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Collecting Research Evidence to Inform Programming to Tackle Violence Against Young Women and Girls: The Importance of Diverse Data for Policy Making

Dirk Schubotz
Siobhán McAlister
1 and
Gail Neill
School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work, Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast BT7 1NN, UK
School of Applied Social and Policy Sciences (Community Youth Work), Ulster University, Belfast BT15 1ED, UK
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Submission received: 7 November 2024 / Revised: 10 January 2025 / Accepted: 22 January 2025 / Published: 26 January 2025


In September 2024, the devolved Northern Ireland government published their Strategic Framework to end violence against women and girls. In this article, we report the key results of two studies that were undertaken to inform this Strategy: Young Life and Times (YLT)—an annual social attitude survey of 16-year olds, and the bespoke ‘It’s just what happens’ study which was commissioned to qualitatively explore the views and experiences of girls and young women in relation to gender-based violence (GBV). YLT survey data are presented on the prevalence of GBV experiences and perceived barriers to reporting violence. Qualitative data gathered through focus groups and interviews are drawn on to demonstrate how these methods surface additional information, context and nuance that could not be captured in large-scale surveys alone. Young women experience disproportionately high levels of GBV compared to young men, whilst, at the same time, more barriers to reporting. Qualitative data from the bespoke survey flesh out the prevalence data with young women’s lived experiences. This paper demonstrates the value of diverse data for providing a more holistic understanding of complex social issues which, we argue, can benefit the development and evaluation of targeted policy interventions.

1. Introduction

In September 2024, the devolved Northern Ireland Executive (NIE) launched their Strategic Framework to end violence against women and girls (The Executive Office, 2024a). In it, NIE sets out their vision for a changed society ‘where women and girls are free from all forms of gender-based violence, abuse and harm’ (p. 3). The publication of this Strategic Framework came in a week where Northern Ireland’s previous First Minister, Jeffrey Donaldson, who was knighted in 2016 for political services, was in court charged with 18 historical sex offences, including rape (Carroll, 2024); a former army cadet leader and school welfare officer was in court accused of 29 sex offences against teenage girls (Bonner, 2024); a taxi driver was convicted of sexually assaulting an 18-year old girl (Craig, 2024); and a 21-year old man appeared in court over the murder of his mother (BBC Northern Ireland, 2024). Arguably, the launch of the Strategic Framework could not have happened at a more opportune moment. Perhaps the fact that ending violence against women and girls was one of only a handful of key policy objectives in the new draft Programme for Government of the devolved Northern Ireland government (The Executive Office, 2024b) came as a surprise for some. However, the number of high-profile cases of violence against women and girls covered in the media in just one week coinciding with the launch of the new Strategy may have silenced those who felt that there are more important issues that the Government should focus on.
Research evidence across the world is strengthening in relation to the scale of gender-based violence (GBV) (World Health Organization, 2021; Sardinha et al., 2022), and, in particular, the high levels of violent experiences that women and girls report. In addition, the existing literature and evidence in Ireland (An Garda Síochána, 2022) and across the globe (Bradbury-Jones et al., 2021; Moriña et al., 2024; Hadi, 2020) has persistently shown that many women experience barriers to reporting domestic or inter-personal violence and do not trust the authorities to deal with these issues, so the prevalence of violence against women and girls is likely to be in excess of what is officially reported. Authors have attempted to use secondary reporting (Stark et al., 2020) or statistical modelling and analysis of other factors (Polettini et al., 2023) to better estimate prevalence of violence against women and girls; however, arguably it will be interventions targeted at changing a culture in which GBV appears to be largely acceptable that will help to address not just the violence itself, but also the underreporting of it. These interventions, it is generally agreed, ought to start at a young age.
Efforts are being undertaken to tackle GBV and violence against women and girls specifically. Many European countries have now ratified the Council of Europe’s 2011 Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (also known as the ‘Istanbul Convention’) (CoE, 2011) and are actively working on the establishment of comprehensive legal standards alongside respective policy interventions to ensure girls’ and women’s right to live a life free from violence. The efforts now undertaken in NI follow similar efforts by the UK Government (UK Home Office, 2021) and its devolved administrations in Scotland (Scottish Government, 2023) and Wales (Welsh Government, 2022), which have all published such strategic frameworks and programmes of interventions.
Whilst the Istanbul Convention sets a policy framework for European countries in general, each national context also has its own specific cases, critical events, and circumstances that influence policy making. In Northern Ireland, one of the significant events that arguably injected energy into policy making to tackle violence against women and girls was the so-called Ulster Rugby rape trial. This was a law case in which three players of the Ulster Rugby team, a high provincial regional Rugby team, were acquitted of raping a young woman. The court case, and how it was covered in the media (McFalone, 2021), revealed the misogynist rape culture and sexism in the courts in Northern Ireland (MacKenzie, 2022), which led to a substantive and comprehensive review on how victims of sexual offences are treated in court (‘The Gillen Review’) (Department of Justice, 2019). This review led to a large number of recommendations for change in relation to how courts should deal with sexual offence cases, but also on tackling rape myths in the media, improving reporting and support mechanisms for victims of sexual offences and putting in place education interventions that help young people understand the nature of healthy, consensual, non-coercive relationships.
Additionally, drawing specific attention to age and the ‘devasting’ effects that violence can have on children’s development, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child outlines States’ obligations to protect children from all forms of violence, injury and abuse (UN, 2011). Such protective measures focus not only on responding appropriately when children and young people experience violence but also place an obligation on States ‘to adopt supportive measures that will prevent the occurrence of violence and abuse by addressing the external factors that contribute to the risk of harm’ (Tobin & Cashmore, 2019). There is a proactive obligation on States, therefore, to prevent violence and the violation of human rights. Despite this, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (2023) in their most recent examination of the UK’s compliance with the UNCRC noted their concerns about the ‘high prevalence of domestic abuse, sexual exploitation, gender-based violence, and other forms of violence against children …’. Among their recommendations was to ‘strengthen measures aimed at tackling violence against children, including by implementing the recommendations of … the Gillen Review in Northern Ireland’ (p. 10).
While of concern for some time, the development of a dedicated strategy to end violence against women and girls in Northern Ireland has lagged behind other European countries. The history of political violence and the masculinist focus of war and conflict, it is argued, occluded women and young women’s experiences of violence, including domestic and GBV (McWilliams, 1997; Swaine, 2023; McAlister et al., 2022). Preventing a return to conflict-related violence, remembering and responding to the harms of such violence, has also been a major focus of the process of conflict transformation. As such, some forms of violence have arguably been given more primacy in policy and practice interventions than others. Mirroring global movements and in response to local events and lobbying, however, GBV has received much more attention over the past few years and is now firmly in the public psyche and political agenda.
This article draws on social attitude survey data as well as some personal violence experience data from young women collected in focus groups and interviews in Northern Ireland. The aims are two-fold. Firstly, we add to the international literature by reporting data on attitudes and experiences in relation to GBV collected from young people in Northern Ireland for the first time. Secondly, we use the data collected to inform the policy making process in Northern Ireland to reflect on the value and limitations of specific forms of data collection for informing understandings of GBV. In doing so, we argue that while policymakers often prioritise statistical data in informing, evidencing, and justifying policy decisions, utilising diverse types of complementary research data aids a deeper understanding of complex social issues, and can benefit the development of policy interventions.

