Assessment of Public Special Education Teachers Training Needs on Evidence-Based Practice for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Spain
:1. Introduction
1.1. Evidence-Based Practices for Students with ASD
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- The right of all people to education—which is included in article 27 of the Spanish Constitution- and how this education should be directed to achieve its full potential [32].
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- The historical tradition of interventions without a scientific basis has been publicly available in the educational field [18].
1.2. Purpose of the Study
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Design and Participants
2.2. Instrument
2.3. Procedures
2.4. Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Training on Evidence-Based Practices in Teacher Education Programs
3.2. Training on Evidence-Based Practices in In-Service Professional Development
3.3. Comparison between the Training Status of the Spanish Sample Compared to the US Research
4. Discussion
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- When the scientific literature reports that teacher burnout stands as an issue in special education, and also indicates that the implementation of a high-quality program that employs EBP may be related to less burnout. The use of strategies based on the evidence shows higher levels of teacher self-efficacy, which dampens said burnout [21].
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5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
What is your gender? *Male *Female |
*What is your current age? Under 25 (25 y. o. or less) Between 26–35 (35 y. o. included) Between 36–50 (50 y. o. included) Over 50 (51 y. o. and older) |
*What is the highest academic degree you have achieved? Bachelor or Equivalent (Diplomatura Universitaria) Bachelor or Equivalent (Licenciatura Universitaria) Bachelor or Equivalent (Grado Universitario) |
Master Doctorate Other |
*What type are the ownership of the school where you work and your employment situation? Public: career official Public: probationary official Public: interim official Concerted: hired Private: hired |
*What is the teaching specialty in which you are currently active? Hearing and Language (Special Education) Therapeutic Pedagogy (Special Education) Other specialties: |
*Including this school year, what is your work experience in the teaching field? Less than 1 year Between 1 and 5 years (both included) Between 6 and 10 years (both included) Between 11 and 20 years (both included) 21 years or older |
*Including this school year, how many years have you worked with students with ASD throughout your professional career? Less than 1 year Between 1 and 5 years (both included) Between 6 and 10 years (both included) Between 11 and 20 years (both included) 21 years or older |
*Including this school year, how many children with ASD have you worked with throughout your professional career? None Between 1–5 Between 6–10 Between 11–20 21 or more |
*Have you received any specific training on ASD? Yes No |
*Where have you received this specific training on ASD (multiple responses)? In my university career In university extension courses or workshops In teacher training courses or workshops In courses or workshops taught by other organizations Through self-training: books, articles, etc. Others |
*How would you globally assess the training you have received in your university stage on evidence-based practice to respond to the Special Educational Needs in Social Communication of students with ASD? 1. Very Unsuitable 2. Unsuitable 3. Suitable 4. Very Suitable |
