Fibre Lasers: Promising Solutions
:1. Introduction
2. Short and Long Resonators
3. Electronic Control of Wavelength Tuning in Wide Spectral Range
4. Fibre-Optical Polarisation Controllers
5. Electronic Control of Saturable Absorber Properties
5.1. Electronic Control of the Properties of Material-Based Saturable Absorbers
5.2. Electronic Control of the Properties of Artificial Saturable Absorbers
6. Splicing PM Fibres at an Angle Between Their Slow/Fast Axes of 45°
7. Chip-Scale Fibre Devices
8. Modification of Quartz Refraction Index by Femtosecond Pulses
9. Non-Linear Effects for Expansion of the Working Spectral Range
10. Expansion of the Working Spectral Range with New Active Fibres
11. Sensing Applications of Fibre-Optical and Fibre-Laser Technologies
12. Microstructured Fibres: Hollow Microresonators
13. Multimode Fibres
14. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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Kobtsev, S. Fibre Lasers: Promising Solutions. Photonics 2025, 12, 200.
Kobtsev S. Fibre Lasers: Promising Solutions. Photonics. 2025; 12(3):200.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKobtsev, Sergey. 2025. "Fibre Lasers: Promising Solutions" Photonics 12, no. 3: 200.
APA StyleKobtsev, S. (2025). Fibre Lasers: Promising Solutions. Photonics, 12(3), 200.