16 September 2019
Micromachines Outstanding Reviewer Award 2019—Open Now

On behalf of the Editors-in-Chief, we wish to acknowledge all those who have generously dedicated their time and efforts in reviewing manuscripts submitted to Micromachines by launching the Micromachines Outstanding Reviewer Award. We have created this award to recognize those who have exhibited dedication, professionalism, and timeliness when reviewing manuscripts. Anonymous peer reviewing helps to ensure the quality and integrity of scholarly communication. The Micromachines Editorial Office is extremely grateful to reviewers for the time and energy that they dedicate to peer reviews.

What are the eligibility requirements for the Micromachines Outstanding Reviewer Award 2019?

  • All reviewers of Micromachines in 2019 will automatically be included for consideration.

What are the evaluation standards?

  • The number of manuscript reviews, timeliness, and quality of their reviews will be taken into consideration.

What will the winners receive?

There will be four awardees, and each will receive:

  • A certificate;
  • 500 CHF (Swiss Francs).

When will the winners be announced?

  • The winners will be announced on the journal website at the end of March 2020.

How do you ensure you have a chance to win in the future?

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