Augmented Reality in Lower Secondary Education: A Teacher Professional Development Program in Cyprus and Greece
:1. Introduction
2. Objectives and Research Methods
- The teachers’ level of: (i) Technology acceptance (in this case augmented reality), (ii) adoption of inquiry-based instructional approaches, and (iii) confidence towards teaching twentieth-first century skills in STEM-related courses;
- The students’ (i) potential enhancement of specific twentieth-first century skills, and (ii) motivation and interest during a STEM-related course supported with AR technology.
- Solve a problem: As generally stated, to decrease to some degree the gap between the way STEM-related disciplines are taught in EU Lower Secondary Education and the twentieth-first century skills required by students to face real life situations in STEM-related studies and careers;
- Put knowledge to innovative use: This is achieved through the design, pilot testing and implementation of a TPD program which aims to familiarize teachers with the potential of AR technology for enhancing the teaching and learning processes in lower secondary STEM education;
- Increase robustness and systematic nature of design practices: Establish a set of design principles for implementing teacher professional development programs for teaching STEM-related topics through inquiry-based approaches using AR technology.
- RQ1. Which factors influence the level of technology acceptance (AR) by teachers in their instructional approaches within a STEM-related course?
- RQ2. What is the effect of instructional approaches supported by AR in STEM-related courses on students’ twentieth-first century skills and motivation towards the educational process?
3. Data Collection and Analysis
3.1. Data Collection Methods
3.2. Data Analysis
4. Description of the Teacher Professional Development Program
5. Results
5.1. Teachers
5.1.1. Teachers’ Initial Beliefs Concerning STEM Education, Interdisciplinarity and Innovative Practices
5.1.2. Teachers’ Beliefs Concerning STEM Education, Interdisciplinarity, Innovative Practices and Augmented Reality during and after Attending the TPD Program
5.1.3. Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices Regarding AR (Technology Acceptance)
5.1.4. Teachers Having Applied AR in Their Classrooms
5.2. Students
6. Discussion
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Teacher Semi-Structured Interview Protocol
- What are your impressions after having completed the TPD program?
- Were you aware of STEM education and interdisciplinary approaches before attending the TPD program?
- What kind of pedagogical approaches do you typically use in your classrooms?
- Do you include objectives relevant to 21st century (sic) skills when teaching in your classroom?
- Do you feel confident to teach 21st century (sic) skills?
- Did you change something related to your teaching practices after the TPD program? If yes, how?
- Do you feel that you have gained some knowledge or developed specific skills during the TPD program that are of additional value for your teaching approach?
- Do you use innovative technologies in your classrooms? If yes, how? If no, why?
- Do you feel confident when using innovative technologies in your classrooms?
- What were your expectations at the beginning of the TPD program? Have they been fulfilled?
- How did you feel the first time you used augmented reality during the workshops? How about the first time you applied augmented reality in your classroom? (only if already applied)
- Do you intend to integrate augmented reality in your classrooms? If yes, how? If no, why?
- How do you believe the students are going to be affected by the integration of augmented reality in education? Would you expect any additional value? Would you expect any difficulties and/or negative results?
- If you applied augmented reality in your classroom, did you observe any differences in your students’ performance, attitudes and/or levels of participation and engagement?
- What do you see as positive aspects concerning your initial experience with augmented reality in education?
- What do you see as the negative aspects concerning your initial experience with augmented reality in education?
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Who? | No | Tools | RQ |
Teachers who attended the TPD program | 25 | Technology Acceptance Model questionnaire (after attending the TPD program) | 1 |
Informal Interviews-Discussions (before, during and after the TPD program) | 1 | ||
Observation during the TPD program | 1 | ||
Teachers having applied AR in their classrooms | 6 | Personal Interviews (before, during and after the educational implementations in STEM-related courses supported by AR) | 1, 2 |
Observation during the educational implementations in STEM-related courses supported by AR | 1 | ||
AR Lesson Plans designed and implemented in the teachers’ classrooms | 1, 2 | ||
Students who attended the educational implementations in STEM-related courses supported by AR | 60 | Observation during the educational implementations in STEM-related courses supported by AR | 2 |
Interviews during and after the educational implementations in STEM-related courses supported by AR | 2 | ||
Worksheets, achievements, tests (performance data defined by their teachers) | 2 |
Description | |
EL-STEM online course |
Face-to-Face Workshops |
Category | Statement |
Self-efficacy (SE) |
Social Influence (SI) |
Anxiety (AN) |
Performance Expectancy (PE) |
Effort Expectancy (EE) |
Attitude Towards AR (AT) |
Facilitating Conditions (FC) |
Factor | Comments |
Curriculum and National Policy |
Technical Issues – Equipment |
AR tools/applications |
School Administration |
Teacher’s confidence with technology |
Teacher’s motivation |
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Lasica, I.-E.; Meletiou-Mavrotheris, M.; Katzis, K. Augmented Reality in Lower Secondary Education: A Teacher Professional Development Program in Cyprus and Greece. Educ. Sci. 2020, 10, 121.
Lasica I-E, Meletiou-Mavrotheris M, Katzis K. Augmented Reality in Lower Secondary Education: A Teacher Professional Development Program in Cyprus and Greece. Education Sciences. 2020; 10(4):121.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLasica, Ilona-Elefteryja, Maria Meletiou-Mavrotheris, and Konstantinos Katzis. 2020. "Augmented Reality in Lower Secondary Education: A Teacher Professional Development Program in Cyprus and Greece" Education Sciences 10, no. 4: 121.
APA StyleLasica, I.-E., Meletiou-Mavrotheris, M., & Katzis, K. (2020). Augmented Reality in Lower Secondary Education: A Teacher Professional Development Program in Cyprus and Greece. Education Sciences, 10(4), 121.