A Revision of the Chrysis leachii Group from Cyprus, with a Description of an Outstanding Species and a New Synonymy (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) †
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
3.1. Taxonomy
3.2. New Species Description
3.3. Other Cypriot Species of the leachii Group
3.4. Species to Be Excluded from the Cypriot Fauna
3.5. Key to the Species of the leachii Group from Cyprus
- 1. Body dorsally fully violet to purple (Figure 8C,H), ventrally blue; scapal basin, scape, pedicel, tegula and legs blue; male genital capsule as in Figure 9C, with oblique inner margin of gonocoxa and gonostylus slender and elongate ……… C. kalliroi sp. nov.
- - Body with different colour pattern (Figure 8A,B, 8D–G, 8I,J), with green to blue head, metanotum and propodeum, red mesoscutum and large part of metasoma dorsally; genital capsule differently shaped, with fully developed inner margin of gonocoxa (Figure 9B,D–F), covering the aedeagus, or with gonostylus broad and short (Figure 9A,D) ………………………………………………………………… 2Figure 8. Cypriot species of the leachii group, habitus in dorsal view. Males (A–E) and females (F–J).Figure 8. Cypriot species of the leachii group, habitus in dorsal view. Males (A–E) and females (F–J).Figure 9. Genital capsules of Cypriot species, dorsal view. (A) Chrysis ignescoa, (B) C. ignigena, (C) C. kalliroi sp. nov., holotype, (D) C. lanceolata, (E) C. pumilio, and (F) C. alcudiae paratype from Mallorca. Scale bar: 0.5 mm.Figure 9. Genital capsules of Cypriot species, dorsal view. (A) Chrysis ignescoa, (B) C. ignigena, (C) C. kalliroi sp. nov., holotype, (D) C. lanceolata, (E) C. pumilio, and (F) C. alcudiae paratype from Mallorca. Scale bar: 0.5 mm.
- 2. Body with head, mesosoma and T1 green, with golden reflections; T2 and T3 red with green posterior margin; genital capsule as in Figure 9D, with very short gonostylus and round, slightly declivitous inner margin of gonocoxa …………………………………………………………………………………… C. lanceolata ♂
- - Body with different colour pattern, red on pronotum, mesonotum and large part of T1 and shape of genital capsule with inner margin of gonocoxae distinctly obliquous (Figure 9A,C), convex (Figure 9B), or straight apically (Figure 9E,F) …………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
- 3. Head entirely blue, T1 with large blue band on posterior margin ………………… 4
- - Head blue with red or golden-green reflections on vertex, T1 largely or entirely red …………………………………………………………………………………………… 6
- 4. Pronotum entirely red; T1 medially blue, laterally red; T2 entirely red; male genital capsule as in Figure 9E, with straight apical margin of gonocoxa ……… C. pumilio
- - Pronotum anteriorly red, posteriorly blue; T1 anteriorly and posteriorly blue, medially red; T2 red, with narrow blue posterior line; genital capsule with oblique apical margin of gonocoxa ………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
- 5. Pronotum with narrow anterior golden stripe; apical margin of T3 with lanceolate median tooth; male with head, mesosoma and T1 green, with golden reflections; T2 and T3 red with green posterior margin; male with head, mesosoma and T1 green, with golden reflections (see couplet 2); genital capsule as in Figure 9D, with slightly divergent inner margin of gonocoxa and with oblique apical margin; short and stout gonostylus …………………………………………………………………… C. lanceolata ♀
- - Pronotum with anterior golden stripe covering more than half the pronotal length; apical margin of T3 slightly projecting medially; male usually darker dorsally on metasoma and coloured similarly as the female; genital capsule with highly divergent inner and apical margining of gonocoxa, leaving the capsule wide open medially …… C. leachii
- 6. Pronotum posteriorly with a narrow blue stripe; T1 without posterior blue stripe; genital capsule as in Figure 9A …………………………………………… C. ignigena
- - Pronotum entirely red; T1 posteriorly bordered by narrow blue stripe; genital capsule as in Figure 9B ……………………………………………… C. ignescoa
4. Discussion
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Rosa, P.; Makris, C. A Revision of the Chrysis leachii Group from Cyprus, with a Description of an Outstanding Species and a New Synonymy (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). Taxonomy 2023, 3, 401-414. https://doi.org/10.3390/taxonomy3030023
Rosa P, Makris C. A Revision of the Chrysis leachii Group from Cyprus, with a Description of an Outstanding Species and a New Synonymy (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). Taxonomy. 2023; 3(3):401-414. https://doi.org/10.3390/taxonomy3030023
Chicago/Turabian StyleRosa, Paolo, and Christodoulos Makris. 2023. "A Revision of the Chrysis leachii Group from Cyprus, with a Description of an Outstanding Species and a New Synonymy (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae)" Taxonomy 3, no. 3: 401-414. https://doi.org/10.3390/taxonomy3030023
APA StyleRosa, P., & Makris, C. (2023). A Revision of the Chrysis leachii Group from Cyprus, with a Description of an Outstanding Species and a New Synonymy (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). Taxonomy, 3(3), 401-414. https://doi.org/10.3390/taxonomy3030023