Extended Noble–Abel Stiffened-Gas Equation of State for Sub-and-Supercritical Liquid-Gas Systems Far from the Critical Point
:1. Introduction
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- The first and certainly the most obvious and limiting is related to its inability to deal with liquid and non-condensable gas separated by well-defined interfaces, such as for example interfacial flows of liquid water and air. The thermodynamics of these two media being considered as discontinuous, specific theoretical and numerical treatments have been addressed. In this context, Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (Hirt et al. [2]), Interface Reconstruction (Youngs [3]), Front Tracking (Glimm et al. [4]), Level-Set (Fedkiw et al. [5]), anti-diffusion (Kokh and Lagoutiere [6]) methods are possible options. Another approach relies on continuous models with extra internal variables, such as volume and mass fractions and extended equation of state. Examples of such models are the Kapila et al. [7] one and its extension with phase transition (Saurel et al. [8]) to cite a few. With these formulations, the same equations are solved everywhere routinely, in pure liquid, pure gas and interface which becomes a diffuse zone. These models are indeed often named “diffuse interface methods” (Saurel and Pantano [9]). In this approach, hyperbolic models with relaxation are considered and each phase evolves in its own volume, with its own thermodynamics. In particular, there is no need to address cubic formulations. When phase transition is addressed, it occurs through mass transfer terms that can be considered finite rate (Saurel et al. [8], Furfaro and Saurel [10]) or assumed stiff when the physical knowledge of the phase change kinetics is not enough documented (Le Métayer et al. [11], Chiapolino et al. [12,13]) or unnecessary.
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- The second limitation is related to the lack of convexity of cubic EOSs, having dramatic consequences on sound propagation during phase transition. The square sound speed becomes negative in the spinodal decomposition zone, such behavior not being physical.
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- The third limitation is related to the description of phase transition with such EOSs. Cubic equations of state consider phase transition as a thermodynamic process and not a kinetic one. It is unclear at this level whether cubic EOSs are limited to the description of global two-phase mixtures with many interfaces and not local ones, at the scale of a single interface.
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- The fourth, but possibly not the last, is related to the numerical treatment of boundary conditions (BC) in practical compressible flow computations. Subsonic inflow and outflow BCs rely on stagnation enthalpy and entropy invariance coupled to Riemann invariants that can be defined and computed correctly only if the equation of state is well-posed. The second issue related to EOS convexity consequently reemerges at this level. Moreover, the practical expression of Riemann invariants may be inextricable with these EOSs.
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- Represent the thermodynamics of pure liquid, pure vapor and supercritical fluid. Combination of the pure liquid and pure vapor EOSs must be able to represent as accurately as possible the two-phase region.
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- Each phase EOS must be convex in its respective domain.
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- The EOS must be as simple as possible, while remaining accurate, to simplify practical computations and building of mixture EOS in hyperbolic multiphase flow models.
2. Extended NASG EOS
2.1. Thermal and Caloric EOSs
2.2. Expression of the Entropy
2.3. Speed of Sound
3. Saturation Condition of the Liquid–Vapor Couple
4. Summary of the Extended NASG State Functions
5. Extended NASG Parameters
6. Transition to Supercritical Fluids
6.1. Liquid-to-Supercritical-State Transition
6.2. Vapor-to-Supercritical-State Transition
6.3. Concluding Remarks
7. Two-Phase Flow Illustrations
8. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Convexity of the ENASG Formulation
Appendix B. Maxwell’s Relations
Appendix C. Methodology to Determine the Various Extended NASG (ENASG) Parameters
Appendix C.1. Liquid Phase
Fluid | N | (K) | (bar) | (m/kg) | (Pa) | (m/kg) | (m/s) | (bar) | (m/kg) |
HO | 374 | 221 | 1 | ||||||
O | 101 | 50 | 1 |
Fluid | (K) | (Pa) | (m/kg) | (kJ/kg) | (m/kg) |
HO | |||||
O |
Appendix C.2. Gas Phase
Appendix D. Connection Temperature between the ENASG EOS and Ideal Gas Formulation
Appendix E. Toward the Critical Point
Coefficients | ENASG | ENASG | ENASG | ENASG |
(J/kg/K) | 3848 | 1719 | 1451 | 779 |
0 | 0 | |||
(m/kg) | 0 | |||
(Pa/K) | − 607,195 | 0 | −405,133 | 0 |
(Pa) | 396,642,530 | 0 | 63,642,939 | 0 |
q (J/kg) | −1,065,948 | 1,975,421 | −272,675 | |
(J/kg/K) | −20,985 | 2224 | ||
d (Pa m/kg) | 0 | 41,200 | 0 | 2950 |
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Coefficients | ENASG | ENASG | NASG | NASG |
(J/kg/K) | 4014 | 1500 | 3630 | 856 |
0 | 0 | 0 | ||
(m/kg) | 0 | 0 | ||
(Pa/K) | −471,025 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
(Pa) | 307,078,403 | 0 | 664,961,465 | 0 |
q (J/kg) | −1,112,426 | 1,947,630 | −1,178,154 | 2,176,064 |
(J/kg/K) | −22,049 | 1136 | −10,742 | 4863 |
Coefficients | ENASG | ENASG | NASG | NASG |
(J/kg/K) | 1535 | 652 | 1016 | 548 |
0 | 0 | 0 | ||
(m/kg) | 0 | 0 | ||
(Pa/K) | −324,997 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
(Pa) | 50,890,107 | 0 | 196,815,802 | 0 |
q (J/kg) | −278,134 | −285,545 | 6528 | |
(J/kg/K) | 4237 | 8171 | 4650 |
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Share and Cite
Chiapolino, A.; Saurel, R. Extended Noble–Abel Stiffened-Gas Equation of State for Sub-and-Supercritical Liquid-Gas Systems Far from the Critical Point. Fluids 2018, 3, 48. https://doi.org/10.3390/fluids3030048
Chiapolino A, Saurel R. Extended Noble–Abel Stiffened-Gas Equation of State for Sub-and-Supercritical Liquid-Gas Systems Far from the Critical Point. Fluids. 2018; 3(3):48. https://doi.org/10.3390/fluids3030048
Chicago/Turabian StyleChiapolino, Alexandre, and Richard Saurel. 2018. "Extended Noble–Abel Stiffened-Gas Equation of State for Sub-and-Supercritical Liquid-Gas Systems Far from the Critical Point" Fluids 3, no. 3: 48. https://doi.org/10.3390/fluids3030048
APA StyleChiapolino, A., & Saurel, R. (2018). Extended Noble–Abel Stiffened-Gas Equation of State for Sub-and-Supercritical Liquid-Gas Systems Far from the Critical Point. Fluids, 3(3), 48. https://doi.org/10.3390/fluids3030048