2. Methods

This article draws on data collected by the annual YLT survey, namely the 2022, 2023, and 2024 survey sweeps. We also report findings from a bespoke, in-depth, mixed-methods study on young women’s experiences of gender-based violence—the ‘It’s just what happens’ study (McAlister et al., 2023). This bespoke study was commissioned and funded by The Executive Office (TEO), as were the modules of questions on GBV included in the YLT survey sweeps.
Data from these multiple sources are drawn on to provide a fuller picture of attitudes and experiences in relation to GBV. Different approaches yield different information—prevalence and trends, shared understandings and experiences, and individual experiences and feelings. As such, multiple methods can complement, corroborate, or expand understandings provided by individual methods. Feminist researchers have also pointed to the value of mixed methods for informing governments on issues affecting women—the scale and prevalence of the issue, as well as an explanation and understanding of the issue (Westmarland, 2001). We demonstrate this throughout the following sections.

2.1. The Young Life and Times (YLT) Survey

YLT is an annual cross-sectional social attitude survey undertaken among 16-year-olds in Northern Ireland since 2003. The survey is used regularly by policy makers in both the statutory and the voluntary and community sector to monitor young people’s attitudes to, and experiences of, a variety of issues.
A sample of randomly selected 16-year-olds, who lived in Northern Ireland at the time of the fieldwork, is drawn annually from the Child Benefit Register, which is administered by HM Revenue and Customs in the UK. Child Benefit is a social benefit paid to parents or carers who raise children in the UK and is paid for each child. Child Benefit was a universal benefit until March 2013, but then means testing came into effect. Higher earners with salaries over GBP 50,000 per annum no longer receive Child Benefit; however, in reality, and due to the way the benefit payment is administered, (see (accessed on 19 September 2024)), the Child Benefit Register continues to provide a de facto universal sampling frame. In Northern Ireland, it is without alternative as other random sampling frames of young people that do not rely on gate keepers (such as school principals) are not available.
Fieldwork for the three sweeps of the YLT survey took place in March and April of each survey year. Data were collected using a bespoke online survey tool developed by ARK. Optional postal or phone completion was also offered; however, only online responses were received. ARK is Northern Ireland’s Social Policy Hub, which was set up in 2000 by academics at Queen’s University Belfast and Ulster University ( (accessed on 19 September 2024)). ARK undertakes a range of activities to inform social policy making. This includes conducting three annual social attitude surveys of children, young people and adults, all of which are used to monitor policy indicators. The YLT is one of these surveys.
Study information sheets with background information about YLT were posted out to the home addresses of eligible 16-year-olds along with instructions on how to participate using an allocated unique ID number, or how to opt out of the study. Participants could choose where and when they completed the survey and what electronic device (PC, tablet computer, or smart phone) they used. In the information letter, 16-year-olds were assured of confidentiality, and they received a link to the study’s privacy notice, which sets out how participant data are used, stored, and ultimately destroyed. One reminder letter was sent approximately 10 days after the invitation to take part in YLT was issued to those who had not yet responded or opted out of the survey by that stage. Every respondent who completed the survey received a £10 shopping voucher.
Alongside some background and demographic questions, each year’s YLT survey contains sets of survey questions focusing on various social issues. Due to the number of questions asked, the YLT surveys in 2022, 2023, and 2024 were all split surveys. The questions on gender-based violence were asked only of half of all eligible participants. Respondents were randomly allocated to the two survey versions. In 2022, 1055 respondents completed the survey version containing questions on gender-based violence, in 2023 1005, and in 2024 1146 respondents. The response rates for the YLT surveys were 42%, 36%, and 37%, respectively, More detailed technical information about the YLT surveys are available from (accessed on 19 September 2024).
Ethical approval for the survey is granted annually by the School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work Research Ethics Committee, Queen’s University.

Questions on Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in YLT

Each year, the set of questions started with a definition of GBV. The wording of the definitions changed slightly from year to year with the development of the policy indicator framework, but in all surveys, it was made clear that GBV was violence, abuse, and harm directed against a person because of that person’s gender, or violence that affects people of a particular gender disproportionately.
The 2022 survey included questions on:
  • The prevalence of detailed and specific violence experiences;
  • Questions on how acceptable or unacceptable respondents found these specific acts of violence;
  • Personal knowledge of perpetrators of specific acts of GBV
The 2023 YLT survey included questions on:
  • Prevalence of four types of GBV (physical, sexual, psychological, and online violence);
  • Reporting and barriers to reporting GBV;
  • A number of attitude questions to GBV, including perception of whether or not incidents of GBV have increased or decreased over the last two years;
  • Questions on bystander behaviour.
The 2024 YLT survey repeated the prevalence questions and some of the questions on reporting and barriers to reporting asked in 2023, but it also included some additional questions on a general sense of safety in selected private and public spaces and questions on positive relationships more generally The full list of questions asked can be accessed from the YLT website at: (accessed on 19 September 2024).

