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J. Otorhinolaryngol. Hear. Balance Med., Volume 4, Issue 1 (June 2023) – 5 articles

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11 pages, 343 KiB  
Risk Factors for Voice Disorders among Fado Singers: A Cross-Sectional Study
by Pedro Pestana, Susana Vaz-Freitas and Maria Conceição Manso
J. Otorhinolaryngol. Hear. Balance Med. 2023, 4(1), 5; - 19 Jun 2023
Viewed by 2413
Fado is an urban Portuguese musical style rooted in popular culture. Previously found data suggests that Fado singers may have an increased risk of developing voice disorders. (1) Aim: To determine the risk factors for the development of voice disorders among Fado singers. [...] Read more.
Fado is an urban Portuguese musical style rooted in popular culture. Previously found data suggests that Fado singers may have an increased risk of developing voice disorders. (1) Aim: To determine the risk factors for the development of voice disorders among Fado singers. (2) Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted through the administration of a questionnaire containing questions related to voice disorders in singers. The relationship between personal and social data, musical background, performance demands and habits, vocal health and wellbeing, and strategies to overcome voice problems are reported. Beyond a comprehensive characterization, odds ratios (ORs) and their 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the association with voice disorders were calculated through univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses. (3) Results: The significant risk factors for voice disorders were as follows in decreasing order: nose-related disorders; decongestants or antihistamines; oral contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy; previous smoking habits; and vocal fatigue after performances. (4) Conclusion: These activities significantly increased the risk of developing voice disorders. The evidence from this study and the relative low prevalence of self-reported voice disorders suggest that these singers may develop a kind of protective combination of factors beyond the scope of this research. Full article
20 pages, 841 KiB  
Acoustic Quality of the External Environment: Indications on Questionnaire Structure for Investigating Subjective Perception
by Anna Magrini, Gelsomina Di Feo and Andrea Cerniglia
J. Otorhinolaryngol. Hear. Balance Med. 2023, 4(1), 4; - 19 Jun 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 2907
The subjective judgment on the annoyance produced by noise is always an important tool to complete an investigation, and to find the best way for its reduction. Therefore, acoustic analyses for environmental improvement frequently combine objective measures with subjective surveys to gain a [...] Read more.
The subjective judgment on the annoyance produced by noise is always an important tool to complete an investigation, and to find the best way for its reduction. Therefore, acoustic analyses for environmental improvement frequently combine objective measures with subjective surveys to gain a comprehensive understanding of the problem. The technical specification, concerning the “Assessment of noise annoyance by means of social and socio-acoustic surveys”, ISO/TS 15666 (revised in 2021), has represented a basis for these activities since 2003, when it aimed to obtain information about noise annoyance “at home”. The more recent ISO/TS 12913-2 (2018), aimed at soundscape studies, investigations and applications, provides guidelines for conducting social and socio-acoustic surveys to assess noise annoyance and, in particular, it gives detailed indications on data collection and reporting. The indications provided by the technical specifications represent a common guideline for addressing the implementation of a subjective survey in the acoustic field, and to make investigations as comparable as possible. However, they do not cover all the fields of acoustic subjective investigations. Therefore, to make the collection of information from questionnaires more effective, it is useful to have a broader review of the issues that need to be addressed. To support this type of activity, this paper collects and presents relevant observations for the design of subjective survey questionnaires focused on outdoor acoustic quality. Drawing on previous research studies and experiences, it provides a series of observations on the main aspects to be considered in order to structure multipurpose acoustic evaluation questionnaires, including discussion of the general considerations for questionnaire structure, administration methods, population sample characterization, question formulation, and classification. It also deals with specific indications related to acoustic evaluations, such as the characteristics of annoying noise, boundary conditions, subjective feelings, and source features. Full article
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11 pages, 1620 KiB  
The Influence of Cochlear Volume on Temporal Changes of Impedance among Cochlear Implant Patients
by Henrique F. Pauna, Maria Stella A. Do Amaral, Daniela S. Fonseca, Rodrigo Pessini, Denny M. Garcia, Jéssica Echeverria, Alexandre C. Guimarães, Vagner A. R. Da Silva and Miguel A. Hyppolito
J. Otorhinolaryngol. Hear. Balance Med. 2023, 4(1), 3; - 31 May 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1915
Background: There is evidence that the cochlear volume may influence audiometric thresholds and CI electrodes’ impedance. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the impedance changes over time and correlate them to the residual volume of the cochlea. Methods: An MRI [...] Read more.
