Exploring Social Participation Among Adults with Spinal Cord Injury During the Second Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Canada
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Design and Participants
2.2. Data Collection
2.3. Data Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Perceived Participation Restrictions for People with SCI and Loved Ones During COVID-19
3.1.1. Interruptions and Changes in Service Provision
“I have a psychologist whom I continued to see on Skype and then my nutritionist on Zoom. So, in that sense, I was well served. I have had a telephone consultation with my doctor twice. […] At the pharmacy, they are absolutely great. It’s delivery, but it’s also the perception of what’s urgent?”(Participant 8)
“What is most difficult is help for maintaining the household. I do business with a cooperative that provides a weekly cleaning service to come and do the cleaning, but it becomes difficult because, every week, we ask ourselves: “(1): who will come? And (2): are we going to have someone?” […] When we don’t have [the person comes to do the housework and the laundry], it’s my spouse who has to do it. […] It gets really challenging, because if there is no one coming, the burden falls on him.”(Participant 7)
3.1.2. Environmental Challenges to Social Participation
“I’m more confined, basically. I’ve been more confined in advance with the winter, because if I want to go outside, but in a wheelchair, it’s more difficult. I mean, […] sometimes when it’s snowed enough, there’s no snow edge for a few days, that it’s accessible. Then the cold too, I don’t move, so I can’t go out when it’s −10 °C, −15 °C. It’s too cold. You are more confined in the house.”(Participant 12)
“[During] winter, I didn’t want to get sick to avoid going to the hospital sick because of COVID.”(Participant 5)
“They put concrete blocks so that people don’t go there, but it’s just the campers that aren’t allowed to go there with their tents. They went there as well because there were people who went over the block, but I with my wheelchair couldn’t go over the concrete block, because they closed that to the world.”(Participant 5)
“When you walk into a grocery store, maybe you’ve noticed, or another store, it’s handwashing but it’s on a stand and then a rack. But instead of going with your hands, it’s your foot. You have to weigh with your foot. So that, good luck, with a chair.”(Participant 11)
3.1.3. Barriers Faced and Strategies Developed to Maintain Interpersonal Relationships
“The holidays are usually about family reunions […]. Then from that point on, yes, it was more difficult. I thought it was going to go over easily, that there wouldn’t be too many difficulties. Then finally, I found it a little difficult.”(Participant 16)
“I think the biggest difficulty is the psychological impact of looking forward to a ray of hope, what with getting the vaccine and thinking that it was going to open up for everyone. Things were starting to open up again, and then to have these restrictions come down was, I think, a big psychological impact for everybody, me included. But it’s pretty depressing.”(Participant 4)
“It was fun because we could see each other outside. What makes that, it was really reassuring and then that’s it, we really benefited more.”(Participant 6)
“You have to see it as […] well, it’s a break. Then you have to take a break, take that break. You have to figure out what’s fun. Just take the opportunity to do things that people don’t have time to do because they’re working or because they always have too much to do. It’s a good time to take advantage of it to do things that you’ve been meaning to try to do, or that you like to do. This is the time. It’s time to think about yourself, pull out a good book, read. That’s it. It’s winter too.”(Participant 6)
3.2. There Was No Change in Life Habits (But We Found New Ways to Do Some Things)
3.2.1. Life Simply Continued as Usual
“I always have social distance with my mask and otherwise, you are with the wheelchair, the people will stay far from me. I have already my feet in front of me.”(Participant 9)
“I don’t really see where I would need more services. I have the care I need. My activities are not too restricted because what I said, the confinement, there are quite a few people who have a hard time with that, but when you’re confined to a wheelchair, the confinement, in the winter, you know what I said: “Everyone is forced to do what I’m forced to do all the time.”. It’s limiting everyone, but on that side, it’s limiting me a little bit, but a lot less than most people, I think.”(Participant 15)
“It’s the same as always. Personally, I’m lucky I have my girlfriend because she’s the one who does everything.”(Participant 13)
“For me, there hasn’t been much of a change because I don’t go out [much], so I was just going to do my little errands during the day, everything was open, so that’s okay […]. I work at home a lot, so for me there hasn’t been much change […]. [As far as medical accessories], they deliver here, once every two months, and it’s a good material… as before, it hasn’t changed anything.”(Participant 17)
“Let’s say that in the family […], I don’t want to visit them, because it’s not accessible. If I visited them, it was in summer.”(Participant 10)
“Well, it’s easy. It’s easy to keep up with family and friend’s birthdays with a Zoom call or whatever. So, yeah, and I guess Facetime is the same thing really, but yeah.”(Participant 3)
“The gym, the big gym, it closed, but they made like a room for people like me, in wheelchairs, for people [with health issues] who need to train in the gym […]. We are very happy. I am happy.”(Participant 18)
3.2.2. New Pastimes and Interests Developed
“It turned out that they [the restaurant] were already following COVID protocol before there was even COVID. So, we felt really safe there, so we went only there.”(Participant 2)
“I think strangely enough I’m more active now than I have been in the past two and a half years. […] Because I just started—because a non-profit organization is doing all these exercise activities online and I just started boxing with this guy who used to be a boxer before he became disabled. And he’s doing online courses so I’m boxing three times a week now.”(Participant 1)
