Recommended Procedures to Assess Critical State Locus from Triaxial Tests in Cohesionless Remoulded Samples
:1. Introduction
2. Factors Affecting the Reliability of CSL
2.1. Evolution of the Grain Size Distribution—Crushing
2.2. Transitional Soil Behaviour
2.3. Non-Linearity of CSL
3. Triaxial Apparatus Improvements for CSL Assessment
3.1. Oversized Lubricated End Platens
3.2. Top-Cap Loading Ram Connection
4. Specimen Preparation Method
4.1. Sample Size
4.2. Moist Tamping Technique and Undercompaction Method
4.3. Compaction Mould and Tamper
5. Proposed Testing Procedures
5.1. Soil Preparation
5.2. Remoulding of Soil Specimens
5.3. Sample Saturation
5.3.1. Carbon Dioxide Method
5.3.2. Water Flushing
5.3.3. Backpressure Increment
5.3.4. Evaluation of the Degree of Saturation
5.3.5. Percolation under Pressure
5.4. Consolidation Phase
5.5. Shear Phase
5.6. Data Correction
5.7. Void Ratio Measurements
6. Validation of the Proposed Procedures and Discussion
6.1. Description of Tested Soils
6.2. Reproducibility of the Proposed Test Procedures
6.3. Behavioural Consistency by Applying the Proposed Procedures
6.4. Comparisons of CSL Results against Other Procedures
7. Summary and Concluding Remarks
- The use of an embedded top-cap loading ram novel connection reduces the ‘tilting’ of the soil specimen during all phases of triaxial testing, ensuring a perpendicular alignment between the loading ram with the axis of the soil specimen that leads to conceptually consistent soil behaviour. Such consistent soil behaviour was experimentally validated by triaxial tests carried out in four cohesionless soils. Furthermore, the soil response is caused by a reduction of strain-softening and the stabilisation of the volume change during triaxial loading, even for soil specimens with dilative behaviour.
- The combination of oversized lubricated end platens and an embedded top-cap loading ram connection in the triaxial apparatus results in a uniform shearing without the generation of spurious shear bands, allowing for a reduction of strain softening and the stabilisation of volumetric strain, which are determinant factors for the identification of the CSL. However, the use of oversized lubricated end patterns is more relevant during undrained shearing at low effective confinement stresses, whereas the use of an embedded top-cap loading ram connection causes a more conceptually consistent soil behaviour at the large strain range.
- The comparisons between triaxial configurations showed that the unbiased procedures proposed herein have very low variability and have a notable reproducibility. In addition, they provide reliable results that often are non-conservative in comparison to those obtained by means of other procedures. Hence, it is desirable that the unbiased procedures be implemented in geotechnical laboratories in which the characterisation of soils within the CSSM framework is conducted.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Nomenclature and Abbreviations
constants of the CSL power-law model | |
corrected area of the sample | |
initial cross-section area of the sample | |
B | pore pressure coefficient |
initial diameter of the specimen | |
e | void ratio |
initial void ratio | |
void ratio at critical state | |
elastic modulus for the membrane | |
specific gravity of the soil | |
H | height |
M | slope of critical state in space |
n | selected layer |
total number of layers | |
n | porosity |
mean effective stress | |
q | deviatoric stress |
degree of saturation | |
initial thickness of the membrane | |
time factor corresponding to 50% consolidation | |
time factor corresponding to 90% consolidation | |
u | pore pressure |
percent undercompaction | |
percent undercompaction selected for the first bottom layer | |
percent undercompaction for the final top layer | |
P-wave velocity | |
total volume of the specimen | |
moist weight of material required at each layer | |
total wet weight of material required for sample preparation | |
dry unit weight | |
intercept of critical state in e: log p´ space | |
increment in the pore pressure | |
volume change | |
CP | increment in the cell pressure |
axial strain | |
volumetric strain | |
instability line | |
slope of critical state in e: log p´ space | |
axial stress | |
radial stress | |
diameter | |
gravimetric water content | |
initial gravimetric water content |
ASTM | American Society for Testing and Materials |
CO | carbon dioxide |
CSL | critical state locus |
CSSM | critical state soil mechanics |
DP | dry pluviation |
EOTSF | end-of-test soil freezing |
GSD | grain size distribution |
GWC | gravimetric water content |
LEP | lubricated end platens |
LRC | loading ram connection |
LVDT | linear variable differential transformer |
MT | moist tamping |
