10 September 2019
Notification: Processes 2019 Editorial Board Meeting at AIChE Annual Meeting

will hold the 2019 Editorial Board Meeting on 13 November 2019 in Orlando, during AIChE Annual Meeting. Twenty-eight members of the editorial board have confirmed to attend this meeting. We look forward to meeting our editors!

Here is the tentative EB Meeting agenda:

Date: Wednesday, 13 November 2019
Time: 11:00am - 12:30pm
Room: TBA (Hyatt Regency, Orlando, FI, USA)
Chair: Prof. Michael A. Henson, Editor-in-Chief of Processes

11:00am: Enjoy buffet lunch
11:15am: Update on journal progress (30 min, Henson)
11:45am: Open discussion (30 min, all EB members)
12:15pm: Summary and group photo (10 min, all EB members)

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