Background: There is evidence that the cochlear volume may influence audiometric thresholds and CI electrodes’ impedance. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the impedance changes over time and correlate them to the residual volume of the cochlea. Methods: An MRI scan was performed via 3-D reconstruction before every surgery to obtain a residual volume for each ear. We performed repeated assessments of electrode impedance, both intra-operatively and post-implant, at the following intervals: 3 months, 6 months, and one year. The same type of perimodiolar array was implanted for each. Results: Thirty-four patients (10 (29.41%) male patients and 24 (70.59%) female patients) were evaluated. Patients received the implants between 2008 and 2017. The mean age of implantation was 13 ± 17.17 years, and the average of hearing thresholds improved after one year of the surgery. The mean cochlear volumes of the implanted ears were 68.16 ± 10.74 mm3 (right ear) and 56.54 ± 13.75 mm3 (left ear). We observed an increase in the basal electrodes’ impedance at the 3rd month. Yet, for the apical electrodes’ impedance, there was a decrease in averaged values. Conclusions: Post-operative impedance measurements were increased when compared to the intraoperatively measured basal values. Newly formed connective tissue is thought to be the cause of the higher impedance values. Full article
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9 pages, 1484 KiB  
Case Report
Tinnitus, Aural Fullness, and Hearing Loss in a Patient with Acoustic Neuroma and Pituitary Macroadenoma
by Mirko Aldè, Lorenzo Pignataro and Diego Zanetti
J. Otorhinolaryngol. Hear. Balance Med. 2023, 4(1), 2; - 27 Mar 2023
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 4334
We report the case of a 51-year-old woman with multiple otologic and vestibular symptoms. She presented with two different types of tinnitus in her right ear, vertigo, and fluctuating aural symptoms in the left ear. She also complained of disequilibrium; chronic headache; hyperhidrosis; [...] Read more.
We report the case of a 51-year-old woman with multiple otologic and vestibular symptoms. She presented with two different types of tinnitus in her right ear, vertigo, and fluctuating aural symptoms in the left ear. She also complained of disequilibrium; chronic headache; hyperhidrosis; amenorrhea; insomnia; broadened hands and feet; and widened, thickened, and stubby fingers. The patient underwent careful collection of medical history, otomiscroscopy, pure tone audiometry, tympanometry, reflex threshold measurements, vestibular assessments, blood tests, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and cone beam computed tomography (CBTC) of the head. The audiogram showed: (1) a mild low-to-mid frequency conductive hearing loss, and a sharply sloping sensorineural hearing loss above 4000 Hz in the right ear; (2) a mild low-frequency sensorineural hearing loss in the left ear. MRI with 3D FLAIR sequences detected an acoustic neuroma (7.4 mm × 5.2 mm) in the middle-third of the right internal auditory canal, a pituitary macroadenoma (13 mm × 10 mm × 10 mm) and left saccular hydrops. The CBCT scan documented an outbreak of otosclerosis (3 mm) around the fissula ante fenestram in the right ear. Therefore, acoustic neuroma (right ear), growth hormone-secreting macroadenoma of the pituitary gland, Menière’s disease (left ear), and otosclerosis (right ear) were diagnosed/strongly suspected. A watch-and-wait strategy was adopted for acoustic neuroma and otosclerosis, while transsphenoidal surgery was successfully performed to remove the pituitary macroadenoma. This case report confirms that multiple otologic disorders can occur simultaneously in the same patient, requiring prompt audiological and imaging evaluations. Full article
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14 pages, 9051 KiB  
Occurrence of Human Defensins and S100 Proteins in Head and Neck Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) Entities: hBD3 and S100A4 as Potential Biomarkers to Evaluate Successful Surgical Therapy
by Eva Dröge, Rainer Probstmeier, Matthias Wenghoefer and Jochen Winter
J. Otorhinolaryngol. Hear. Balance Med. 2023, 4(1), 1; - 22 Feb 2023
Viewed by 2343
Background: The goal of this study is the identification of potential marker molecules for characterizing different basal cell carcinoma entities, to help improve clinical decisions for surgical resection therapy. Methods: Three different entities, sclerodermiform, solid and superficial basal cell carcinomas, were subjected to [...] Read more.
Background: The goal of this study is the identification of potential marker molecules for characterizing different basal cell carcinoma entities, to help improve clinical decisions for surgical resection therapy. Methods: Three different entities, sclerodermiform, solid and superficial basal cell carcinomas, were subjected to immunohistochemical microscopy and histomorphometric analyses for human α- (DEFA1/3; DEFA4) and β-defensins (hBD1/2/3) and special S100 proteins (S100A4/7/8/9). Thirty specimens of the three entities were evaluated. Analyses were performed by comparing tissue and cellular localization and staining intensities of tumorous with non-tumorous areas. Staining intensities were semiquantitatively examined by using an RGB-based model. Results: Human defensins are present in all three entities of basal cell carcinomas. They all show cytoplasmic immunostaining in cells of the epithelium, stroma and tumor. Notably, human β-defensin3 is accumulated in the cell nuclei of sclerodermiform and superficial basal cell carcinomas. S100A4 and A7 are undetectable in tumor regions. However, S100A4 occurs in cancer-associated stroma cells with nuclear staining in superficial basal cell carcinomas. Conclusion: Two candidates, namely hBD3 and S100A4, might be used as potential clinical tools for evaluating successful surgical resection therapy to avoid aesthetic and functional facial deformation. Full article
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