12 March 2020
2020 Processes Young Investigator Awards: Winner Announced

We are pleased to announce that the winner of the 2020 Processes Young Investigator Award is Prof. Kody Powell.

Prof. Kody Powell is Assistant Professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering, The University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. His research is focused on designing, simulating, controlling, and optimizing complex thermal and chemical energy systems to interact with the smart grid and better enable the use of renewables on the grid. His key research contributions are as follows:

1) Solved the storage problem of proactive control of energy systems to handle integration of more intermittent renewables on the grid.

2) Invented a new methodology for designing and operating hybrid CSP (concentrating solar power) plants, where heat can be collected at different temperatures and routed to different heat sinks, depending on ambient conditions. This allows the plant to utilize up to 89% more solar heat as compared to a standalone CSP plant.

3) Incorporated real processes and real data into computational systems work, e.g., how manufacturing facilities can use their built-in flexibility to contribute to the smart grid (an industrial bakery, a rotary kiln, and slurry storage in mineral processing operations).

It was a difficult decision given the high standard of applications for the award, and we would like to thank all the applicants from various fields of study for their participation, and all the Award Committee members for their efforts in evaluating the many excellent applications. We congratulate the winner, Prof. Kody Powell, on his accomplishments. We wish him further success in his career.

For more information about Processes awards, please visit this page.

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