21 February 2020
Registered Report: New Article Type Accepted For Submission

We are pleased to announce that our journals Animals, Cancers and Journal of Clinial Medicine (JCM) are starting to accept submissions of Registered Reports, to be considered for publication in one of these journals.

Registered Reports are scientific articles which are peer-reviewed before the research is performed and the data are collected. The ideas that meet high scientific standards, such as rigor, soundness, significant importance and implications for the science community, are then provisionally accepted for publication before data collection starts. This format helps to considerably reduce publication bias and to avoid researchers having to invest much time and effort into questionable research studies, while allowing enough flexibility to perform unregistered experiments and report serendipitous findings.

The detailed guidelines for authors to prepare the manuscript can be accessed on the three journals’ instructions website, i.e., Animals, Cancers, Journal of Clinial Medicine. The guidelines for reviewers can be accessed online at Guidelines for Reviewers for Registered Reports Papers.

Please feel free to contact the respective journal editorial offices for related questions (Animals office; Cancers office; JCM office).

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