.5171.5240.054−0.706 **0.312 *−0.083
Kenya−0.010−0.481 **−0.0030.404 **−0.063 *0.1560.0430.055
South Africa0.120 *0.172−0.463 **−0.351 *−0.0190.372 **−0.0550.023
Argentina0.541 *−0.508−0.533−2.091 *0.0420.1750.074−0.623
Canada1.592 *−1.330−0.912−1.311−0.0920.2600.1530.029
Chile3.287 **−3.507−3.482−3.980−0.0140.121 **0.038−0.054 *
Colombia0.244 **−0.069−0.0870.097−0.043 **0.098 *0.067 *0.020
Jamaica2.928 **−5.013−3.803 *−2.384−0.0090.0300.0200.282 **
Mexico0.539 **−0.754−0.839 *−0.2340.1780.068−0.098−0.334
Panama0.110 *−0.0100.0020.356 *0.085−0.095−0.085−0.193
Peru−0.040−0.262 *−0.056−0.111−0.0010.0710.035−0.026
United States0.009−0.0020.0320.1250.0200.0440.055−0.002
Venezuela0.709 **−1.208−0.933−0.4490.0050.0610.070−0.012
Australia1.109 **−1.045−1.507 **−1.0660.0040.0350.004−0.007
Bangladesh0.210 *−0.944 *0.0240.131−0.027 *0.0270.0240.025
China0.046−0.183−0.749 *0.5620.0350.038−0.0200.011
Hong Kong SAR−0.221 **0.475 **0.323 **0.2800.0940.075−0.079−0.032
India−2.228 **2.4421.6585.270 *−0.0210.1810.0540.003
Indonesia−0.414 *0.2380.1740.746−0.054 *0.176 *0.0630.092
Israel0.182−0.471−0.2390.229−0.0540.222 *0.0750.072
Japan0.169−0.619 *0.003−0.245−0.0990.1230.1090.053
Jordan−0.6620.6500.5550.8840.0020.035 **0.0040.019
Malaysia−0.816 *1.0010.6771.3810.0110.144 *0.0030.036
New Zealand0.0040.262−0.0390.052−0.050 *0.1600.0640.058
Oman−0.324 *0.079−0.1590.806−0.047 **0.0480.0520.053
Pakistan0.441 **−0.583−0.542−0.683−0.0130.098 *0.0100.049
Philippines0.2800.069−0.353−0.3410.0040.476 **0.004−0.014
Saudi Arabia0.665 **−0.846−1.318 **0.869 *0.0010.0450.0040.028
Singapore−0.192 **0.228−0.0220.623 **0.0440.008−0.0300.012
South Korea0.743 **−0.929 *−0.632 *−1.083 **−1.083 *0.039−0.141−0.237
Taiwan Province of China−0.225 *−0.0270.248−0.975 **0.0020.200−0.001−0.094
United Arab Emirates0.719 **−0.810−1.700 **−0.1732.21 × 10 4 0.0201.29 × 10 4 −0.001
Austria0.741 **−0.802−0.849 *−0.717−0.057 **0.0650.0610.067
Belgium0.114 **−0.119−0.316 **0.124−0.1110.1130.1360.097
Bulgaria−0.0870.183−0.4481.949 **−1.174 **1.1691.1561.085
Croatia0.394−1.477 **−0.480−0.4800.213 **0.1660.1980.157
Cyprus−0.481 **−0.1520.238−0.339−0.104 *0.1030.1590.051
Czech Republic−0.120 *−0.806 **−0.027−0.066−0.194 **0.2050.2240.130
Denmark0.410 *−0.318−0.356−0.506−0.084 *0.1060.0970.017
Estonia0.122−0.671 *0.0830.380−0.150 **0.1590.176 *0.151
Finland−0.285 **−0.3030.316−0.384−0.498 **0.4990.638 **0.393
France−0.171 **0.2010.0900.054−0.1590.1660.2090.099
Germany−0.085 *0.198−0.0070.088−0.1250.1310.1550.082
Greece−0.0630.208−0.611 **0.152−0.129 **0.1530.1570.004
Hungary0.127−0.157−0.190−0.247−0.198 **0.2080.2310.179
Ireland0.103 *−0.339 *0.145−0.046−0.1870.1990.2210.191
Italy0.123 **−0.137−0.295 **0.075−0.1110.1130.1360.097
Latvia0.951 **−2.051 **−1.143 *−0.500−0.314 **0.3230.3400.299
Lithuania0.250 **−0.046−0.948 **−0.276−0.031 *0.0370.0350.034
Luxembourg−0.157 *0.0090.0010.328−0.088 **0.0950.098 *0.089
