22 July 2019
Professor Hirokazu Kobayashi Appointed Section Editor-in-Chief for "Microwave and Wireless Communications"

We are pleased to announce Dr. Hirokazu Kobayashi was appointed Section Editor-in-Chief for the section "Microwave and Wireless Communications" in Electronics.

Hirokazu Kobayashi graduated with a Master’s degree of Electrical Engineering from Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu, Japan, in 1980 and received his Doctorate in Engineering from the University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan, in 2000.

He joined Fujitsu Ltd., Kawasaki, Japan, and worked with the Fujitsu System Integration Laboratories as a researcher on Space and Defense Division, where he developed micro/millimeter wave wide band antennas, active phased array radar systems, antennas, and theoretical investigation of electromagnetic scattering. From 1999 to 2010, he was a General Manager at Fujitsu Ltd. In 2010, he joined the Faculty of Engineering as a Professor with Niigata University, Niigata, Japan. Since 2013, he has been a professor in the Department of Electronics and Information Systems Engineering, Osaka Institute of Technology, Osaka, Japan.

Dr. Kobayashi's current research interests include high-frequency electromagnetics scattering theory, computing of radar cross-section (RCS) using physical optics, physical theory of diffraction and geometrical theory of diffraction (PO/PTD/GTD), RCS near-field to far-field transformation technology for electrical large object such as airplanes based on microwave radar imaging theory, radar SAR and ISAR imaging, radiation analysis such as conformal array, and target recognizing analysis by micro-Doppler information.

Dr. Kobayashi has published around two hundred papers, including conference papers, and three books. He was a Senior Member of IEEE, a Chair of Technical Committee on Space, Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics (SANE) of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) in 2015-2016. He also served as a member or chair of the steering committee/TPC of many international and local conferences.

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