3.3. What Does the Future Hold?
3.3.1. Concerns for the Future
“We have the impression that we are not on the map in times of COVID, in such a pandemic.”(Participant 8)
3.3.2. Adaptation for Social Participation
“I think people are going to be more careful now when people are going to sneeze or—maybe even people are going to be less cuddly than before, are going to be more careful.”(Participant 14)
“Online programs for people’s disabilities, I think, is a little bit of a gold mine. Because I’m watching the people on the Zoom calls and stuff like that […] And I feel like people with disabilities are just so much more likely to show up if all they have to do is get up and get on Zoom at their home. Because it just eliminates so many of those barriers.”(Participant 2)
“I would think maybe in shopping or something like that. Because say you go to a store often […], things are too high, and I have to ask people for help but now with COVID, I can’t imagine like if somebody goes shopping and they have a disability and there are items that are too high—I’d ask strangers to help me and stuff. That might not be so appropriate anymore in this context so maybe having, I don’t know, personal shoppers or something being offered to people with disabilities.”(Participant 2)
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Characteristics | |
Mean (SD) | |
Age, years | 48.8 (15.1) |
Time using any wheelchair, years | 15.1 (13.3) |
n (%) | |
Sex | |
Female | 6 (33.3) |
Male | 12 (66.7) |
Province of Origin | |
Quebec | 14 (77.8) |
British Columbia | 4 (22.2) |
Employment Status (n = 17) | |
Employed | 3 (17.6) |
Unemployed | 9 (53.0) |
Retired | 5 (29.4) |
Highest Education Level | |
High school (started) | 6 (33.3) |
College/University (started) | 2 (11.1) |
College/University (completed) | 7 (38.9) |
Post-graduate studies | 2 (11.1) |
Annual Household Income, CAD (n = 16) | |
<29,999 | 7 (43.7) |
30,000–44,999 | 3 (18.8) |
45,000–59,999 | 3 (18.8) |
>60,000 | 3 (18.8) |
Diagnostic | |
Paraplegic | 15 (83.3) |
Tetraplegic | 3 (16.7) |
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Fortin-Bédard, N.; Ladry, N.-J.; Bouchard, D.; Rahn, C.; Borisoff, J.; Sweet, S.N.; Arbour-Nicitopoulos, K.P.; Routhier, F.; Best, K.L. Exploring Social Participation Among Adults with Spinal Cord Injury During the Second Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Canada. Disabilities 2025, 5, 19. https://doi.org/10.3390/disabilities5010019
Fortin-Bédard N, Ladry N-J, Bouchard D, Rahn C, Borisoff J, Sweet SN, Arbour-Nicitopoulos KP, Routhier F, Best KL. Exploring Social Participation Among Adults with Spinal Cord Injury During the Second Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Canada. Disabilities. 2025; 5(1):19. https://doi.org/10.3390/disabilities5010019
Chicago/Turabian StyleFortin-Bédard, Noémie, Naomie-Jade Ladry, David Bouchard, Caroline Rahn, Jaimie Borisoff, Shane N. Sweet, Kelly P. Arbour-Nicitopoulos, François Routhier, and Krista L. Best. 2025. "Exploring Social Participation Among Adults with Spinal Cord Injury During the Second Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Canada" Disabilities 5, no. 1: 19. https://doi.org/10.3390/disabilities5010019
APA StyleFortin-Bédard, N., Ladry, N.-J., Bouchard, D., Rahn, C., Borisoff, J., Sweet, S. N., Arbour-Nicitopoulos, K. P., Routhier, F., & Best, K. L. (2025). Exploring Social Participation Among Adults with Spinal Cord Injury During the Second Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Canada. Disabilities, 5(1), 19. https://doi.org/10.3390/disabilities5010019