2.2. Method of the Bespoke ‘It’s Just What Happens’ Study

Data collection for the ‘It’s just what happens’ study took place between July and September 2022. Unlike YLT, which runs annually but focusses on a range of issues, the one-off bespoke ‘It’s just what happens’ study was specifically commissioned to explore GBV experiences among young women to inform the Strategic Policy Framework to end violence against women and girls. Three distinct data collection methods were used: a short anonymous survey; focus groups; and one-to-one interviews. We will report on the group discussion and interview data here.
Recruitment was undertaken via opportunistic sampling using existing networks in the youth and community sectors, including, girls and young women in the victims’ sector; the women’s sector; health and social care; education; family services; youth and community services; children’s services; LGBT organisations; and the disability sector. A number of youth and community organisations facilitated, and provided support in, the recruitment of girls and young women to take part in focus groups and/or interviews, also providing safe and supportive spaces for the group discussions and interviews to take place. Despite potential limitations, girls and young women were only recruited through the above means to ensure that they had a support structure in place if this was required (see further below).

2.2.1. Focus Groups

Ten focus groups with a total of 39 girls aged 12–17 years, and four focus groups with an additional 19 young women aged 18–25 years were carried out between August and September 2022. All focus groups were conducted in youth and community centres across different regions in Northern Ireland. Care was taken to include young women from different ethnic backgrounds, sexual identities, and parenting status.
The aim of the focus group discussions was to seek a deeper understanding of some of the views and issues raised in YLT and in the survey undertaken as part of the ‘It’s just what happens’ study. Specifically, the focus group discussions explored young women’s understandings of violence; their perceptions on how girls/young women their age experience violence (and the age-based and gendered nature of this); the barriers and enablers they experience with regard to reporting and disclosing violence; how they learn about violence and support services; and what they feel could be done to prevent violence against girls and women. The cultural context of growing up in Northern Ireland, a society emerging from decades of significant sectarian and violent conflict, was also explored. While the aim of the focus groups was not to discuss personal experiences in the group setting, given the small and close nature of the groups, many chose to do so.

2.2.2. One-to-One Interviews

Ten one-to-one interviews took place with young women (n = 6 with 12–17-year-olds, n = 4 with 18–25-year-olds) who provided testimonies of being a victim of violence. The interviews’ objective was to encourage young women to reflect on the impacts of these personal experiences as well as their experiences of disclosing (or not); their experiences with support services; and their views on how violence against girls and women could be prevented.

2.3. Dealing with the Sensitivity of the Questions

Due to the anonymous nature of the surveys and the fact that young people completed these in their own time in a location of their choice, individual support in cases of disclosures was not possible. However, both the YLT survey and the short survey undertaken as part of the ‘It’s just what happens’ study provided respondents with a list of support organisations that could be contacted in case they felt the need to do so.
Support was available for participants in group discussions and one-to-one interviews. Prior conversations were held with workers/organisations to discuss how best to support girls/young women who wanted to participate in the research. Youth and community workers often articulated specific needs to the research team in advance and these were implemented during data collection. As part of the research protocol, all data collection for those under 16 years of age (which is the age of consent in Northern Ireland) took place in a youth or community centre where a worker would be available during and after data collection if requested by participants.
Data were collected through an ethics of ‘respect, collaboration, and caring’ (Campbell & Wasco, 2000, p. 775), balancing young women’s rights to participation in research that would inform policies impacting their lives, with their right to protection from harm. Care was taken not to ask young women to relate traumatic accounts of violence and its harms. However, as is often the case in research of this nature, when young women chose to share such experiences the researchers engaged in empathetic listening, acknowledging experiences and feelings that may have previously been ignored or silenced.
On occasions where the research team were concerned about the well-being of a young person, or particularly sensitive topics were discussed, the researcher debriefed the worker. When this involved an individual, debriefing only took place with the young person’s consent. All participants were provided with a leaflet of support organisations and contact details of the lead researcher should they require further details about the research or future signposting to supports.

2.4. Data Analysis

All survey data were processed and analysed using SPSS. Group discussions and interviews were recorded, transcribed, and thematically analysed using an abductive exploratory approach where data analysis was mainly guided by the existing question schedule, but additional themes were also explored, where they emerged.

