23 April 2020
Polymers 2020 is postponed to 17–19 May, 2021

Dear Colleagues,

As the situation on the outbreak of COVID-19 is still uncertain, the organizer has made the decision to postpone Polymers 2020 to 17–19 May, 2021 in Turin, Italy (Polymers 2021). The pre-registered delegate to Polymers 2020 will automatically be transferred to Polymers 2021.

We are very grateful for the people who have been focusing on Polymers 2020 and hope that the epidemic will end soon and people will return to normal life. Looking forward to seeing you next summer in Turin.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Email: [email protected]

Prof. Francesco Trotta, Prof. Pierangiola Bracco, and Prof. Marco Zanetti

Polymers 2021 Chairs


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