29 October 2020
JCM Free Webinar: Dry Eye 360- Looking at Dry Eye Disease from all Directions—3rd November 2020

Dry Eye Disease (DED) has gained recognition as a public health problem given its prevalence, morbidity, and cost implications. DED can have a variety of symptoms including blurred vision and ocular pain (dryness, burning aching) and a variety of signs including decreased tear production, corneal epithelial disruption, and rapid tear evaporation. However, it is well known that there is often a discrepancy between symptoms and signs of disease.

Date: 1.30pm (CET) | 06.30am (CDT)

Duration: Maximum 2 hours

Webinar ID: 961 1378 0758

Register for Free Here: https://sciforum.net/conference/JCM3


Presentation: DED from the outside- a discussion on the interaction between environmental exposures and the ocular surface, and their manifestation as DED.

Associate Professor Anat Galor

Guest Editor of “Dry Eye Syndrome: New Insights on Epidemiology and Management


Presentation: DED from the inside- a discussion on systemic co-morbidities that may associated and drive disease.

Professor Stephen C. Pflugfelder

Presentation: DED and the local neighborhood- a discussion on effects of the periocular skin and eyelids on the ocular surface and DED.

Associate Professor Jennifer Craig

For any questions about the webinar, please email [email protected].

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