3. Results

3.1. Prevalence of GBV Experiences

Consistent with international research findings, self-reported experiences of violence among young people in Northern Ireland are high, and experiences of GBV are higher than those reported by adults. For instance, 45% of young people who took part in YLT in 2023, compared to 22% of adults who took part in the Northern Ireland Life and Times (NILT), a similar social attitude survey in Northern Ireland, reported having experienced at least one form of GBV in the past year, i.e. physical, sexual, psychological or online violence (ARK, 2023). Demonstrating the high levels of violence experienced by girls and young women, only about one in two young women (51.2%) reported not experiencing any one form of gender-based violence in the past year, compared to three in four (75%) boys/ young men (see Table 1).
While the 2023 and 2024 surveys asked about categories of violence and experiences in the last year, the 2022 survey provided a long list of violent acts and asked respondents if they had experienced any of these in their lifetime (The Executive Office, 2022, see Figure 1). Reflective of decades of research, young men reported experiencing higher levels of physical violence (59%) and young women reported experiencing higher levels of sexual violence. For instance, 43% of young women reported having experienced unwanted touching, hugging, or kissing, compared to 26% of young men.
The value of the detailed questions in the 2022 YLT survey is that they move beyond narrow definitions or categorisations of violence, asking young people about a whole range of behaviours that they themselves, and others, might not traditionally define as violence. They range from ‘face-to-face physical violence and verbal abuse, different types of coercion and aggression, as well as unwanted and intrusive experiences [in person and] via virtual media platforms’ (Schubotz, 2023, p. 1).
These data reveal the high levels of violence young women experience in various forms and in various settings. Indeed, young women reported higher levels of violence across almost every domain, being at least twice as likely to experience some forms of violence as their male counterparts, e.g., indecent exposure and receiving intimate images or videos without consent. While violence against women and girls is often associated with the home and/or intimate partner relationships, and violence in the community, in public spaces, is often associated with boys and men, the survey shows that young women experience GBV everywhere. As demonstrated in Figure 1, high proportions of young women experience violence in public and online spaces:
  • 75% report having experienced street harassment;
  • 67% report having experienced inappropriate staring;
  • 52% have received intimate images or videos without consent.
Some of the findings from the 2022 survey were mirrored in the qualitative research undertaken as part of the ‘It’s just what happens’ study. While qualitative research with young women may not be able to quantify prevalence in a representative and systematic way, what it can do is provide insight into how young women understand violence, the nature and intensity of violence experiences, and how the normalisation of some forms of violence may lead to them being under-reported in survey research.
While the YLT survey provided participants with a pre-defined list of acts or categories of violence, the qualitative research started from the perspective of young women themselves, enabling participants to define GBV from their own understandings. In the focus groups, young women were invited to reflect on what they understood as violence and to identify the types of violence they felt girls were most likely to experience. This task was important for baselining young women’s understandings, exposing how they define, identify, and classify acts and behaviours as violence (or not).
Across all focus groups, the first and main forms of violence identified were physical, domestic, and what participants regularly referred to as ‘mental violence’. This was followed by sexual violence. Young women’s discussions reflect a hierarchy of violence, whereby physical and direct forms of violence are fore-fronted and shape how violence is understood (and responded to). While these forms of GBV were prominent in their definitions of violence and their immediate reaction to the task, what featured most in their personal accounts of violence, was the intensity, frequency, and impact of everyday acts that they initially did not consider as violence. This included street harassment, invasion of personal space, unwanted touching, and receipt of unsolicited messages and images. Indeed, it was often only in discussing these behaviours and sharing their own experiences that many began to recognise them as violent, shared, and commonplace.
In a conversation between two young women, for instance, one noted how harmful it is when understandings of violence are restricted to verbal or physical and fail to see the many other forms of violence that young women experience. Further demonstrating the value of discussion for exploring, exposing and enhancing understandings of violence, another young woman reflected:
Before this [the focus group] I wouldn’t have thought of cat-calling as abuse, it’s just what happens’.
While young women spoke of all forms of violence, including personal experiences of intimate partner violence (IPV), violence in the home, sexual violence, the two most frequently discussed forms of violence were street harassment and online violence. Reflective of the YLT survey data many spoke in detail about street harassment, unwanted and unwelcomed attention from men and boys. The qualitative data revealed that this was experienced persistently by girls from around the age of 10–11 onwards. Discussion also surfaced the pervasiveness of this form of ‘everyday violence’, where it happens and how it happens—on the street, in parks, on public transport, at concerts and bars (but also at work and in schools). As one young woman summed up, when asked where young women were exposed to violence:
Anywhere. Everywhere. Everywhere you go’.
Unwanted attention took the form of car lights being flashed, horns being sounded, groups of boys and men shouting or whistling. Other forms of harassment and intimidation included being watched, stared at, being spoken to or followed when on their own and not wanting attention. Young women also noted the extent to which boys and men ‘touched’ or ‘grabbed’ them in public and without consent, invading their personal space. Demonstrating how such behaviour was felt as violent, but the difficulty in defining it as such because it does not fall into typical definitions, one young woman explained:
… it could be the way someone looks at you, the way someone touches your shoulder, and it can feel really violent even though it isn’t’.
Public harassment and unwanted attention led young women to feel ‘violated’, ‘self-conscious’, ‘unsafe’ and/ or ‘hyper-vigilant’ when in public, particularly when alone. Yet they had often failed to initially define these sorts of behaviours as violence. Because they took place in the open, happened regularly, and were experienced by all young women, they had not been considered significant or serious enough to report or even speak of—hence, their absence in initial discussions and definitions of violence.

3.2. Sense of Safety in Public Places

Given that the ‘It’s just what happens’ study unearthed pervasive experiences of GBV in public spaces, a decision was made to include a question on young people’s sense of safety in public places in the 2024 YLT. Reflecting the in-depth data collected in the focus groups, Table 2 shows that young women were much less likely to say they always or mostly felt safe in a range of public spaces. They were more than five times more likely than males to say they always or mostly felt unsafe in a quiet street close to their home and when they were on their own in public transport. Young women were also nearly four times more likely than young men to say they always or mostly felt unsafe in busy public spaces, and in parks and open public spaces. To highlight one specific figure in Table 2, almost half (49.0%) of female 16-year-olds said they mostly or always felt unsafe when using public transport by themselves, compared to fewer than one in ten (9.3%) of 16-year-old males.

3.3. Online Violence and Safety

Table 2 also shows that gender differences were equally stark when it comes to feelings of safety online. The proportion of males stating that they always felt safe when they were online was more than double that of females who said the same (44.0% and 20.7%, respectively). Mirroring their offline lives, many young women participating in the ‘It’s just what happens’ study also reported persistent unwanted attention online in the form of unsolicited contact—friend requests, requests for images, receipt of sexual images. This started from a similarly young age and was considered an annoying but normal part of young women’s online lives. Despite their persistence, and young women sometimes feeling ‘scared’, ‘creeped out’, ‘disgusted’, these acts were also not (initially) defined as violence as they were commonplace, emblematic, and could be navigated by young women themselves. Yet, the descriptions of some of their experiences would, under different (off-line) circumstances, be defined as stalking or indecent exposure:
I have this one person that will not leave me alone, like I’ll block him and he’ll make fake accounts and use names of people I know to try to obviously drag me in
I had this request on messenger and he sent me his dick and I was like “what the hell!”. So I had to show it to [youth worker] and she was like “delete that and block him”, and I did.’

