17 September 2020
10th Anniversary of Biomolecules

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the open access MDPI journal Biomolecules. To celebrate this important occasion, we are delighted and proud to celebrate with a series of Special Issues and events. To date, the journal has received more than 6000 contributions and published more than 2600 articles, and the journal website attracts more than 26,483 monthly page views. We would like to express our sincerest thanks to our readers, innumerable authors, anonymous peer reviewers, editors, and all the people working in some way for the journal who have made substantial contributions for years. Without your support, we would never have made it.

Anniversary Special Issues

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of Biomolecules, we have launched a series of Anniversary Special Issues.

10th Anniversary of Biomolecules—Recent Advances in Protein Evolution

10th Anniversary of Biomolecules—Recent Advances in Understanding of Molecular Pathology and Therapeutics of Cancer

10th Anniversary of Biomolecules—Advances in Biomarkers, Therapeutics and Prevention

10th Anniversary of Biomolecules—Recent Advances in Peptide and Protein Therapeutics

10th Anniversary of Biomolecules—Recent Advances in Cardiomyopathy

Anniversary Awards

Biomolecules 2020 Best Paper Awards for Anniversary Special Issues


Biomolecules Best Cover Awards


Collection of Excellent Works

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