22 September 2020
Entropy 2020–2021 Travel Awards—Deadline Extension

Entropy is offering three travel awards to sponsor PhD students to attend a relevant conference of their choice in 2020 or 2021. The three thematic areas for the three travel awards are:

Quantum Information

Entropy and Biology

Astrophysics, Cosmology, and Black Holes

The deadline for the Entropy 2020–2021 Travel Awards has been extended! You can apply for one of the awards by 1 November 2020. The winners will be announced on the Entropy website by 30 November 2020. For full details and how to apply, please click here.

Please note that applicants should select only one Entropy Travel Award when applying. Applicants selecting more than one award will automatically be disqualified from all awards. The chosen travel award should match the field and thematic area of their research and planned presentation.

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