10 June 2020
Dr. Davide Brunelli Appointed Section Editor-in-Chief of the Section "Sensor Networks" in Sensors

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Davide Brunelli has been appointed Section Editor-in-Chief of the section ‘’Sensor Networks’’ in the journal Sensors.

Affiliation: DII, University of Trento, I-38123 Trento, Italy
Interests: energy harvesting; ultra-low-power sensors; IoT; energy-neutral devices

Website: https://webapps.unitn.it/du/en/Persona/PER0061723/Curriculum

Online Special Issues: "Intelligent Energy Management for Wireless Sensor Networks and Internet of Things"




Dr. Davide Brunelli was born on March 1977. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. in University of Bologna, Italy, in 2002 and 2007, respectively.

Dr. Davide Brunelli worked in top research groups and was an independent scientist and educator for 10 years before he moved to University of Trento as an Assistant Professor. Dr. Davide Brunelli’s research interests are in computing systems architecture, with a special emphasis on low-power applications and embedded systems. He is also active in the design of energy-efficient ambient intelligence systems, sensors, and sensor networks. Dr. Davide Brunelli lead a research group with six staff members (post-docs and PhDs) in university of Trento (UNITN). With his collaborators, Dr. Davide Brunelli made several contributions to the field of runtime power management, as well as integrated micro-sensors and energy-neutral, autonomous distributed sensing systems. On these topics, Dr. Davide Brunelli coauthored more than 190 peer-reviewed papers. Dr. Davide Brunelli strongly believes in collaborative, multidisciplinary research: his scientific career has an extensive track record of international cooperation with top institutions like ETHZ, EPFL, U. Southampton, Tyndall Inst., Imperial College, University of Zagreb, and Georgia Tech U.

We warmly welcome Dr. Davide Brunelli in his role as Editor-in-Chief of the section “Sensor Networks”, and we look forward to him leading Sensors to achieve more milestones.

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