18 December 2018
Intrinsically Disordered Proteins and the Janus Challenge

On behalf of the Editors-in-Chief, Dr. Prakash Kulkarni and Dr. Vladimir N. Uversky, we are pleased to present the Janus Challenge.

The Janus Challenge consists in identifying an intrinsically disordered protein (IDP), naturally occurring or synthetic, that has catalytic activity. Meeting this challenge may not only shed new light and even provide an alternative to the RNA world hypothesis, but may also serve as an impetus for technological advances with important biomedical applications. As a reward, we offer to publish the research article reporting results that meet this challenge in Biomolecules free of charge.

A more comprehensive description of the Janus Challenge and the selection criteria for the reward was published as an Editorial in the journal Biomolecules: https://www.mdpi.com/2218-273X/8/4/179

In order to support the Janus Challenge and improve the communication within the IDP community, we have opened the discussion group “Intrinsically Disordered Proteins and the Janus Challenge”, which is publicly available at the following Sciforum site: https://sciforum.net/discussiongroup/display/IDPs_and_the_janus_challenge. Therewith, we aim to set in motion a debate in which every scientist can share their interesting ideas and points of views regarding the science behind the Janus Challenge.

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