7 May 2019
New Society Collaborations Established: November and December 2018

In November 2018, three societies chose to establish a cooperation with MDPI journals.

As part of this collaboration, the members of these affiliated societies will enjoy a discount on the article processing charges (APC) when submitting articles to the corresponding journals. The collaboration goes beyond the discount benefit offered to members and includes other services as well as cross-promotions.



International Society of Heterocyclic Chemistry (ISHC)


Astrobiology Society of Britain (ASB)


European Biomass Industry Association (EUBIA)


The International Society of Heterocyclic Chemistry (ISHC) was established in August, 1968, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, in the USA by Dr. Raymond N. Castle (1916-1999). The function of the society is to promote heterocyclic chemistry, in particular by serving as the primary sponsoring agency for the ISHC-Congress, a large biennial meeting attracting up to a thousand participants. Further aims of the ISHC are to honor persons who have made outstanding contributions to the field with two distinguished Awards and the appointment of ISHC Fellows. The ISHC is also actively involved in the publication of “Progress in Heterocyclic Chemistry” (PHC) a major reference work on heterocyclic chemistry published annually since 1989.

The Astrobiology Society of Britain (ASB), founded in March 2003, is a learned society for scientists and others interested in the relationship between life and its cosmic environment. This covers a vast diversity of topics and research methodologies, encompassing observational astronomy, theoretical astrophysics, geological expeditions, and laboratory-based microbiology and prebiotic chemistry. The ASB is a highly interdisciplinary forum, with a membership spanning the full spectrum of these topics, and is open to all professional scientists and students interested in the field. Its membership is international. 

EUBIA’s main objective is to support the European biomass industries at all levels, promoting the sustainable use of biomass as a source of energy and bio-based materials, developing innovative bioenergy concepts, and fostering international co-operation within the bioenergy field. Given that biomass will have an important role to play in promoting sustainable development worldwide and the deployment of clean energies, EUBIA intends to contribute to strengthening the European policies in the sector, protecting industrial interest, identifying new opportunities, and promoting job creation and a better environment for all.

In December 2018, four societies chose to establish a cooperation with MDPI journals.



Portuguese Society of Materials (SPM)



Institute of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (IDSAI)

Journal of Risk and Financial Management (JRFM)

International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI)

International Research Institute for Economics and Management (IRIEM)

The Portuguese Society of Materials (SPM) is an association of technical and scientific nature, nonprofit, endowed with legal personality and is governed by its own statutes and general regulations. SPM wants to disseminate around the world what is best made in Portugal regarding Science and Technology of Materials. They work to create a network of contacts worldwide to provide exchange of experiences and knowledge.

Institute of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (IDSAI), Hong Kong and USA (founded in 2018), is the non-profit (no membership fees) organization that promotes the innovations of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence across the world. IDSAI is the IETI (International Engineering and Technology Institute) BrotherHood Association.

International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI) (founded in 2015), is the non-profit organization (no membership fees) that promotes the innovations of engineering and technology across the world. In addition to traditional engineering and technology disciplines, Engineering includes Financial Engineering, Financial Econometrics, and Financial Statistics; and Technology includes Mathematics, Statistics, and Quantitative Social Sciences and Business.

International Research Institute for Economics and Management (IRIEM), Hong Kong (founded in 2018), is the non-profit (no membership fees) organization that promotes the innovations of economics and management across the world. In addition to traditional economics and management disciplines, IRIEM includes Business, Finance, Management Science, International Business, Financial Engineering, Operations Research, Marketing, Agriculture, Tourism, Energy, Statistics and Mathematics. IRIEM is the IETI (International Engineering and Technology Institute) BrotherHood Association.

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