Knowledge Heterogenization of the Franchising Literature Applying Transaction Cost Economics
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
2.1. Franchising
2.2. Transaction Cost Economics
2.3. The Relevance of Transaction Cost Economics and Franchising
3. Methods
4. Results and Discussion
5. Conclusions
5.1. Implications
5.2. Limitations and Future Research Directions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Serial | Discipline | Journal Title | No. of Papers | Percentage |
1 | GM; IM | Journal of International Business Studies | 4 | 8.70% |
2 | GM | Journal of Business Research | 4 | 8.70% |
3 | GM | Journal of Small Business Management | 4 | 8.70% |
4 | MM; IM | Journal of International Marketing | 3 | 6.52% |
5 | GM | Journal of Business Venturing | 2 | 4.35% |
6 | GM | Journal of Applied Business Research * | 2 | 4.35% |
7 | MM | Journal of Marketing Research | 2 | 4.35% |
8 | GM | Small Business Economics | 2 | 4.35% |
9 | IM | Management International Review | 2 | 4.35% |
10 | GM | Managerial and Decision Economics * | 2 | 4.35% |
11 | GM | Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly | 1 | 2.17% |
12 | GM; IM | International Business Review | 1 | 2.17% |
13 | GM; IM | International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management | 1 | 2.17% |
14 | GM; IM | International Journal of Management Reviews | 1 | 2.17% |
15 | MM; IM | International Marketing Review | 1 | 2.17% |
16 | MM; IM | International of Research Marketing | 1 | 2.17% |
17 | GM; IM | Journal of International Management | 1 | 2.17% |
18 | MM | Journal of marketing | 1 | 2.17% |
19 | MM | Journal of Marketing Channels * | 1 | 2.17% |
20 | GM | Journal of Retailing | 1 | 2.17% |
21 | MM | Journal of Services Marketing | 1 | 2.17% |
22 | GM | Management Science | 1 | 2.17% |
23 | GM | Review of Industrial Organization | 1 | 2.17% |
24 | GM | Service Business | 1 | 2.17% |
25 | GM | Service Industries Journal | 1 | 2.17% |
26 | SM | Strategic Management Journal | 1 | 2.17% |
27 | SM | Journal of Economics & Management Strategy | 1 | 2.17% |
28 | E | The American Economic Review * | 1 | 2.17% |
29 | E | The Bell Journal of Economics * | 1 | 2.17% |
Sum | 46 | 100.00% |
Geographic Location | 1975–1984 | 1985–1994 | 1995–2004 | 2005–2016 | Total | Percentage | |
International Management | Europe | 1 (Hennart 1989) | 7 (Dahlstrom and Nygaard 1999; Fladmoe-Lindquist and Jacque 1995; Clegg and Cross 2000; Contractor and Kundu 1998a, 1998b; Burton et al. 2000; Erramilli et al. 2002) | 4 (Altinay and Brookes 2012; Dev et al. 2007; Hussain and Windsperger 2011; Perrigot et al. 2015) | 12 | 35.29% | |
North America | 4 (Clegg and Cross 2000; Contractor and Kundu 1998a, 1998b; Erramilli et al. 2002) | 4 (Jell-Ojobor and Windsperger 2014; Altinay and Brookes 2012; Dev et al. 2007; Hoffman et al. 2016) | 8 | 23.53% | |||
Asia | 1 (Hennart 1989) | 4 (Fladmoe-Lindquist and Jacque 1995; Contractor and Kundu 1998a, 1998b; Erramilli et al. 2002) | 2 (Altinay and Brookes 2012; Dev et al. 2007) | 7 | 20.59% | ||
Africa | 2 (Altinay and Brookes 2012; Dev et al. 2007) | 2 | 5.88% | ||||
Other | 1 (Hennart 1989) | 2 (Fladmoe-Lindquist and Jacque 1995; Erramilli et al. 2002) | 2 (Altinay and Brookes 2012; Dev et al. 2007) | 5 | 14.71% |
Year | 1975–1984 | 1985–1994 | 1995–2004 | 2005–2016 | Total | Percentage | |
Specific Topics | |||||||
Cross-sectional | 1 (John 1984) | 2 (Minkler and Park 1994; Brill 1994) | 8 (Fladmoe-Lindquist and Jacque 1995; Contractor and Kundu 1998a, 1998b; Bronson and Morgan 1998; Burton et al. 2000; De Kok and Uhlaner 2001; Gassenheimer et al. 1996; Erramilli et al. 2002) | 16 (Chen and Dimou 2005; Peris-Ortiz et al. 2012; Eser 2012; Sheng et al. 2006; Solis-Rodriguez and Gonzalez-Diaz 2012; Safón and Escribá-Esteve 2011; Windsperger and Dant 2006; Dev et al. 2007; Mumdziev and Windsperger 2013; Hussain et al. 2012, 2013; Perrigot et al. 2015; Hendrikse et al. 2015; Kang and Jindal 2015; Evanschitzky et al. 2016; Argyres and Bercovitz 2015) | 27 | 84.38% | |
Longitudinal | 0 | 1 (Hennart 1989) | 2 (Dahlstrom and Nygaard 1999; Michael 2000) | 2 (Hoffman et al. 2016; Srinivasan 2006) | 5 | 15.62% |
Sample Size | |
Mean | 568.23 |
SD | 1128.71 |
Range | 12~5479 |
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Share and Cite
Tsai, F.-S.; Kuo, C.-C.; Lin, J.L. Knowledge Heterogenization of the Franchising Literature Applying Transaction Cost Economics. Economies 2020, 8, 106.
Tsai F-S, Kuo C-C, Lin JL. Knowledge Heterogenization of the Franchising Literature Applying Transaction Cost Economics. Economies. 2020; 8(4):106.
Chicago/Turabian StyleTsai, Fu-Sheng, Chin-Chiung Kuo, and Julia L. Lin. 2020. "Knowledge Heterogenization of the Franchising Literature Applying Transaction Cost Economics" Economies 8, no. 4: 106.
APA StyleTsai, F. -S., Kuo, C. -C., & Lin, J. L. (2020). Knowledge Heterogenization of the Franchising Literature Applying Transaction Cost Economics. Economies, 8(4), 106.