2.1. Static Assessment of a Reinforced Gas Pipeline
The minimum thickness of a composite lining is determined using the solution of the elastic–plastic deformation of a section of a hardened steel pipe between supports with a longitudinal through crack and subjected to the maximum internal pressure. The goal is to find the minimum thickness of the composite lining which compensates for the effect of the maximum allowable internal pressure in the pipeline with a through-crack-like defect. Moreover, this work is conducted using an FE model of a linear section of a main pipeline, which makes it possible to use the approach presented below to calculate the optimal thickness of the composite linings. The FE model was designed in and realized by the ANSYS 19.2/Workbench program complex. Numerical analysis of the static strength was performed in the calculation module “Static Structural”. The problem was solved using a three-dimensional (3D) formulation. The condition of the automatic selection of FE types was fulfilled. Specifically, the FE model of the linear section of the pipeline between supports was assumed as follows: one extreme support implements the condition of the rigid sealing of the pipe; two internal supports are freely movable; and the second extreme one implements the condition of sealing the pipe with a chance of movement in the longitudinal direction (
Figure 1). Accordingly, the conditions were realized on the outermost supports, “Fixed Support” and “Displacement”, with “z = Free” and with the coordinate axis Oz directed along the investigated pipe section. The contact interaction between the internal supports and the pipe was modeled as “Frictionless”. The dimensions of the FE model in the longitudinal direction are shown in
Figure 1 (in millimeters). The diameter of the pipe section is equal to 300 mm, whilst the thickness of its wall is 0.8 mm. The corresponding material is of C245 steel grade with a yield strength of 240 MPa and a tensile strength of 360 MPa. The inner surface of the pipeline is subjected to uniformly distributed stationary pressure. As preliminary studies have demonstrated [
27], such pressure causes a practically uniform stress state in an undamaged pipe on a linear section of the pipeline between the extreme supports. Together, freely movable supports do not significantly influence the axisymmetric nature of the distribution of the stresses in the axial section of the pipeline, and consequently, they can be neglected [
27]. At the same time, a part of the structure of the actual length between the two supports was additionally modeled. The pipe is attached to four supports by four frames. The lower ends of the supports are rigidly fixed. The fastening of the upper ends of the supports with frames is modeled by one-piece “Bonded” joints. The frame at the support that implements the condition of rigid sealing of the pipe is rigidly fixed. Its contact with the pipe is modeled as “Bonded”. The contact between the pipe and the two central, freely movable supports is modeled as “Frictionless”. Moreover, the frame of the longitudinally movable support is fixed, so that movement in the direction normal to the pipe surface is impossible. Also, the model takes into account the weight of the structure [
The critical pressure is calculated by using the FE method. Its value is equal to the internal pressure, which causes a stress state in the pipeline between the supports which, in turn, is equal to the yield strength of the steel material. For this FE model of the pipeline (
Figure 1), made of the C245 steel grade with a yield strength of 240 MPa and a pipe wall thickness of 0.8 mm, the critical pressure
Pcr = 6.426 kPa.
Figure 2 shows the stresses in the pipeline subjected to stationary uniform internal critical pressure. As can be seen from the modeling, the stresses are close to the yield strength. In this case, the edge effects, caused by the condition of fixing the structure, are localized at the edges of the pipeline and do not affect the stress state in its central part. Therefore, the subsequent FE analyses are performed on a model with a crack and a composite lining which, in turn, are both located in the central part of the pipeline.
The damage on the investigated section of the pipeline in the form of a through longitudinal crack is simulated by ANSYS 19.2 [
29]. Preliminary studies proved that such damage is the most dangerous because it can cause avalanche destruction of the pipeline [
30]. Crack-like defects of various widths are simulated. Then, the section of the pipeline with a crack is reinforced with a circular lining made by a composite material and having the following orthotropic properties: elastic moduli
Exx = 35 GPa,
Eφφ = 35 GPa,
Ezz = 8 GPa; shear moduli
Gxφ = 6 GPa,
Gφz = 30 GPa,
Gxz = 30 GPa; Poisson’s ratios
νxφ = 0.01,
νφz = 0.09,
νxz = 0.09; and density
ρ = 1477 kg/m
3. These values were obtained experimentally for the carbon fiber composite based on the prepreg SIGRAPREG C U200-0/NF-E310/30% [
32]. This composite material has been successfully used as face skins, including in structures with imperfections [
33]. The composite wrap satisfies Hooke’s law [
28]. Notably, the strength properties of the composite lining significantly overcome those of the pipeline material, and the length of the composite lining significantly exceeds the crack length.