Malta1.015 **−1.187−2.382 **−0.886−0.0440.0490.0500.022
Netherlands−0.225 **−0.498 *0.2110.365−0.1680.1840.2230.142
Norway0.149 **−0.088−0.1750.473 **−0.191 **0.2080.220 *0.143
Portugal−0.071−0.014−0.161−0.276 *−0.242 **0.2510.270 *0.222
Romania0.503 **0.503 *−0.497−0.717−0.149 *0.1620.1780.136
Russia−0.033−0.1110.437 **0.168−0.275 **0.2990.337 *0.276
Slovak Republic0.145 **−0.769 **−0.0980.350−0.0300.0280.0380.008
Spain−0.083−0.093−0.533 **0.352−0.162 **0.1710.1850.157
Sweden−0.178 **0.2940.0710.416 *−0.462 **0.5020.5060.440
Switzerland−0.249 **0.0820.2270.134−0.201 **0.2140.2260.156
Turkey0.114 **0.160−0.056−0.239−0.181 *0.2010.227−0.015
United Kingdom0.015−0.275 *−0.096−0.079−0.221 **0.2400.230 *0.133
Notes: Table 9 presents the results of the Ehrmann et al. (2011) contagion test depending on market-capitalization-based portfolios. The v 0 and v j coefficients (j concerns the crises) are reported with an indication of statistical significance as well. ** and * indicate statistical significance in 5% and 10%, respectively. Results came from either internationally or regionally constructed portfolios. Portfolios are market capitalization weighted portfolios; specifically, the weighting scheme is based upon changes in stock market capitalization.
Table 10. Ehrmann et al. (2011) contagion test on trade-integration-based portfolios.
Table 10. Ehrmann et al. (2011) contagion test on trade-integration-based portfolios.
Implied Global BetasImplied Regional Betas
v 0 Arg cr.US cr.EU cr. v 0 Arg cr.US cr.EU cr.
Botswana−0.007 *0.073 **−0.0130.0160.2817.368 **−3.039 **0.003
Egypt−0.0540.213 **0.0490.059−1.2394.6521.845−0.100
Kenya−0.041 **0.056 *0.0070.043−0.5041.096−2.0880.384
Mauritius0.052−0.044−0.083−0.0450.684 *0.166−0.920−0.378
South Africa0.0030.084−0.0200.0032.705 *2.687−2.601−3.716
Argentina−0.459 *0.6530.4860.2213.136 *−2.2360.434−2.743 **
Brazil0.1270.137−0.077−0.2671.406−0.6550.447−6.297 *
Canada−0.662 **1.0430.6930.5910.2381.1640.395−3.785 *
Chile−0.077 **0.213 **0.084 *0.0050.2520.8330.597 *−2.907 **
Colombia−0.089 **0.169 *0.102 *0.043−0.1860.5710.890 *−1.743 **
Jamaica−0.056 **0.0870.0610.104−0.034−0.0120.383−5.654 **
Mexico0.1190.149−0.080−0.2212.447 **−0.895−0.382−9.325 **
Panama0.0070.005−0.011−0.1260.780 *−1.782−0.728−3.093 *
Peru−0.057 **0.166 **0.084 *−0.0200.449 *0.1030.126−1.410 *
United States−0.326 *0.4120.3620.2380.250−0.3561.465−1.177
Venezuela−0.081 *0.1750.1040.0670.5420.7374.110 **−3.565 *
Australia0.071−0.315−0.145−0.5440.0312.160 **−0.0440.447
Bangladesh0.357−0.649−0.237−0.906−0.456 **0.669 *0.423 *1.174 **
China−0.036−0.0760.0590.441−0.1551.039 *0.1670.983
Hong Kong SAR−0.106−0.3730.2150.152−0.1123.633 **0.0820.952
India1.136 *−1.495−0.455−2.212−0.901 **3.110 **0.8721.897 *
Indonesia0.101−0.427−0.1150.160−0.1374.898 **0.1220.594
Israel0.629−1.060−0.921−1.569−0.558 *6.389 **0.6460.774
Japan1.446−2.327−1.167−1.995−0.591 *2.741 **0.5580.467
