30 September 2020
Recruiting Topic Editors for Processes

The journal Processes is launching a new position—Topic Editor. The main responsibilities of Topic Editors are as follows:

  1. Promoting the journal at conferences (adding 1–2 slides into your presentation, distributing flyers, recommending the journal to your colleagues, etc.);
  2. Promoting the journal on scholarly platforms (ResearchGate, Academia.edu), social media (LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.), or your personal website;
  3. Providing support for themed Special Issues that fall into your expertise (when the Guest Editors are not available), including pre-checking new submissions, making decisions, giving advice on scientific cases, etc.


Topic Editors are encouraged to apply for travel grants for themselves or their research group after their 2-year tenure has been served. Topic Editors will be preferred as Editorial Board Members whenever we have vacancies.

If you are interested in this role or if you have any suggestions, please feel free to contact us ([email protected]).

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