CPPU and Ethylene Inhibitors as an Environmentally Friendly Strategy for Improving Fruit Retention, Yield, and Quality in Avocado
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Experimental Site and Plant Materials
2.2. Experimental Design and Treatments
2.3. Measurements and Determinations
2.3.1. Fruit Yield Parameter
2.3.2. Fruit Physical Properties
2.3.3. Fruit Chemical Properties
2.3.4. Pulp Pigment Analysis
2.3.5. Fruit Mineral Contents
2.3.6. Oil Properties and Oil Yield
2.4. Statistical Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Fruit Yield Parameter
3.2. Fruit Physical Properties
3.3. Fruit Chemical Characteristics
3.4. Pulp Pigment Analysis
3.5. Fruit Mineral Content
3.6. Oil Properties and Oil Yield
4. Discussion
4.1. Fruit Yield Parameter
4.2. Fruit Physical Properties
4.3. Fruit Chemical Properties
4.4. Pulp Pigment Analysis
4.5. Fruit Mineral Content
4.6. Oil Properties and Oil Yield
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Treatment | Fruit Weight (g) | Fruit Length (cm) | Fruit Width (cm) | Fruit Shape Index | Fruit Firmness (Ib/Inch2) | |||||
2023 | 2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | 2024 | |
Control | 224.73 g | 231.13 h | 12.80 h | 13.08 g | 6.45 h | 6.60 h | 1.99 a | 1.98 a | 14.03 e | 13.85 e |
1-MCP | 265.70 f | 268.55 g | 13.05 g | 13.40 f | 6.85 g | 6.95 g | 1.91 b | 1.93 b | 14.33 d | 14.15 d |
AVG | 268.48 e | 271.13 f | 13.33 f | 13.78 e | 7.13 f | 7.15 f | 1.87 bc | 1.93 b | 14.78 c | 14.43 c |
CPPU | 278.93 c | 280.53 d | 14.00 d | 14.85 c | 7.75 d | 7.83 d | 1.81 d | 1.90 bc | 12.20 h | 11.83 h |
1-MCP + AVG | 272.60 d | 275.65 e | 13.65 e | 14.35 d | 7.38 e | 7.48 e | 1.85 c | 1.92 b | 15.33 a | 15.05 a |
1-MCP + CPPU | 280.23 c | 282.50 c | 14.25 c | 15.15 b | 8.03 c | 8.10 c | 1.78 de | 1.87 c | 13.68 f | 13.45 f |
AVG + CPPU | 283.55 b | 284.53 b | 14.60 b | 15.28 b | 8.25 b | 8.38 b | 1.77 de | 1.82 d | 12.88 g | 12.08 g |
1-MCP + AVG + CPPU | 286.33 a | 289.40 a | 14.95 a | 15.60 a | 8.55 a | 8.68 a | 1.75 e | 1.80 d | 15.00 b | 14.83 b |
LSD0.05 | 1.53 | 1.19 | 0.19 | 0.19 | 0.15 | 0.13 | 0.04 | 0.04 | 0.21 | 0.14 |
Season | Treatment | Dry Matter (%) | Carbohydrate (%) | Crude Protein (%) | TSS (%) | Acidity (%) | TSS/ Acidity Ratio | Ascorbic acid (V.C) (mg/100 mL Juice) |
2023 | Control | 21.30 h | 3.26 h | 2.48 e | 7.66 d | 0.73 e | 10.57 d | 13.09 h |
1-MCP | 24.30 g | 2.85 g | 2.54 de | 7.29 e | 0.76 d | 9.62 e | 14.41 g | |
AVG | 24.65 f | 3.39 f | 2.61 cd | 7.05 f | 0.79 c | 8.95 f | 15.80 f | |
CPPU | 26.20 d | 3.85 d | 2.70 bc | 8.61 a | 0.67 g | 12.96 a | 16.85 d | |
1-MCP + AVG | 25.15 e | 3.60 e | 2.64 cd | 6.70 h | 0.83 a | 8.07 h | 16.41 e | |
1-MCP + CPPU | 27.13 c | 4.15 c | 2.77 b | 7.95 c | 0.70 f | 11.43 c | 17.13 c | |
AVG + CPPU | 27.73 b | 4.54 b | 2.81 ab | 8.20 b | 0.70 f | 11.80 b | 17.76 b | |
1-MCP + AVG + CPPU | 28.10 a | 4.71 a | 2.88 a | 6.90 g | 0.82 b | 8.47 g | 18.23 a | |
LSD0.05 | 0.25 | 0.11 | 0.10 | 0.12 | 0.01 | 0.23 | 0.27 | |
2024 | Control | 20.50 g | 3.09 g | 2.48 g | 7.45 d | 0.75 e | 9.93 d | 14.96 h |
1-MCP | 22.50 f | 3.23 g | 2.53 fg | 7.03 e | 0.77 d | 9.15 e | 16.40 g | |
AVG | 23.28 e | 3.58 f | 2.60 ef | 6.83 f | 0.80 c | 8.53 f | 17.34 f | |
CPPU | 24.98 c | 4.05 d | 2.71 cd | 8.33 a | 0.66 h | 12.57 a | 19.23 d | |
1-MCP + AVG | 23.58 d | 3.86 e | 2.65 de | 6.05 h | 0.84 a | 7.20 g | 18.50 e | |
1-MCP + CPPU | 25.45 b | 4.35 c | 2.76 bc | 7.83 c | 0.72 f | 10.87 c | 19.63 c | |
AVG + CPPU | 25.68 b | 4.75 b | 2.81 ab | 8.15 b | 0.69 g | 11.90 b | 19.93 b | |
1-MCP + AVG + CPPU | 26.10 a | 5.04 a | 2.87 a | 5.78 g | 0.82 b | 7.02 g | 20.24 a | |
