29 August 2019
Meet the Editors | Prof. Dr. Dibyendu Sarkar - Section EiC of “Environmental and Sustainable Science and Technology Section”

1. What first attracted you to science editing?

Long story, but I always wanted to contribute to my field via this process since the time I started publishing my own research. There are so many interesting projects going on in my field of research, and getting to read them and to recommend improvement before they come out in print is always exciting. Moreover, identifying timely topics of research interest and soliciting authors to write on those topics are things that an editor can do, which adds to the excitement and satisfaction of the job.

2. Do you ever encounter any interesting issues when you conduct research?

Of course. Research is all about discovery. If we knew everything or if everything happened as we thought they would, then there would be no need for doing research. A successful research project typically raises more questions than they answer. It has happened to me many times.

3. To which research fields do you think we should be paying more attention?

As such, the scope of Applied Sciences is humongous. It covers a lot of disciplines. I don’t see any need to add even more research sections or pay more attention to any given section over another. However, to stay relevant, the EB of each section needs to recommend emerging and timely topics to the journal management for them to solicit articles along those topical lines.

4. Do you have any suggestions about our editorial process?

The editorial process is very effective. I don’t see any need for further improvement.


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