22 July 2019
The Canadian Urban Transit Research & Innovation Consortium (CUTRIC) is Now Affiliated to Sustainability

In June 2019, the Canadian Urban Transit Research & Innovation Consortium (CUTRIC) became affiliated to Sustainability. As part of this collaboration, all members of CUTRIC enjoy a discount on the article processing charges (APC) when submitting articles to Sustainability.

The Canadian Urban Transit Research & Innovation Consortium (CUTRIC) is an innovation consortium that seeks to make Canada a global leader in low carbon smart mobility technologies across heavy-duty and light-duty platforms, including advanced transit, transportation, and integrated mobility applications. It supports the commercialization of technologies through industry-led collaborative research, development, demonstration/delivery, and integration (RDD&I) projects that bring innovative design to Canada’s low-carbon smart mobility eco-system.

CUTRIC's work generates solutions that decrease fuel consumption, reduce emissions, eliminate redundancies, reduce congestion, improve the quality of life for Canadians, advance the digital integration of low-cost mobility solutions for communities across Canada, increase road safety and reduce road accidents. CUTRIC supports the technologies required for a 21st century low-carbon economy.

CUTRIC is a professional organization whose functions are highly relevant to the scope of Sustainability. We look forward to collaborating with CUTRIC and publishing state-of-the-art research from its members in this field.

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