Reduced Order Models for the Quasi-Geostrophic Equations: A Brief Survey
:1. Introduction
1.1. Reduced Order Models (ROMs)
Algorithm 1 ROM Strategy |
1.2. ROMs for the Quasi-Geostrophic Equations
2. Quasi-Geostrophic Equations (QGE)
3. Full Order Model (FOM)
3.1. Finite Difference Methods for the QGE
3.2. Finite Volume Methods for the QGE
3.3. Pseudospectral and Spectral Methods for the QGE
3.4. Finite Element Methods for the QGE
4. Reduced Order Models (ROMs)
4.1. Galerkin Reduced Order Model (G-ROM)
4.2. ROM Closure Models
4.2.1. Under-Resolved ROMs Require Closure Models
- Black box ROM closure models: These models consider the true closure model as a black box, i.e., the specific form of is not determined. Instead, one first postulates a model form for , i.e., , and then determines the parameters of the model form , either by using available data or physical insight.
- Mathematical ROM closure models: These models use filtering/averaging (e.g., with respect to space, time, or initial conditions) to determine the specific form of the true ROM closure term . As in the black box ROM closure models, one postulates a model form for , i.e., . However, the mathematical ROM closure modeling utilizes data for the specific form of to determine the ROM closure model .
4.2.2. Large Eddy Simulation ROM Closure Models
4.2.3. Machine Learning ROM Closure Models
- The ROM coefficients in a given time window were extracted from the high-resolution FOM data by projecting the snapshots onto the ROM modes.
- The LSTM neural network was used to construct an ML-ROM that mapped the old ROM coefficients to the ROM coefficients at the new time step .
5. Numerical Results
5.1. Regimes
5.2. Test Problem Setup
5.3. Criteria
5.4. FOM Snapshot Generation
5.5. ROM Numerical Investigation
5.5.1. Resolved, Reconstructive Regime
5.5.2. Resolved, Predictive Regime
5.5.3. Under-Resolved, Reconstructive Regime
5.5.4. Under-Resolved, Predictive Regime
5.5.5. Computational Cost
5.5.6. Summary
- For our test problem, the resolved regime requires ROMs that have a large dimension (i.e., ) in both the reconstructive and the predictive regimes.
- In the realistic, under-resolved regime, the LES-ROM is orders of magnitude more accurate than the G-ROM in both the reconstructive and the predictive regimes.
- The LES-ROM in the under-resolved regime (i.e., with ) is significantly more accurate and dramatically more efficient than the G-ROM in the resolved regime (i.e., with ).
6. Conclusions and Outlook
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Relative Energy Content | 90% | 95% | 99% |
2D flow past a cylinder | 2 | 4 | 6 |
QGE | 77 | 152 | 380 |
r | 10 | 20 | 40 | 80 | 120 |
Relative error | 2.009 × 10 | 7.377 × 10 | 4.595 × 10 | 2.999 × 10 | 1.493 × 10 |
Relative energy content |
r | 10 | 20 | 40 | 80 | 120 |
Relative error | 2.030 × 10 | 1.015 × 10 | 5.115 × 10 | 3.892 × 10 | 2.619 × 10 |
Relative energy content |
r | G-ROM | LES-ROM |
10 | 2.009 × 10 | 1.074 × 10 |
15 | 5.569 × 10 | 6.780 × 10 |
20 | 7.377 × 10 | 2.784 × 10 |
r | G-ROM | LES-ROM |
10 | 2.030 × 10 | 1.622 × 10 |
15 | 2.880 × 10 | 2.385 × 10 |
20 | 1.015 × 10 | 1.266 × 10 |
FOM CPU time | 2.19 × 10 s | ||||||
G-ROM CPU time | 2.69 × 10 s | 4.80 × 10 s | 4.58 × 10 s | 1.32 × 10 s | 6.45 × 10 s | ||
LES-ROM CPU time | 3.22 × 10 s | 3.85 × 10 s | 5.07 × 10 s |
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Mou, C.; Wang, Z.; Wells, D.R.; Xie, X.; Iliescu, T. Reduced Order Models for the Quasi-Geostrophic Equations: A Brief Survey. Fluids 2021, 6, 16.
Mou C, Wang Z, Wells DR, Xie X, Iliescu T. Reduced Order Models for the Quasi-Geostrophic Equations: A Brief Survey. Fluids. 2021; 6(1):16.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMou, Changhong, Zhu Wang, David R. Wells, Xuping Xie, and Traian Iliescu. 2021. "Reduced Order Models for the Quasi-Geostrophic Equations: A Brief Survey" Fluids 6, no. 1: 16.
APA StyleMou, C., Wang, Z., Wells, D. R., Xie, X., & Iliescu, T. (2021). Reduced Order Models for the Quasi-Geostrophic Equations: A Brief Survey. Fluids, 6(1), 16.