*How would you globally assess the training you have received within the teacher training programs (CPR etc.) on evidence-based practice to respond to the Special Educational Needs in Social Communication of students with ASD? 1. Very Unsuitable 2. Unsuitable 3. Suitable 4. Very Suitable |
*How would you assess the training you have received in your university career on each of the following evidence-based practices to respond to the Special Educational Needs in Social Communication of students with ASD? 1. The strategy was never mentioned and never taught 2. The strategy was mentioned incidentally 3. The strategy was mentioned and discussed 4. The strategy was mentioned and taught through direct instruction |
Differential reinforcement Discrete trial training Modeling Naturalistic intervention Peer mediated interventions Prompting Reinforcement Scripting Social narratives Task analysis Time delay Videomodeling |
*How would you assess the training you have received in your in-service teacher training (CPR etc.) on each of the following evidence-based practices to respond to the Special Educational Needs in Social Communication of students with ASD? 1. The strategy was never mentioned and never taught 2. The strategy was mentioned incidentally 3. The strategy was mentioned and discussed 4. The strategy was mentioned and taught through direct instruction |
Differential reinforcement Discrete trial training Modeling Naturalistic intervention Peer mediated interventions Prompting Reinforcement Scripting Social narratives Task analysis Time delay Videomodeling |
Appendix B
*¿Cuál es su género? Masculino Femenino |
*¿Cuál es su edad actual? Hasta 25 años (25 años o menos) Entre 26 y 35 años (35 años incluidos) Entre 36 y 50 años (50 años incluidos) Más de 50 años (de 51 años en adelante) |
*¿Cuál es el grado académico más alto que usted ha alcanzado? Diplomatura Universitaria Licenciatura Universitaria Grado Máster Doctorado Otro |
*¿De qué tipo es la titularidad del centro en el que trabaja y su situación laboral? Pública: funcionariado de carrera Pública: funcionariado en prácticas Pública: funcionariado interino Concertada: contratado/a Privada: contratado/a |
*¿Cuál es la especialidad docente en la que se encuentra en activo actualmente? Audición y Lenguaje Pedagogía Terapéutica Otras especialidades |
*Incluyendo este curso ¿Cuál es su experiencia laboral en el ámbito docente? Menos de 1 año Entre 1 y hasta 5 años (ambos incluidos) Entre 6 y hasta 10 años (ambos incluidos) Entre 11 y hasta 20 años (ambos incluidos) 21 años o más |
*Incluyendo este curso ¿Cuántos años ha trabajado con alumnado con TEA a lo largo de su vida profesional? Menos de 1 año Entre 1 y 5 años (ambos incluidos) Entre 6 y 10 años (ambos incluidos) Entre 11 y 20 años (ambos incluidos) 21 años o más |
*Incluyendo este curso ¿Con cuántos niños y niñas con TEA ha trabajado a lo largo de su vida profesional? Ninguno Entre 1-5 Entre 6 y 10 Entre 11 y 20 21 o más |
*¿Ha recibido alguna formación específica sobre el TEA? Sí No |
*¿Dónde ha recibido esa formación específica sobre el TEA (varias respuestas)? En mi carrera universitaria En cursos o talleres de extensión universitaria En cursos o talleres de formación del profesorado En cursos o talleres impartidos por otras organizaciones Mediante autoformación: libros, artículos etc. Otros |
*¿Cómo valoraría globalmente la formación que ha recibido en su etapa universitaria sobre práctica basada en la evidencia para dar respuesta a las Necesidades Educativas Especiales en Comunicación Social del alumnado con TEA? 1. Muy inadecuada 2. Inadecuada 3. Adecuada 4. Muy adecuada |
