15 October 2020
COVID19 INSPIRE Hackathon 2020: Invitation to Challenges

The COVID19 INSPIRE Hackathon 2020 organized by Plan4all and Czech Center for Science and Society offers to its participants a wide range of challenges aiming to help the agri-food economy to recover from COVID19 crisis. In the following paragraphs, we would like to introduce you to three of the total of 13 challenges of this hackathon.

The first mentioned challenge called Citizen Science Network for Peer to Peer MapsSharing deals with the missing mechanism for sharing complex map compositions that combine data sharing services, cartography, visualizations and geospatial markup. There are a number of people producing „maps “ using desktop GI tools. However, limited skills, technologies, and infrastructure do not allow them to share the data with others. This challenge will support users of QGIS (Open Source GI desktop tool) to publish their data and share it with others including sharing on social media. It could be useful for students, local policymakers, companies in agriculture, and forestry. This challenge offers several portals for maps publishing and sharing. In addition to that, it provides also a full infrastructure that could be used regionally afterwards. We are looking for testers, users as well as people from the business sector.

The second challenge WhiteBoard – Future Collaborative Maps is the most innovative of all and offers unique technologies for collaborative working with maps. It is a real solution for the COVID 19 period as it allows common problems to be solved interactively. This is a new solution and we are also looking for adopters in various areas of activities.

The last highlighted challenge is dedicated to earth observation. The goal of the challenge no. 11 is to analyze how different climatic changes influence production in different years. The potential key for this analysis is the combination of long time trends in the fields, specifically a yield potential with multitemporal seasonal analysis, soil moisture data and climatic data. The aim of this challenge is also to integrate yield maps.

If you are interested in any of the challenges and you would like to participate in the hackathon, please register at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfBWFdIErX0BpjxJjz1945IBGiqFAnyTQc5bA_avtt5RHU3OQ/viewform and follow the www.plan4all.eu websites. 

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