2 July 2020
Water Webinar Series: Sewage Screening as an Early Outbreak Alert Tool and SARS-Covid-2 Fate in the Aquatic Environment—9 July 2020

This scientific webinar aims to share and discuss the latest findings on Sars-Covid-2 in the aquatic environment and, particularly, in wastewater and recreational waters. Fecal-oral transmission has been already demonstrated for the new Coronavirus, but very little is known on the role of sewage as a pool for viral RNA or for intact viral infectious particles. Moreover, one of the potential ways to reach the aquatic environment is through the discharge of both treated and untreated urban sewage, but we are far from understanding how the viral genetic information may disseminates within the aquatic system. As the summer period in the Northern Hemisphere approaches, the potential risk in recreational waters (inland and costal) should be mastered.

Date & Time: 9 July 2020 16:00 pm (CEST) | 10:00 am (EDT) | 10:00 pm (CST Asia)

Duration: Maximum 2 hour

Webinar ID: 862 9233 3117

Register for Free Here: https://sciforum.net/conference/Water-1


Prof. Dr. Adriano A. Bordalo

Section Editor-in-Chief of ‘Aquatic Systems—Quality and Contamination

Guest Editor of ‘Coronaviruses and Water under the One Health Perspective

Presentation: "SARS-Covid-2 in the Aquatic Environment - What We Know so Far"


Dr. Erica Gaddis

Presentation: "Use of Wastewater Surveillance in Utah's Coordinated Response to COVID-19"

Dr. Jennifer Weidhass

Presentation: "Methods for Assessing SARS-CoV-2 Through Wastewater Epidemiology"

Prof. Dr. James A. VanDerslice

Guest Editor of ‘Risks from Emerging Pathogenic Organisms in Water

Presentation: "Trends in SARS-CoV-2 RNA in Wastewater with COVID-19 Disease in Utah"

For any questions about the webinar, please send an email to [email protected].

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