3.4. The Value of Combining Research Methods for Understanding Violence Experiences

Reflecting on these two approaches to collecting young women’s understandings and experiences of violence demonstrates the value and limitations of individual methods. The survey data provides information on prevalence of violence experiences and can attribute these to specific demographics. Comparisons with young men are particularly useful. If the same questions are asked in repeated studies, this can also provide useful (comparative) data over time and place. Further, given the anonymity of survey research, it is entirely possible that it may produce particularly useful and reliable data on the prevalence of some forms of violence, such as sexual violence. While often favoured by policy makers, however, what surveys may fail to capture is the unrecognised and therefore under-reported forms of violence many young women experience in their everyday lives, and the persistent nature of these. In addition, large-scale population-wide surveys cannot capture the nuances of violence experiences very well.
The focus groups were significant because they allowed space for discussion within which young women shared the feelings, fears, and impacts of many of these everyday encounters. In doing so, this unearths their harms. This led to moments of realisation, reflection, and the reclassification of acts not previously defined or considered as violence. The qualitative research demonstrated how the hierarchy of violence appears to be internalised by young women, whereby physical forms of violence were deemed more ‘serious’, of more concern, or more alarming than the everyday forms of violence many personally experienced. Focus groups, therefore, not only yield data on the nature, intensity and personal experience of violence, but provide an insight into how everyday violence has become normalised, unrecognised, silenced and thus not reported. This is important, as it tells us about the processes and climates within which everyday GBV becomes unseen, and thus the nature of interventions required to respond to all forms of violence. As such, more in-depth research has the capacity to illuminate times and opportunities where prevention, intervention, and education may be more effectual.
These reflections are important in considering the nature of survey questions and their limitations. In the 2023 and 2024 YLT survey, to enable space for additional questions on GBV, the list of violent acts previously provided (see Figure 1) was reduced to five standard categories of violence, with illustrative examples (see Table 1). While long survey questions with batteries of item lists will still never capture everything, the qualitative research suggests that condensing these to fewer overarching categories to meet the need of the survey design may squeeze out many of the everyday acts of violence young women persistently experience but only recognised through discussion. For instance, many of the experiences shared and reconstituted as violence—men and boys ‘staring at you, winking at you’, ‘moving you away by the hips’, ‘grabbing you and touching you’, ‘shouting “you’re sexy”’—emerged only through discussion. They were not initially identified as violence or provided in their examples of psychological or sexual violence, which is where they would be positioned in the survey. Indeed, when psychological violence was discussed in focus groups, this was most often understood as GBV within intimate relationships.
Without space for reflective conversations like that below, it is highly likely that much of the everyday violence, unrecognised as such by young women and possibly also young men, will go unreported in research:
YW2: But there’s also the spreading of legs.
YW1: … if you’re on the bus or something and you’re having to move yourself out of the way.
YW5: Or if they run their arm round you. I think it’s nearly unconscious too, they don’t realise that that’s unwanted.
YW2: Or they look you up and down and they point.
YW3: I think it’s more common now than ever because they just, I don’t even think they realise they’re doing it half the time.

3.5. Self-Reported Likelihood of Bystander Interventions

In developing strategies to tackle violence against women and girls, whether in workplaces, schools or at a wider societal level, an increasingly common focus has been on the role of the bystander. A bystander approach is founded on the principle that violence is a community issue in which everyone has a role to play in its prevention (Banyard et al., 2004). It recognises the need to address societal attitudes and build civic responsibility to respond to and intervene in violence and hate. Given the prominence of bystander approaches in tackling violence against women and girls, it is unsurprising that when commissioning this research, TEO wanted to capture attitudes towards intervening in violence. As such, in the 2023 YLT survey young people were provided with four scenarios and asked how likely or unlikely they thought they were to intervene. At the outset, it is important to note that the scenario wording may impact responses, some personalise the perpetrator (i.e., ‘your peer’), some personalise the victim (i.e., ‘a girl you know’), while others do neither. This is important because there may be variability in willingness to help friends and to help strangers (Bennett et al., 2013). The wording of questions is particularly important in self-completion surveys on sexual violence, and an issue feminist researchers have drawn attention to in past research (Westmarland, 2001).
As Table 3 shows, young men were as likely as young women to say they would intervene when witnessing a young woman being verbally assaulted. Over seven in ten young men also said they would intervene if they saw someone being touched hugged or kissed against their wishes, compared with eight in ten young women. However, they were much less likely than young women to say they would intervene when witnessing harassment via social media or if someone makes sexist jokes. This supports the findings from the focus groups, namely that everyday sexism and violence young women experience in the form of ‘jokes’, put downs, or ‘banter’, would not be called out by the majority of males. This might suggest, as the young women themselves perceived, that boys and men do not view this behaviour as violent/ harmful.
As Table 3 shows, across all the scenarios high proportions of young women felt they would likely intervene in situations of violence—from 65% who reported they would likely intervene if they saw someone verbally assault a girl, to 79% if they saw someone touched, hugged, or kissed against their wishes. The qualitative study did not ask specifically about bystander behaviour but did explore how young women navigate violence experiences. This data are useful for reflecting on the reality of their perceptions about intervening in violent situations, as reported in the YLT survey.
Unlike in the survey, in focus groups when young women considered their responses to violence, the scenarios they discussed were rarely hypothetical. In making connections to their own experiences or those of others they knew, it embedded considerations in actuality, unearthing the nuance of personal and bystander responses—what they did or did not do, or more accurately, what they could or could not do. The location of violence, who they were with, who the perpetrator(s) was (or were), all featured in their assessment of the risk of intervening. A consistent theme was a fear of making threatening or violent situations worse through their own actions. As such, young women spoke of the many strategies they employed to limit their exposure to violence or to minimise the potential for it to escalate. They recalled how they would ignore, downplay, or not acknowledge certain behaviours as calling them out or drawing attention to unwanted behaviour might heighten their exposure to risk (i.e., move it from intimidation or harassment to physical or sexual assault):
I’m more scared of physical violence happening if I speak out. If I shout at somebody who’s doing something to me then I’m scared for my safety …
Indeed, one young woman provided an example of how her boyfriend’s response to her experience of ‘cat-calling’ had resulted in him getting involved in a physical fight. She described her sense of fear and helplessness and how she ‘stood in the middle of it’, but felt unable to help as she knew she would get hurt. While several young women (particularly as they got older or were in a group), reported they had or would ‘shout back’ in cases of street harassment, mostly they dealt with these everyday instances of violence through ignoring them, not making eye contact or walking faster, as they felt powerless to respond in any other way. When alone, particularly when younger and even when with peers, there was an understanding that responding could bring more attention and the potential for more violence:
… you would just have to either ignore or distance yourself from them because usually ignoring is the best way to get it to stop which is unfortunate seeing as you can’t just go up to them and tell them to stop and they’ll stop.
So rather than strategies to prevent violence, young women adopted techniques to deal with unwanted behaviours. Most of the strategies to avoid or to minimise violence were to ‘move yourself out of the way’ when there were stares, threats, touches etc., as calling out such behaviours in others would effectively put yourself in harm’s way.
Similarly, in their discussions of online harassment, rather than seeing this as something that required intervention, young women took personal responsibility for managing the behaviours and actions of others. Following adult advice, they would simply ‘block’, ‘delete’, or ‘ignore’ unwanted requests, online harassment and misogyny, or unsolicited images. Reflective of many others, one young woman explained:
we just kind of learned a long time ago just to block them and move on’.
As such, unless the situation was ‘extreme’, no other intervention was required for themselves, or their peers, as they had been taught that they had the power to limit the harassment. Again, these techniques represent ignoring rather than responding or intervening. They demonstrate the extent to which some forms of violence have become expected and normalised, and when this is the case, bystander intervention is not expected.
Thus, while the survey demonstrates perceptions of willingness to intervene, the qualitative research digs deeper into the risks and realities of intervention through reflection on personal experience. It is possible, therefore, that bystander behaviour questions in surveys reflect intent and desire rather than experience (McMahon et al., 2017). Further, the subtle and often unseen types of violence that young women experience—being stared at, touched, or groped in public places (i.e., pressing), being followed, having personal space invaded—may not be easily identified by others. The bystander questions in the survey imply actions that are overt and easily identified as unwanted, inappropriate, or harmful. It is unsurprising given the language of, for example, ‘verbal assault’ that many respond in what would be a socially expected way, namely, to say that they would call this out. The verbal slurs, putdown, and ‘jokes’ that many young women reported in the qualitative research were not defined by them as violence, never mind assault. They were everyday instances that if ignored, would likely pass over. There are significant lessons here for youth bystander training regarding recognising and responding to violence, and the importance of context.