Jordan−0.0210.0210.282 *0.2030.063 *0.249 **−0.0850.180 *
Malaysia0.488−0.5040.312−0.480−0.0021.653 **−0.0691.246 *
New Zealand−0.4650.1920.3380.708−0.330 *4.207 **0.3590.281
Oman−0.490 *0.2730.4800.559−0.363 **1.792 **0.3401.066 **
Pakistan−0.051−0.811−0.2873.08 × 10 4 −0.0624.412 **0.1341.327
Philippines0.550−0.983−0.588−1.005−0.4563.896 **0.5370.232
Saudi Arabia0.225 *−0.267−0.320−0.305−0.0751.050 **0.0900.101
Singapore0.156−0.428−0.2080.192−0.2020.9000.2201.309 *
South Korea−0.059−1.7300.757−1.1820.6231.423−0.738−1.023
Taiwan Province of China−0.5770.1320.873−0.1220.731 *0.731 **−0.729−2.194 **
United Arab Emirates−0.161 **0.1020.1470.199−0.0060.592 **0.0090.026
Austria−0.282 *0.3330.2990.365−1.297 *1.4081.1341.596
Belgium−1.125 *1.1511.2281.0771.667−1.556−1.210−1.461
Bulgaria−8.876 **8.9068.8199.369−7.178 **7.3107.8208.565
Croatia−1.106 **1.1301.2451.273−4.463 **4.6384.6744.719
Cyprus−1.092 **1.0751.3120.7641.494−1.4620.617−1.311
Czech Republic−1.121 **1.2181.262 *0.821−3.1823.6744.3944.044
Denmark−0.1550.3300.211−0.026−3.380 **3.8333.8422.883
Estonia−0.913 **0.9761.038 *0.963−2.450 **2.7352.8232.822
Finland−3.312 **3.3873.954 *3.162−9.881 **10.43012.6028.594
France−1.560 *1.6551.7811.3251.179−1.002−0.236−0.370
Germany−1.695 *1.7451.8241.5355.040 *−4.811−4.550−5.195
Greece−0.753 **0.9480.8750.262−5.067 **5.4895.7154.572
Hungary−1.566 **1.6641.7071.412−0.1240.5660.5360.629
Ireland−1.629 *1.7451.7881.6550.1650.0610.3790.581
Italy−1.125 *1.1511.2281.0771.667−1.556−1.210−1.461
Latvia−1.461 **1.1961.2531.161−1.119 *1.1371.1981.132
Lithuania−0.0760.1180.0790.064−1.858 **2.1461.8972.264
Luxembourg−0.515 **0.577 *0.568 *0.550−1.473 *1.7910.9601.562
Malta−0.264 **0.2870.291 *0.220−0.9431.4481.1960.909
Netherlands−1.722 *1.8531.9591.5802.111−1.790−1.183−1.421
Norway−1.015 **1.1651.147 *0.785−3.867 **4.3104.500 *3.959
Portugal−1.741 **1.8261.848 *1.758−3.449 **3.5094.4423.615
Romania−0.739 *0.8610.8300.689−5.267 **6.0715.6135.094
Russia−1.331 **1.5071.586 *1.404−7.758 **8.91910.8178.351
Slovak Republic8.3510.0440.094−0.0790.067−0.041−0.282−0.487
Spain−0.665 *0.7240.7750.641−3.855 **3.9994.718 *3.984
Sweden−1.794 **2.1061.9861.758−12.048 **13.58313.679 *11.744
Switzerland−1.466 **1.5611.5801.362−2.0582.2202.6642.262
Turkey−0.690 *0.8690.845−0.462−4.8845.3995.3919.146
United Kingdom−0.957 **1.1060.9860.647−4.388 **4.7574.745 *3.507
Notes: Table 10 presents the results of the Ehrmann et al. (2011) contagion test depending on trade-integration-based portfolios. The v 0 and v j coefficients (j concerns the crises) are reported with an indication of statistical significance as well. ** and * indicate statistical significance in 5% and 10%, respectively. Results came from either internationally or regionally constructed portfolios. Portfolios are trade integration weighted portfolios; specifically, the weighting scheme is based upon changes in trade integration.
