31 October 2019
Meet us at the Joint Mathematics Meetings 2020 (JMM 2020), in Denver, CO, USA

MDPI will attend JMM 2020 in Denver, CO, USA, on January 15–18, 2020.

As the largest mathematics meeting in the mathematics field, JMM 2020 is a must-attend for anyone interested in learning about innovative mathematical research, advancing mathematical achievement, the communication channels and tools to progress in the field, encouraging mathematical research, and connecting with the mathematical community.

This event will include a comprehensive and rich scientific program, offering something for mathematicians at all levels: Prize and award ceremonies, honoring the achievements of outstanding mathematicians; the AMS Short Course and the MAA Minicourses, offering opportunities for continued education; the Grad School Fair and the Undergraduate Poster Session for undergraduate students; the AMS Employment Center for job opportunities; the Annual Mathematical Art Exhibition, a multi-media exhibition; and the "Who Wants to Be a Mathematician Championship" and Math Wrangle Competitions, showcasing the brilliance of some of the nation's best high school students

Representatives from MDPI will be present to exhibit our open access journals Mathematics, Symmetry, and Axioms.

If you plan to attend this event, please visit our booth#1021. Our delegates look forward to meeting you in person to answer any questions you may have regarding open access publishing or our journals. For more information about this conference, please visit: http://jointmathematicsmeetings.org/meetings/national/jmm2020/2245_intro

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