The thickness of the composite lining is estimated which will compensate for the pressure in the area of the through-crack-like defect. Specifically, it is assumed that the composite lining’s thickness should bear stresses on its outer surface in the area of the through crack that do not exceed the tensile strength value.
The effectiveness of the repair technology for steel pipes with corrosion and crack-like defects directly depends on the choice of three key parameters of the composite linings. These are the type of composite material, the length of the lining, and the thickness of the lining. Changing the composite material and the geometric parameters of the lining can reduce the weight of the bonded pipe, minimize the cost of its repair, and increase the durability and the strength of the reinforced pipe section with defects.
Optimization of the composite lining in order to achieve the nominal strength of the bonded pipe with a minimum weight of the lining and a maximum savings in composite material should be performed by numerical simulation. In this case, as a rule, the choice of the composite material is executed in advance. Therefore, the purpose of optimization is to determine the minimum length and minimum thickness of the composite lining that will ensure that the static and dynamic strengths of the bonded section of pipeline with a defect between supports stays at the strength level of this section of the pipeline without a defect.
The basic principles of the gradient descent method are used. This allows us to find independent local extremes of the functions of the minimum thickness and the minimum length of the composite lining [
For the minimum thickness of the lining
, it is possible to write
is the step in finding the minimum thickness and
is the gradient of the function at a point
. For the minimum length of the lining
, it is then possible to write
is the step in finding the minimum length and
is the gradient of the function at a point
. The initial data for Equations (1) and (2) are determined by FE analysis in Ansys, while the geometric parameters of the composite lining are adjusted according to the numerical simulation results.
The problem was solved using a 3D formulation. The FE model consists of two 3D bodies: a steel pipe and a composite lining (arrow 2). The contact between the parts of the pipeline provides us with equal displacements and stresses at the contact points. The composite lining is located at the center of the pipeline, overlapping the crack. In addition, the composite lining is mounted on the pipeline without any tension. The pipeline’s inner surface and the area of the composite lining corresponding to the thickness of the through crack are subjected to stationary internal pressure. In this study, the maximum allowable internal pressure in the pipe, namely, the critical pressure
f = 6.426 kPa, is used as the stationary internal pressure. The edges of the pipeline are fixed. On the right edge, displacements in the longitudinal direction are allowed, whilst in the radial direction, displacements are equal to “zero”. On the left edge, a rigid fixation is simulated. Such a fixation permits us to minimize the influence of the edge effects on the calculations of the stress–strain state of the structure. According to the results, a displacement and a stress field of the reinforced composite lining of the steel pipeline having a longitudinal crack are formed. During calculations, the crack’s width varies. It is set by the arc length of the outer radius of the pipe in degrees. The optimal thickness of the composite lining is then determined according to the FE results. When forming the FE model, the fact that the pad is made by an orthotropic material was assumed. Specifically, to properly account for its non-isotopic properties, the orientation of the axes in the FE model were set for the composite lining, i.e., corresponding to the mechanical parameters of the material, as shown in
Figure 3. The
Ox axis is shown in red and directed along the cylindrical shell, the
Oy axis is shown in green and directed tangentially to the cylindrical shell, and the
Oz axis is depicted in blue and directed normally to the cylindrical shell.
Specifically, the convergence of the FE model was achieved by the standard method of reducing the size of the FE by varying the “Element Size” parameter. Notably, the central fragment of the FE breakdown of the pipe with the composite lining is shown in
Figure 4.
