19 March 2020
Nutrients Award for Young Investigator 2020

Dear Colleague,

We are inviting nomination for the Nutrients Award for Young Investigators 2020, which will be given for remarkable research achievements or for career achievements. The nominations will be assessed by an Evaluation Committee presided by the Editors-in-Chief of Nutrients Prof. Dr. Lluis Serra-Majem and Prof. Dr. Maria Luz Fernandez.

Nutrients AWARD


Candidates’ Requirements:

  1. Ground-breaking contribution to the advancement of Nutrition and Dietetics
  2. 35 years age and under (by 30 September 2020)
  3. Candidates must be nominated by their supervisor(s).

Required Nomination Documents:

  1. Curriculum Vitae and a list of publications
  2. A description of the candidate’s research and a scanned copy of the candidate’s doctorate certificate
  3. Nomination letter from your supervisor in Nutrition and Dietetics field

The Award will consist of 2000 Swiss Francs and a waiver of the 2000 Swiss Francs article processing fee for a manuscript accepted for publication in Nutrients, and there will be two awardees.

Please send the nomination by 30 September 2020. The winners will be announced in Nutrients by 30 November 2020.

Please send your nomination to the Nutrients Editorial Office at [email protected] by 30 September 2020.

Nutrients Editorial Office
St. Alban-Anlage 66
CH-4052, Basel, Seitzerland
[email protected]

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