LSD0.05 | 0.27 | 0.18 | 0.07 | 0.14 | 0.01 | 0.30 | 0.23 |
Treatment | P (%) | K (%) | Ca (%) | Mg (ppm) | Fe (ppm) | |||||
2023 | 2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | 2024 | |
Control | 0.15 g | 0.16 f | 0.47 h | 0.48 h | 33.25 g | 28.25 f | 24.50 g | 25.75 e | 0.25 f | 0.26 f |
1-MCP | 0.18 f | 0.19 e | 0.58 g | 0.59 g | 43.25 f | 44.00 e | 27.00 f | 27.75 d | 0.27 e | 0.27 ef |
AVG | 0.19 ef | 0.20 de | 0.61 f | 0.62 f | 45.50 e | 45.00 de | 28.50 e | 28.75 cd | 0.27 e | 0.28 de |
CPPU | 0.21 cd | 0.22 bc | 0.67 d | 0.68 d | 48.50 c | 47.00 c | 31.00 cd | 30.25 b | 0.29 cd | 0.30 cd |
1-MCP + AVG | 0.20 de | 0.21 bcd | 0.65 e | 0.66 e | 46.75 d | 46.00 cd | 30.00 d | 29.50 bc | 0.28 de | 0.29 d |
1-MCP + CPPU | 0.22 bc | 0.21 cd | 0.70 c | 0.71 c | 49.50 bc | 48.50 b | 32.25 bc | 31.75 a | 0.30 bc | 0.31 bc |
AVG + CPPU | 0.23 ab | 0.23 ab | 0.73 b | 0.73 b | 50.00 ab | 49.50 ab | 33.00 ab | 32.75 a | 0.31 ab | 0.32 ab |
1-MCP + AVG + CPPU | 0.24 a | 0.24 a | 0.75 a | 0.76 a | 51.00 a | 50.50 a | 34.25 a | 33.00 a | 0.32 a | 0.33 a |
LSD0.05 | 0.01 | 0.02 | 0.02 | 0.01 | 1.23 | 1.11 | 1.39 | 1.39 | 0.01 | 0.01 |
Treatment | Oil (%) | Peroxide Value (mEquiv O2/kg AO) | Iodine Value (g I2/100 g) | Saponification (mg/KOH/g AO) | Oil Yield (kg oil/tree) | |||||
2023 | 2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | 2024 | |
Control | 15.50 h | 15.75 h | 2.81 d | 2.92 d | 69.04 d | 71.38 d | 207.12 d | 207.08 d | 10.13 h | 10.97 h |
1-MCP | 16.95 g | 17.63 g | 2.75 e | 2.83 e | 68.46 e | 70.97 e | 206.18 e | 206.18 e | 15.27 g | 16.56 g |
AVG | 17.83 f | 18.73 f | 2.68 f | 2.76 f | 67.48 f | 69.50 f | 205.43 f | 205.46 f | 17.50 f | 18.91 f |
CPPU | 18.73 d | 19.90 d | 3.14 a | 3.22 a | 74.30 a | 75.48 a | 208.94 a | 208.96 a | 21.27 d | 23.17 d |
1-MCP + AVG | 18.23 e | 19.40 e | 2.55 h | 2.44 h | 65.50 h | 67.48 h | 204.17 h | 204.24 h | 18.89 e | 20.40 e |
1-MCP + CPPU | 19.13 c | 20.15 c | 2.92 c | 3.02 c | 70.12 c | 72.06 c | 207.73 c | 207.70 c | 22.00 c | 24.19 c |
AVG + CPPU | 19.53 b | 20.78 b | 3.02 b | 3.14 b | 72.30 b | 74.17 b | 208.17 b | 208.19 b | 23.51 b | 25.22 b |
1-MCP + AVG + CPPU | 20.40 a | 21.45 a | 2.62 g | 2.56 g | 66.04 g | 68.05 g | 204.93 g | 204.95 g | 25.46 a | 27.41 a |
LSD0.05 | 0.36 | 0.18 | 0.04 | 0.03 | 0.07 | 0.05 | 0.05 | 0.04 | 0.44 | 0.23 |
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Share and Cite
Abdel-Sattar, M.; Mostafa, L.Y.; Ali, S.H.; Rihan, H.Z.; Eshra, D.H. CPPU and Ethylene Inhibitors as an Environmentally Friendly Strategy for Improving Fruit Retention, Yield, and Quality in Avocado. Horticulturae 2025, 11, 180. https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae11020180
Abdel-Sattar M, Mostafa LY, Ali SH, Rihan HZ, Eshra DH. CPPU and Ethylene Inhibitors as an Environmentally Friendly Strategy for Improving Fruit Retention, Yield, and Quality in Avocado. Horticulturae. 2025; 11(2):180. https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae11020180
Chicago/Turabian StyleAbdel-Sattar, Mahmoud, Laila Y. Mostafa, Saddam H. Ali, Hail Z. Rihan, and Dalia H. Eshra. 2025. "CPPU and Ethylene Inhibitors as an Environmentally Friendly Strategy for Improving Fruit Retention, Yield, and Quality in Avocado" Horticulturae 11, no. 2: 180. https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae11020180
APA StyleAbdel-Sattar, M., Mostafa, L. Y., Ali, S. H., Rihan, H. Z., & Eshra, D. H. (2025). CPPU and Ethylene Inhibitors as an Environmentally Friendly Strategy for Improving Fruit Retention, Yield, and Quality in Avocado. Horticulturae, 11(2), 180. https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae11020180