The convergence of the FE model was verified using a test example that accounted for prestresses induced by critical pressure. The FE calculations were performed for cracks with thicknesses of 0.1° and 1.6° of the outer diameter of the steel pipeline; a 0.4 mm thick lining was modeled. The results of the convergence analysis are presented in
Table 1. In detail, the table shows the stresses on the composite lining’s outer diameter, at the central point of the pipeline, and opposite to the crack. The difference in values between the parameter sizes of 4.0 mm and 2.0 mm does not exceed the percentage of 2.2%, and the difference between 2.0 mm and 1.0 mm does not exceed the percentage of 0.5%. Such results allow us to declare that the FE model with an “Element Size” parameter not greater than 2.0 mm satisfies the requirements for the convergence of the FE solution for the stresses. The results presented below were gained with an “Element Size” parameter equal to 1.0 mm. In this case, the FE model contains 1.13 × 10
6 elements and 7.37 × 10
6 nodes.
2.2. Dynamic Assessment of a Reinforced Gas Pipeline
Numerical analysis of the dynamic strength was executed using the “Explicit Dynamics” calculation module. The previously developed FE model was supplemented with the “Plastic Strain Failure” module. This allowed the simulation of the structural failure due to the plastic deformation of the material which, in turn, was modeled using the “Bilinear Isotropic Hardening” approach. The minimum length of the composite lining was determined using the solution of the dynamic elastic–plastic deformation of a section of a hardened steel pipeline with a longitudinal through crack in which the pressure increases from zero to a critical value. Such pressure growth usually leads to the formation of through cracks, and cracks in the longitudinal direction can cause avalanche failure of the pipe section between supports [
17]. The composite lining absorbs a significant amount of energy during internal pressure growth due to stress dissipation throughout the structure. The fibers in the composite act as a barrier against rapid crack propagation, reducing the rate of crack growth. Thus, composites with directional reinforcement or a laminated structure can have residual stresses that reduce the likelihood of rapid crack propagation [
34]. An additional purpose is to determine the minimum length of the composite lining that prevents the growth of a longitudinal through crack when the pressure in the pipeline increases until a critical value is reached and that overlaps with the existing through defect. In this case, the composite lining’s thickness is considered as optimal and selected on the basis of the findings that are described in
Section 2.1. The dynamic problem, as well the static one, is solved for an FE model of the linear section of the steel pipeline (
Figure 1), which allows the use of the approach presented below to estimate the composite lining’s optimal length. Note that the results obtained by numerical modeling should be used as initial data for subsequent experimental studies. Damage to the assumed section of the pipeline is modeled in the form of a through longitudinal crack with a width equal to 0.40, which corresponds to 1.0 mm. According to preliminary studies, it can be stated that such a crack, when the internal pressure increases until a critical value is reached, increases in the longitudinal direction caused by the local destruction of the material at the crack tips and at its edges [
30]. Thus, the deformation pattern of a steel pipeline without and with a long composite lining is analyzed. The dynamic problem of the longitudinal crack propagation in a pipeline without a composite lining is solved. Specifically, the initial lining’s length is determined, which is equal to the sum of the maximum crack length and two sections per bevel, as described in Moldagaliyev et al. [
28]. In addition, the dynamic problem of the longitudinal crack propagation in a pipeline with a composite lining four times longer than the crack length is solved. High-stress-concentration areas in the pipeline are identified, and the initial composite lining’s length is also adjusted. Then, verification is executed for a composite lining of the selected length.
The results of the works for a carbon fiber composite lining and its mechanical properties, which were presented in Moldagaliyev et al. [
28], are reported below. The choice of a carbon fiber composite lining is due to the high specific strength of this material, which allows it to significantly increase the load-bearing capacity of a pipe with a lining without a significant increase in its weight. Its high fatigue resistance should also be noted, which is essential for the operation of gas pipelines in seismically dangerous areas. Modeling of anisotropic properties of composite material is carried out on the basis of orthotropic models and is in good agreement with experimental data [
32]. An important issue is the question of modeling the contact interaction between the carbon fiber composite lining and the steel pipe. Depending on the bonding method, the contact bond is specified with the possibility of considering sliding, adhesion, or debonding at critical loads. In this study, this bond was modeled in ANSYS-19.2 as a “Bonded” rigid contact. The composite lining’s thickness was selected according to the approach described in
Section 2 and is equal to 50% of the pipe thickness—0.4 mm. Such a choice is supported by numerical studies, which showed that a smaller thickness does not provide sufficient strength for the bandaged section of the pipe, while a larger thickness does not give a significant increase in strength but increases the mass of the structure [
28]. In the FE model, as well as in the static model, of the dynamic deformation of a steel pipeline with a composite lining in the crack area, the internal pressure effect is considered, as is that of the pressure on the lining from the opening crack edges. Therefore, the stresses in the composite lining in the crack area may exceed the results previously obtained. In this regard, the final thickness of the composite lining, if necessary, should be adjusted according to the outcomes of the dynamic analyses.
