3 November 2020
1st Webinar of Applied Sciences: Recent Advances in the Development and Application of Green Extraction Techniques—13 November 2020

Nowadays, more than ever, new strategies need to be developed and implemented to reduce the environmental burden of extraction techniques that are intensively used across all sectors of the (bio)economy and analytical laboratories. The ongoing works towards alternative greenest extraction methodologies, and consequently those contributing to an imperative World Sustainable Development, need to be disseminated to expand the acquired knowledge to other fields and to provide the needed impetus for overcoming the existent limitations.

Thus, the goal of the webinar “Recent Advances in the Development and Application of Green Extraction Techniques” is to share experiences and promote discussion on novel (experimental or theoretical) challenges, advances, and outlooks concerning the development and/or applications of Green Extraction Methodologies. You are all invited to participate!

Date: 13 November 2020

Time: 02:00 pm (CEST)2:00 am (EDT)10:00 pm (CST ASIA)

Webinar ID: 830 4635 8756

Register for Free Here: https://applsci-1.sciforum.net/



Prof. Dr. Simone Morais

Editorial Board Member of Applied Sciences

Interests: environmental chemistry; green chemistry; new methodologies for (electro)analysis; (bio)sensors; application of functional nanostructured materials



Associate Prof. Anastasia Detsi

Presentation: " Exploring Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents as Green Extraction Media of Bioactive Phytochemicals”


Associate Prof. Dimitris P. Makris

Presentation: " Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents & their Applications in Polyphenol Extraction – Overview, Challenges, Prospects”


Associate Prof. Jeongmi Lee

Presentation: " Application of Deep Eutectic Solvents as Green Extraction Solvents for Natural Bioactive Compounds”

For any questions about the webinar, please send an email to [email protected]

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