12 November 2019
Recruiting Editors for Life

To expand our offerings to the life science community, Life is recruiting researchers to join the Editorial Board of the new sections:

These sections will expand the scope and editorial board of Life, in order to cover areas that are less well-represented by the current team. If you are interested in this position or know of potential candidates to recommend, please contact us by 31 March 2020.

Life is covered by the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE—Web of Science), BIOSIS Previews, as well as Scopus (CiteScore 3.31). Citations are available in PubMed, with full-text archives available in PubMed Central. The first impact factor for Life is due in June 2020 (JCR—Clarivate Analytics). The website of Life can be accessed here.

Should you decide to serve on the Editorial Board, you would be responsible for some of the following tasks, depending on your availability:

- Reviewing a couple of manuscripts per year;
- Serving as Guest Editor of a Special Issue on a topic related to your research, and making final decisions for submitted papers;
- Recommending Special Issue topics and suggesting potential Guest Editors;
- Identifying appropriate conferences for Editors to attend;
- Promoting the journal.

To apply or request further information, please contact the Life Editorial Office here. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

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