3.6. Reporting Violence

This final section draws on survey, focus group, and interview data to consider barriers to reporting violence. It demonstrates that while similar barriers are identified across the studies, the qualitative research enables an understanding of additional barriers, what shapes these, and the intersection of age and gender.
Questions on barriers to reporting violence were asked in the 2023 and the 2024 YLT surveys. Here, we are reporting the most recent data available from the 2024 survey. When asked how easy or difficult respondents would find it to get help and support if they were a victim of gender-based violence, 47.7% of males compared to 39.5% of females said that they would find this ‘easy’ or ‘very easy’ (p < 0.001). This suggests that whilst young women are not only more likely to become victims of GBV, they would then also find it harder to seek help. Table 4 lists the proportions of males and females who felt that young people would experience a range of barriers in reporting GBV and abuse. The Table shows that except for not knowing who to speak to, young women were much more likely to feel that all the other reasons listed would be barriers to reporting violence and abuse. These differences were in all cases highly significant (p < 0.001). The two main barriers young women felt might stop young people reporting violence and abuse were the worry that they might not be believed and worry that reporting violence might make the situation worse. As noted above, a concern that calling out violence might make it worse was paramount in young women’s discussions of street harassment and unwanted attention in the focus groups. It was also identified as a major barrier to reporting family and intimate partner violence.
The qualitative data collected in the It’s just what happens study also enabled an understanding of why young women might be more likely than young men to identify not being believed as a barrier to reporting GBV. In the focus groups and interviews, they spoke repeatedly about their knowledge, gleaned from the media, of how women who reported sexual violence were treated. These were typically accounts of women not being believed, or being dismissed, blamed or publicly ridiculed. They were a powerful warning of what happens (or does not happen) if women report violence.
Higher proportions of young women also selected ‘worrying they have done something wrong’ and ‘not feeling it is serious enough’ as barriers to reporting violence. The qualitative study provides context to what might shape these responses. In the home, at school, within communities, and in the media, young women learn from an early age, and have persistently reinforced, that they are more vulnerable to violence because of their gender. As such, they must be vigilant—being mindful of where they go and with whom, what they wear, how they act, and the signals they give out. In the words of many young women, they were constantly reminded that they needed to ‘keep themselves safe’. Failure to do so may result in questions being asked of them, and how they precipitated violence. Added to this, young women learned through experience, that should they call out everyday violence, they again would be blamed—being accused of being unable to take a joke, misunderstanding intentions, and over-reacting. This deems many of their experiences of violence to be less ‘serious’, harmful, and concerning, and is reflected in the barriers they cite to reporting violence.
Additional barriers to reporting violence were identified in the qualitative research. Most noteworthy was not recognising certain forms of violence. In other words, young people cannot report what they cannot identify. It was often only through discussion that young women began to reclassify many of their everyday experiences as forms of violence. Added to this, and reflective of age, was embarrassment. Shame and embarrassment was also by far the most often cited ‘other’ reason for not reporting violence and abuse in the survey. In the focus groups and interviews, young women regularly considered the attention that would come with reporting violence—being talked about in school staffrooms, among peers, and having to engage with adults in awkward conversations. There was particular embarrassment around reporting any form of sexual violence. While reflective of age, this should also be understood in the context of a society that treats sex and sexuality as private, adult, and not to be talked about, especially with children and young people (Rolston et al., 2005; Wilkinson, 2023).

