1 June 2020
Prof. Dr. Matti Lehtonen Appointed Section Editor-in-Chief of the new Section "Energy Systems" in Processes

In order to better categorize papers published within the journal Processes, a new topical section “Energy Systems” has recently been set up. We are pleased to announce that Prof. Dr. Matti Lehtonen has been appointed Section Editor-in-Chief of this new section.

Since 1999, Prof. Dr. Matti Lehtonen has been a professor at the Helsinki University of Technology, nowadays Aalto University, where he is head of Power Systems and High Voltage Engineering. Matti Lehtonen received both his Master’s and Licentiate degrees in Electrical Engineering from Helsinki University of Technology, in 1984 and 1989, respectively. He received his Doctor of Technology degree from Tampere University of Technology in 1992. The main activities of Dr. Lehtonen include power and energy system planning, power system protection, demand response and applica­tions of informa­tion technology in power and energy systems.

We are confident that the strong academic background and connections of the new Section Editor-in-Chief will continue to raise the prestige and quality of Processes.

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