Table 11. Ehrmann et al. (2011) contagion test on GDP-based portfolios.
Table 11. Ehrmann et al. (2011) contagion test on GDP-based portfolios.
Implied Global BetasImplied Regional Betas
v 0 Arg cr.US cr.EU cr. v 0 Arg cr.US cr.EU cr.
Botswana0.074 **0.188 *0.087−0.0920.115 **0.324 *−0.009−0.138
Egypt−0.123 **0.421 **0.1530.1710.1242.009 *0.243−0.487
Kenya−0.072 **0.075−0.152 **0.255 **0.255 *0.2130.134−0.041
Mauritius−0.0160.004−0.056 *0.0030.0300.0630.086−0.023
South Africa0.0450.302 **−0.030−0.256 *0.2860.939−0.004−0.509
Argentina0.099−0.012−0.069−1.658 **−2.148 **2.3632.3371.853
Canada1.652 *−1.403−1.203−1.489−1.228 **1.5531.4931.069
Chile0.673 **−0.564−0.529−0.771−0.412 **0.4660.4030.230
Colombia0.188 **0.0570.058 *0.088 *−0.268 *−0.2680.3180.170
Jamaica0.084 **−0.100−0.128 **0.359 **−0.364 **0.3520.3750.563
Mexico−0.0560.519 **0.308 *0.0440.0920.0880.090−0.228
Peru0.0230.1170.171 **−0.076−0.416 **0.4670.4970.180
United States0.534−4.258 **−2.681 **0.624−2.222 *2.3602.4351.983
Venezuela−0.0270.1340.179 *0.033−0.424 **0.3790.5530.399
Australia0.515 **−0.376−0.645 *−0.515−0.0770.0350.072−0.107
Bangladesh−0.076 **−0.0390.454 **0.247 **−0.025−0.0280.015−0.214
China−0.1000.060−0.4350.662−0.294 *0.3240.3180.362
Hong Kong SAR−0.214 **0.488 **0.360 **0.200−0.1570.0580.1930.728
India−1.145 **1.4280.9242.444 *−0.2460.2540.421−0.259
Indonesia−0.133 *0.2220.2170.323−0.224 *0.1300.2240.289
Israel−0.054−0.263 *0.0490.333 *−0.1780.1270.148−0.106
Japan0.311−1.424 *1.394 *0.078−0.4140.2120.4570.100
Jordan0.128 **−0.127 **−0.099 **−0.017−0.036 **0.0480.094 **0.084 *
Malaysia−0.117 *0.474 **0.0250.555 **0.0310.0120.140−0.076
New Zealand0.0260.213 *−0.076−0.032−0.318 **0.2530.317 *0.325
Oman−0.110 **−0.067−0.0540.368 **−0.164 **0.1100.1880.179
Pakistan0.028−0.036−0.034−0.308 *−0.162 *0.0140.0640.140
Philippines−0.0710.464 **0.070−0.181−0.044−0.1190.056−0.144
Saudi Arabia0.169 **−0.203−0.280 **0.390 **−0.0120.0120.0010.005
Singapore−0.108 **0.1180.0560.012−0.2840.2740.2900.346
South Korea0.326 **0.326 *−0.157−0.658 **−0.324−0.0250.478−0.080
Taiwan Province of China−0.208 *−0.0290.552 *−0.998 **−0.353 *0.3150.3630.084
Thailand0.0420.092−0.124−0.776 **−0.268 *0.2380.2180.209
United Arab Emirates0.244 **−0.149−0.293 *−0.079−0.044 **0.0350.0410.044
Austria0.200 **−0.237 *−0.200 *−0.294 *−0.0900.1020.1260.094