¿Cómo valoraría globalmente la formación que ha recibido dentro de los programas de formación del profesorado (CPR etc.) sobre práctica basada en la evidencia para dar respuesta a las Necesidades Educativas Especiales en Comunicación Social del alumnado con TEA? 1. Muy inadecuada 2. Inadecuada 3. Adecuada 4. Muy adecuada |
¿Cómo valoraría la formación que ha recibido en su carrera universitaria sobre cada una de las siguientes prácticas basadas en la evidencia para dar respuesta a las Necesidades Educativas Especiales en Comunicación Social del alumnado con TEA? 1. Esta práctica nunca fue ni mencionada ni enseñada 2. Esta práctica fue mencionada puntualmente 3. Esta práctica fue mencionada y discutida en profundidad 4. Esta práctica fue mencionada y enseñada mediante práctica directa |
Refuerzo diferencial Enseñanza mediante Ensayos Discretos Modelado Intervención naturalista Intervención mediada por pares Ayuda o Instigación Reforzamiento Guiones Narrativas sociales Análisis de Tareas Retraso temporal Video modelado |
¿Cómo valoraría la formación que ha recibido en su formación continua del profesorado (CPR etc.) sobre cada una de las siguientes prácticas basadas en la evidencia para dar respuesta a las Necesidades Educativas Especiales en Comunicación Social del alumnado con TEA? 1. Esta práctica nunca fue ni mencionada ni enseñada 2. Esta práctica fue mencionada puntualmente 3. Esta práctica fue mencionada y discutida en profundidad 4. Esta práctica fue mencionada y enseñada mediante práctica directa |
Refuerzo diferencial Enseñanza mediante Ensayos Discretos Modelado Intervención naturalista Intervención mediada por pares Ayuda o Instigación Reforzamiento Guiones Narrativas sociales Análisis de Tareas Retraso temporal Video modelado |
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Characteristics | Number of Teachers (%) |
Gender | |
Female | 97 (89.8) |
Male | 11 (10.2) |
Age bracket (years) | |
Under 25 | 3 (2.8) |
26–35 | 25 (23.1) |
36–50 | 65 (60.2) |
Over 50 | 15 (13.9) |
Highest academic qualification (European Qualification Framework) | |
Bachelor or Equivalent | 97 (89.8) |
Master | 11 (10.2) |
Number of years in the profession | |
Less than one year | 4 (3.7) |
1–5 | 24 (22.2) |
6–10 | 25 (23.1) |
11–20 | 38 (35.2) |
21 or more | 17 (15.7) |
Total number of years teaching students with ASD | |
Less than one year | 7 (6.5) |
1–5 | 47 (43.5) |
6–10 | 35 (32.4) |
11–20 | 15 (13.9) |
21 or more | 4 (3.7) |
Total number of students with ASD | |
1–5 | 35 (32.4) |
6–10 | 28 (25.9) |
11–20 | 30 (27.8) |
21 or more | 15 (13.9) |
Sources of specific training about ASD | |
No specific training | 16 (14.8) |
Specific training provided in In-Service Professional Development and other sources (e.g., ASD organizations) and absence in Teacher Education Programs | 46 (42.6) |
Specific training provided in Teacher Education Programs and other sources and absence in In-Service Professional Development | 2 (1.9) |
Exclusively in In-Service Professional Development | 8 (7.4) |
Exclusively in other sources (e.g., ASD organizations) or self-training | 2 (1.9) |
Miscellany: specific training provided in teacher education Programs and In-Service Professional Development with the presence of other sources. | 34 (31.5) |
Number (Percentage) of Responses | ||||
The Strategy | ||||
Evidence-Based Practices | Was Never Mentioned and Never Taught | Was Mentioned Incidentally | Was Mentioned and Discussed | Was Mentioned and Taught through Direct Instruction |
Differential reinforcement | 53 (49.10) | 49 (45.40) | 6 (5.60) | -1 |
Discrete trial training | 76 (70.40) | 29 (26.90) | 3 (2.80) | - |
Modeling | 11 (10.20) | 58 (53.70) | 39 (36.10) | - |
Naturalistic intervention | 64 (59.30) | 39 (36.10) | 4 (3.70) | 1 (0.90) |
