23 September 2020
Greeting from Editorial Board Members to Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Applied Sciences

In 2020, we made interviewers with the journal section EiCs:

"According to all the indicators, Applied Sciences is behaving well. Its content is increasing quantitatively and qualitatively every year. The remarkable everyday work of the administrative editorial staff is one of the reasons why we can be proud of this rising journal. Happy anniversary and best wishes of continuous success !"

Section EiC of “Nanotechnology and Applied Nanosciences” -- Prof. Dr. Philippe Lambin

"On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Applied Sciences, it is a great honor for me to congratulate all the colleagues of the Editorial Board, the Guest Editors and the Editorial team for their great efforts to upgrade Applied Sciences into a high standards international scientific journal. This fact, which is recognized by both Scimago and Journal Citation Reports, is importantly recognized by the scientific community since the quality of the published papers steadily increases.  Finally, I would like to thank for their continuous work that has been done during these very difficult days of COVID-19 pandemic."

Section EiC of “Applied Physics”-- Prof. Dr. Nicholas Vassiliou Sarlis

'With great pleasure we celebrate this year the 10th anniversary of Applied Science. It has been a long journey up to now with some challenges but also with huge satisfactions. In this special occasion we want to really thank all the authors who make the journal successful submitting their research papers but also the anonymous reviewers that have helped to maintain a high quality during these year. It is also worth of mentioning the strong support by top researchers that have proposed special issues on hot topics maintaining the focus of the journal very updated with respect to new research trends. All together with the same enthusiasm we can continue this successful journey trying to improve every year!'

Section EiC of “Mechanical Engineering”-- Prof. Dr. Filippo Berto

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