Bulgaria−0.1900.373−0.1482.033 **−1.542 *1.4791.6250.603
Croatia0.118 **−0.382 **−0.216 *−0.151−0.276 *0.2840.3620.221
Cyprus−0.150 **−0.368 *0.116−0.708 **0.083−0.086−0.0240.024
Czech Republic−0.114 **0.0190.085−0.119−0.291 *0.3230.3710.142
Estonia−0.119 **0.1330.457 **0.196 *−0.346 **0.3630.393 *0.329
Finland−0.327 **−0.1850.398 *−0.241−0.4640.4830.7200.114
France−0.302 *0.2360.1430.208−0.093−0.0930.2340.018
Germany−0.0320.032−0.272 *0.109−0.1240.1410.2420.173
Greece−0.0780.239−0.131−0.119−0.188 *0.1860.259−0.009
Hungary−0.107 **0.1180.1390.111−0.699 **0.7130.777 *0.636
Ireland−0.0310.211 *0.306 **0.015−0.1010.1060.2250.086
Italy0.277 **−0.317−0.580 **0.035−0.2380.2410.3180.246
Latvia0.151 *−0.061−0.056−0.058−0.1770.1910.2510.096
Lithuania−0.078 **0.265 **0.0530.0140.064−0.048−0.080−0.087
Luxembourg−0.097 **0.161 *0.221 **−0.028−0.0280.0790.1020.072
Netherlands−0.170 **−0.2540.1840.264 *−0.1360.1600.3310.184
Norway−0.0250.1380.137 *0.153−0.363 **0.3860.3960.287
Portugal−0.126 **0.278 **−0.032−0.119−0.539 **0.5670.615 *0.453
Romania0.220 **−0.633 **−0.040−0.275 *−0.1610.1540.2660.158
Russia−0.0590.1010.458 **0.187−0.509 **0.5650.653 *0.444
Slovak Republic0.043−0.1410.1700.178 *0.146−0.156−0.120−0.150
Spain−0.073−0.036−0.322 **0.320 *0.0070.0050.080−0.045
Sweden−0.197 **0.3190.2350.403 *−0.4670.5380.5930.383
Switzerland−0.154 **0.1130.200 *0.010−0.405 **0.4220.4590.263
Turkey0.103 *0.192−0.022−0.229−0.1660.1700.581−0.490
United Kingdom0.216 *−1.145 **−0.508 *−0.215−0.2540.2900.3260.075
Notes: Table 11 presents the results of the Ehrmann et al. (2011) contagion test depending on GDP-based portfolios. The v 0 and v j coefficients (j concerns the crises) are reported with an indication of statistical significance as well. ** and * indicate statistical significance in 5% and 10%, respectively. Results came from either internationally or regionally constructed portfolios. Portfolios are GDP weighted portfolios; specifically, the weighting scheme is based upon changes in GDP growth rate.
Table 12. Ehrmann et al. (2011) contagion test on inflation-rate-based portfolios.
Table 12. Ehrmann et al. (2011) contagion test on inflation-rate-based portfolios.
Implied Global BetasImplied Regional Betas
v 0 Arg cr.US cr.EU cr. v 0 Arg cr.US cr.EU cr.
