A Holistic Framework for Forecasting Transformative AI
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
2.1. Forecasting
2.2. Technology Forecasting
2.3. Scenario Analysis
2.3.1. Scenario Analysis for Mapping
2.3.2. Using Expert Opinion for Scenario Analysis
2.4. AI Forecasting
2.5. Summary of the Related Literature
3. Judgmental Distillation Mapping
4. A Holistic Framework for Forecasting AI
5. Discussion
5.1. Strengths and Weaknesses
5.2. Implications for Practice
5.3. Implications for Research
5.4. Challenges and Future Work
6. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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Study | Year | Type | Results | Conclusion (Median yrs) |
AI Forecasting Surveys | ||||
Baum et al. | 2011 | Expert (HLAI) | Statistical | Experts expect HLAI in coming decades, much disagreement |
Grace et al. | 2016 | Expert | Probabilistic | 45 yrs 50% chance HLAI, Significant cognitive dissonance |
Gruetzemacher et al. | 2019 | Expert (HLAI/AI) | Probabilistic | 50 yrs 50% chance HLAI, Type of expertise is significant |
Müller and Bostrom | 2014 | Expert | Statistical | 2040–50 50% chance HLAI; <30 yrs to superintelligence |
Zhang & Dafoe | 2019 | Non-expert (Americans) | Probabilistic | 54% chance of HLAI by 2028, support AI, weak support HLAI |
Other AI Forecasting Studies | ||||
Amodei and Hernandez | 2018 | Extrapolation | Trendline | Compute required for AI milestones doubling every 18 months |
Armstrong and Sotala | 2012 | Comparative Analysis | Decomposition schema analysis | Expert predictions contradictory and no better than non-experts |
Armstrong et al. | 2014 | Comparative Analysis | Decomposition schema analysis | Models superior to judgment, expert judgment poor, timelines unreliable |
Brundage | 2016 | Methods | Modeling Framework | A framework for modeling AI progress |
Muehlhauser | 2015 | Comparative Analysis | Generalization | We know very little about timelines, accuracy is difficult |
Muehlhauser | 2016 | Historical Survey | Suggestions | Future work ideas, AI characterized by periods of hype/pessimism |
Scenario Mapping Techniques | |||||
Technique | No. Scenarios | Quantitative | Qualitative | Strengths | Weaknesses |
Scenario Network Mapping (SNM) | 30 to 50 | No | Yes | Complex cases with large numbers of scenarios | Time consuming and requires 15–20 experts |
Cognitive Maps | 8 to 24 | No | Yes | Useful in multiplle organization contexts, rapid workshop development | Weak scenario development, lack of rigor in method |
Fuzzy Cognitive Map (FCM) | 8 to 18 | Yes | Yes | Flexible method, quantitative and qualitative elements, aggregates coginitive maps | Limited quantitiative value, limited judgmental value |
Judgmental Distillation Mapping (JDM) | 6 to 30 | Yes | Yes | Complex cases that require probabilistic forecasts | Resource intensive and requires diversty of experts |
© 2019 by the author. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
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Gruetzemacher, R. A Holistic Framework for Forecasting Transformative AI. Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2019, 3, 35. https://doi.org/10.3390/bdcc3030035
Gruetzemacher R. A Holistic Framework for Forecasting Transformative AI. Big Data and Cognitive Computing. 2019; 3(3):35. https://doi.org/10.3390/bdcc3030035
Chicago/Turabian StyleGruetzemacher, Ross. 2019. "A Holistic Framework for Forecasting Transformative AI" Big Data and Cognitive Computing 3, no. 3: 35. https://doi.org/10.3390/bdcc3030035
APA StyleGruetzemacher, R. (2019). A Holistic Framework for Forecasting Transformative AI. Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 3(3), 35. https://doi.org/10.3390/bdcc3030035