28 June 2020
Recruiting Editors for Reports

Reports is currently recruiting Editorial Board Members.

Reports publishes case reports that cover all areas of medical sciences including surgery, internal medicine, and physical- and psychotherapy. Papers are accepted on the basis of careful clinical observation, as well as adherence to technical and ethical standards. The Reports website can be accessed at https://www.mdpi.com/journal/reports.

As an Editorial Board Member, you would be responsible for the following:

  • Making decisions on whether a manuscript should be accepted or not, based on the reports we collect;
  • Suggesting special topics or editing a Special Issue on a topic related to your research;
  • Promoting Reports and increasing its visibility at relevant academic conferences;
  • Advising on the journal’s development.

If you are interested in this position or know of any potential candidates you would like to recommend, please contact the Reports Editorial Office ([email protected]). We look forward to hearing from you soon.

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