Botswana−0.013 *0.0110.0240.0270.6800.778 **−0.259−0.726
Egypt−0.0120.0240.052−0.323 **0.2591.515 *3.180−2.082
Kenya0.008−0.0080.027 *−0.158 **−0.5631.775 *1.889 *−0.038
Mauritius5.14 × 10−4−3.81 × 10−40.0120.0120.1541.0340.873 *−0.004
South Africa−0.0220.0180.039−0.140 *0.2370.778 *−0.696−0.336
Argentina0.044 *−0.056−0.027−0.113−0.2930.6680.3580.179
Canada0.008−0.070 *0.0040.003−0.665 **1.3360.7150.628
Chile0.006 *−0.019−0.001−0.006−0.713 **0.309 **0.874 *0.020
Colombia0.009 *−0.009−0.003−0.009−0.758 **0.222 **0.971 *0.365
Jamaica0.008 *−0.007−0.008−0.042 **−0.570 **1.1080.7200.316
Mexico0.036 **−0.086 *−0.013−0.0480.4940.4540.268−1.221
Peru0.001−0.0010.004−0.001−0.436 *0.2190.874−0.903
United States0.032 *−0.045−0.021−0.032−2.2614.1242.8831.557
Venezuela0.006−0.0060.011−0.006−0.4070.239 *0.8110.350
Australia−0.365 **0.570 *0.399 *1.031 **1.463 **−1.686−1.633−2.222
Bangladesh−0.287 **0.2690.3730.808 **1.419 **−1.642−1.248−2.374
China−0.676−1.0361.4550.4183.204 **−3.389−3.255−2.808
Hong Kong SAR−0.676 **0.8420.805 *1.289 **1.190−1.726−1.128−1.333
India−0.4731.9940.6950.7466.173 **−6.636−5.327 *−7.874 *
Indonesia−0.232−0.1310.3300.3402.757 *−3.176−2.943−2.333
Israel−0.416 **0.3670.4841.067 **4.212 **−4.737−4.763−5.685
Japan−0.453 *0.6780.6860.6991.142 **−1.209−1.130−1.174
Jordan−1.104 **0.9671.762 *1.843 *0.874−1.2872.4490.903
Malaysia−0.453 **0.4960.686 *1.458 **2.028 *−2.198−0.959−2.257
New Zealand0.1315−0.515−0.842−0.1691.171 *−1.507−1.424−0.709
Oman−0.204 **0.2202.333−0.2232.034−3.672−2.231−2.691
Pakistan−0.7970.4841.2292.7351.621 **−2.381−2.223 *−1.979
Philippines−0.311 **1.025 **0.4930.3563.326 **−3.761−2.991−3.495
Saudi Arabia−0.219 **0.2840.239 *0.2120.802 **−0.887−1.009 *−1.042
Singapore−1.3980.8480.2170.5663.975 **−4.248−4.181−3.792
South Korea−0.2971.0430.4880.2402.874 *−4.455−1.987−4.233
Taiwan Province of China−0.646 **0.918 *0.853 *0.5021.664−2.220−1.233−1.786
Thailand−0.261−0.7761.0110.8962.174 *−2.474−2.549−2.391
United Arab Emirates−0.669 **0.9190.7440.7260.265−0.928−0.6230.358
Belgium0.239 *−0.214−0.210−0.135−1.342 *1.4301.6081.192
Bulgaria−1.304 **1.3911.3842.169 *−0.938 **0.9480.9450.588
Croatia−0.402 *0.4150.4250.818−2.119 **2.1942.3331.935
Cyprus0.098−0.048−0.0460.086−1.007 *1.0951.1340.500
Czech Republic−0.2780.3280.3420.393−2.387 **2.6502.595 *1.602
Estonia−0.1640.1660.1870.337−1.631 **1.7561.850 *1.538
Finland−0.728 *0.8280.9471.190−4.677 **4.9405.912 *3.315
Germany0.587 *−0.550−0.570−0.449−1.664 *1.7772.0511.330
Greece−0.454 *0.5410.5690.581−1.266 *1.7781.572−0.130
Hungary−0.1560.2310.2340.249−2.694 **2.9313.028 *2.197
Italy0.239 *−0.214−0.210−0.135−1.342 *1.4301.6081.192
Latvia−0.4710.4830.4940.528−1.805 **1.9551.9611.621
Lithuania−0.165 *0.1650.1940.223−0.0890.2020.020−0.003
Luxembourg−0.0580.0830.0290.185−1.195 **1.3701.247 *1.183
Malta−0.0780.1030.0830.297−1.147 **1.2601.216 *0.893
