14 January 2020
Recruiting Topic Editors for Animals

Animals will be launching a new position—Topic Editor. The main responsibilities of Topic Editors are:

  1. Setting up at least one Special Issue (SI) within the first two years with the journal, and proposing a detailed strategy plan for the SI (including soliciting papers, promoting the SI, etc.).
  2. Promoting the journal during conferences (adding 1–2 slides into your presentation, distributing flyers, recommending the journal to your colleagues, etc.).
  3. Providing support for Special Issues on topics related to your expertise or when the guest editor(s) is not available, including SI promotion via social media, pre-checking new submissions, making decisions, and giving advice in particular scientific cases.

Benefits: Topic Editors are encouraged to apply for travel grants for their research group or themselves after one year served. Moreover, they may be recommended for the role of Editorial Board Member after the Editorial Office’s evaluation.

Animals (ISSN 2076-2615), an international open access journal, publishes original research articles, reviews, communications, and short notes that offer substantial new insight into any field of study that involves animals, including zoology, ethnozoology, animal science, animal ethics and animal welfare. The latest IF is 1.832. The journal ranks 11/60 (Q1) in the category ‘Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science’ and 29/141 (Q1) in ‘Veterinary Sciences’. It is also indexed in Scopus (Elsevier), the Zoological Record (Thomson Reuters), AGORA(FAO), and AGRIS (FAO), and is one of NC3Rs endorsing members. We strive to support original research that provides a broad and better understanding of how humans and animals can coexist in a sustainable and healthy manner.

If you are interested in this editor role or if you have any suggestions, please feel free to contact us ([email protected]).

For more information about Animals, please visit: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/animals

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