Peer-mediated interventions | 64 (59.30) | 40 (37.00) | 4 (3.70) | - |
Prompting | 29 (26.90) | 62 (57.40) | 17 (15.70) | - |
Reinforcement | 5 (4.60) | 51 (47.20) | 48 (44.40) | 4 (3.70) |
Scripting | 61 (56.50) | 39 (36.10) | 7 (6.50) | 1 (0.90) |
Social narratives | 57 (52.80) | 45 (41.70) | 5 (4.60) | 1 (0.90) |
Task analysis | 43 (39.80) | 53 (49.10) | 11 (10.20) | 1 (0.90) |
Time delay | 71 (65.70) | 36 (33.30) | 1 (0.90) | - |
Video modeling | 93 (86.10) | 14 (13.00) | 1 (0.90) | - |
Total | 566 (47.54) | 476 (40.07) | 139 (11.70) | 7 (0.59) |
Evidence-Based Practices | M | SD | M | SD |
Differential reinforcement | 1.56 | 0.600 | 1.99 | 0.677 |
Discrete trial training | 1.32 | 0.526 | 1.81 | 0.699 |
Modeling | 2.26 | 0.632 | 2.47 | 0.767 |
Naturalistic intervention | 1.46 | 0.618 | 2.05 | 0.836 |
Peer-mediated interventions | 1.44 | 0.569 | 1.98 | 0.797 |
Prompting | 1.89 | 0.646 | 2.12 | 0.745 |
Reinforcement | 2.47 | 0.648 | 2.45 | 0.728 |
Scripting | 1.52 | 0.662 | 2.21 | 0.786 |
Social narratives | 1.54 | 0.633 | 2.27 | 0.769 |
Task analysis | 1.72 | 0.681 | 2.21 | 0.749 |
Time delay | 1.35 | 0.499 | 1.80 | 0.840 |
Video modeling | 1.15 | 0.382 | 1.44 | 0.701 |
Overall Rating | Number (Percentage) of Responses | |||||
M | SD | Very Unsuitable | Unsuitable | Suitable | Very Suitable | |
In Teacher Education Programs | 1.45 | 0.519 | 60 (55.60) | 53 (43.50) | 1 (0.90) | -1 |
In In-Service Professional Development | 2.33 | 0.697 | 9 (8.30) | 59 (54.60) | 35 (32.40) | 5 (4.60) |
Number (Percentage) of Responses | ||||
The Strategy | ||||
Evidence-Based Practices | Was Never Mentioned and Never Taught | Was Mentioned Incidentally | Was Mentioned and Discussed | Was Mentioned and Taught through Direct Instruction |
Differential reinforcement | 22 (20.40) | 68 (63.00) | 15 (13.90) | 3 (2.80) |
Discrete trial training | 36 (33.30) | 58 (53.70) | 12 (11.10) | 2 (1.90) |
Modeling | 10 (9.30) | 45 (41.70) | 45 (41.70) | 8 (7.40) |
Naturalistic intervention | 29 (26.90) | 51 (47.20) | 22 (20.40) | 6 (5.60) |
Peer mediated interventions | 30 (27.80) | 55 (50.90) | 18 (16.70) | 5 (4.60) |
Prompting | 19 (17.60) | 62 (57.40) | 22 (20.40) | 5 (4.60) |
Reinforcement | 9 (8.30) | 47 (43.50) | 46 (42.60) | 6 (5.60) |
Scripting | 17 (15.70) | 58 (53.70) | 26 (24.10) | 7 (6.50) |
Social narratives | 15 (13.90) | 55 (50.90) | 32 (29.60) | 6 (5.60) |
Task analysis | 15 (13.90) | 61 (56.50) | 26 (24.10) | 6 (5.60) |
Time delay | 46 (42.60) | 43 (39.80) | 14 (13.00) | 5 (4.60) |
Video modeling | 72 (66.70) | 27 (25.00) | 7 (6.50) | 2 (1.90) |
Total | 303 (25.51) | 572 (48.15) | 259 (21.80) | 54 (4.55) |
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Larraceleta, A.; Castejón, L.; Iglesias-García, M.-T.; Núñez, J.C. Assessment of Public Special Education Teachers Training Needs on Evidence-Based Practice for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Spain. Children 2022, 9, 83.
Larraceleta A, Castejón L, Iglesias-García M-T, Núñez JC. Assessment of Public Special Education Teachers Training Needs on Evidence-Based Practice for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Spain. Children. 2022; 9(1):83.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLarraceleta, Aitor, Luis Castejón, María-Teresa Iglesias-García, and José Carlos Núñez. 2022. "Assessment of Public Special Education Teachers Training Needs on Evidence-Based Practice for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Spain" Children 9, no. 1: 83.
APA StyleLarraceleta, A., Castejón, L., Iglesias-García, M.-T., & Núñez, J. C. (2022). Assessment of Public Special Education Teachers Training Needs on Evidence-Based Practice for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Spain. Children, 9(1), 83.