4. Discussion and Conclusions

Whilst it would be unwise to overgeneralize the findings from Northern Ireland, which has a very specific context of a society in which violence was for many decades condoned as a means of conflict resolution, it is reassuring that the data on GBV are not hugely out-of-sync when compared with other Western contexts. Despite similarities, however, local policy making requires local evidence and an understanding of GBV in the social, political, and cultural context. The blending of quantitative and qualitative research data enables this. Westmarland (2001) notes that it is not enough to simply know there is a problem (scale and prevalence), we also need to know the various ways it affects (young) women’s lives contextually. Likewise, it is not enough to know that we need change, in attitudes towards women or GBV for instance, we also need to know what needs to be changed and how it can be changed. The combination of data sources provides both evidence of the ‘problem’ and insight into the scale and nature of responses required, starting from an understanding of the context within which everyday violence against women and girls becomes unrecognised and unquestioned. In that sense, we suggest that the learning from our study is primarily that it provides a good example of how informed evidence-based policy making can be strengthened when it draws on different types of complementary data.
Over the past few decades, there has been an increasing emphasis on evidence-based policy making and a corresponding drive in higher education for research to have ‘real world impact’. Historically, however, a hierarchy of evidence has existed whereby some forms of data have been prioritised by policy makers (Parkhurst & Abeysinghe, 2016; Tierney & Clemens, 2011). Methods, measures, and concepts associated with medical science have been transposed into social policy, thus privileging some forms of research over others. Studies consistently demonstrate a preference for quantitative data, founded on assumptions that numbers and scales are infallible, reliable, and inherently objective. Research with education policy actors in the US (Natow, 2022), for instance, revealed that they perceived quantitative data as being ‘numbers’, ‘just data’, and thus less open to bias. Others have highlighted how statistics are drawn on in policy discussions as if they are ‘certain facts’ (Jerrim & de Vries, 2017) or used selectively to support policy agendas and decisions (Levitas, 2012; Slater, 2014). The collection, interpretation, and presentation of statistical data are open to subjectivity, as are all forms of data. Within this paper we have demonstrated how numbers/statistical results are influenced by the nature and wording of questions in surveys. The different ways in which questions have been asked regarding violence against women and girls across surveys has led to different prevalence rates. This is not to dismiss the value of quantitative data but is a reminder that it is not as unequivocal as might be perceived, and that privileging one form of data over others limits how an issue can be viewed and understood.
Throughout this paper, we have demonstrated the valuable ways in which large-scale survey data using probability samples can reveal patterns within groups and comparisons across them. Such data are valuable in their own right. It provides a snapshot of attitudes, behaviours, and experiences at scale. As such, some feminist researchers have noted the value of quantitative data for ‘naming’ women’s issues and highlighting women’s oppression (Westmarland, 2001). The interview and focus group data, however, adds meaning and nuance, providing interpretative insight or uncovering additional unexplored and unexpected issues. In all of this, we recognise that both survey data and focus group and interview data are naturally subject to self-reporting and self-selection biases. Whilst the YLT sample is drawn randomly and is representative at the point of randomisation, only about four in ten invited 16-year-olds actually complete the survey every year. This is a very respectable response rate for a survey of this nature, but it also means that a majority of young people choose not to take part in this study. There is no way of knowing whether those not participating in the survey are more or less likely to experience GBV, and plausible cases could be made for or against over- or underreporting. Similarly, recruitment for a qualitative in-depth study via youth/ community projects is inherently imbued with self-selection bias, as only a small proportion of young people attend such projects. Again, this is not dismissing or devaluing the young women’s experiences reported here, it is simply acknowledging that social science data, regardless of how it is collected, is always impacted by social norms, dynamics during data collection, as well as biases and social expectations. All we can do is provide a clear audit trail of how we undertook our study and how we arrived at our research findings.
YLT shows that it is possible and ethically acceptable to include questions that can be perceived as sensitive, (such as questions on GBV experiences) into large-scale attitude surveys, and that young people are generally content to respond to these questions. However, we also argue that, by their very nature, these attitude surveys have limitations. The data from the bespoke ‘It’s just what happens’ study shows that more in-depth engagement with young women provided a fuller and more nuanced insight into the everyday violence that young women experience, which could not have been captured in that detail in an instrument like the YLT survey. This includes young women’s understanding of everyday violence, which diversified and improved as part of an engaging fieldwork process. It is of course not a new finding that critical research engagement can lead to conscientisation and awareness raising (Freire, 1971), but this also points to potential policy interventions—the need for safe spaces where young women (and men) can critically and comfortably reflect on and share experiences and understandings.
Social (policy) issues like gender-based violence are complex, contextual and multi-layered. As such, they are ‘well-served by a research approach that helps to identify and describe their complexity’ (Natow, 2022, p. 112). Where quantitative data can provide evidence that there is an issue, qualitative can help explain the nature, experience, and impacts associated with it. Narratives can also humanise data, add meaning, feeling, and personalisation to more sterile percentages and trends. As Tierney and Clemens (2011) state, ‘qualitative work provides a voice and a face to those individuals whom researchers study’ (p. 21). Stories resonate and are important for that very reason. But narratives presented in qualitative research reflect broader themes in a wider dataset. This distinguishes them from anecdotes, and this is why they can be powerful tools for policy makers.
Taken together, survey and qualitative data provide a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of GBV among young people and barriers they perceive and experience to reporting violence and abuse. The YLT data identifies the range of barriers and differences by gender in a way that was not possible in the qualitative study. However, the qualitative data illuminates how gendered hierarchies of violence (which deem some behaviours as more harmful than others) and a hierarchy of credibility (where age is used to play down, discredit, and not take seriously the views and experiences of children and young people) combine to influence barriers to reporting. The qualitative data allows an unpacking of what has fuelled or influenced the beliefs reported in the survey, for instance, further exploring why young women feel they will not be believed if they report violence. This understanding of what shapes barriers to reporting, therefore, can provide important insights into the nature of responses required to attend to them.
The Northern Ireland Strategic Framework to tackle violence against women and girls (The Executive Office, 2024a) draws heavily on the YLT survey data, but also the lived experience and contextual data from the bespoke ‘It’s just what happens’ study. The Strategic Framework sets out to address some of the issues highlighted specially by young women in the combined research, such as their safety concerns in public places and spaces, young people’s lack of understanding of violence, and limited space in education to discuss healthy and respectful relationships. In developing interventions, the first delivery plan focuses heavily on prevention through education, awareness-raising, and naming normalised behaviours as violence and harmful. This will take the form of work in schools, youth and community provision and through nationwide media campaigns. It is clearly informed by the data on the prevalence of ‘everyday violence’ experiences as well as accounts of how and why these are not recognised or responded to as violence.
Our study shows that research evidence to inform and monitor policy making to tackle violence against young women and girls is more comprehensive and more insightful when it draws on a variety of methods and does not neglect the collection of more in-depth lived experience data, which can sometimes be dismissed as ‘anecdotal’, non-representative and, therefore, not generalizable, superfluous, and irrelevant for policy making. A systematic review of international evidence on the capturing of prevalence and experiences of school-related GBV suggests that there is a significant difference in prevalence figures depending on the method of data capture used (Tanton et al., 2023), so a multi-method approach to collecting such data seems prudent. Added to this, using multiple methods allows a wide range of children and young people’s views and experiences to feed into policy development.
While qualitative research has played an increasing role in social policy formation, the primacy of quantitative methods remains in the monitoring and evaluation of such policy. In the context of the Strategic Framework to end violence against women and girls in Northern Ireland, YLT questions on prevalence, help-seeking, and bystander behaviour as well as barriers to reporting will feature in the survey over the next few years. These can be used to develop a time series to track progress against the Strategy objectives over time. Monitoring change and the impact of interventions is vital for policy makers. Knowing that policies work is important, but knowing why they work is perhaps more important. Mixed-methods can provide data on both—‘evidence for evaluation’ as well as ‘evidence for insight’ (Bowers & Testa, 2019). While this paper demonstrates the value of diverse data in shaping policy, we also advocate the utilisation of those same strategies in the monitoring and assessment of those same policies. It is vital, therefore, that policy makers set resources aside for a continued exploration of lived experiences as policies roll out and their effectiveness is monitored.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, D.S., S.M. and G.N.; methodology, D.S.; formal analysis, S.M., G.N. and D.S.; investigation, D.S., G.N. and S.M.; resources, D.S., S.M. and G.N.; writing—original draft preparation, G.N., S.M. and D.S.; writing—review and editing, S.M., G.N. and D.S.; project administration, D.S. and S.M.; funding acquisition, D.S. and S.M. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