Norway−0.273 *0.2980.3710.342−2.030 **2.3932.348 *1.511
Portugal−0.444 **0.4810.5420.605−3.422 **3.609 *3.595 **2.983
Romania−0.329 *0.4160.4040.559−0.9721.2601.0940.557
Russia−0.723 *0.7730.9830.977−2.670 **3.145 *3.057 *2.739
Slovak Republic0.067−0.042−0.0850.2100.128−0.091−0.105−0.486
Spain−0.283 *0.2960.3240.341−0.3960.5330.5400.211
Sweden−1.222 **1.3101.2571.430−2.988 *3.6393.1442.597
Switzerland−0.400 *0.4120.4460.642−3.203 **3.4413.486 *2.638
Turkey−0.2060.2560.2811.290−2.109 *2.5592.819−2.057
Ukraine0.362−0.3370.042−0.247−1.318 *1.3161.3521.291
United Kingdom−0.345 *0.3700.4610.518−1.217 *1.5421.4250.305
Notes: Table 12 presents the results of the Ehrmann et al. (2011) contagion test depending on inflation-rate-based portfolios. The v 0 and v j coefficients (j concerns the crises) are reported with an indication of statistical significance as well. ** and * indicate statistical significance in 5% and 10%, respectively. Results came from either internationally or regionally constructed portfolios. Portfolios are inflation rate weighted portfolios; specifically, the weighting scheme is based upon changes in inflation rates.
Table 13. Ehrmann et al. (2011) contagion test on Interest Rate-based portfolios.
Table 13. Ehrmann et al. (2011) contagion test on Interest Rate-based portfolios.
Implied Global BetasImplied Regional Betas
v 0 Arg cr.US cr.EU cr. v 0 Arg cr.US cr.EU cr.
Botswana−0.040 **0.115 **0.0340.098 **−0.198*2.085 **−0.3730.429
Egypt−0.132 **0.0940.178 *−0.260 *−1.5740.6161.4061.678
Kenya−0.028 *0.0250.103 **−0.110 **−1.185 **1.5350.2041.208
South Africa−0.188 **0.2000.239 *0.0950.1062.382−0.5680.148
Argentina0.215 *−0.190−0.047−0.561 *−0.481 *0.6860.5090.232
Canada−0.013−0.0370.0710.001−0.694 *1.0930.7270.620
Chile0.0140.0360.038 *−0.060 *−0.807 **2.244 **0.888 *0.068
Colombia0.0010.0240.051 *−0.013−0.935 **1.785 *1.068 *0.462
Jamaica0.0080.005−0.002−0.100 **−0.586 **0.9230.6381.082
Peru−0.0050.0430.063−0.006−0.595 **1.720 **0.872 *−0.224
United States0.111 *−0.0860.033−0.146−3.402 *4.3283.8002.502
Venezuela1.24 × 10 5 0.1130.150 **−0.012−0.854 *1.8291.1020.704
Australia−0.551 **1.226 **0.568 *1.035 **0.179−0.779−0.357−1.355
Bangladesh−0.583 **0.5830.629 *0.941 *0.892−1.617−0.604−2.265
China−0.790 **1.265 *0.7731.055−0.089−0.2110.1411.082
Hong Kong SAR1.082 **1.8131.5741.481−0.261−0.9390.5320.365
India−1.210 **1.2601.378 *1.2800.285−0.373−1.137−0.552
Indonesia−1.644 **1.7811.851 *1.7010.247−1.059−0.2820.388
Israel−1.018 **1.5181.0231.5021.575−0.263−0.233−0.391
Japan−1.028 **1.466 *1.080 *1.0970.362−0.580−0.293−0.498
Jordan−0.189 **0.0760.1950.235 *−0.0490.0530.713 *0.511
Malaysia−0.693 *1.0060.6991.409 *1.219−1.2570.777−1.196
New Zealand−0.515 *1.2400.8380.492−1.161 *0.4610.8441.761
Oman−0.793 **0.7930.804 *0.412−1.227 *0.7021.2041.400
Pakistan−0.242 *0.4540.3110.242−0.123−2.027−0.7190.007
Philippines−0.467 *0.413 **0.6750.4781.372−2.460−1.464−2.491
