There is a high increase in approaches that receive as input a text and perform named entity recognition (or extraction) for linking the recognized entities of the given text to RDF Knowledge Bases (or datasets). In this way, it is feasible to retrieve more information for these entities, which can be of primary importance for several tasks, e.g., for facilitating manual annotation, hyperlink creation, content enrichment, for improving data veracity and others. However, current approaches link the extracted entities to one or few knowledge bases, therefore, it is not feasible to retrieve the URIs and facts of each recognized entity from multiple datasets and to discover the most relevant datasets for one or more extracted entities. For enabling this functionality, we introduce a research prototype, called LODsyndesis
, which exploits three widely used Named Entity Recognition and Disambiguation tools (i.e., DBpedia Spotlight, WAT and Stanford CoreNLP) for recognizing the entities of a given text. Afterwards, it links these entities to the
LODsyndesis knowledge base, which offers data enrichment and discovery services for millions of entities over hundreds of RDF datasets. We introduce all the steps of LODsyndesis
, and we provide information on how to exploit its services through its online application and its REST API. Concerning the evaluation, we use three evaluation collections of texts: (i) for comparing the effectiveness of combining different Named Entity Recognition tools, (ii) for measuring the gain in terms of enrichment by linking the extracted entities to
LODsyndesis instead of using a single or a few RDF datasets and (iii) for evaluating the efficiency of LODsyndesis
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