Specifically, the FE model consists of two 3D bodies: a steel pipeline and a composite lining. The crack and the composite lining are located at the center of the pipeline. The lining is mounted on the pipeline without any tension. At the initial time, the full contact is simulated between the contact surfaces of both elements, which may be disrupted during the deformation and the local destruction. Furthermore, the model is constructed from FEs and supports the plastic flow of the steel pipeline and the destruction of the pipe and lining material. To ensure the convergence of the solution, a uniform grid similar to that of the static FE model is adopted (
Figure 3) along with the selection of the number of FEs by the thickness of the pipe and composite lining. In this case, the linear size in the FE model does not overcome the value of 2.0 mm, which guarantees the convergence of the FE solution. The edges of the steel pipeline are fixed: longitudinal displacements are allowed on the right edge, whilst the radial displacements are “zero”; rigid fixation of the pipeline is simulated on the left edge. In addition, the inner surface of the pipeline, the area of the composite lining on the through crack, and the crack edges are subjected to non-stationary internal pressure. On the basis of the obtained results, dynamic fields of displacements, stresses, and plastic deformations of the composite lining on the pipeline with a longitudinal crack are formed. The composite lining’s length was varied, whilst its optimal length was found according to the FE calculations.
2.3. Assessing the Influence of a Composite Lining on the Spectrum of Natural Frequencies and Oscillation Modes
The spectrum of the natural frequencies and oscillation modes of the FE model of a linear section of a steel pipeline are determined. A pipeline section fixed between supports is considered (
Figure 1). It is modeled so that the left support implements the condition of rigid pipe sealing. Conversely, the right support implements the condition of pipe sealing with the chance of displacement in the longitudinal direction. Two internal, freely movable supports are also modeled, which, in turn, limit the displacement of two contact areas of the pipeline with the support along the vertical direction. A further goal is to analyze the effect of a composite lining of a given length and thickness on the oscillations of a linear section of a steel pipeline. The cases of a not-loaded pipeline with internal pressure and that of a pipeline subjected to the critical internal pressure of 6.426 kPa are considered. The steel pipeline is modeled with a longitudinal through crack. Specifically, a crack with a width of 0.4°, which corresponds to 1.0 mm, is assumed. The crack length is chosen equal to 200 mm. Moreover, the crack is located at the central part of the steel pipeline, i.e., between the freely movable supports. A circular carbon fiber composite lining, whose mechanical properties were presented in Dong [
24] and Kong et al. [
25], is modeled. The composite lining’s thickness is 37.5%, 50%, and 62.5% of the pipe thickness, which is equal to 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5 mm, respectively. Furthermore, the composite lining’s length is 10%, 15%, and 20% of the pipeline length, which is equal to 400, 600, and 800 mm, respectively. The edges of the composite lining are symmetrically positioned with respect to the crack center in the longitudinal direction. Conversely, prestresses caused by internal pressure are modeled in the “
Static Structural” block. This part of the FE model is specifically illustrated in
Section 2.1.
Additionally, the static analysis block includes the boundary conditions which simulate the effect of the two freely movable supports: “Displacement 2” and “Displacement 3”. According to the achieved results, the displacement fields and the equivalent stresses are gained. They determine the natural frequencies and oscillation modes of the stressed pipeline within the “Modal” block. For each calculation case, the first 20 frequencies and oscillation modes of the pipe section with a longitudinal through crack and reinforced with a composite lining are obtained. Moreover, for comparing the influence of the composite lining on the pipeline oscillation, frequencies, and oscillation forms of a given pipe section without a crack and without the lining are determined.
This work is an intermediate contribution which was developed in the form of modeling reduced steel gas pipelines with composite linings. Its numerical findings are correlated with the experimental outcomes on reduced models of a steel gas pipeline where a steel wire was adopted as a prestressing tool to prevent the crack development [
16]. Further experiments regarding steel gas pipelines reinforced with composite linings will be combined with the aforementioned results [