Saudi Arabia−0.383 **0.758 **0.360 *0.3830.572 *−0.684−0.808−0.779
Singapore−0.806 **1.668 *0.8291.0940.397−1.059−0.5360.457
South Korea−0.647 *2.247 *0.8020.554−0.141−4.3221.901−2.987
Taiwan Province of China−1.340 **2.415*1.570*1.143−1.4440.3322.189−0.309
Thailand−0.540 **0.8160.5580.5520.041−0.779−0.457−0.203
United Arab Emirates−0.164 **0.314 **0.182 *0.164−0.410 *0.2600.3700.525
Austria−0.0800.1300.1030.323−0.600 *0.7130.6290.773
Belgium0.091−0.0410.0310.071−2.393 *2.4422.6122.289
Bulgaria−0.337 **0.3520.3550.360−1.887 **1.8911.8751.994
Croatia−0.506 *0.5680.7771.406−2.349 **2.3992.6372.694
Cyprus−0.2300.3300.6230.473−2.324 **2.2982.798 *1.632
Czech Republic−0.3870.4870.6060.560−2.383 **2.5832.683 *1.749
Estonia−0.1910.2290.3530.457−1.936 **2.0612.190 *2.040
Finland−0.6970.9601.799 *1.308−0.704 **0.7190.843 *0.673
Germany0.270−0.133−0.138−0.155−3.606 *3.7193.8903.261
Hungary−0.3490.5740.6610.453−3.329 **3.5423.629 *3.017
Ireland−0.4090.6090.6570.651−3.468 *3.7053.8033.537
Italy0.091−0.0410.0310.071−2.393 *2.4422.6122.289
Latvia−0.0840.1220.2970.211−2.415 **2.5412.658 *2.474
Luxembourg−0.1020.1520.2060.402−1.103 **1.228*1.230 *1.184 *
Malta−0.0500.1130.0790.397−0.568 **0.6180.625 **0.464
Netherlands−0.0470.1840.3700.312−3.665 *3.9393.1673.365
Norway−0.385 *0.4730.668 *0.605−2.165 **2.4772.4421.657
Portugal−0.683 **0.8830.908 *0.775−3.705 **3.9173.930 *3.728
Russia−0.763 *0.8631.398 *1.536−2.836 **3.198 *3.378*2.997 *
Slovak Republic2.9970.0770.1070.522−0.1050.1050.209−0.149
Spain−0.335 *0.3970.5250.450−1.417 *1.5421.6481.360
Sweden−1.351 **1.6141.6341.640−3.812 **3.4873.2263.741
Switzerland−0.614 **0.6770.8101.041−3.116 **3.3153.3572.907
Turkey0.158−0.0700.0331.054−1.473 *1.8731.796−0.973
United Kingdom−0.345 *0.4200.5530.691−2.025 **−2.0252.0881.356
Notes: Table 13 presents the results of the Ehrmann et al. (2011) contagion test. The v 0 and v j coefficients (j concerns the crises) are reported with an indication of statistical significance as well. ** and * indicate statistical significance in 5% and 10%, respectively. Results came from either internationally or regionally constructed portfolios. Portfolios are interest rate weighted portfolios; specifically, the weighting scheme is based upon changes in interest rates.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Floros, C.; Vortelinos, D.; Chatziantoniou, I. Crises and Contagion in Equity Portfolios. Economies 2024, 12, 168.

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Floros C, Vortelinos D, Chatziantoniou I. Crises and Contagion in Equity Portfolios. Economies. 2024; 12(7):168.

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Floros, Christos, Dimitrios Vortelinos, and Ioannis Chatziantoniou. 2024. "Crises and Contagion in Equity Portfolios" Economies 12, no. 7: 168.

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