The ‘It’s just what happens’ study was funded by The Executive Office (TEO)—ID 4218849. The data on gender-based violence collected via the YLT and NILT surveys were collected with funding from the Northern Ireland Executive Office.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Ethical approval for all studies covered in this article was granted by the Research Ethics Committee of the School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work at Queen’s University Belfast (REF: 032_1920 on 3 March 2022). The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki, and approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work (SSESW) at Queen’s University Belfast.

Informed Consent Statement

Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.

Data Availability Statement

All YLT datasets are publicly available from (accessed on 19 September 2024).


We would like to thank the YLT respondents, and the young women who took part in the ‘It’s just what happens’ study, for sharing their experiences and views with us. We acknowledge the contribution of Michelle Templeton to the ‘It’s just what happens’ study.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. Proportion of respondents that said they have experienced the following types of GBV in their lifetime (YLT, 2022, %).
Figure 1. Proportion of respondents that said they have experienced the following types of GBV in their lifetime (YLT, 2022, %).
Youth 05 00007 g001
Table 1. Have you experienced any of the following in the last year because of your gender (YLT 2024, %).
Table 1. Have you experienced any of the following in the last year because of your gender (YLT 2024, %).
Physical Violence (e.g., being beaten, slapped, pushed or restrained)8.1 *5.16.6
Sexual Violence (e.g., upskirting, unwanted touching, being coerced into sexual acts)2.816.6 ***10.6
Psychological Violence (e.g., being insulted, stalked, harassed, controlled against your will, or threatened with violence)8.723.5 ***17.7
Online Violence (e.g., receiving threats online or via social media, online trolling, or being sent or asked for intimate images against your will)9.325.8 ***18.8
None of these75.051.2 ***61.2
I do not know6.58.47.5
Note: * p < 0.05; *** p < 0.001.
Table 2. How safe or unsafe do you feel in the following places? By gender identity (%) (2024 YLT survey).
Table 2. How safe or unsafe do you feel in the following places? By gender identity (%) (2024 YLT survey).
Always SafeMostly SafeMostly UnsafeAlways UnsafeDon’t Know
In a quiet street close to your home
In a busy public place, such as a high street or a train station
In a park or other open space
Using public transport on your own
When you are online
Note: All gender differences statistically significant at p < 0.001 level.
Table 3. How likely or unlikely is it that you would intervene if… (YLT 2023, %).
Table 3. How likely or unlikely is it that you would intervene if… (YLT 2023, %).
Likely 1Unlikely 2Don’t Know
… you saw someone verbally assaulting a girl64.965.520.016.815.217.7
… a girl you know is being harassed in social media by your peers63.776.921.612.914.710.3
… your peers are making sexist jokes that are inappropriate *30.168.851.320.718.510.5
… you saw someone touched, hugged or kissed against their wishes71.979.115.39.712.911.2
* Notes: 1 Combines ‘Very likely’ and ‘Likely’; 2 Combines ‘Unlikely’ and ‘Very unlikely’.
Table 4. What might stop young people reporting the violence and abuse they are experiencing? (YLT, 2024).
Table 4. What might stop young people reporting the violence and abuse they are experiencing? (YLT, 2024).
Being unsure who to speak to64.461.2
Not being sure that it will make any difference59.4 ***43.1
Worry that they would not be believed75.2 ***51.4
Concern that it might make the situation worse73.4 ***64.4
Not feeling it is serious enough to report69.0 ***46.7
Worry that they have done something wrong55.8 ***36.2
Another reason4.35.3
Note: *** p < 0.001.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Schubotz, D.; McAlister, S.; Neill, G. Collecting Research Evidence to Inform Programming to Tackle Violence Against Young Women and Girls: The Importance of Diverse Data for Policy Making. Youth 2025, 5, 7.

AMA Style

Schubotz D, McAlister S, Neill G. Collecting Research Evidence to Inform Programming to Tackle Violence Against Young Women and Girls: The Importance of Diverse Data for Policy Making. Youth. 2025; 5(1):7.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Schubotz, Dirk, Siobhán McAlister, and Gail Neill. 2025. "Collecting Research Evidence to Inform Programming to Tackle Violence Against Young Women and Girls: The Importance of Diverse Data for Policy Making" Youth 5, no. 1: 7.

APA Style

Schubotz, D., McAlister, S., & Neill, G. (2025). Collecting Research Evidence to Inform Programming to Tackle Violence Against Young Women and Girls: The Importance of Diverse Data for Policy Making. Youth, 5(1), 7.

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