Why Logics?
:1. Classical Logic(s) vs. Non-Classical Logic(s)
2. From the Universe of Logic Systems to Universal Logic
- 1st UNILOG, Montreux, 2005, How to define identity between logics?
- 2nd UNILOG, Xi’an, 2007, How to translate one logic into another one?
- 3rd UNILOG, Lisbon, 2010, How to combine logics?
3. The Singular Science of Logic
- (1)
- reasoning;
- (2)
- a system describing reasoning, that is, “a logic”;
- (3)
4. Birth of the Journal Logics
Conflicts of Interest
1 | We are indicating the dates of birth and death of the main personalities whom we are discussing to fix the ideas and to provide a more precise historical account, as well as to emphasize that a science like logic has been developed until now by human beings who were born and died (some are still alive) and not by robots. |
2 | There were other proposals, such as Indian logic (see, e.g., [1,2]), Talmudic logic [3], Stoic logic [4], etc., but their influence was not as important as that of Aristotelian logic, and they were not developed in as systematic a way. The systematization of Aristotelian syllogistic logic has many aspects, such as the theory of the square opposition (see, e.g., [5]), the introduction of singular terms [6], and all kinds of variations, such Abelard’s logic [7]. |
3 | Carroll is famous for his novel Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1865), but he was also a logician [14]. |
4 | |
5 | I wrote a master’s thesis in philosophy at the Sorbonne in 1987 on the question of objective reality according to modern physics [57], comparing the views of Heisenberg, Bohr, and Bohm, under the supervision of the famous physicist Bernard d’Espagnat (1921–2015), who received the Templeton prize in 2009. |
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Beziau, J.-Y. Why Logics? Logics 2023, 1, 148-156. https://doi.org/10.3390/logics1030007
Beziau J-Y. Why Logics? Logics. 2023; 1(3):148-156. https://doi.org/10.3390/logics1030007
Chicago/Turabian StyleBeziau, Jean-Yves. 2023. "Why Logics?" Logics 1, no. 3: 148-156. https://doi.org/10.3390/logics1030007
APA StyleBeziau, J.-Y. (2023). Why Logics? Logics, 1(3), 148-156. https://doi.org/10.3390/logics1030007