NCL | normal consolidation line |
SD | slurry deposition |
TP | test path |
WS | water sedimentation |
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Short Biography of Authors
| António Viana da Fonseca PhD, Professor in Geotechnical Engineering in the Civil Engineering Department at the University of Porto (FEUP), Director of the Geotechnical Laboratory. His expertise has focus in advanced experimental soil mechanics and modelling of natural and artificial soils, including non-conventional materials, such as mine tailings. He is the Chairman of ISSMGE TC-102, “Ground Property Characterization by In-Situ Tests”, 2013–2021. He is a fellow and former President of the College of Geotechnical Specialists of the Portuguese Institution of Engineers. He is a consultant and practitioner specialising in the areas of lab and in situ testing of soils, foundations and deep excavations of soil structure interaction analyses and earthquake design of geotechnical structures, including soil liquefaction induced damages and mitigation. He is also an advisor for the risk assessment and safety improvement of more than 50 tailings dams in Brazil; among other research projects, he serves for the H2020 project LIQUEFACT, leading the WP: “Structural liquefaction resilience and vulnerability assessment methodologies”. |
| Diana Cordeiro, MSc, is a researcher in CONSTRUCT-GEO of the Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FEUP), Portugal. She received her master’s degree in Civil Engineering from FEUP in 2018 with an emphasis in Geotechnics. Her experimental work on LabGEO (at FEUP) began with her master’s project on desaturation as an effective measure of liquefaction mitigation followed by a scholarship for the research project LIQ2PROEARTH, assessing liquefaction susceptibility throughout in situ and laboratory tests. Currently, her main research is focused on the geomechanical behaviour of tailing materials within the critical state framework by laboratory testing. |
| Fausto Molina-Gómez is a PhD researcher in CONSTRUCT-GEO of the Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FEUP), Portugal. He received his BScEng in Civil Engineering in 2014 from the Universidad Militar Nueva Granada (Colombia) and his MSc in Civil Engineering with an emphasis in Geotechnics in 2016 from the Universidad de los Andes (Colombia). His research interests and expertise are in geomechanics, geotechnical earthquake engineering (in particular, problems associated with liquefaction), soil testing, wave propagation, critical state soil mechanics and statistical data interpretation. |
Studied | Gs | Fines | Cc | Cu | Shape of | |||
Soil | ( – ) | (mm) | Content (%) | ( – ) | ( – ) | ( – ) | ( – ) | Particles |
Gold tailing | 2.78 | 0.05 | 58.75 | 1.44 | 25 | 1.45 | 0.39 | Sub-rounded |
Coimbra | 2.65 | 0.28 | 1.80 | 1.37 | 1.69 | 0.81 | 0.48 | Sub-rounded |
TP-Lisbon | 2.66 | 0.21 | 2.21 | 1.13 | 2.13 | 1.01 | 0.63 | Sub-angular |
Hostun | 2.64 | 0.34 | 0.00 | 0.96 | 1.43 | 1.00 | 0.66 | Sub-angular |
Laboratory | Shearing | LEP | Top-cap | ||
Conditions | (kPa) | ( – ) | LRC | ||
UPorto | Drained | 50 | 0.73 | yes | yes |
Drained | 100 | 0.689 | yes | yes | |
Drained | 400 | 0.613 | yes | yes | |
Drained | 800 | 0.575 | yes | yes | |
Undrained | 200 | 0.659 | yes | yes | |
Undrained | 200 | 0.632 | no | yes | |
Undrained | 800 | 0.578 | yes | yes | |
Undrained | 800 | 0.566 | no | yes | |
UWA | Drained | 100 | 0.698 | yes | no |
Golder-P | Undrained | 200 | 0.67 | yes | no |
Golder-V | Drained | 50 | 0.697 | yes | no |
Undrained | 800 | 0.592 | yes | no | |
BGC | Drained | 400 | 0.628 | yes | no |
KCB | Drained | 400 | 0.628 | yes | no |
Test Identification | Proposed Methods | Other Methods | ||
Using in kPa | (kPa) | ( – ) | (kPa) | ( – ) |
50 | 96 | 0.616 | 94 | 0.632 |
100 | 191 | 0.585 | 191 | 0.608 |
400 | 785 | 0.521 | 752 | 0.551 |
800 | 1507 | 0.489 | 1483 | 0.524 |
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da Fonseca, A.V.; Cordeiro, D.; Molina-Gómez, F. Recommended Procedures to Assess Critical State Locus from Triaxial Tests in Cohesionless Remoulded Samples. Geotechnics 2021, 1, 95-127.
da Fonseca AV, Cordeiro D, Molina-Gómez F. Recommended Procedures to Assess Critical State Locus from Triaxial Tests in Cohesionless Remoulded Samples. Geotechnics. 2021; 1(1):95-127.
Chicago/Turabian Styleda Fonseca, António Viana, Diana Cordeiro, and Fausto Molina-Gómez. 2021. "Recommended Procedures to Assess Critical State Locus from Triaxial Tests in Cohesionless Remoulded Samples" Geotechnics 1, no. 1: 95-127.
APA Styleda Fonseca, A. V., Cordeiro, D., & Molina-Gómez, F. (2021). Recommended Procedures to Assess Critical State Locus from Triaxial Tests in Cohesionless Remoulded Samples. Geotechnics, 1(1), 95-127.