20 December 2019
I4Future (Imaging for the Future) Now Affiliated with Applied Sciences

I4FutureImaging for the Future: Novel Imaging and Characterization Methods in Bio, Medical and Environmental Research and Technology Innovations is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie action co-funded international, interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral doctoral programme, hosted by the University of Oulu.

I4Future network involves 17 University of Oulu research groups, 10 international partner universities, 11 private companies and 4 multidisciplinary public sector organisations. The programme brings together the complementary and supplementary expertise of internationally accredited researchers with the aim of training young researchers in an interdisciplinary manner in highly relevant sosioeconomic research areas using state-of-the-art techniques.

In October 2019, I4Future became an affiliated project to the journal Applied Sciences. As part of this collaboration, all affiliated I4Future members are now entitled to a discount on the article processing charge (APC) for articles published in Applied Sciences, to Special Issue “Imaging and Characterization of Applied Materials”.

Project: I4Future (Imaging for the Future): https://www.oulu.fi/i4future/

SI: Imaging and Characterization of Applied Materials: 

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